
Cover Catfights 2!

Written by Brown Shuga from the blog SHUGAS BLOGIWOOD on 30 Jun 2009
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I'm back with the second issue of Cover Catfights! Which one is attractive enough to make you put your hand in your pocket?

Let's check them out!


Could there have been a better way to launch Destiny Man than to have Sol Kerzner on the cover? NO!
Khanyi Dhlomo did it again and I'm positive this mag is going to be a huge success.
Not sure what is up with them having a "hooked up" Hlubi talking about her "ideal date". Well.....


Huwiee Bona bathong! Last month it was Mshoza, lemme guess, next month it's Chomee??


Am I the only one who doesn't believe that arm up there belongs to this face??


Eish mara, what did they do to Walter's face?? Hayi cha, airbrushing bathong!

I read Walter's interview and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off at some of the things he said.
e.g. He's humble, respects other people, his good looks didn't make him, people who say he's arrogant are those who don't know him etc etc etc. It was just weird coz the statements I heard have come from people who either work or have worked with him.


Did anyone read last month's issue? Is the more behind the cute child pictures?


Hola, simply Carol!! People can say whatever but shem, I'm proud of Carol's work. If she's going global, then it's well deserved!

As for the rest of the recycled features on there, Yawn!

mov jul

There's something wrong with this Magazine... something to do with how they choose their cover stars...

People, just because a show has good ratings doesn't mean those people would look good on your Magazine cover!

I mean...look at this...

That's a cover face!

des july



I was a bit disappointed with this year's Sealed Sex Section. I expected more.

Which Magazine are you reading this month?


30 Jun 2009 22:26

Seriously,is Bongo really on a cover of a real magazine?Is Destiny Man a supplement of Destiny magazine or is it sold separately?

30 Jun 2009 22:27

Oh and that Move cover just made my day!haha.

Brown Shuga
30 Jun 2009 22:45

<<<Is Destiny Man a supplement of Destiny magazine or is it sold separately?>>> It's a new Magazine, the above is the launch issue.

Which Move cover Onkez? Eka Bongo? lol

30 Jun 2009 22:58

Which Bongo r u guys toking about?

30 Jun 2009 23:05

Oops!only nw i see the @ Bongo being d cover gal of d Kelly Khumalo preggies o seka advertisa gore shz ready 2 b a non tshitshi?

30 Jun 2009 23:09

Oops agen:no longer a virgin...hai leme go 2 slip,ingqondo aysatathi kahle.

30 Jun 2009 23:10

Oops agen:no longer a virgin...hai leme go 2 slip,ingqondo aysatathi kahle.

30 Jun 2009 23:20

Cant see pics,cheap phone blogging is not cool.

01 Jul 2009 01:19

hawu belz we get the idea.. all together now, cheap phone blogging is not cool! lmfao!

60 Plus Madala
01 Jul 2009 06:44

Kwa kwa kwa kwa Belz... the cheap phone may struggle with pics, but is surely very generous with words tl tl tl tl

Mfncim, I 4got 2 search this article & read b4 going 2 bed last nyt, now I don't hav tym, will read later....! 

Huwiee Bona bathong! Last month it was Mshoza, lemme guess, next month it's Chomee?? kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa , perhaps they must take yo last month's reccommendation regarding the future!

As 4 Walter, i really did'nt recognise him on the pic.... it must be an advance version of Pondz that was used 4 make-up...... there is something abathi ngu "mmemezi" in Transkei.... u Walter is like they used it's by-products on that face....!

As 4 Mr Richy Rich Kerzner.... I hope he eventualy manages to make that 'share-holding' agreement with loacal community around Sun City.....! On that note, I wonder who will demand 2 b "a local community" for the massive One & Only Hotel in Cape Town??? Perhaps he can consider thoe street poeple/ kids, this can be their break! Perhaps let me go and camp there too... a Share yakwa Sun Int could be the answer that my Pastor was talking about in church last Sunday.... he said I should give that very last cent, coz "new wealth" is on its way - I gave all money I had during the offerings....! I wish I had paid my rent 1st - the landlord was not in Curch & now does not understand......

