Funeral Business

Written by Dimago from the blog Some food for thought on 26 Feb 2009
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Last night I was watching the Tonight show hosted by Sheila Maseko on One Gospel (see I am crediting my source: -)) and the topic was funerals. What makes a funeral? Is it the type of ‘box’ you are buried in, the type of food that is served, the number of people that turn up? I haven’t been to a funeral in a while (thank God) but from what I’ve heard on this show and past funeral experience I know funerals have become SERIOUS business and VERY expensive.

I didn’t see the whole show but the bit that I did catch was when a funeral director from B3 said that in one of the funerals he has directed, the dead person was buried in a brand new Mercedes Benz...i.e. instead of using the box, they used brand new car, as in the car went down the grave (literally). Hai no, talk about being an extremist…I mean no matter how special that person is; burying them in a car is just insane!!!!

Another aspect of the funeral is the food that served, gone are the days of ting or samp and basic beef. Now salads are a must, variety of vegetables, and you get both chicken and beef. I used to never want to eat food at funerals, but now I can’t help but look forward to that part of the funeral.

I once went a funeral where they had bottled water, and it had “In memory of Jane Doe” and her face was on the bottle! Now was that necessary? And i found it creepy to be drinking water from a bottle with the face of a dead person on it. But people would do anything for people to talk about how great Jane Doe’s funeral was. It’s a funeral maaan, why should it be great?

Of course you can’t have a funeral without “After Tears”. That part of the funeral has its own budget and it’s intended for the closest friends/relatives. Can someone tell me where the concept came from?

I understand the part of wanting to give someone a dignified burial, but some of these frills and thrills are just unnecessary.

In general I think black funerals have gotten out of hand. People feel pressured to ‘stage’ the most elaborate funeral to impress other people. After the funeral they are left with huge debt and family squabbles that arise from that. What happened to mourning and being comforted?

Anyway, what have you guys seen at funerals that you thought ‘oh now that it just unnecessary’


26 Feb 2009 17:11

1st to reply!!!!!

will be back tomorrow with a response, have to get out of here before pula e fitlha!

26 Feb 2009 17:14

LOL Toxic...lemme read

26 Feb 2009 17:16

...the dead person was buried in a brand new Mercedes Benz.>>>  whaaaat????where was this? someone can undig that car & i can give away my used car

26 Feb 2009 17:17

The more fancy the funerals bcom- the more people die

26 Feb 2009 17:23

<<<...What happened to mourning and being comforted? >>> ask that Q again sisi wam..
what happened to giving really? I mean if you have plenty, there are so many charity organisations around, i mean what these people are doing is selfish really,  hayibo! e-e!

26 Feb 2009 17:50

I don't like funerals and by all means I avoid going to them. During winter abantu bayagodola kodwa uzakufumana abantu bengcwatywa with those fancy blankets, it's weird.

26 Feb 2009 18:30

What I like about the funerals back home we serve dumbling, samp and red meat, gemmer and soft cakes. 
Other things they are just not necessary. The new fashion is to dish in take away parcels and no more washing the dishes. I hope nothing will change. Veggies it is not everybody who cater for them and more often than not people do not eat them.
The after tears part I have been to many and always look forward to it as I am not much of a socialite and it is time like this when I get the opportunity to meet other young people.
The car thing I dont have a problem with that as long as it will take the dead to his resting place.
I witnessed a funeral of a GINTSA for the first time in my life last month and I was entertained. 
They all had alcohol on their hands playing loud music one song playing in all cars and people dancing. It was a very interesting funeral I must say. They buried the person according to what the person liked.

26 Feb 2009 18:43

hayibo Molilo....are you real sana? 
<<<I witnessed a funeral of a GINTSA for the first time in my life last month and I was entertained.
They all had alcohol on their hands playing loud music one song playing in all cars and people dancing. It was a very interesting funeral I must say. They buried the person according to what the person liked.>>>
but its not just about the late person only,remaining ones as well hayibo we are losing it now

26 Feb 2009 18:58

Yes my dear, i suppose they supported it.

26 Feb 2009 19:03

a funeral nje its expensive Dimago(thazt why am looking for a funeral plan), but people over exaggerate it.
hiring tents, chairs & tables, the food(which i believe should be samp & meat), food from during the week, clothes for the funeral e.t.c can add up to R30000 before a codin n undertaker services.
I have never been to an "after tears" and dont know what happens there but i think its unnecessary.

