Generations: The Legacy Teasers
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Generations Teasers - January 2010

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Generations Teasers on 24 Dec 2009
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Coming up on Generations this January, 2010:

Friday 1 January 2010
Episode 2983

Dineo makes a startling discovery in the alley behind the shebeen. Samuel is thrown when Sharon's nowhere to be found, until he spots the letter… Ruby explains why they can't tell Ngamla the truth about what happened.

Monday 4 January 2010
Episode 2984

Jason is rattled about a telephone number and decides to find out more. No-one knows what to make of Ajax's reaction after he hears about the beating. Khaphela is angry to see what Cleo left behind.

Tuesday 5 January 2010
Episode 2985

Senzo's not ready to relive the nightmare he went through. Paul decides to make his own plans instead of sitting at home alone. Khethiwe tries to sell herself to get an internship at Ezweni.

Wednesday 6 January 2010
Episode 2986

Zamani's peeved that his efforts to do something special went to waste. Ruby hates not knowing what her daughter got up to last night. Ntombi hears she's only second in the queue to read the much-anticipated novel.

Thursday 7 January 2010
Episode 2987

Sara is surprised when she receives a phone call from Cleo. Sharon makes a difficult decision which devastates her. The gay-bashers show up at the shebeen.

Friday 8 January 2010
Episode 2988

Queen arrives with a not-so-welcome gift for Khaphela. Khethiwe's hurt by what she hears at Ezweni and quickly leaves. Senzo is stunned to see what the surprise is Jason's organized for him.

Monday 11 January 2010
Episode 2989

Ruby barges into Mashaba Media with an unusual request. Samuel doesn't like hearing what he knows is the truth. Sara's shocked to hear what Khaphela has in mind …

Tuesday 12 January 2010
Episode 2990

Ngamla flips when he hears what's happening with the Mouthful account. Ajax is getting worried about his lack of inspiration. Dumisani breaks the news about the Ezweni internship.

Wednesday 13 January 2010
Episode 2991

Khethiwe once again feels guilty for doing nothing wrong. Kenneth realizes he's finally met his match, and in a woman nogal. There's a storm brewing at New Horizons and Jason knows it's headed his way.

Thursday 14 January 2010
Episode 2992

The Khoza brothers are at it again. Khaphela apologises to Sara about dinner and is surprised by what she says. Gladys doesn't know what to make of the speech she gets about men.

Friday 15 January 2010
Episode 2993

Dumisani gets some food for thought about his relationship. Dineo and Paul don't notice a pair of jealous eyes watching them. Ntombi can't bring herself to come clean about the Primatech dinner.

Monday 18 January 2010
Episode 2994

Kenneth's ploy to get a partner for the function backfires on him. Ngamla gets a phone call and rushes out of a heated meeting. Khethiwe's floored by an unexpected proposal.

Tuesday 19 January 2010
Episode 2995

Sharon resolves to let her hair down in order to cheer herself up. Sometimes the stress of a traumatic experience only hits a while after it happened… Zamani's over the moon about the new song so why is Ajax so unhappy?

Wednesday 20 January 2010
Episode 2996

Samuel witnesses something in the foyer that gets his back up big time. Khaphela's strangely troubled by an off-hand comment about Sara. Queen is speechless for probably the first time ever. Only problem is - she's live on air!

Thursday 21 January 2010
Episode 2997

Dineo can't deny that appearing on MM Live was good for her. Kenneth has a go at Paul who doesn't take it lying down. Khethiwe gets more than she bargains for when she pays her man a visit at the office…

Friday 22 January 2010
Episode 2998

Ngamla admits he feels closer to Jason than his own son sometimes. Ruby gets a crash course on how to mingle with high society. Sharon finalises the annulment process and is stunned by what happens next.

Monday 25 January 2010
Episode 2999

Samuel receives a kiss which leaves him reeling. Mashaba Media is all abuzz about an article in the society pages. Ajax gets to the audition and is instantly disheartened.

Tuesday 26 January 2010
Episode 3000

Khaphela gets pushed to the point where he snaps. Senzo feels the paw-paw's going to hit the fan at Ezweni, it's only a matter of when. Sara's had enough of her make-believe relationship.

Wednesday 27 January 2010
Episode 3001

Kenneth walks in on a gossip session in the coffee spot and lets rip. Zamani's furious about taking flack for his brother, even more so by what he finds in his bag. Ruby gets a surprise visitor and plays hardball with him.

Thursday 28 January 2010
Episode 3002

Jo'burg is woken up by the shrill sound of a woman screaming… it's none other than Queen. Ajax is adamant he knows what he wants and is going for it now.

Khethiwe's unimpressed when Gladys shoots her mouth off in front of Rethabile.

Friday 29 January 2010
Episode 3003

Dineo insists that she doesn't want a man in her life. Khaphela's not happy to hear he has a new tenant. Sara cuts a call when she sees who's phoning her.

Generations is on SABC1 Mondays to Fridays at 20h00.


24 Dec 2009 09:40

wow, interesting month with new faces too.

24 Dec 2009 10:08

yay im second......

wow alot of new characters......looks very interesting.
cant wait!!!

24 Dec 2009 10:09


24 Dec 2009 10:11

$th yipeeee

24 Dec 2009 10:15

l meant 4th. interesting month indeed.

24 Dec 2009 10:17

This is boring.....

Da Diva
24 Dec 2009 10:38

Atleast i made on da top 10 4 da 1st time dat's a christmas present 2 me.

Da Diva
24 Dec 2009 10:42

Generations iya rocker guyz and i'm looking 4ward 2 watch it. Khaphela no Sara whats happening!

24 Dec 2009 10:46


I always wanted to say this " I made it to the first 10" I am nommer: 9 

Dankie sanie, I need to read kengoku!!!!


Shiba's 4rm CT

24 Dec 2009 10:54

I made it into top 10! Yippeeee

24 Dec 2009 10:58

Sara and Khapela?? Generations o kare e tla le go bora. Why not Bra Khaps le Dinny or Shaz?

24 Dec 2009 10:58

Top 10. Yay.

Lemme read ke

24 Dec 2009 11:13

10th .. Yay.. enjoy your Festive mabloggers. I am going home now.. See you in 2010!!!

Da Diva
24 Dec 2009 12:07

@nesta Khaphela and Sara are a perfect couple they match Khaphela iz too old for Shaz and she's already taken.

24 Dec 2009 18:46

FINALLY. damn. waiting until xmas eve when no one is paying attention to post up....sharon gets an annulment? not cool. and i bet ajax knows who beats up senzo. at least he lives. i wonder if sibusiso is going to find out. apparently ruby and dineo know. [i have this feeling that kenneth and ruby are going to end up scheming to get dineo back -- karabo will cut him loose.]

24 Dec 2009 19:10

I have to swallow my words on the December blog. I didn't believe that Ruby might know something about the toddlers disappearance.

Still boring Generubish!

24 Dec 2009 20:21

What does Ruby know about the missing Chrissie? Di i hear you correctly Floh?

24 Dec 2009 20:29

I thought Dinny and Paul were going to heat things up. They're too close for comfort, Why does Karabo have to be so unlucky with love?
Khethiwe still loves Dumisane, help the poor guy for once. Nyt guys, Happy New year, Now looking forward to The world cup.

24 Dec 2009 23:06

Generations is too confusing this month!

25 Dec 2009 23:58

Am so luvn gen evr1 gat issues

27 Dec 2009 10:56

Hey guys! Where is Karabo i didn't c a name of Karabo ths month is the tym she go for her oparation to take off her womb?

27 Dec 2009 11:00

Hey guys! Where is Karabo i didn't c a name of Karabo ths month is it the tym she goes for her oparation to take off her womb?

28 Dec 2009 13:51

Karabo is going with angela to the she wont be around in jan. Thats why paul is lonely.

28 Dec 2009 15:02

dineo needs a husband!

28 Dec 2009 23:29

Paul and Dineo? NOT AYOBA!

29 Dec 2009 08:20

@ Ndiki-----where is Karabo going-----to remove her her womb?

29 Dec 2009 08:53

ruby knows something about chrissie being hijaked? wil sumbody tell  me what the H..... is going here. im sososososooo  damn confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!

preety face
29 Dec 2009 11:34

sara n khaphela r a good match,jus wonering wy they had 2 put the nomasonto fiasco instead of jus letting them date once n fo all. wats up btwn dumi n khethi??r they bek 2gether??

Da Diva
29 Dec 2009 13:26

Hi every1 generations is hot, Khethiwe and Dumsan they are in love its just that khethiwe doesnt want 2 admit that she's still have da feelings 4 u uDumy... I'm very disappointed abt mam Ruby if its true dat she knows abt the hijacking that iz not AYOBA.

Da Diva
29 Dec 2009 13:36

Ppl plz help! Da way Ajax reacts abt Senzo and Jason gay stori i think he is bisexual maybe he has da feelings 4 Senzo its not just that he's homophobic

29 Dec 2009 13:48

Hi All. The Khapela/Sara thing does not work for me. They come across as two people who are just plain, old and boring. 

El Mariachi
29 Dec 2009 14:19

Can you guyz give Ajax a new part....Its getting boring...same all same all....even next year....hayi man!

29 Dec 2009 17:30

Da Diva you right Ajax is acting so gay (trapped in the closet) is only a matter of time when he's exposed. Jasenzo rocks. 
I wonder whos gona give senzo a kiss i hope is not gona b Jason. 
it seems like january is gona b a bad month for queen

29 Dec 2009 19:09

Akakapheli nonyaka kodwa seni commenta alrdy!... Nam andifun uphoswa, akhonto ingakho ndiy'bonayo kodwa kulo nyaka uzayo bt i guess its goin to b quite interestin

Da Diva
30 Dec 2009 14:19

Eish koppy i cant wait 2 c da kiss bt i guess it will b Senzo and Ajax.