01 Jul 2009 07:12

shem belz... ga ntsi so?
Which Magazine are you reading this month? i usually read TL; O; Destiny; Cosmo; My Baby. ranta e wele ga ke bone ke reka all of them this month. i think O is the one to leave out. she is not posing with other people on the cover....she is with dogs!!! tjo mara these loaded people

01 Jul 2009 08:12

Who the hell lied to Walter and told him that he is good looking? I personally would not buy True love because the mag does not do it for me. And growing up living in the same street as Terry puts me off even more.

Bona: Kelly Khekhe Khumalo does not do it for me. I dont know why people feel the need to advertise their private lives.... Wanting a baby etc etc. Next Thing they will be telling us who they've shagged in the last month.

Carol Manana is  refreshing to see on a cover, it's not everyday that one gets to read about her so i would buy it.

And Bongo and MaWinnieza are also refreshing. Would buy it just because of the pair.

01 Jul 2009 08:23

Can someone donate Destiny man for me I have always LOVED Thebe Ikalafeng What is wrong with Carol Manana's eyes? Ba mo shapile?

01 Jul 2009 08:25

Tshowe, Walter's picture is horrilbe!
As for Bongo on the cover?

And Terry Pheto, is this about her being the face of Loreal?

01 Jul 2009 08:31

i cudnt recognize Walter!

01 Jul 2009 08:33

OMG!!! Shuga love , delete please. yho!!!! I love Carol, i love her, love her!!!!

kiki X
01 Jul 2009 08:39

DESTINY ( women ) still does it for me,followed by that SOCCERLIFE one Steven is working it. My man Walter on that stupid MOVE mag hayi that cover does nothing to me....but what can i say the standard of the Move mag is low coz the budget is also low.

01 Jul 2009 08:44

I wouldn't buy any of them, i always buy My Baby, please do not forget Marie Claire next month.

01 Jul 2009 08:47

What is wrong with Carol Manana's eyes? Ba mo shapile? i think she has put on some weight.
i cudnt recognize Walter! tjo le nna. move covers are always busy with unpleasant background colour. they end up looking cheap for me. if i read i do so on a que to pay 

01 Jul 2009 09:06

This month I haven't bought a single mag. I landed a TL by mistake, so abt Terry Pheto only, and I must say TL is a true dissapointment, it is so high school type.

OMG, I am so happy that MOVE f@$kd up Walters pic, coz he has an ego the size of an ocean. 

MaWinniza & Bongo, u best frame that cover, coz rest assured, u won't be on the cover on any other mag.

Guys, please tell me are Palesa's teeth real, something tells me ufake ama false teeth????

Shame, simply Carol I love her so much, but her eyes & that dress doesn't do any compliment to her beauty. All the best on her going global.

Guys, did Pienaar use the wrong type of foundation or creme on his face and now he has ama chubaba *reddish/pinkish patches when it's hot & on the soccer field*????

01 Jul 2009 09:14

Oooooo Geezuz Girl,,,,Palesa's son Thato he look just like o Gift Leremi i love him soo much he's adorable mwah boy.

01 Jul 2009 09:15

Bought Cosmo, its a serious bore.

Got Marie Claire too can't remember wat was in there.

I think i'm just over magazinnes, i read them within an hour while sitting in a hot bath. I buy books nowadays, i'm reading 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' now thats a gud read, 'The Great Gatsby' is next.

01 Jul 2009 09:17

ewe BS thereis something behind that cutie boys pic... Palesa is preggies, it was on last month/week's isuue, cant remeber the exact date.

hhayi ke Kelly, that topic was long overdue, it is like taking us 5 years back when you lost ur

Terry's it but i'd be found dead wearing it something doesnt seem right in her face or is it the hair or my eyes

Simply Carol... talk about simply being beautiful ...WOW

01 Jul 2009 09:18

"Carol Manana is refreshing to see on a cover, it's not everyday that one gets to read about her so i would buy it. " Definitely, like her a lot.i will buy it just coz of her,in general the mag is boring.
Theres something about True Love, that even when its sometimes boring,i just buy it anyway.yah neh
Hao just 2 weeks back Palesa & her cute kids were on Drum now on Move parent? whats up with that Move???
Big ups to Destiny.