26 Feb 2009 19:29

i guess things have changed and everything has turn out to be about the competition. Funerals are no longer about the deceased dignity but about the dignity of those who are left..the have to maintain their status make sure that they funeral is better that so and so' s funeral.

i was once in a funeral whoe service  was held at protea hotel's garden....where most companies throw their year end functions and others their wedding...

i have never attended the after tears simple because i dont understand it.

26 Feb 2009 19:39

Yho!!! buried in a mercedes benz!!! i would wake up from the dead and slap whoever came up with the idea so hard!! WHAT??? why not give the car or money to the living???
I still experience bad food at funerals, i must attend more funerals, the last one i was at had ting and undecooked meat, the salad was that ccabbage one, well i guess its not important hey.

26 Feb 2009 21:21

i like to try  businesses BUT this one GOD for bit!

If no one dies you get angry business is not working?no no no goodo.

he he he,n some they like to attend funerals.....they wait n ask for it,at the end of the day they ask isit a VENTURE OR BUS=did you slaughter cow ?if you are not is venture.

it will be talk of the town,people.

this expensive things they done by black people most of the time(foundation of being bad payer)

pap n meat n pray,n God will dicide whos going to hell.

the is no need for spending,his more coming back.

27 Feb 2009 01:18

Funerals scare me yazi......its worse la eJozi.....its like a wedding spectacular......hayi emakhaya ayikho lento......People in Jozi go all out.....but must say i always "enjoy" going to a funeral in Soweto.....its just a comedy show.....

last funetral i went to was in 2006 in Soweto.....Tjo ladies took out Atcher(sp) from their hadnbags to spice up the food.....Tjo i was LOLing like a happy Sangoma.......the worse one was seeing a woman who brought her own spices for the food.....Nkosi siza.....safa isizwe sethu

27 Feb 2009 08:52

i like to try businesses BUT this one GOD for bit!

If no one dies you get angry business is not working?no no no goodo.
This is one business where you are guaranteed customers and profit

Tjo ladies took out Atcher(sp) from their hadnbags to spice up the food
haibo haibo...i'd be LOLing myself!!!

i was once in a funeral whoe service was held at protea hotel's garden....
nkos' yam...

27 Feb 2009 09:09

I have also never been to an after tears, I believe it is not necessary.

A funeral should just be about burying your loved one with dignity, but these days it is a show off about how many salads you have prepared and how expensive the casket is. (i wonder if they still dig up people form expensive caskets for re-use)

I wonder what will happen when they unveil the tombstones because that nje is a fancy do, so if they bury someone in a Merc, what kind of tombstone will they get for them.

i also blame the funeral schemes, people use all that money on an expensive funeral and then a day later they are left with nothing and they starve. If the policy payout exceeds R20000, they should give the mourners only R20K and the rest the family can get afterwards.

27 Feb 2009 09:22

.....i like to try businesses BUT this one GOD for bit !>>>>LMAO

27 Feb 2009 09:29

have never been to an "after tears" and dont know what happens there but i think its unnecessary.
Nothing special about after tears. After tears means going to a shebeen to have fun that’s it.
i also blame the funeral schemes, people use all that money on an expensive funeral and then a day later they are left with nothing and they starve.
If they are dumb why blame them. Feel no sorry for them. That is what will cost you if you want to impress the Jones’s.

27 Feb 2009 09:31

I went to a funeral in Venda late last year, 3 tents, expensive whisky, all sorts of soft drinks! I couldn't believe my eyes...and the cars my goodness it felt like a car show! 

This needs a very wealthy someone to just serve cakes and tea only, you'll see all the other poor people will follow suit and stop wasting their money.

27 Feb 2009 09:38

....i like to try businesses BUT this one GOD for bit! >>> LMAO

27 Feb 2009 09:39

This needs a very wealthy someone to just serve cakes and tea only, you'll see all the other poor people will follow suit and stop wasting their money.
My neighbor years ago served sandwiches and tea at their son's funeral. There was no rigmoral(sp) like you see these days. There were no neighbors/relatives hanging around.