31 Dec 2009 23:14

Diva, hmm senzown ajax,wat was shaz thinkin goin to samuel’s parents n pullin tht stunt

Da Diva
01 Jan 2010 13:30

Happy new year 2 every1. @tazteeq i'm sori my love i'm not good in summerizing just wait 4 da omnibus 2moro or maybe some1 will help.

01 Jan 2010 14:00

Guys, i agree Ajax needs a new part, m fed up with his current 1. Pity 4 Sam & Sharon. Karabo will be visiting her parents in Lobatse and her inlaws in Gaborone.

01 Jan 2010 20:16

Wud wana meet Karabo in Bots.Whts gona hapen 2 Queen?Dineo nd Poly i thnk r on èir way 2 gud romanc. Poor Karabo.Gr8 staf Gen.
02 Jan 2010 08:22

am not hapi ds month!where is karabo,cleo

Da Diva
02 Jan 2010 14:29

Hi everyone, what iz it with Gene.......... They like 2 hurt ppl during new yr's eve its started with Khethiwe, now Senzo. No... Its enough we don't want 2 c any blood and ppl with scars and bandages/plasters.

03 Jan 2010 10:51

03 Jan 2010 12:49

hi guyz i miss chatting to u is been very long almost a year now and i can c that BIG MAMA you have recreuited lot of monkeys here, hey guyz am busy with studies in the US so am just in SA for holidays i miss u a lot mabloggers i have forgotten other names but keep well ou of here till June 2010

04 Jan 2010 09:03

god, the beating up of senzo is so unrealistic. he gets beat in an alley and no one takes his phone? yeah, right. and given the way the little midget who beat his ass was acting, i'm amazed that he didn't try to do some corrective rape. UNCONVINCING. god.

04 Jan 2010 09:07

Good morning all!!!!!

Da Diva
04 Jan 2010 09:39

Morning lovebry hope u enjoyed yo holidays

04 Jan 2010 09:43

between Samuel and Ajax [da Senzo kiss this month] zamani is so gayyish mara leyena

04 Jan 2010 10:42

monwy... i thought zamani would be much better for senzo. but yeah, you know that ajax le senzo are going to be knocking boots. lesbian love, seeing that they're both little girls. [god, ajax is such a *woman*. it's ridic.]

04 Jan 2010 11:14

@ are mean lol

04 Jan 2010 12:03

Nah not Zamani........Lol, No! Samuel's Dad is irritating I wonder if all chief's are like that. You cannot choose a wife or even a husband for a person. O etsa a business deal with him son......sies! Ahg shame....poor Senzo, Ajax is stupid.

04 Jan 2010 12:11

Hey guys. Its Samnuel who gets a kiss and not Senzo(check 25 Jan). Kenneth to take Ruby to a high society do which is reported on the gossip columns the next day - I cant wait to see this one!

04 Jan 2010 12:19

@tshetlha,lmao. lesbian love. yeah right!

04 Jan 2010 12:22

@Timone, I cant wait to see that either........Ruby...sies...o jela ngwana wa gagwe mosadi,,,,,,,,,,dats what you get for dating an older guy...your mom or sister will take him..LMAO!

04 Jan 2010 12:24

I meant to say Ruby o jela ngwana wa gagwe monna. Not Mosadi! sorry

04 Jan 2010 15:19

yha...i can see everyone is back...hope you had a good holiday....miss u all ...i am lost kuGen i didnt watch for almost three weeks now...i saw Senzo yesterday in Hospital if what happened i dont know...shame...i am still curious

04 Jan 2010 16:05

He was beaten up by angry gangs, who have a big problem with Gays......something like that. They noticed when he was busy flirting with some guy ko Ruby's......Keep on watching you will catch it. You know Gen is easy follow even if you lost 3/4 episodes

04 Jan 2010 20:23


04 Jan 2010 21:44

(i know you negroes watched it. oh my word. but i'll post more when the repeat comes on and you lot are at work. but... damn.)

04 Jan 2010 22:18

Is ajax gay

05 Jan 2010 08:00

let's just wait and see,maybe he will follow his pal (SENZO) AND COME OUT OF THE CLOSET    who knows  anyway  in generations  you can be anything,look at jason  he was  straight at first ,now  they bring him back and turn him bisexual .and ajax can never have his size  when it comes to ladies,


05 Jan 2010 08:27

Good Morning all...

05 Jan 2010 09:07

ajax gay NEVA!

05 Jan 2010 09:44

@xolanipat...I dont think so too

05 Jan 2010 10:37

Please Mfundi, dont pair mam Ruby and Kenny, i mean we dont want another DOOL, i will stop watching if you they start dating no.  Let is stop with Dineo and Tomas

05 Jan 2010 11:32

Da Diva
05 Jan 2010 11:55

Hi every1 Ajax iz gay look at his actions its nt that he hates gayz its bcos he's afraid 2 reveal his status and He loves u Senzo.

05 Jan 2010 11:55

After watching last night's episode...I still think Ajax is gay/bisexual. I mean gore all the people I had interests on were all gay especially Xhosa men. 90% ofthem are homophobic but 89.9% of them are fags. [from a reliable source]

Da Diva
05 Jan 2010 11:56

Hi every1 Ajax iz gay look at his actions its nt that he hates gayz its bcos he's afraid 2 reveal his status and He loves u Senzo.

05 Jan 2010 12:06

@ vinc: what is DOOL?

05 Jan 2010 12:09

Ajax is gay. He was just camouflaging with gals. I cracked when he asked Jason about his girlfriend whereabouts (Senzo), hai.

@ xolanipat ...............ajax gay NEVA! YES!

lady gaga
05 Jan 2010 12:16

Ajax is NOT gay, i think he disliked gay people when he was at school. one of them tried to kiss him in front of his friends, that embarrased him!

Zanele Msomi
05 Jan 2010 12:48

Boring boring boring...I have better things to do than watching this

05 Jan 2010 13:29

i think Ajax is the one who will kiss Senzo he is a gay ke qha but they are hiding themselves...and whats with Jason when he act as if he is Senzo...mmmmh Gen is confusing sometimes but i lov it!!!

Kheti has feeling for Dumi and she is boring me cause she act like queen now and they will never be the same.....u cant copy the style of another sucks

where is Nomasoto i didnt see her yesterday?

05 Jan 2010 13:29

i think Ajax is the one who will kiss Senzo he is a gay ke qha but they are hiding themselves...and whats with Jason when he act as if he is Senzo...mmmmh Gen is confusing sometimes but i lov it!!!

Kheti has feeling for Dumi and she is boring me cause she act like queen now and they will never be the same.....u cant copy the style of another sucks

where is Nomasoto i didnt see her yesterday?

05 Jan 2010 13:56

HAPPY 2010 everyone.

I missed about 3 episodes. I don't think Ajax is gay. Rather Zamani. He might turn out to be gay

05 Jan 2010 14:09

I realy don't get generations writters sumtimes, i think they have issue with Xhosa people. All Xhosa guys in Generation are gay,Senzo,Ajax and Jason. There is a hiden agenda into this and its makes me sick

05 Jan 2010 14:15

Where is all this going? Ajax is gay (was kissed by a school male friend)? homophobic? what? Senzo is beat up in alleys, Jason is pretending to be Senzo, playing the jealous "boyfriend". Khethiwe is trying to get an internship...Paul hooking up with Di; Ruby hooking up with Kenneth. Samuel breaking up with Sharon; his father wants to marry him off to another girl!....Aaargh I am really loosing the plot here! Mfundi where is all this going?

05 Jan 2010 14:43

I think am also loosing it too because I dont c anything that is interesting other than this gay thing, which I dont c the point of playing it. 

05 Jan 2010 14:44

where is everybody nha ?

05 Jan 2010 14:46

Yirha ..we have to accept the gay thing..cause is the same of what we doing on our relationships lol

05 Jan 2010 14:53

siyoko1979..dont get your panties in a knot...LOL  there's NO beef with Xhosa's  and Ajax might not be gay afterall...and  should we also say they  have issues with zulu's coz  some of the zulu charecters are stubborn ngamla, and not to mention khaphela

however I MUST ADMIT the plot is getting a bit sidetracked..there's nothing wrong with the gay storyline, but they didnt have to bring in the other gay guy who was threatened by Jason coz that's a bit distracting  it makes its seem like the entire soapy is focused on the whole gay agenda....but then we'll neva know how far they'll strech it...RELAX

banele mazwi
05 Jan 2010 14:56

Yhoooo guys is Ajax gay, hayi generations is really turning into gaynerations

05 Jan 2010 15:16

Zamani can be gay......wa bora anyway...Lmao! When is Mfundi giving Queen a man??????????

lady gaga
05 Jan 2010 15:37

you guys are reading too much into this gay thing.

05 Jan 2010 15:48

05 Jan 2010 15:53

Queen is gonna be a LESBIAN....hi hi hi that settles the whole gay thing...LOL

05 Jan 2010 16:11

Yah! neh, this gay thing is starting to get into my nerves, its enough now don't you think?

05 Jan 2010 20:17

ha ha ha. why do senzo and sharon have the same phone number? [pay attention to when samuel's and jason's phones ring on the weekend omnibus.]... and OH MY WORD.. what is with this candlelight dinner of paul le dineo? ummm?

05 Jan 2010 20:56

hey g00d people, am new here.. so is ANGELA bck 4 g00d?

06 Jan 2010 07:59

Good morning all!!!

Usual Suspect
06 Jan 2010 08:03

yoh...yah neh. Anyway...I haven't been watching Gen for a long time now....cos of the festive season....but got a chance to watch it yesterday. What really surprised me was that everybody in Ruby's Place knew his name when they were singing the happy birthday song....or is it cos he's a hip hop star on the show? Eitlek who the hell goes to a shebeen and then sings a happy birthday song? hai no would be pethetic for them to change Ajax to be gay....what about Grace...what was that all about then or they will make him bisexual like Jason? STUPID!!!

lady gaga
06 Jan 2010 08:14

AJAX IS NOT GAY PEOPLE!!!! bcs he hated the fact that senzo is gay and now he is apologising doesn't make a person gay. he is only acting normal like any other person. le a ntena sometimes watseba..................