01 Jul 2009 09:20

Mother-in-laws re busy the bottom part of both move mag

01 Jul 2009 09:23

Terry's it but i'd be found dead wearing it something doesnt seem right in her face or is it the hair or my eyes
It's your eyes BA!

hhayi ke Kelly, that topic was long overdue, it is like taking us 5 years back when you lost ur
True BA, dala aye dliwa, Kelly Khumalo is the type that should be on a Hussler mag saying: "The latest bedroom styles tried & tested by Kelly"

01 Jul 2009 09:25

And Terry Pheto, is this about her being the face of Loreal?I hope its not about that Rene....

Honestly i wont buy any mag this month, im expecting mum & son on Friday so i will b broke the whole month coz they gonna chow my money.

I will browse at my freinds' place.

Good morning ladies & gentlemen,

01 Jul 2009 09:25

i picked up Lovelife magazine at our gate, Bonang Fats and some guy were on it, its probably for a good cause that mag but its so silly, nje, high school type, nonny,lol.

01 Jul 2009 09:28

walter Mokoena: Big Yawn!
I Love, Love Love Carol Manana.
As for Kelly Khumalo: i have nothing to say bout her.

01 Jul 2009 09:28

Walter your on grass again More than just a pretty boy my *ss, kutheni na nga lo mfana ag voetsek man. 

01 Jul 2009 09:38

And Terry Pheto, is this about her being the face of Loreal?I hope its not about that Rene....
No Myname,  it's abt her being one of the few celebs at her age that endorses three major products, being Pugeot (she has to drive it for a year), Blackberry & Loreal. Apparently it is becoz she keeps her private life to herself, that is why she is a bankable brand. And they went on abt how she is in some ladies stokvel and they save R10 000 a month and invest it at the end of each year, something like that, etc.

Hey there Myname!

Brown Shuga
01 Jul 2009 09:44

<<<Mother-in-laws re busy the bottom part of both move mag>>> Tjo, you people are observant MAAN! lol

<<<Palesa's son Thato he look just like o Gift Leremi >>>> I thought I was MAD coz I thought the same thing last night....

Brown Shuga
01 Jul 2009 09:47

<<<<they save R10 000 a month>>> Tjo, tjo, tjo, tjo!

01 Jul 2009 09:47

<<<Palesa's son Thato he look just like o Gift Leremi >>>> I thought I was MAD coz I thought the same thing last night....
He does look like gift, as soon as his front teeth grow, the boy will be even hotter!

01 Jul 2009 09:48

<<<<they save R10 000 a month>>> Tjo, tjo, tjo, tjo!
Yeah gal and it's ladies only.

01 Jul 2009 09:50

Hi babes, and where did u get that sana?

She is loaded moss..........Geeze 10g a month?????? nc nc nc.

01 Jul 2009 09:55

And they went on abt how she is in some ladies stokvel and they save R10 000 a month and invest it at the end of each year, something like that

You go Terry ... minus one celeb in our policies  for funeral cover .... i wish u.... can learn from you

01 Jul 2009 09:59

I bot Cosmo mag, havent opened the sealed section yet, will open it after my niece leaves, i dont wanter seeing 'things",lol..I have never bought Destiny, maybe I must buy it just this once and see if i will enjoy reading it.

LOL @ Bongo being on a magazine cover.

Hao just 2 weeks back Palesa & her cute kids were on Drum now on Move parent? WAs also wondering yazi, 

I love Terry Pheto, but still wont buy Trulove..

And they went on abt how she is in some ladies stokvel and they save R10 000 a month and invest it at the end of each year, something like that..WTF??? 10k a month?? and here I am battling to save R500.00 a month *sigh*.

01 Jul 2009 09:59

i would love to read the insert "Parent who cant let go" from the Parent magazine

01 Jul 2009 10:03

You go Terry ... minus one celeb in our policies for funeral cover .... i wish u.... can learn from you
LOL, BA if only others would do the same. I mean there is even a Pep funeral policy for R40 a month that covers 7 people. So these ever so broke artsists can atleats have that and a silly little R99 a month bank funeral policy as on the side, just so the families don't beg us for help when they die. 