27 Feb 2009 09:46

which is why I Pray to God ukuthi by the time I die I must have an honest law abiding Lawyer who will present my will to my family stating the exact funeral i wanted.......ngoba I have already planned the kind of funeral I want (yeah i know its crazy mara its good to plan, even for ukufa)

I want to be buried the following day after my death, and I want to be buried by my family only (those who are within 100km) I dont even want a coffin costing more that R500 ( or I must just make my own coffin ngisaphila ngoba really i dont care whether i am buried in sheep skin or just put emgodini without a coffin) for crying out loud I would be dead....and there should be no cooking....those who came to bury me...must just drink water or tea and go home.....all in all I want my funeral to cost next to nothing, I dont see why I must cost money even when I am dead.

as for all my insurance policies...that money should take care of my family not feed all the strangers who come to show off their latest fashion.....I hate funerals. my friends and all those who cared about me can organise a memorial service a few days after I have been buried...then lapho they can do all sorts of crazy things they want to do.

thats how i want to be buried and then i will rest in peace

Sana Lwam
27 Feb 2009 09:48

I once went to a funeral in Pretoria (Atteridgeville) and immediately after the funeral ( I mean sum ppl where still eating and cars still there), one of the ladies from the family came took alcohol in these big steel vaskom/washing basins and said we should help ourselves.

I mean broad daylight, right infront of the house, and them church folks were still there.

27 Feb 2009 09:53

B3 said that in one of the funerals he has directed, the dead person was buried in a brand new Mercedes Benz...i.e. instead of using the box, they used brand new car, as in the car went down the grave (literally)

Where is this? Got some serious diggin to do.

I used to never want to eat food at funerals, but now I can’t help but look forward to that part of the funeral. 

I think it's true for most people. You should see how fast people drive fromt he gravesite to the bereaved's home.

I once went a funeral where they had bottled water, and it had “In memory of Jane Doe” and her face was on the bottle! Now was that necessary? And i found it creepy to be drinking water from a bottle with the face of a dead person on it. But people would do anything for people to talk about how great Jane Doe’s funeral was. It’s a funeral maaan, why should it be great?

OMW...creeepy, creepy, creepy! I wouldn't have touched that with a handkerchief!

 Of course you can’t have a funeral without “After Tears”. That part of the funeral has its own budget and it’s intended for the closest friends/relatives. Can someone tell me where the concept came from? 

Of course, i'm not speaking from authority mara here's my theory.

Friends used to gather at some pub ro bar AFTER the funeral to celebrate the life of the dead (xcuse to drink really) and they called it after tears. As the years went by and the morality declined, they slowly but surely drank closer to the home of the dearly departed until they started doing it right inside the tent.
I guess the families that take part in this are enticed by the alcohol or have been blinded into stupidly believing it's done in celebration of a life well-lived. I think it's disrespectful.

Regarding how i am buried (ref: Molilo's story). It becomes difficult to balance the request of the dead and the need of the living. If i want Enya played at my funeral and the mourners want to sing Barorisi Ba Morena, who's request is more important?

27 Feb 2009 10:06

LOL Mjjj hahaha i cant stop laughing Archaar???? intloni

I dont like funerals BTW I hate funerals so i avoid them. I dont drink so ama after ntoni-ntoni r not 4 me. For now i only attend my family funerals.

27 Feb 2009 10:21

Kanti that's no joke myname.......why do people eat at Funerals vele?

You c if you are from EC or cape town, i would understand, becase Xhosa funerals take forever....You get there at 9, and trust me you'll only arrive home after 2pm.....

I like how people from Lipompo do things....the service starts at 7am, at 8 everyone is on his/her way to the 9 peole are 1pm you are back in Jozi and can continue with your weekend plans....

Hence i told my mother, that i want to be buried on a week day, to make sure that only family members attend.......otherwise she will never afford my funeral if she waits for the weekend.....So many Haters will come in numbers to witness the day, so to avoid feeding the devil food with my hard earned money, she should just do it on a Wednesday....

Oho, knowing how my mother is scared of what people will say, i need to put it on my will.....else ndizo

Sana Lwam
27 Feb 2009 10:28

They will have about 10 speakers
1. isithethi sokukhula
2. isithethi sase'kuhlaleni
3. isithethi sasecaweni
4. isithethi sasemsebenzini
5. isithethi saseRhawutini (in our cases)
6. isithethi sasemzini
7. isithethi sasekhaya
8. isithethi sase.....