06 Jan 2010 08:21

LOL lady gaga...dont get a heart attack, tl tl tl

Reply from: sponono 1/5/2010 9:53:31 PM
Queen is gonna be a LESBIAN....hi hi hi that settles the whole gay thing...LOL
>>> hi hi hih i

06 Jan 2010 09:21

it seems like generation is turning to become The bold and de beautifull dineo has  become brooke logan n it's not ayoba

06 Jan 2010 09:22

Good morning and a wonderful prosperous 2010 bloggers!!! It's good to be back!

Why are all tragedies happenig at Ruby's?

06 Jan 2010 09:30

hello u awesum gen bloggers u!!!
i know im late kodwa happy 2010 hle...and all the best for all you will be doing this year.

and @ Ladygaga...oa tshegisa ke sa fihla ka mokgwa o...plz  oska tenega just yet honey....

06 Jan 2010 10:44

hey everyone i will be joining u this year nice to meet everyone,well i think kenneth deserv to be alone and i will bet my money on paul & dineo karabo is to selfish to leave paul alone.

06 Jan 2010 11:08

ayoba on the inside
ayoba on the outside
ayoooooooooooba generations.cant wait for the partt whr khapela kisses ijooooo

lady gaga
06 Jan 2010 11:09

hey ms.t , GA and the others, ive cooled off guys ne! bt batho pls stop changing every situation

06 Jan 2010 11:26

i think they want to fire Jason thats why they turning one of the cast members into gay or bi (that is if ajax is gay/bi)

06 Jan 2010 12:19

happy happy new yr guyz .I hope im not the only saying this comment there is nothing interesting this month kwi generations if generations is really represanting sa sam has to marry u ndoni in real life u will never find the chiefs son doing what sam is doing now but u know guyz that sometimes u will never understand sopies ndoni suppose to be the second wife as chief sometimes do that plz guyz reply on this one. luv u all chiaw!

06 Jan 2010 12:46

i think they have issue with Xhosa people. All Xhosa guys in Generation are gay,Senzo,Ajax and Jason. There is a hiden agenda into this and its makes me sick

I don't think Senzo is Xhosa? It's not about being a Xhosa / Zulu here, I think they are trying to potray those gay character's to people like Jason so that we can see that Xhosa's can easily adjust / adapt to new situations. If Jason was Zulu / Venda I don't think he was going to excel in this character as he is doing it.

Dinny & Paul I am really washing my hands, they are certainly using every opportunity abayifumanayo!

06 Jan 2010 13:29

If Jason was Zulu / Venda ... the thought of a Venda facial challenged gay-guy kills me!

Da Diva
06 Jan 2010 13:39

I feel sori 4 Karabo whats Paul and Dineo are doing is totally wrong, I wonder if he loves Dineo or he is paying revenge 2 his brother... Bt Dineo u are a big disgrace....

06 Jan 2010 13:59

Hi mabloggers, 
I wonder why they don't show us this beautiful gal from the photo, i can't wait to see this beauty,even Shaz said she cannot compete with her. 

06 Jan 2010 15:21


06 Jan 2010 15:22

Goodbye to Karabo!!!

06 Jan 2010 15:33

Dineo with kenny.....dinny with Tomas...Dinniy with Paul.....aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrhhhhhh...this is a disgrace...nnnnxxxxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

06 Jan 2010 15:34

This Gen is becoming the bold and beautiful.....

06 Jan 2010 15:35

Dineo o sele...........o thuba lelapa!

Da Diva
06 Jan 2010 15:36

@SIKHO what do u mean????

Da Diva
06 Jan 2010 15:37

@SIKHO what do u mean by Paul no Dineo?????

Da Diva
06 Jan 2010 15:45

Dineo iz a dirgrace she act as if wakhuliswa ngendoda...........

06 Jan 2010 18:20

Dineo shld leave pual alone haibo

06 Jan 2010 18:20

Dineo shld leave pual alone haibo

Da Diva
06 Jan 2010 18:21

Aush!!!.............. Dirgrace meant disgrace sorry.

06 Jan 2010 20:39

did u guys see the photos of jasenzo couple jason was watching - yo those 2 are cute together. wow. Ajax is confused i think he should be seeng a phycologist wats up wit him?
Poly n Dinny - w'll see 

Da Diva
07 Jan 2010 07:43

Goodmorning all.....

07 Jan 2010 08:56

Good morning...

07 Jan 2010 09:26

People like Ajax are very luck, this boy why are they keeping him for so long in Generation to earn some money for nothing? He doesn't add any value in the soap but he is still there!

Paul what you are doing is unlike you, he looks matured and thoughtful. Unlike Kenneth who is ruthless.

07 Jan 2010 09:43

Ajax is/was gay.Those who say he isnt didnt  u see the episode when after hearing that Senzo was gay bashed,he remembered how he also was pushed around by his school mates????Like really now!

07 Jan 2010 09:52

@Lex...he wasnt the 1 who was being pushed around. The guy who wanted to kiss him, was the 1 being beaten up!!!!!!

07 Jan 2010 10:03

@lovebry maybe he wanted to kiss the guy too but he was scared of his friend what they will say who knows.....lets watch we will see.....@ Koppy i agree with u they are the cute gay couple....

07 Jan 2010 10:03

uDumisani is really something what was that all about???

07 Jan 2010 10:14

kuyo yonke into bayenzayo bangalinge bahlukanise u Ntombi no Sibusiso plz .

lady gaga
07 Jan 2010 11:57

tjo Dumisani, what a nerve. he is really full of himself!!!

07 Jan 2010 12:14

Iyho iyangichaza indlela abathandana ngayo uDumi noSis Khethi, they are so inlove,full of play and acts. Shame bangishaya ding dong

07 Jan 2010 12:18

Jason & Senzo r cute but they aint cut gay ppl,what a waste

07 Jan 2010 12:25

@   .....DOOL is Days Of Our Lives.

Whats with Dumi demanding an apology from Cats like that. The old Khethi would have walked out of there, things we do for love.

Dineo, pliz leave somebody's man, im telling you guys Dineo did not fall asleep on that couch she was just waiting for Paul to carry her upstairs to bed, i mean why was she trying to sneak out the following morning, too embarassed becoz Paul ignored her the whole nite. I think Karabo deserves some respect after she took her in, why do we always hurt the ones we are supposed to be grateful to. I thought she is supposed to be looking for work not man or may be becoz she was so used to spending Kenny's money she thinks man hunting is job hunting. In Generations if a partner goes away they always find their loved one taken, change these story lines.

Da Diva
07 Jan 2010 12:28

@siyoko1979 ya I agree with u. Dumy no Khethy they are really in love i wish their relationship last cos I think Sis Khethiwe has da feelings 4 Ace.......

07 Jan 2010 13:00

@blues ya I agree with u siyoko, but I think mfundi must bring back Bridget to shake thinks up a bit!!

07 Jan 2010 14:01

generation yup soud interesting for this year but karabo must not leave .and dineo is starting to act like karabo moving from one man to another i mean kenny.thomas and now paul.and please Gladys needs a better role.

07 Jan 2010 14:01

generation yup soud interesting for this year but karabo must not leave .and dineo is starting to act like karabo moving from one man to another i mean kenny.thomas and now paul.and please Gladys needs a better role.

07 Jan 2010 14:32

07 Jan 2010 14:33

Hi! people plis welcome me I new here.  I think Paul should know that, that is Karabo's house. He do not have to invite Dineo there on Karabo's absence. He has to go back to his flat. Disrespect that are not yet married.

07 Jan 2010 14:33

Shame Sam : He lost his parents because of Shaz and he lost Shaz because of his parents.  

Mam Ruby : I think she has feelings for Kenny . Did you see guys the way she interogated Dineo? That was after she showing off her lovely hair. 

I dont just get it about paulie and Dinny. If Dinny and Paulie become an item , I would say the Mashabas are like animals not human beings.

07 Jan 2010 14:34


Is it tru that she sleaving mate? i mean Karabo

Da Diva
07 Jan 2010 14:52

Welcome Waitress feel @ home dear.

07 Jan 2010 15:19

WELCOME Waitress

07 Jan 2010 15:44

Paulie....Dinny, u guyz r playing with fire.We just had a new improved Kenneth n now u r taking him away, leaving us with the old ruthless one, now that's not ayobaness

07 Jan 2010 23:05

Ajax (bad boi turned gud). and now i dnt care if they gay o wat but jason fighting da gay bashers lyk dat, nw dat was som

08 Jan 2010 00:52

jason would have stomped those dudes. they were so small. [hey, tvsa bloggers: feed your children VEGETABLES as soon as they can open their mouths. really. lack of childhood veg = shortness as adults.] .......... anyway, paul is going to hit that. i can't see myself hitting anything that my brother and my nephew hit. sorry. that's just wrong.

08 Jan 2010 07:35

Good morning all.......

08 Jan 2010 08:10


08 Jan 2010 08:13

plz guyz help me here so that i can help  a friend of mine. She is got herslf in deep s@it early in This month but actually it started during December.

08 Jan 2010 08:25

Jason! Jason ! Jason! Jason bathong!
loft is your friend on Generations? LOL

08 Jan 2010 08:26

here is what happened but I will cut it in short. She has a bfr and during December when the bfr closed at work he went home she knows that and she fine about it,She sends smses during that tym even she knows that he will only get those when he comes back so before xmas she sents the sms he was supposed to get that in January when he arrives but suprisingly the sms went thru on 26 Dec she was like okay I am going to spend tym with me, then after some tym the fone was off till the 4 th in the morning.