01 Jul 2009 10:05

i would love to read the insert "Parent who cant let go" from the Parent magazine
hahhahaha BA I see u are thinking abt 2010 *wink wink*.

01 Jul 2009 10:06

 i loved TL babe and stil have some copies at home, i was devasted when it closed shop-the mag was relevant to me and it could fit in my bag.

is Palesa's daughther the one fathered by Somizo "the divo" Mhlongo?

i read about Lucas and the kids in last week's drum already.

i should go the canteen and decided which mag to buy plus i am bored anyway.

01 Jul 2009 10:12

hahhahaha BA I see u are thinking abt 2010 *wink wink*.

No Nonny..i wanna check if it is worthy reading it to my uncle and my two aunts ...mnxm

01 Jul 2009 10:13

Jo Bona? I remember my mum buying that magazine when i was 10. I will never buy that mag i dont know why.

True love is sometimes boring but i seem to buy it anyway. loyalty i guess?

01 Jul 2009 10:16

Re: Bongo & Winnie on the cover.

I must say Move understands their target market, this issue will fly off the shelves like amagwinya oAnti eMakethe(Durban). I don't buy it anymore though since it sky-rocketed from R5 to a steep R7.

Bought Real and loved Carol's story.

What is it with ppl stealing the sample goodies in magazines? is is the economic crunch? Phew! Kunzima bakwethu...

01 Jul 2009 10:19

lol Taken @ the stolen sample goodies, mara nami i dont understand Y people do that.

01 Jul 2009 10:20

What is it with ppl stealing the sample goodies in magazines?

LOL Taken!!! i wonder yazi? especially the ones you find from street vendors. maybe they sell the samples LOL!

01 Jul 2009 10:21

CTFU @ DA....

01 Jul 2009 10:22

Kanti u lo DAVIDA  ka Awelani & BA is who bathong?

01 Jul 2009 10:33

Jo Bona? I remember my mum buying that magazine when i was 10. I will never buy that mag i dont know why.
Bona is a stationary mag, it doesn't grow, it is still the same shitty magazine it was in 19voetsek. I am so angry that Sbu left Move, coz atleast i-MOVE uyabona ismallanyana improvement.

I must say Move understands their target market, this issue will fly off the shelves like amagwinya oAnti eMakethe(Durban).
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa Taken, I can never get what is it abt lamagwinya ase makethe I am 100% sure ane woza woza, coz they don't even look scrumptious.

Brown Shuga
01 Jul 2009 10:36

<<<<Bought Real and loved Carol's story.>>> Yisho phela Taken, uthini?

01 Jul 2009 10:49

@ BS: She's talking about how she got where she is now, sort of a rags to riches story. Now go buy lol.

01 Jul 2009 11:00

@ Cody, even in huge outlets like PicknPay sample goodies are stolen, times are hard.
@ PicknPay (Workshop) you cant find products like Ponds, Bio-oil on the shelves anymore, they are sold @ the money market counter coz of the high volume of theft on the shelves. Kuyabheda serious... 

Brown Shuga
01 Jul 2009 11:10

Okay Taken, I'll go buy, at least it's less than R10 :-)

01 Jul 2009 11:15

so guys are you saying Palesa's daughter is Somizi's kid and the son is Lerami's?

01 Jul 2009 11:23

I see Palesa suing tvsa,lol

01 Jul 2009 11:42

CNA is even worse with sample theft, abasisi will even look at u all nonchalant while u have a bewildered look searching for ur free Spa voucher inside the mag.

01 Jul 2009 12:04

"LOL, BA if only others would do the same. I mean there is even a Pep funeral policy for R40 a month that covers 7 people. So these ever so broke artsists can atleats have that and a silly little R99 a month bank funeral policy as on the side, just so the families don't beg us for help when they die. "  tl tl tl tl....

 @BS: We will be looking forward to 3rd, 4th, 5th etc Cover Catfights!

lady gaga
01 Jul 2009 12:11


yes ke ngwana Somizi, and she's beautiful ne!!!

aag shame guys give u Winnie no Bhongo a break, they derseve to be spoilt nabo yazi for recognition....