Sana Lwam
27 Feb 2009 10:30

And the new trend in EC funerals in to pass around fruit (apples or bananas) for "abantu be swekile" (Diabetes)

27 Feb 2009 10:32

Sana please don't remind me.....Sometime we are 3 much man.....

8. Isithethi seqembu lebhola (my Xhosa is bad) - every black child in my age has played soccer
9. Isithethi sikamasingcwabane (for ladies)
10. Umhlobo wakhe
11. Utishalakazi wase Lower Primary
12. Utishalakazi wase Higher Primary
13. Utishalakazi wase High School
14. uSis Nono (owner of your usual Tarvern).....etc etc

27 Feb 2009 10:35

Sana, kukho owathi at a family funeral - "Can i have Dry Lemon PLEASE".......I showed her the nearest spaza shop.....

27 Feb 2009 10:43

So many Haters will come in numbers to witness the day, so to avoid feeding the devil food with my hard earned money, she should just do it on a Wednesday....

LOL @ mjj

27 Feb 2009 10:48

And the new trend in EC funerals in to pass around fruit (apples or bananas) for "abantu be swekile" (Diabetes)
tl tl tl

One funeral i went to they had all these speakers Sana , including the dude's sunday school teacher. The guy was now 28, and i doubt had been in church for years...and the sunday school teacher proceeded to sing a song she taught us in sunday school 

Sana, kukho owathi at a family funeral - "Can i have Dry Lemon PLEASE".......I showed her the nearest spaza shop.....

The Punisher
27 Feb 2009 10:50

last funetral i went to was in 2006 in Soweto.....Tjo ladies took out Atcher(sp) from their hadnbags to spice up the food.....Tjo i was LOLing like a happy Sangoma.......the worse one was seeing a woman who brought her own spices for the food.....Nkosi siza.....safa isizwe sethu ...... HAAAAAAAAA FITA!!! FINISHED! KLAAR!! 

Ya MJJ you just made my day!

Sana Lwam
27 Feb 2009 10:52

Ewe Dimags, maybe the guy left home for Jozi or sumwhere long ago... you will often here the speakers saying "uBandile..." and then the people will be echoing/correcting: "nguMzwandile"


27 Feb 2009 10:59

Ewe Dimags, maybe the guy left home for Jozi or sumwhere long ago... you will often here the speakers saying "uBandile..." and then the people will be echoing/correcting: "nguMzwandile"


LMAO, and umfundisi will be xoking naye shem, saying crap like 'ebelungile ke lo mfana eyithand'inkonzo'

27 Feb 2009 11:08


27 Feb 2009 11:10

ROFL at the corrections Sana, undigqibile!

27 Feb 2009 11:18

@Luksa,mara why vele when peolple die,you'll only hear that;ohh bekelungile shame,even if we all knew that s/he was a headache,
and if the person was 28 and above,they'll say...;shame bekesemncinci,
When a child of 3 years has died they'll conclude:...Shame bekesemdala
what is a proper age for a person to die kanti vele?

27 Feb 2009 11:23

Sana, kukho owathi at a family funeral - "Can i have Dry Lemon PLEASE".......I showed her the nearest spaza shop.....

Ewe Dimags, maybe the guy left home for Jozi or sumwhere long ago... you will often here the speakers saying "uBandile..." and then the people will be echoing/correcting: "nguMzwandile" 


I hate those funerals in tents in the yard where the pastor takes advantage of the platform given by trying to get new members for his/her church. There's a difference between a church service and a funeral service.

27 Feb 2009 11:24

and if the person was 28 and above,they'll say...;shame bekesemncinci,
When a child of 3 years has died they'll conclude:...Shame bekesemdala 


27 Feb 2009 11:33

Mna my eyes almost popped out the first day I saw alcohol being served at a funeral with the food. You should have seen some mamas in those church outfits/uniform downing ama-black label.

Sana Lwam
27 Feb 2009 11:35

tl tl tl uthini na GoldenSta beshaya iZamalek

27 Feb 2009 11:39

hehehhehehe GS! abantu a bana mahloni yazi!