The girl assumed that he is back and don't want to spend last days of the festive with her man. then on the other side the is a man who was proposing to her for 2 years thenshe thought to hersel dat guy i moving on with his lyf and me I am here stuck waiting for him. So she decided to start a relationship with him

08 Jan 2010 08:29

hey guys I really feel sorry for Khethiwe falling inlove with someone like that. USILE LA DUMISANI!! He probably does love Khethiwe but usile shame.

08 Jan 2010 08:39

@loft....I am lost, where does the bf stay, is he staying outside the country or what?

08 Jan 2010 08:47

loft..i know my comments will sound hash BUT..... you thought THIS is the best way to help your friend.....and for some reason you think this is a major crisis for your friend...i think NOT ....
does she know ukuthi you sent an SOS for her to a TV website on a Generations page...somehow I doubt it...try something else to help  (though I also DOUBT if she realy needs help, coz she's made up her mind (she DECIDED)

ms Tebby...GOOG question.....LOL

Da Diva
08 Jan 2010 08:48

Hi all @loft sweetheart dis blog is 4 GENERATIONS only, so plz try 2 create your own blog maybe we will b able 2 help u 2 help yo friend....

08 Jan 2010 08:57


Usual Suspect
08 Jan 2010 08:57

yoh guys...Mam Ruby's dress yesterday....KILLER...LMAO!!!

loft...please tu.

Da Diva
08 Jan 2010 09:11

Yah mam Ruby's dress was good awu kodwa isisu!!! Ajax at last he did da rite thing thats good.....

08 Jan 2010 09:37

I am serious ms.tebby

08 Jan 2010 09:37

Hi Guys... i think Pauly is too decent to go for Dinny baby. As for u Dumi yena hai that guy akadlisi, he is abusive ebeshaya u Belinda and her sister konje ubani igama lakhe? and now he is making uKhethiwe appologise for nothing, hayi naye uKhethiwe uyathanda i hope uzoyimela lento ayiqalayo. uzoxolisa for the rest of her life.

08 Jan 2010 09:48

Ajax uyangidina sometimes,this is not YO TV, he must put his act togehter.Queen, u can't be a lesbian pls..stay being straight, just get a man.We need yo gossips n tips about pls Mfundi.....maybe Gladys.

08 Jan 2010 10:11

Good morning all!!!!!!!!!!! I hated Mam Ruby's was too tight....NO! Dinny is out to get Paul.........Watch out Karabo!

Ajax acts like a person with a guilty Conscience?!!!

08 Jan 2010 10:48

@ loft,sisi don't make yo problem 2 become our problem,dis is generations blog incase if u didn't notice.
Back to generation: I don't think Dumisane was serious abt dat,that how they play nothing serious,anyway Khethiwe likes to apologies bt it was not personally

08 Jan 2010 10:54

Iyhooooooooo that was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sooooooooooo, anywayn I do understand, thanks 4 yo heeeeeeeeeelp a lot.

08 Jan 2010 11:01

Morning Good Bloggers!

Compliments of the Season, Hope you all had a wonderful Holidays & back with positive attitudes for the year 2010.

Back to Gen: it is very interesting this month i am impressed, but the gay story just boring me.

Mam Ruby - you looked beautiful last night...but the dress was a bit tight on you, the whole sbejeje was out!!! :-)
Ajax - i really dont see his impact on Gen, Mfundi please get this boy a girlfriend or get him killed by the gay gang.
Paul - a big NO to liitle Dinny, you deserve better than that.......rather go for Queen + Princie likes you a lot.

08 Jan 2010 11:05

MFUNDi Vundla is trying to bring the angle of "emotional abuse", thru Dumisane and Khethiwe...the apologising part is just the beginning, soon he''ll be telling her to BEG him and make her say things or do thats where story is going...emotional abuse

08 Jan 2010 11:33

On last nite's episode, why did Dineo shout PAul, but i thought she wanted to read the book, that child is sick, she was hoping paul would hug her and then followed by kisses and umdavazo on Karabo's couch mnxim!

I like the new Dumi, was it all an act to win Kethiwe back, now its back to control freak,.

To Mfundi, can we have at least 2 stable relationships in the soapie, i thought Paul & Karabo were gonna tie the knots but here comes the seductress Dineo

08 Jan 2010 11:36

No direction at all....try  something new Mr Writer

08 Jan 2010 11:38

The only good actor is Dineo...the rest dont know wat they are doing.

08 Jan 2010 11:41

@vinc...That litle Dinny is a real skhebi. I agree..she was trying 2 push Paul's feelings into action.

08 Jan 2010 11:42

Gen ya rocla anyoba!!

08 Jan 2010 11:42

Gen ya rocla anyoba!!

08 Jan 2010 12:51

Sharon couldnt even drop a tear yesterday.....

lady gaga
08 Jan 2010 12:55

@Toronto, it just shows what that gal is really not the best actress u can find, just a great body qhaa!!!

Da Diva
08 Jan 2010 12:56

@Toronto The only good actor is Dineo.......... I dont think so

08 Jan 2010 13:11

Nyanda o right Dinny ke skheberesh sa nnete

08 Jan 2010 13:14

@ Da Diva  I like Queen................n Senzo!!!!!!!!!!

08 Jan 2010 14:39

@nyanda....why them if i may ask?

08 Jan 2010 14:47

u r so right Lady gaga i'd give Queen,few of us can take her role and also Kenneth&Rubby.Sharon and Dinny are no no

08 Jan 2010 15:08

hi bloggers. loft sorry gal I`m sure u understand y everybody is falling unto u like that cause this Gen house gal, pls tell ur gal 2 send a call back @ lovelife  & talk to a professional counsellor on 0833231023, guys pls Dinny is never the best thing to Gen wat about Gladys & Sbali?

08 Jan 2010 15:15

@lovebry   Queen is very funny...... and yooooo!  uSenzo yena is just too handsome 2 look at.I was watching him when he was dancing at Rubby's, the knight he was beaten...I could just.......mhhhhhhhhh!!!

08 Jan 2010 15:24

if u talking abt best actors, karabo is da best,Sbu.Kenneth,Ntombi,Queen almost all generation cast is well trained and professional. Ayoba!!

08 Jan 2010 15:32

i can't believe dineo is throwing herself at paul like this. it's like she has a ruler and is measuring who has the biggest peepee. eish.

08 Jan 2010 15:41

@nkochani, Lol! hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............

Khapela should date Ntombi's nanny.......they make not such a bad item.....Gladys, gladys, gladys.......why dont they find her a boyfriend???????Ajax o teng mos....and he has nothing better to do....or ba mo etse some girl who goes around breaking put some juice in the soapie

08 Jan 2010 15:55

@tshetlha,  u r right gladys can do better going around breaking relationships. As 4 bra khaps..he's ok with the nany..but that nany needs 2 get out of her shell.She can also wear jeans  n other typs of dresses and akhumule iduku hle! dres like on the Hollard add???
They must bring Ajax a gal from somewhere...

08 Jan 2010 18:03

Hellow evryone i just join da blog today and will like to welcom me self

Poor Karabo cnt seem to keep a good man, I think Mfundi is just tryng to make us except reality abt Gay pll dey is nothing wrong abt what he is doing. I dnt like to c Shazz so unhappy she is always been a bubbly gal and ajax does not hav a place in Gen anymore his charactor is just pln boring now, plzzzz Mfundi do something abt him or hook him up with Gladys she deserves someone.

09 Jan 2010 16:36

i just dont lyk the frndship ya Paul no Deneo especialy when Karabo is not around. i wonder whats up with you Ajax,  Jason and senzo are a match made..... poor Shaz i like her i dont want to c her so unhappy. but other than that generations rock!!!!!

10 Jan 2010 14:46

Wen i look at sbusiso sitting in a meeting wit jason i just feel sorry 4 him, little does he know that he is sitting wit his son in law. Jason is so romatic senzo is so lucky...

11 Jan 2010 07:25

Good Morning all

11 Jan 2010 08:14

Gud Morning All

11 Jan 2010 08:53

hi every one and happy newyear

11 Jan 2010 08:56


Lobby the girl
11 Jan 2010 09:33

Morning Bathong and Compliments

11 Jan 2010 09:41

@Lobby the girl...likewise

11 Jan 2010 09:49

Hie everyone, [wave],im a newbie!!Best actress in Gen,I think it will have to be Sara,Ntombi and Ngamla.Sharon no no no !!

Da Diva
11 Jan 2010 09:57

Morning 4 me,, best actors on Gene areNgamla, Ntombi, Mashaba and Senzo.

11 Jan 2010 10:11

We need 2 get rid of Ajax, send him overseas or something (pls not anywhere in SA coz he might come back quickly) or maybe kill him???

11 Jan 2010 10:29

Gud moning all and i would like to welcome new members: ShabsT and Beke. Guys you home.

Dineo pls stay away from Paul because Karabo deserves happiness and good love. 
 Ajax and Zamani the dont have any serious roles  and they are boring.
Gladys must get a man who will keep her busy which is beta than gosiping.

I cant wait to see Khapela and Sara together. this will like Romeo and  Julliet.

11 Jan 2010 11:14

How I hate Dumisani's lips and his attitude...aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh...they are a no no  for me.

11 Jan 2010 11:38

khethiwe 's breast are too heavy for her serious she need to leave breast feeding

11 Jan 2010 11:41

Thanx Pfoki *wink*

Toronto,I  also hate Dumisani's attitude,I just dont understand why he has to be like that....

lady gaga
11 Jan 2010 11:57

I bet Madleza cudn't wait to come back to shims favourite soapie

11 Jan 2010 13:57

But have guys have you noticed, how handsome Dumisani is lately since they are back together with Khethiwe? Eyi but his rotten attitude yabhora.

Paul & Dineo bayafunana it's not Dineo's fault. How can you invite and set a table for two in a romantic way as uPaul did last week?

lady gaga
11 Jan 2010 14:04

@CHA CHA CHA, dnt forget ukuthi uPaul yi ndoda. little Dinny must be the one to clear things between them since she is Karabo's friend and Paul being her sbari, sies usile loyamtwana/Gogo whatever..................