Terry looks gud, dats another person who makes me not to feel bad about being a plus size nyana (34)

Bona yona they must just close shop, its been there done dat ealready!!

01 Jul 2009 12:13

Guys Who bought this weeks HEAT MAg? Uyanda Mbuli is crying foul on Facebook... Please sigobhozeleni ukuthi what did they wite about her :)

01 Jul 2009 12:22

@Beyonce u just reminded me of the beginning of the year fight about Kuli v/s Uyanda blog

01 Jul 2009 12:29

@Katlego so guys are you saying Palesa's daughter is Somizi's kid and the son is Lerami's? i sow it coming someone is in BIG sh-one-t.

01 Jul 2009 12:31

My first Destiny copy was the one with Carol Bouwer on the cover and I enjoyed it....should go for the current one.

Wanted to try Marie Claire for the very first time but saw Amor Vittone on the cover so I gave it a miss, will try again next time....don't wanna read about Jooste chowing at Nandos instead of home, LOL.

Should most def buy Real mag....will read Move, Elle, drum at the hair salon, You, huisgenoot, Sarie, Home&garden n the likes at the doctors' rooms....

Brown Shuga
01 Jul 2009 12:31

<<<Terry looks gud, dats another person who makes me not to feel bad about being a plus size nyana (34)>>> Hayibo Lady Gaga! Size 34 is Plus Size???? Kanjani manje?

01 Jul 2009 12:35

Terry looks gud, dats another person who makes me not to feel bad about being a plus size nyana (34) 

Let me tell you something sana, i feel FABULOUS to be this size. I wish i can stay like this 4ever. I dont want to gain weight & i dont want to loose either.

lady gaga
01 Jul 2009 12:37

hai phela BS, the thing is i feel like im fat in someway. dats why i said plus size cause i wnt to be a size 30 or 32.

so when i see abo Terry with some meat on i get motivated!!!!

01 Jul 2009 12:43

Uyanda Mbuli is crying foul on Facebook. Is she back with her quiet, shy and handsome hubby?

lady gaga
01 Jul 2009 12:45


Uyanda Mbuli is crying foul on Facebook. Is she back with her quiet, shy and handsome hubby? >>>>>> u mean EX hubby.............

01 Jul 2009 12:51

Can we take it easy on the airbrushing please

01 Jul 2009 12:58

One of the headline on june Move mag say  MY FATHER DRINK MY BREAST MILK i believe it help people with colon cancer how true is this????? before i consider it. 

01 Jul 2009 12:59

R they divorced Lady Gaga?

01 Jul 2009 13:04

Beautiful cover of Terry Pheto, stunning dress ,  love the red lipstick

01 Jul 2009 13:05

One of the headline on june Move mag say MY FATHER DRINK MY BREAST MILK i believe it help people with colon cancer how true is this????? before i consider it.
Yes it is true!

01 Jul 2009 13:06

Pokerface, size 34 is not a plus size sthandwa..

01 Jul 2009 13:08

Thanks Nonny, is just its freak me when i think i will be drinking milk from a mammal that sleeps in it's own feces...!

DJ Why why
01 Jul 2009 13:10

Cosmo: I was a bit disappointed with this year's Sealed Sex Section. I expected more....

Oh hayi kaloku bona nge 101 positions, that is sooooo recycled in this particular magazine....nezi 101 positions ke are the samething qha to the left, right etc...i wud nt be suprised if wonke umntu udisappointed.

This is just disgusting, i do nt care what it heals, sies maan!

*YAWN* at Terry making cover, what new stuff is there to know, Khanyi is ideal for covers maan there is always something new in her life....

01 Jul 2009 13:23

I will go for the Walter Mokoena mag....just to see how he continues to prove that he is a:  :#$$^$%$$^$^  let me not go there!!!!.....also see how he tries to redeem himself..... Also to see learn on how to fight bad breath.....tjo...i think everyone would like to know how to do that....a must read.(*smile)

Pepsi Cola
01 Jul 2009 13:29

Hey Guys, 

The Cover for Real Parent, It suits Palesa well (remember the acting 
@ Generation it sucked big time), but maGenge sho kuyamfanela ukuba uMa wezingane ezimbili sho, Somizi lost big time!!!!!!!!!!! 

lady gaga
01 Jul 2009 13:32


apparently they are on that path or it already happened (last time i read) lol!!!!