27 Feb 2009 11:47

I was soo shocked to see funerals start @ 10/11 am @ CPT, our funerals start @ 6am in summer & 7am in winter

27 Feb 2009 11:53

its just really sad what we black people put ourselves through thinking gore people will start taking note of us simply cuz we wasted money on a dead person.  

you find the whole family of the deceased ba tsamaile and bought whole new wardrobes just so we can that they are the chief mourners, i mean WTF? 

eish re a itshokodisa and we need to get this mentality out of our systems and stop showing off what we dont even have, mxmn!

27 Feb 2009 11:55

was soo shocked to see funerals start @ 10/11 am @ CPT, our funerals start @ 6am in summer & 7am in winter

Cande the people(specially ladies) are still at the salon at that time getting their hair done or basayoboleka  a dress to wear at the funeral...and most people skip the church service and go straight to emancwabeni(cemetary)...

27 Feb 2009 12:02

LOL Pooky!

27 Feb 2009 12:04

And the other time we drove all the way from JHB to PMB ngo4 ekuseni to support a friend who'd lost a mother. 

I-show off eyayilapho! In church there was a slide presentation with pictures of the deceased. Our friend and her siblings were just walking up and down the whole time even calling us on cellphone to ask if we were ok. Weren't they supposed to be seated the whole time and listen to the preaching and speeches? We even got some booze for the road! WTH?

bongeka sengane
27 Feb 2009 12:07

am cumn soon jst wait

Sana Lwam
27 Feb 2009 12:07

Tshini Golden*, you were coming from far she had to make sure that you had something to nata on the way.LOL

Sana Lwam
27 Feb 2009 12:09

uhmmm yabaworse kele kaBongeka...sihlale ke singacommenti silindiyena!!!

27 Feb 2009 12:10

I always thought the early morning funerals in Venda were a culture. A Venda friend of mine says its not most peole prefer early morning because its hot. 

27 Feb 2009 12:11

the people who save alot when it comes to funerals are muslims, bancwaba same day...

27 Feb 2009 12:11

eish this is interesting yazi,

u know my mom's funeral, we didn't spend more than R500 from our own pockets. she had di society, blacks please don't undermine these things, they do work, from di buses, food (these salads zabo) , everything basically.

a cheap coffin was provided but they wanted  us to bury her in a casket costing an extra R20 000 and we said hell no, we're not going to bury R20 000 never. it was a simple decent funeral something she could have wanted.

some people have different agendas when they come to funerals, ur colleagues would want to gauge your status and all that, some come to check the coffin, others food, these shows how shallow we've become.

27 Feb 2009 12:14

 Hayi commenta sisi sumhoya lowo.. CTFU @Sana Lwam

27 Feb 2009 12:20

These days they even get creative with the programmes. They make them as if they are mini newspapers/magazine, with colour and all. And mina what i know about programmes is that they go into the grave when the person goes down, but at this funeral no one wanted to give the programmes back...they took them as souvenirs

Sana Lwam
27 Feb 2009 12:21

<<< a cheap coffin was provided but they wanted us to bury her in a casket costing an extra R20 000 and we said hell no, we're not going to bury R20 000 never. it was a simple decent funeral something she could have wanted.>>>

@Maddie -
I don't share your sentiments on this one, mna I will never bury my mom in a cheap coffin, it does not have to be a R20 000 casket but it has to be a casket not a "cheap coffin". I mean umama omdala onabantwana nabazukulwana...

27 Feb 2009 12:22 bored today. where is one & only to crack my ribs?

27 Feb 2009 12:27

I don't share your sentiments on this one, mna I will never bury my mom in a cheap coffin, it does not have to be a R20 000 casket but it has to be a casket not a "cheap coffin". 
My mom said she wants a casket...i guess i better start saving.

27 Feb 2009 12:33

and I am hungry and u guyz are talking about food, let me go to KFC e long street hle 2 get maself sumthng to eat.

27 Feb 2009 13:01

My mom said she wants a casket...i guess i better start saving. Kanti there is a difference btwn casket & coffin? Its not the same thing na? 

Hayi nam Sjura im starving so later guys...

27 Feb 2009 13:05

darkies + paday =KFC ahahahahahhah *Hi Sjura, grand my dali!!!!!!!!*

27 Feb 2009 13:05

pay day

27 Feb 2009 13:14

KFC will never go bankrupt Pooky,, um tellin u

27 Feb 2009 13:15

u know my mom's funeral, we didn't spend more than R500 from our own pockets. she had di society, blacks please don't undermine these things, they do work, from di buses, food (these salads zabo) , everything basically. 