11 Jan 2010 14:22

@ lady gaga what do you mean uPaul yi ndoda lol

11 Jan 2010 14:24

Khethiwe is going to be in for a HIGH JUMP with Dumisane if she doesn't run...that guy is abusive!!!!!

11 Jan 2010 14:25

Have you realised how Dumisani's eyes are piercing....

lady gaga
11 Jan 2010 14:37

@madleza, i mean amadoda vele asile, and they are never satisfied. so in a way its understable the way Paul is acting since his sweetheart is away. u know we live in a dirty world!!!

11 Jan 2010 14:41

@lady gaga...that aint fair, not all the men are the same you know!!!!

11 Jan 2010 14:45

Khethiwe if u know what's gud 4 u....ACE is!!!!!!....Leave Bridget's man alone, she'll b back!!!

11 Jan 2010 14:46

@lady gaga...that aint fair, not all men are the same you know!!!!

11 Jan 2010 14:54

Khaphela ....Sarah
Ajax............... kiosk girl
Karabo ........ Ngamla
Ntombi........ Mashaba
Jason ........ Senzo
Sharon ....... Zamani
Samuel ....... ?
Paul ........ Dineo
Queen ....Dumisani
Khethiwe ..... Ace

These are the perfect matches...

11 Jan 2010 15:20

@ Toronto.....poor Queen naleya!!..nooooooooooo!

lady gaga
11 Jan 2010 15:34

@ lovebry, sweety i dnt care if there is a man who is an angel out there, im still saying all men are dogs!


11 Jan 2010 15:42

@ Toronto............Ajax has a pride he won't date kiosk gal,forget it

11 Jan 2010 15:44

@ nyanda don't be angry khaphela has stated that he will be available for her in case dumisani hurt her and only as a friend

11 Jan 2010 15:49

Hi everybody just want to wish you all a blessed and a fabulous 2010.

11 Jan 2010 16:09

I think Queen should get a back room ko Ruby`s, phela motho o wa tshwenya and she does`nt even pay le rente. She is a blood sucker...........Hahahahahahaaaaa...

12 Jan 2010 07:16

Good Morning all...

12 Jan 2010 07:40

Morning everybody....didn't watch Gen yesterday recap please bo my darlings.

12 Jan 2010 08:05

@Mpums...morning dear

12 Jan 2010 08:10

morning recap pls

12 Jan 2010 08:57

morning all.

12 Jan 2010 09:11

sengiguqe nangamadolo ngicela irecap please.

12 Jan 2010 10:21

@mpums...I am not that good with recaps my love!!!!!

Tash 1
12 Jan 2010 10:23

Molweni MaBloggers, nam ndiceli recap, i missed yesterdays episode due 2 AFCON plz,

12 Jan 2010 10:49

Nothing much happened izolo ,we saw Jason's bum!!!Sharon finally gave uSam the annulment papers..

12 Jan 2010 11:00

hao beke beke. Mpums, lovebry, Tash tash wait for the omnibus my darlings.

lady gaga
12 Jan 2010 11:03

people are talking about Jason's bum and i missed it.damn!!!!

12 Jan 2010 11:39

what was wrong with Jason's bum?... so that we can look for it on the omnibus??

12 Jan 2010 11:58

Hey guyz looks lyk only Khafo, beke n loverbry watched iGen izolo and the thing is they only saw Jason's bum, can't wait for the omnibus.

12 Jan 2010 12:00

@ lovebry pls.................................................... try

12 Jan 2010 12:05

"i'm bored, where is Blaquebooi and his awesome articles?

12 Jan 2010 12:06

@madleza looks lyk u have to cancel all yo plans for Saturday, sit @home and wait for i omnibus.

12 Jan 2010 12:08

its a new year kellogs just try and create something fun do not depend on any1.

12 Jan 2010 12:43

mpums it just that i want to google now now now or i will reply about the previous episode

12 Jan 2010 12:51

@madleza....I wish I could...I am not good with words my love!!!

12 Jan 2010 12:57 are more than welcome to join me on Saturday, to watch Generations ofcos lol

Lobby the girl
12 Jan 2010 13:18

Iyoo it looks i'll have to wait for saturday ka mahlo a mahubedu guys cause i just love to c Jason bathong he is so.....oh my god i cant even hold my self damn that guy is handsome..

12 Jan 2010 13:40

The butt was a total turn off for me shame!!

12 Jan 2010 13:42

Ok guyz 4 Jasons bum....I cancell all my Sat.morning plans 4 the omnibus!!!

12 Jan 2010 15:32

I agree really men they are dogs! Aw, people got crazy ngo Jason esidunusela nje! There was nothing fancy endiyibonileyo, kudunusa qha.

12 Jan 2010 15:39

@ cha cha cha.....why do you hate guys so much?

12 Jan 2010 16:00

Bathong, wazup with Dumisane? I think he is going to be an abusive husband and a control freak!

12 Jan 2010 16:01

@CHA CHA CHA.....not that we going crazy with Jason's bum its just that siphuthelwe yilokho kudunusa qha.

lady gaga
12 Jan 2010 16:11

kanti whose eating who in that relationship????? or maybe they take

12 Jan 2010 16:16

@Lady gaga bayadlana.....

12 Jan 2010 16:23

Eish I cant imagine those two guys doing it....

12 Jan 2010 16:31

have 2 go guys i'll chat 2 u 2moro, i just miss my baby boy like crazy 2day.

have a blessed evening love u all.

12 Jan 2010 21:40

Toronto Eish I cant imagine those two guys doing it.... Expand yo imagination darling. 
Sbusiso must slow down on his son in law.... lol it looks like senzo will have to choose between daddy dearest n the cute boyfriend. bt if was me i would go for the boyfrend......

12 Jan 2010 22:22

jason: not cute. god. why do you people keep insisting he is? it's the height thing, isn't it? otherwise the character has no redeeming value. bad hair, bad face, clothes that rarely match. ... it should have been zamani. oh well. .... and, what is with dumi? he's totally abusing khetiwe. but she's the chosen one, she'll get an internship at mashaba or something.

13 Jan 2010 07:35

Good Morning all!!!

13 Jan 2010 08:51

i'm with u there, jason is not cute @ all.  He jst have the ego or confidence the size of mount everest that's all.

13 Jan 2010 09:13

Sbam & nkochani...just leave Zolisa (Jason) alone. The guy is cute...forget handsome & yeah you don't tell people what they see...especially when it comes to looks! what you define as beautiful may not necesarily be beautiful in my eye....accept it & leave with it.... Zolisa (Jason)is  damn cute!.... (im using Zolisa here coz the writting above relate to Zolisa the person & not Jason the Generation's character)

13 Jan 2010 09:32

ms tebby:  i would hope that those horrible fashion mistakes that jason makes are from the wardrobe on set and not out of his own closet. watching him on screen makes my eyes bleed. the only outfit that has matched since his return is the suit he wore to the wedding. [note that i didn't say the suit he wore for his job interviews.]

a man can have a beautiful face and 30cm in his underwear, but if his hair and clothes aren't tight, the bit between his ears and his legs is pretty useless.


anyway... sibusiso tripped me out yesterday. "i can't complain to you about this, senzo? it's not like we're talking about your girlfriend." HA HA HA, oh yes you are.

oh, and i think that phone call at the end of the month that sara cuts off is nomasonto. queen has probably told her about it, and since khetiwe and cleo aren't speaking, she doesn't know that it's a sham.

lady gaga
13 Jan 2010 09:46

here here ms.tebby, batshele mzala!!!

13 Jan 2010 09:52

... the 30cm is another issue that i'm not going to comment on...(or maybe have u seen his undies & whats inside them? I havent....) 
Fashion statement ya Jason is what can be blogged about ...but the moment it now turns to his looks, as a person, its a different issue...something that can be taken up with God, LOL


13 Jan 2010 09:57

hayi wena LG...LOL

13 Jan 2010 10:02

Okiiii, msT, bt like u said <you don't tell people what they see...especially when it comes to looks!> , so we are also entitled to our opinion

13 Jan 2010 10:27 are 100% right. Jason is cute. i would like to see nkochani's pic!

Da Diva
13 Jan 2010 10:28

Morning @nkonchan ya i agree, Jason iz nt cute He iz VERY CUTE u know and his hair is very clean i dnt c any problem in it, he is a gentleman a charmer actually he's everything.

13 Jan 2010 10:31


13 Jan 2010 10:35

 i bet dumisani doesn't want a working wife remember he made brigett quit modelling and yesterday he didn't give khethiwe the exact reason why he was not the chosen intern  

13 Jan 2010 10:40

Dumisani...nxa man!!!

Jason,cute...With those baby cheeks *shaking my head* Well I guess beauty lies in the eyes of the beHolder.I think he's got style .....

13 Jan 2010 10:43

Oh Sara really loves Khapela. She is so happy that she will pretend as the girl friend.

Da Diva
13 Jan 2010 10:47

Dumsan iz so selfish and their relationship is going nowhere. Khethiwe will date Ace..... What is Queens problem why she cant b happy 4 Khaphela???

13 Jan 2010 10:47

I must admit Jason is CUTE.i wuld not mind waking up with some1 like him every day

13 Jan 2010 10:47

there is something abt Jason smile only otherwise he is not that amazing. His bum is not even cool. I bet he has got stick legs from the looks of things.

13 Jan 2010 11:06

Jason is cute that's all! Lady gaga, uzungawothi lo mlilo owubasayo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 Jan 2010 11:36

hai ke,I guess we are all entittled to our own opinions.And besides cute means ugly but adorable!

Sara is in loooooooove!!

13 Jan 2010 11:43

People, jealousy makes you nasty. Jason has got it all. i guess some of you are not even as handsome as Kop on Rhythm City but they are judges when it comes to style and looks. Jason is clean, handsome and stylish PERIOD.