I now know,  thanks to you and BS for helping a sister in need out.....

01 Jul 2009 13:38

Ningadlali ngo Bongo noMaWiniza "They just want to make you laugh"

I am enjoying the Mamas and Papas magazine..pity it comes out every 2 months...the perineal massage scared me!

I must get Real mag.

01 Jul 2009 13:38

Kuzomele ngithenge i Bona and Move

Akasemubi u Walter ngathi intombazane cha bamphaqulile bo!!!!!!!!

01 Jul 2009 13:40

@lady gaga- have you ever felt bad about your size my darling, fattis armonnies , its called fatifabulous Sisi

01 Jul 2009 13:40

, Kelly’s idea of a great father is the King Of Kwaito, Arthur Mafokate. “He’s amazing with his girls,” says Kelly. “He’s a father, mother and everything to those kids.

My source Caxton Magazines website.

01 Jul 2009 13:44

I got myself Destiny.. its such a good read... All I wanna ask is, are all their issues so insightful, or its just this month?? 

Love Destiny Man.

As for Move, I stopped buying it the day they increased the price from R5 to R7. It's either i'm not their target market or there's just a lot that has to be done in those offices. The questions they ask their cover stars.... hayi ngeke...

01 Jul 2009 13:54

Nna I just luv food mags, maybe I should work on a foodie blog.
So mine will be the likes of: Avocado and Your Family 

01 Jul 2009 14:16

Which Magazine are you reading this month? 

True Love, Eish i think i am addicted...
I was bit disappointed when Mama Dorah Sithole was appointed the Editor, but my addiction does not stop me from buying. I buy same time while doing my groceries so i wont feel guilty cos the price is skyrocketting!!

01 Jul 2009 14:43

And why does Bona call themselves "SA's Best Loved Magazine"

01 Jul 2009 15:10

Lol @ Walter's airbrushing. 

Lol@ some of you guy's comments

Lol@ size 34 being plus size, it means i'm multiply size mos?

Anyway, I love Terry's dress, and I didn't realise she was the face of 3 products, I thought it was just Loreal. As for the 10 000 a month...ya day!

01 Jul 2009 15:20

And why does Bona call themselves "SA's Best Loved Magazine"


01 Jul 2009 15:27

Ningadlali ngo Bongo noMaWiniza "They just want to make you laugh"
No TheLady, this is not funny coz they are themselves on the cover!~

Anyway, I love Terry's dress, and I didn't realise she was the face of 3 products, I thought it was just Loreal. As for the 10 000 a month...ya day!
LOL Rene u really read pur replies!

yeah nami, when Lady Gaga said Terry is plus size, I was like F@#k that means I am obese!

01 Jul 2009 15:32

The Move cover magazine was gonna look more nicer if Bongo was not there phela uMawiniza is beautiful.

lady gaga
02 Jul 2009 09:10


yeah nami, when Lady Gaga said Terry is plus size, I was like F@#k that means I am obese!

yazi ngizokushaya! udlala ngomuntu omdala!!!

02 Jul 2009 09:48

"SA's Best Loved Magazine"

that is based on an outdated survey when people loved mags that come in venec as well.

02 Jul 2009 12:07

Kanti doesnt anyone read DRUM?? Soul magazine?? I have finished reading TRUE LOVe & move.

Palesa is preggies with their 3rd baby and she was on the cover of DRUM last month

03 Jul 2009 15:33

True BA, dala aye dliwa, Kelly Khumalo is the type that should be on a Hussler mag saying: "The latest bedroom styles tried & tested by Kelly" - Eish Nonny ungenza ntoni, lol!!!!! 

27 Jul 2009 22:01

Lol @Suzi. Shame guys, Kelly is trynna make a name for herself! NO LONGER A VIRGIN, READY TO BE A MOM! Does she disclose who broke her virginity??

25 Aug 2009 09:31

can we have cover catfights BS pretty pls!

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