Trust me these things are a waste of money. Do the maths and tell me if it is worth it. You contribute your life for about 20 years just to receive 5000 to 10 000 grand. No way in hell am I going to waste my money on those schemes. Trust me when I tell you that it is not worth it.

a cheap coffin was provided but they wanted us to bury her in a casket costing an extra R20 000 and we said hell no, we're not going to bury R20 000 never. it was a simple decent funeral something she could have wanted. 

Wholeheartedly agree with you. Why waste your money on a dead person. Impress upon him/her while they are still leaving.

27 Feb 2009 13:16

<<<pay day>>> for some its misery day coz the money is on transit -debts must be settled, LOL

27 Feb 2009 13:30

heish i know what you mean

27 Feb 2009 13:45

helllloooooo Pooky!!! ddnt get my KFC, ugcwele kanjani pha ngabelungu kodwa this time..

27 Feb 2009 13:50

Trust me these things are a waste of money. Do the maths and tell me if it is worth it. You contribute your life for about 20 years just to receive 5000 to 10 000 grand. No way in hell am I going to waste my money on those schemes. Trust me when I tell you that it is not worth it. 

Realist, not only do they provide food, but they come and help cook the food, mina shem they really came through for us, and by the way I'm still waiting for my Clientele Mom Funeral Policy to pay even today, and my mom passed last year August

27 Feb 2009 13:52

i remember we where helping out at the funeral giving people plate this lady said to me...AOWA SESI  KE JELA MO PLEITING YA TSHIPI KE NALE BADIMO BAKALWA LENNA THATA KA PLASTIC PLATE,tjoo

27 Feb 2009 13:52

hayibo Pookzozo! there is a difference btwn' d & b'.....kwa kwa kwaaaaa!

27 Feb 2009 13:55

AOWA SESI KE JELA MO PLEITING YA TSHIPI KE NALE BADIMO BAKALWA LENNA THATA KA PLASTIC PLATE>>>>then she must carry her pleiti ya tshipi whereever she goes for funerals,Voetsek!

27 Feb 2009 13:59

mstebby,kwa kwa kwa .

27 Feb 2009 14:03

LOL @ Mathata

I remember I went to this other funeral and u know mos when u queue (sp) for food, there'll be someone who dish out salads, rice, meat etc, so this one who was dishing inyama(meat)  was so stingy with it, she would give people just one wing, so she did the same thing to this other woman  and that woman looked at her straight in the eyes and said" hei wena mosadi o batla go swela dijo tsa mo lesong, kopa o tshole nama eo" meaninghey woman do you want die for funeral's food, put some more meat before that happens, yhoo I never LOLed like that in my life, it was a scary scene

27 Feb 2009 14:11

CTFU....oh my gosh  i need glasses ms. tebby i've never really noticed hey, this is the first time i'm actually  spelling your name correctly....embarrassing, hayi ndiyaguga

helllloooooo Pooky!!! ddnt get my KFC, ugcwele kanjani pha ngabelungu kodwa this time..

zi tourist  with their kaki pants sana, zithanda ugcwala pha....ndatsho ndambawela nam uKFC , Haiiwan Twister Meal

27 Feb 2009 14:15

back in the days my friends and i went to a funeral...of one of the students at our then school....whilst in the queue we were following this very big mama.....what made us LOL was the fact that she had a plate in her hand for the dishers (lol) to dish, mara this woman would taste the food first (she put her fingers in those big Dishes they put the food in, taste and if she likes it. she then presents them her plate to gooi her food in, and if she does not like it she spits it down and move to the next one) before they put it on her plate....

Sana Lwam
27 Feb 2009 14:17

For some weird reason I miss sisan's blogs ....I guess ndifuna ukukrukruteka and laugh my ass off

Sana Lwam
27 Feb 2009 14:18

heheeehhehehh awuy'baxi leway Monchooza

27 Feb 2009 14:19

eeeeeuuwww usile lo mama monchi

27 Feb 2009 14:20

....meant Hawaiian Twister Meal

27 Feb 2009 14:31

nop Pooky its not ama tourists its lawyers ma gal, i knw them.

27 Feb 2009 14:33

omong are helang basadi  lentja e kekebe ya leja lesapo le.o yentse jwang naa?