13 Jan 2010 11:46

@nkochani..i do understand yo situation gal,when u having a crush on man knowing exactly that there are few chances for u to have him u end up hating the man and ubone nobubi obungekho. Wena uyazifela ngoJason period,deal wit yo crush and move on.

Back to generation...why suddenly Sbu hate Jason bt he used to be his favourite before

13 Jan 2010 11:50

lol-You made me laugh Njingalwazi  @ Kop.You have to accept ukuthi we see things different nje qha!!

13 Jan 2010 13:06


a) i'm not a girl.
b) given that half the soap opera actors in this place have to do infomercials to pay the bills, i'm probably better paid in my line of work.
c) long hair belongs on women, and only women. neither jason nor ayanda nor duma [remember him?] are particularly appealing, although duma would have been hot if he lost the hair.


vho-Sara is indeed in love. oh wait, wrong soapie. i meant to say uSara.

13 Jan 2010 13:40

13 Jan 2010 14:21

kwakwakwakwaaaaaa! yho! tvsa gen blockers!  yho!

13 Jan 2010 15:21

Guys...there's house track...Can I be your fairytale....Kenny Maistry played it this morning and uGlen Lewis loves it. But I havent heard who the artist or teh DJ is.
Is the anyone who knows?

13 Jan 2010 20:21

FezzyB, We realy don't care about the watever song, we talkin generations here. u can cal metro fm and ask them de song glen lewis played that way u wont be lost. bye bye FezzyB. LOST LOST LOST

14 Jan 2010 08:21

Good Morning all!!!!

14 Jan 2010 08:43

@Koppy.....Im well aware of that this is a generations blog but it happens every now and again that ppl ask questions...and the reason I love this blog is because I usually get answers and learn stuff that I didnt know as well.
And I wasnt asking from you, I'll never ask anything from. Your commennts give me a good picture of you and I refrain from talking to ppl like you so........SORRY.

14 Jan 2010 09:04

morning lovebry

was mam ruby singing that song to soften dineo or to tell her that what ever is going to happen to between me and kenny just know that i love you it just that i can't resist the money  .or it was where i was during the day i enjoyed myself during  

and that shereck called kenneth is going to buy that car for mam ruby

and dineo is going to get hurt this time

14 Jan 2010 09:05

Morning guys

with all due respects ,i would like to appeal to all Gen bloggers to refrain from catfight. Clearly it is very unnecesary.

14 Jan 2010 09:14

@FezzyB...I think its liquid d, not sure

lady gaga
14 Jan 2010 09:17

@FezzyB, the song u are talking about is by Liquid Deep. and i LOOOOOOOOVE it so much, i even have it on my phone as my ringtone

Lobby the girl
14 Jan 2010 09:28

Morning Guys,

No fighting please..

Bathong i didn't log in yesterday..just wanted go bea a mabedi a mararo about Jason, i know it's a closed matter and all..he si super fabulous..his smile iyooo he is hot..mona fatshe

Mam Ruby's song was simply saying u just have to forgive me my child ke tlo go jela monna..

14 Jan 2010 09:31

in my life i don't want to see samuel's life miserable,      i want to give phakeme a big smack''''''''''''''''''''''' on the face and bheka should not try to intervene as i will crunch .........................them both and i will give zizani  divorce papers she doesn't have any choice right now,'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' the child life should not be so messy because of stupid marriage to the chief thats ka..........................................k  in (afrikaans tone) 

14 Jan 2010 09:35

Good morning old is Jason .... do you think

14 Jan 2010 09:46

it look like i am only person who is not responding on jason debate eish yena shame o romantic, sexy ,tall ke gore o handsome but he doesn't make me feel  ouch................... not kind of my flavour

14 Jan 2010 10:32

@Toronto, he is 29

14 Jan 2010 11:17

how come he looks older than 29....he is like 34 to me

Da Diva
14 Jan 2010 11:24

Hi ppl.... What Ruby iz doing is totally unacceptable, she likes 2 overtake his daughter in everything its started ngo Kenny now she read Paul's novel ngenkani no ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

14 Jan 2010 11:38

@ da diva you think he will snap both the two brothers anga na ona amahloni lo mama lo (sorry about my zulu )

14 Jan 2010 11:39

@toronto, I dont know hey, was just taking a wild guess

14 Jan 2010 11:43

Hi guys. I'm new here. Do u think something willhappen 2 Ruby & her son-in-law?

Da Diva
14 Jan 2010 11:53

@madleza i dont trust dat woman its either she will take Kenneth and leave Dineo 2 Paul, then Dineo isikhokho Thomas--Keneth-- Thomas-- Paul-

14 Jan 2010 12:04

welcome sandsation something is happening dear

14 Jan 2010 12:04

@ toront & lovebry. . . . . he is 29 i googled him the other day. Must say I was also suprised.

14 Jan 2010 12:09

What's Jason real name?

14 Jan 2010 12:19

Dineo she just like her mother, ubufebe is in their blood. Ruby is competing with Dineo the way she gossip abt her with Kenneth,it was unaccepted. They are both gold diggers bt Ruby is doing it in a matured way.

Kethiwe is losing interest in Dumisane now,watch it....Dumisane is a control freak both at work and home

Queen she's anada story,poor Sara shame

14 Jan 2010 12:24

@ condomm  (Zolisa Xaluva)

14 Jan 2010 12:41

who told ntombi that those big tops and jeans suit her has make a terrible mistake,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hai mane mma sedibe your man is making moolah at safa  change your wardrobe give that sexy body a taste pls

14 Jan 2010 12:53

yes she will regret tazteeq b'coz sooner she will get a make over

14 Jan 2010 12:57

couldn't agree with u mo madleza. She's got a bod 2 die 4 y then hide it with baggy tops & jeans. . .. .. . ..I think sumthin happened in Dumisani's past dat makes him have dis stinking behaviour. uKhethiwe gave him a 2nd chance & now he is messing things up again.

14 Jan 2010 13:26

@MADLEZA  " male" or" female"?I am confussed                          icant stay my computer is broken

14 Jan 2010 13:39

I dont agree with you there madleza...dineo has got a better body.....

14 Jan 2010 13:46

@sandsatio,who's got the body to die for?.pls dont tell me its Ntombi coz i dont see any assets there.

14 Jan 2010 13:52

Ntombi is pregnant with Christina's sibling (in real life, that is a Sedibe).

14 Jan 2010 14:02

@toronto...Dineo is too skinny!

14 Jan 2010 14:03

@ pride sarah(female)

@ toronto I dont agree with you there(where??) madleza...dineo has got a better body....

my first reply from the bottom i am talking about sara
and my second reply from the bottom i am talking about ntombi 

14 Jan 2010 14:11

@njingalwana where did you get the scoop

lady gaga
14 Jan 2010 14:14

what exactly are u saying njingalwazi?????

lady gaga
14 Jan 2010 14:19

We ALL know the person with the best body in Generation is SHARON (KAGISO RAKOSA) so stop making this an issue pleeeease!

14 Jan 2010 14:19

She is preggies with her third child....

14 Jan 2010 14:27

Hey guys don't you feel sorry for Sharon and Sam? Do you think they will reconcile?They look so cute together. 

Lobby the girl
14 Jan 2010 14:33

They will reconcile, Ive read somewhere gore she is going to kiss him.

14 Jan 2010 14:35

i second that Lady gaga

14 Jan 2010 14:41

Sharon has the body to die for!

14 Jan 2010 14:46

Enough of the body guys. I mean really now.

14 Jan 2010 15:50

Hi ma bloggers, is ajax also gay now??

14 Jan 2010 15:53

lol, your guyz are 2 fast for me i cnt keep up, ninjani kodwa.

Poor Sarah edlala uQueen izolo

14 Jan 2010 16:00

@ShabsT,  kwakwakwakwaaaaaaaaaaa

14 Jan 2010 21:03

i don't think that kiss that sends usamuel spinning will be from sharon. maybe gladys. [ok, i have a better idea but i will just say gladys.]

but tonite's episode was just lame. i don't think i'll watch the repeat in the morning. eish.

Lobby the girl
15 Jan 2010 07:58

Morning Guys,

Iyoo, did u guys c Samuel yesterday..crying like a baby, I think Samuel should b the gay one, Men dont cry like that..

No Offence

15 Jan 2010 08:57

@ Lobby the girl, every. human being has the right to express his/her emotions. men are also human and therefore are allowed to cry as a way of dealing with a pain. 

If we can allow men to show their emotions , we can reduce  a lot of cases where you find a man killing his wife and kids and even the pets at home.  This is caused by a lot of anger and pain kept for so long.

15 Jan 2010 09:08

@pfoki spot on. men not crying is one of the reasons that women live longer in the first place.

15 Jan 2010 09:21

@lovebry and lady gaga
Thanks guys......I love it.

15 Jan 2010 09:22

@lady gaga
Can I ask you to send the me the song to my private email?Please.

Lobby the girl
15 Jan 2010 09:25

Ya ne, mayb u right..somehow i cant seem to picture my man crying like that..tjoo
I will really enjoy that wa tseba..

15 Jan 2010 10:21

how should man cry? Lobbbby the Girllll.anyway what is lobby?

Lobby the girl
15 Jan 2010 11:49

I am not sure what you mean Dear..pls explain

15 Jan 2010 14:45

Pls help guys. Is khetiwe atill pregnant? if yes why are they not talking about it?

15 Jan 2010 15:00

Can someone tell me wats happening in Gen these days coz i dont see any interesting storyline...Guys pliz agree with me with this

15 Jan 2010 15:08

right now i wish to be those milk jars look delicious

15 Jan 2010 16:42

Pfoki -  Khethiwe can't b pregnent cos she jst came from maternity leave.
I agree men should cry wen hurt o so but Sam's crying yesterday was exxergerated - yo it was too much i had to look away. 

What is  this annulment that sharon n sam are busy wit?

18 Jan 2010 08:16

morning every one

18 Jan 2010 09:42

Morning All!!!!

18 Jan 2010 09:53

morning Koppy and others

If I remember well , when she left she was expecting dumisani's baby. what happened to that?