27 Feb 2009 14:34

Ditto Sana Lwam
monchooza im LOLing like crazy...

27 Feb 2009 14:37

Sana lwam bhala 1 article ke...

27 Feb 2009 14:41

Well you know guys I have to say that Funerals these days are turned into death weddings,

From my experience with funerals people these day never respect the wish of the deceased

I was burying my Ginsa uncle 4 years ago and with he wanted was that all the Ginsas and his girlfriends and family must not cry and we as the family had to watch him being shot 28 time before the box can go down the grave, put handcuffs in his grave to symbolise life imprisonment as the bad one
we never sang any gospel songs and he didn't want a priest for his funeral and any church uniforms cause he never went to church, we had to listen to loud music and it was booze after booze spinning cars and that’s how he wanted it

The only thing that I’m going to do is to write a note and certify it with a police stamp and signature and all keep it in a safe place so that no one makes my funeral a death wedding

27 Feb 2009 14:45

Triple lol everyone!!!!!

And mina what i know about programmes is that they go into the grave when the person goes down,

Kanti why do programs have to go into the grave?

27 Feb 2009 14:45

I was burying my Ginsa uncle 4 years ago and with he wanted was that all the Ginsas and his girlfriends and family must not cry and we as the family had to watch him being shot 28 time before the box can go down the grave, put handcuffs in his grave to symbolise life imprisonment as the bad one 

Sho pnyembe that must have been traumatic for you guys mos. Who pulled the trigger 28 times?

27 Feb 2009 14:46

Kanti why do programs have to go into the grave?
hai i dont know waitse Cody

27 Feb 2009 14:49

seras pnyembe?

27 Feb 2009 14:54

sho pnyembe thats hectic. so did he know that he was going to be shot when he made those arrangements before he died, or was it something he always said vele?

27 Feb 2009 14:56

yoh pnyembe!!!!   uwoooooouwww mtnwabantu  km km km hayi sana yi masterpiece kele ndiyivayo

27 Feb 2009 14:58

yhoo   28 times??????

27 Feb 2009 14:59

Cody i think when uliGintsa uyazi ukhuthi you either gonna die nge bullet or die behind prison cells her uncle new his destiny

27 Feb 2009 14:59

Hi Aweeeeeza!

27 Feb 2009 15:03

Ya um sure Pooky. i thought maybe they warned him or something then he told the family you know amagintsa mos they warn you and tell you exactly what they are going to do to you. I can just imagine telling your family that you will shot 28times damn that is too damn difficult

27 Feb 2009 15:25


27 Feb 2009 15:30

Yho...I once went to a funeral in Mafikeng 2 yrs ago....on coming back from the graveyard....there was lekgotla la bontate immediately after that. Only men were allowed to attend and no one is allowed to eat until they are done. We were starving sooo much and ended up going to town for food!  

27 Feb 2009 15:43

realist is correct, these things are a waste of grandmother has been in this society thing for more than 30 years...guess what? when my uncle died, they gave her R3000....i mean R3000????? the person who received the cash in the family fainted because she didn;t want people to say, she took the rest for herself.....And i had to catch her when she was fainting because i was standing next to her......

27 Feb 2009 15:47

lol mjj.......mfxim hayi wena uyandicubhula

27 Feb 2009 16:20

LOL mjj!!!!!!!!!!

28 times pnyembe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the graveyard!

27 Feb 2009 17:02

mjj..dont squeeze yourself in the picture....LOL

27 Feb 2009 17:29

Ms T...the lady who received the money was my mother........i had to catch her....

27 Feb 2009 17:48

lmao suzifaka epiktsheni

27 Feb 2009 18:34

Those over the top funerals shouldnt be called funerals at all.  Its more of a celebration that so and so is dead than grieving.  If people looked at it in that perspective I dont think they would consider spending that much money when they are actually meant to be grieving. Kanti where do they get the appetite from when they are actually 'heartbroken'!

02 Mar 2009 08:51

fancy food i mean seven colours.....after tears is absolutely unecessary....why do we have to drink alcohol at funeral?no no no...shooting a video is obviously out of line.u can't to sleep with a coffin 24hrs so what do u want to do with tha video?i once i attended a muslim funeral..their burial is so simple and coffin needed and tombstone..just a small head of tomb costing less.this huge tombstone like mount everest costing 50 000....and that leave hunger and debts to the family....

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