To makes things easier let us differantiate between Winnie Modise and Khetiwe Buthelezi.

Winnie was pregnant and went on maternity leave and now she is back.

Khethiwe was pregnant that time Gogo was forcing her to marry Khapela. She asked Dumisani to marry her but Dumisani said no and then she dispappeared until she came to Kahapela's wedding. So I want to know what happened to Dumisani's baby?

18 Jan 2010 10:34


18 Jan 2010 10:48

Khethiwe was pregnant that time Gogo was forcing her to marry Khapela. She asked Dumisani to marry her but Dumisani said no and then she dispappeared until she came to Kahapela's wedding. So I want to know what happened to Dumisani's baby?

@Ploki, you mean to tell me?  I didnt follow that?  Then what happened to the baby?  Could she still be pregnant?......

18 Jan 2010 10:51

Sam must have cried really bad, hah?  Too bad I missed that.....

18 Jan 2010 11:33

I dont remember Khethiwe being pregnant.
Winnie was pregnant but not Khethiwe.

18 Jan 2010 11:42


18 Jan 2010 13:21

Hi Guyz, I 'm sure we all know what is meant by "KHETHIWE BEING PREGNANT"

18 Jan 2010 15:03

Oh maybe i mixing things here.

Lobby the girl
18 Jan 2010 15:28

I think you are Pfoki...khethiwe was never pregnant..

19 Jan 2010 07:32

Good morning all!!!

Lobby the girl
19 Jan 2010 08:06

Good morning Guys..

Chat later..

19 Jan 2010 08:24

morning guys 

did kenneth yesterday brush his teeth ?????????? 

bcoz everything that comes out in his mouth was stinking

19 Jan 2010 08:35

ke a morata mam ruby but her style of pushing dineo and paul to be together se a ntena serious.................................................................................................................... 

why can't she admit when dineo say they are just friend

19 Jan 2010 08:50, Kenneth is rude!!!!

Da Diva
19 Jan 2010 09:35

Halloween!!! @madleza kenneth iz a bastard just bcos his marriage ddnt work now he want 2 ruin every1's marriage.

19 Jan 2010 09:38

Yoooooooooooooooo!!! Dumisani really got me lastnight! I thought he wanted Khethiwe to marry him. mncccm!

19 Jan 2010 09:40

Morning mablogers

Kenneth is very rude, I just did not like what he said to Khetiwe. 

Ke kwele bare a wu sa na le monna.................................,if you go with me to the awards you can meet a potential husband Uh. LOL.

Dumi How can you propose a vat en sit like that? Poor Khetiwe, she and I believed that he would say will you marry me?  He knows very well that Khetiwe wants to get married.

Lobby the girl
19 Jan 2010 09:40

Kheti, Kheti....on Second thoughts we might need a Tea Lady, Bathong Kenneth hasn't changed at all.

And Dumisane, that man is cruel, I mean how can he propose for moving in like he is proposing for marriage..and when Khetiwe says she will give it a thoughty then he suggest to give her the internship..really Idont understand how his mind works..

19 Jan 2010 10:39

@Lobby the girl....That man is crazy!!!(Dumisane)

19 Jan 2010 11:02

Dumisani is ballistically mad, he has a lot of tyme to play he must go to the gr8 r n play with them  i've never seen such a thing Bridget must come back n sort out his man. I would have slap him

iyoooooooooooooooo u Keneth how can he say dat to Khethi Khethi he'll never change never

19 Jan 2010 11:26

Mfundi, Pls bring Bridget back to twist n turn the tables, Dumisani needs a challenge here, hey @ D LOVER !

19 Jan 2010 11:36

Hello Ma Beautiful bloggers!!!!!!!!!!

Happy new to u all

Guyz Kenny will always be Kenny.........i mean wat he did to Ketty izolo was really not gud but then wat can we can say.

Secondly here comes Dumisani making Ketty a fool ............he knew exactly dat would think he's proposing..........the worst he's falling down on his knees en carrying a key with ring box ai cha uyadika shame ubhuti wam sumtymz.

Ai cha izolo bekusuku lophoxa uKhetiwe nje bandla.

Ruby Red
19 Jan 2010 12:42

hello people.
been nice going thru the discussions ranging from jason to jason's bum; from khethiwe to khethiwe's boobs and everything else in between.

makes for good reading.

Da Diva
19 Jan 2010 12:47

Hi Ruby Red.......

lady gaga
19 Jan 2010 12:49

hey guys, Ruby

eish but i miss abo maud and the others yazi. its a bit dead la ekhaya lately. Sho JP!

19 Jan 2010 13:10

She misses you too,  Lady G , i will be back just watch the space , its not easy to blogg using a phone .it takes time and ngingaze ngibhacwe, but nevertheless  ngiyezwa ukuthi there is no longer the vuvuvum here. i watch ii generations everyday and how much i want to commend especialy when coming to kenneth.

i will try to visit once or twice , got to go bye


lady gaga
19 Jan 2010 13:46

hey maud my friend, i so wanna cry rite now. i really do miss u and im glad u miss me too, but hey it was nice hearing from u. and please do visit whenever u can. bye my love. LUV U!!!!

Lobby the girl
19 Jan 2010 15:54

19 Jan 2010 16:29


Ppl my cousin brother,  doesnt want to watch Generations anymore, ever since  Senzo and Jason's part,, he said by watching them its like a CURSE, and  they are Giving him bad like,, he cant watch tht crap again,, bathong!!


19 Jan 2010 20:45

I wish i had a Mam Ruru and a Madea in my life.....

19 Jan 2010 20:48

there is nothing that breaks my heart than a woman who is always crying...poor Dinny, who is gonna dry her tears???? it Paul??...then Karabo is also gonna cry for a long time too...dis aint right!

20 Jan 2010 07:52

Morning ppl....

Ruby Red
20 Jan 2010 08:23

Lady Gaga......... don't worry, the good old days are cominng back.

we are faithful followers of the show though, only visisting these message boards is becoming difficult, am foolowing the first grand slam of the year and with the time zone differences, am taking naps during the day.

back to Gen..........surely the time is past for people to come here and post about how much they or their relatives hate Generations?

whats the point of walking in the rain if you dont want to get wet?

20 Jan 2010 09:23

paul like to take too much time focusing on the other people sob story than his family now i can see how kenneth slept with her wife 

journalism emo sentshe too much

i think right now he has to fight for karabo to get over from tau mogale's demon

Ruby Red
20 Jan 2010 10:11

and madleza, i think kenneth thinks paul is lining up to hit dineo's pot.

but i think last nite's episode was flat, to say the least. maybe for me it will be flat if jasenzo dont get much airplay. i love that couple.

20 Jan 2010 11:06

@Ruby Red...the feeling is mutual.

20 Jan 2010 14:10

Hi guyz, long tym no blog.
I was bizi in december my mom was sick so i was always off work taking her to doctors all over but i lost her on the 23 december and buried her on 2 january so it was a difficult tym for me but i missed u guyz coz u alwayz take my mind off thingz and i wish u got off to a gud start this year.
Anyway i went back to check on the 1st day of this site and do you know that the 1st blogger's name was blokdnose?

20 Jan 2010 14:29

hi yogi sorry about ur mom I may not know u but hey my heart is with u God bless u, take care

back to Gen,
I think dineo will snatch paul away 4rm karabo slowly but surely, I`m scared 4 karabo, I also love jasenzo.

20 Jan 2010 14:33

I already miss Karabo,somebody told me she has gone for good.She said she read from Sowetan online.anybody seen that?

20 Jan 2010 14:45

@ yogi am sorry about yo mom at least u were there with her ezinsukwini zakhe zokugcina. Take care

20 Jan 2010 15:23

fellow bloggers hope al z wel wit u.

bra Mfundi pliz may u bring this chosen wife of Samuel wanna see hw hot she. as 4 Dumi am nt happy abt wat u did to Ketty i thot u were going to propose since u messed up the 1st time. pliz bring Bridgett bac to spice things up

20 Jan 2010 15:31

@yogi..May the blessings of love be upon you, May its peace abide with you, May its essence illuminate your heart, Now and forever more Blessing

Lobby the girl
20 Jan 2010 16:15

@ yogi..

I am sorry for your loss, hope u doing fine, I cant say I now how you feel cause we all handle grief in different ways but do know that you will b okay, always trust God and everything will fall into place..

20 Jan 2010 17:35

Yogi, take hard ma friend. The nightmare of losing a mother is that one whereby a person would wish to jus wake from it and think it was all a dream. It was God's will. May her soul rest in peace.

Kenneth, he always has something to say, did you guys see how Kenny spoke to Shaz and how Shaz agreed to the invitation and how Zamani was staring at them?Oh! that was laughable. It was goodbye from Ntombi & Hello to Shaz, you might never know, this could be  your chance to get to choose and pick a worthy husband.

Oh! Poor KARIKARI, why does she always have to be so unlucky with his men?

20 Jan 2010 20:52

Yogi i'm so sorry about yo mom, may God heal the broken hearts n keep yo family strong. let her rest in peace.

Da Diva
20 Jan 2010 21:20

Yogi sori my love i know what u going through bt God will provide Mercy!!!

21 Jan 2010 07:23

Good morning all

21 Jan 2010 07:57

Morning lovebry

Da Diva
21 Jan 2010 08:33

Hello lovebry Queee Queen Queen!! U really disappoint me i still dont believe my eyes... Keneth will get another stroke uwathathaphi amandla okushaya umuntu....

21 Jan 2010 08:35

purhase...Karabo gone for good? that can NEVER be my darling...
kwakwakwaaa! What happened to Queen kanti on the radio show? I LOL'd at her justification to Princie

21 Jan 2010 08:44

@ms.tebby, it was quiet funy hey

21 Jan 2010 09:09

why everyone looked shaz with an evil eyes when she enters the room ????????????????? the girl didn't do anything wrong

21 Jan 2010 10:03

Hi Da Diva....

Lobby the girl
21 Jan 2010 10:31

Morning Bathong,

4 de first time, Queen speechless, ha,ha,ha that was funny hey..

21 Jan 2010 10:44

aww...the conversation with Queen and Princie stood out in last night's episode, he is a little Write Ngubeni in the making. My fav child star in a soapy today...:-)...

aww and Queen and the cake...Paul is so sweet.

pkay, i hate cheezy moments on lastr night's generations...:-)

21 Jan 2010 11:11

typo typo
 i had cheezy moments on last night's generations...:-)

Ruby Red
21 Jan 2010 11:30

i didi not like the way sharon was all happy about sam calling her my woman, maybe she wont go to the awards with kenneth after all.
she musnt go all soapy over samuel so soon.............after all he was gonna check out another girl and he is the reason they are no longer hubby and wife.

21 Jan 2010 13:53

@Ruby Red..True

21 Jan 2010 15:07

@Ruby Red n loverbry...that's when they say " LOVE IS BLIND"

Honey Bee
22 Jan 2010 10:00

Ruby wa bora, how can she even consider going out with her child's former husband?

22 Jan 2010 10:06

Generations these days is just boring there is no drama, please scriptwriters do something.

22 Jan 2010 10:25

@tazait "Generations these days is just boring there is no drama, please scriptwriters do something."

That is true,even Isidingo do better than Generation. uyaboraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

22 Jan 2010 10:37

Gen is so boring these days...

22 Jan 2010 10:39


scripwriters  i think they are trying to dragg Senzo and Jason's affair,, kanti ukhona u tv SA we can help them,,or kanjali Mabloggers?????
 Karabo where are u,,???? shopping for J&B met,, 
Mom Ruby i can see tht your contract is far from over,, 
Kaphela nawe uyaboraa mann,, still afrt Khethiwe's relationships,, hayi bo,, get a life,, 
Wht if Jason is Busi and Jack Mabaso's son??????

Da Diva
22 Jan 2010 10:49

I like Paul's smile, his mouth mmh mmh....

22 Jan 2010 11:29

@ qaqamba................I so miss you alot, heh. much love.

22 Jan 2010 12:54

Heyta good people - been long on this part. 

@ Qaqamba - scripwriters i think they are trying to dragg Senzo and Jason's affair
-  you know my take is if the scriptwriters can bring the skinny dude that was dancing with Senzo outside Ruby's , when he got a klap from ama jimbos, as someone who has a big crush on Senzo - then sparks will fly. Then the love triangle will be on Senzo ,  Jason and the dude.

Ace must hook up with Gladys - atleast she can boost to have a man.

22 Jan 2010 14:00

@Khaforisto,,, iyuu my frnd i saw your house on Top Billing yesteday,, wu waa wuuu,, i was soo impressed,, hahh love u too sana,, 

@Fezela, yes,, i heard u,, but i need somethng more juicy  .think think ppl,, Mfundie is in my case,, or else i will looze my job as the CEO .

Ace and Gladys?????? waphapha mann u Gladys for Mr tough guy,,,but she can teach him alot, mhhh hahahha

22 Jan 2010 14:48

Mam Ruby ; you got a liver. You know how Dinny feels after Kenneth chased her but you accepeted a invitation to go with her ex. Sis you are so selfish. Most of the time yu like competing with your daughter and undermining her. 

kenneth; I wonder how desperate you are to invite Ruby or who knows you want Dinny to taste her own medicine, for sleeping with your son? 

Khetiwe; I think you are giving more than you receive. There is no balance in your relationship. everything is about Dumi. What about you?

22 Jan 2010 15:17

Khetiwe, u are just wasting your time with Dumisani. can't you see that he is manipulating you.

22 Jan 2010 20:54

hm. is it just me, or has this week on generations totally sucked?

23 Jan 2010 14:48

Hey mabloggers!its bin a long tym since i loggdn sum plz upd8 m with dis week's electricity ws cut.

24 Jan 2010 09:28

where`s karabo, her man is going, watch the space dinny in getting closer day by day, buya sisi before ubuye usungesena ndoda we know how much of a mission it was to hook up with paul 

25 Jan 2010 08:34

Good Morning all

25 Jan 2010 09:14

Hello amabloggers i know it's way way overdue but all the same i gots to say it.....Compliments of the New Year! 

Hello lovebry

I have not been a watching Gen frequently these days but i think uKhetiwe is going to regret moving in with Dumi.Bad,bad move sisi......

and uBraKhaps is falling for uSarah without even realising it shem,shem.

as for uPaul and Dinny,they are still a big NO NO for me.

and eish ,Ajax and his issues.......i don't think i can stand for it anymore.the brother needs to go far far away and neva return.seriously.

25 Jan 2010 09:16

@Ava....and eish ,Ajax and his issues.......i don't think i can stand for it anymore.the brother needs to go far far away and neva return.seriously. AMEN!!!!

25 Jan 2010 10:05

@loverbry n Ava...Amen to the AJAX issue.....If they dont know what to do about him, how about killing him or send him overseas for good!!!

25 Jan 2010 10:19

Ajax abore hwaa...!! 

25 Jan 2010 10:33

Thanks Nyanda that's a good statement! You feel what I am feeling. Some useless actors & actresses are very luck in  this Soap they keep them for no good reason.

Mme Ruby, thanks to you for rescuing Kenny on his function on Friday. Ruby is a life saver to everyone on Generation. I am sure many people have already changed their attitude towards Sheebens & Sheeben Queens.

25 Jan 2010 10:56

Amen CHA CHA CHA, umama Ruby is the Queen of Generations! She is "what you see.. is what you get"

25 Jan 2010 15:57

Generations will be very boring, once uPaul noDineo bajole. Izabangathi nguDayz, of which ke uzosidika. So please bhuti Mfundi, try and avoid that relationship.

25 Jan 2010 16:17

@loverbry n Ava...Amen to the AJAX issue.....If they dont know what to do about him, how about killing him or send him overseas for good!!!

Thanks Nyanda that's a good statement! You feel what I am feeling. Some useless actors & actresses are very luck in this Soap they keep them for no good reason. 

and eish ,Ajax and his issues.......i don't think i can stand for it anymore.the brother needs to go far far away and neva return.seriously.

My thoughts exactly guys. I cant stand that Ajax. read ths blog about Ajax written by blaqueboi

26 Jan 2010 08:44

Good Morning all

26 Jan 2010 09:59

morning love bry 

someone who knows the cooking recipes for meat,  salad, baking the one we eat at the loxion parties weddings and societies pls help me guys or if you know the website where i can find something drop me an email at

26 Jan 2010 10:37 planning a party or wanna open a restuarant?

26 Jan 2010 11:34

Ajax just need a spade with sunlight bar soap injected in the bum then atleast he will stop to irritate. i like Khethiwe's hair style.  

26 Jan 2010 12:01

@madleza...i also have been wanting that. Am tired of feeding my loved once dull "healthy" foods, okay they are tired of me,they want some soul food....

I dunno if its me...but we need action ko generations, mam Rugy is all sweet, Kenneth is all sweet...Dlomo is a lost case...i need to be kept on the edge bathong....
Any villain (ess) in the pipelise ....Mfundi....anybody???

sha sha
26 Jan 2010 12:07


26 Jan 2010 14:54

@ lovebry i don't want to open the restaurant the thing is that in i cooked christmas food for my inlaws and no body didn't comment about my food so in the new year my siter in law do cook something and my husband said to me you know what my sister cooked a nice food yesterday so i want to cook a killing recipes for the family gathering in good friday

27 Jan 2010 08:42

Good Morning all

27 Jan 2010 12:01

@madleza....sometimes men r like that.It could happen that they didnt coment about yo food coz they r used 2 u cooking nice food.Maybe he will only comenmt when the food is terrible.And the other thing is Their mum n sisters will always cook "nice food" as per their brains, so dont stress.

27 Jan 2010 13:40

i dont believe this,its nearly 2pm but only 2 comments.Generubbish is going down 4sure

27 Jan 2010 15:24

Sbuda will swallow his words when he finds that sonny will bring a son-in-law and not daughter-in-law

27 Jan 2010 20:53

Ajax is definetly gay and he needs to grow up,khapkela has finally found his match-Sara

Hurray for paul and dineo.karabo pliz stay for a much longer time until those        two hook updumisane should go down.i hate him

queen is a bit lonely she needs a partner guys.queen and kenneth should become a couple

the gay secrete is getting boring its time it all came out in the open.mama rubys dressing is so out.

28 Jan 2010 09:42

Good Morning all

28 Jan 2010 10:22

Ajax is definetly gay and he needs to grow up  

@Rayj EXCUSE ME???

i loved it when those two gays kissed last night..... i cant say the same for the people i was watching with........ ALL THEY SAID WAS   "YUK!!!"

28 Jan 2010 14:18

Good afternoon...............

@ madleza, I'd also love to know about the killer recipes you get. I'm also tired of the same food all the time, Every Good friday My family loves to have Pickled Fish, Its alos nice. Good luck on your family gathering:) I'm sure you can cook, people comment when the food is bad.

28 Jan 2010 17:43

and where are the february teasers

28 Jan 2010 17:49

sorry i meant ajax is bisexual and his little tuntrums are getting boring.he needs to go on holiday like karabo so that the script writers can write the whole ajax thing again

28 Jan 2010 17:58

LoL @ madleza!

29 Jan 2010 09:25

Good Morning all

29 Jan 2010 09:38

helloooooooooo cute, pretty, beautiful, hunk, handsome people in this blog mina Nginithandani.

29 Jan 2010 11:16

@JadaPinkett Uhmm......(Blushing)

29 Jan 2010 11:27

wat r u guys still doing here....move already to feb

29 Jan 2010 12:47

Nah...we like it here, Toronto

01 Feb 2010 05:53

01 Feb 2010 05:56

Guyz does anyone knows how to watch it online????please help

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