Generations: The Legacy Teasers
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Generations Teasers - May 2011

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Generations Teasers on 25 Apr 2011
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Coming up on Generations this May 2011:

Monday 2 May 2011
Episode 88 (3330)

Carl shows up at the apartment but doesn't get a very warm welcome. Puleng regrets putting her foot in it but the damage is done.

Khethiwe receives a 'gift' which leaves her rattled and terrified.

Tuesday 3 May 2011
Episode 89 (3331)

Kenneth is haunted by the ghosts of the past. Clearly Lungile is used to getting what he wants.

Matthew seems to be going off the rails a bit ...

Wednesday 4 May 2011
Episode 90 (3332)

Senzo invites Jason out so they can talk. Ruby is chuffed when Jigga fusses about his 'schoolwork'. Little does she know... 

Diamond goes to the pay-off point but gets more than he bargained for.

Thursday 5 May 2011
Episode 91 (3333)

Naomi's announcement leaves the men at the table stunned. When all else fails, Kenneth turns on the charm.

Dineo is not impressed by what she sees when she gets home.

Friday 6 May 2011
Episode 92 (3334)

Litha's not sure what to make of Khethiwe's strange behaviour. Katja is warned not to be too trusting.

Ngamla gets a taste of his own medicine and doesn't like it one bit.

Monday 9 May 2011
Episode 93 (3335)

Dineo seethes when her attempt to get one-up on Naomi backfires on her.

Queen is stunned when she's offered a hundred thousand rand in cash.

Lungile isn't as above board as he's led people to believe...

Tuesday 10 May 2011
Episode 94 (3336)

Puleng makes it clear Samuel is not welcome at the family meeting. It's the morning after and Carl realises he made a big mistake...

Matthew drops the bomb that his secret is already out.

Wednesday 11 May 2011
Episode 95 (3337)

Jason's admission leaves Senzo shocked and reeling. Queen is like a dog with a bone when she gets hold of an idea...

Nicholas is stung when he gets snubbed for trying to help.

Thursday 12 May 2011
Episode 96 (3338)

Dumisani can sense Khethiwe is hiding something from him. Dineo can't help being nervous about tonight, and she's not the only one.

Ace thinks he knows how to make the nightmares disappear.

Friday 13 May 2011
Episode 97 (3339)

Matthew and Choppa won't give up on their dream without a fight.

Jigga's delighted about receiving something in the post until he sees what it is.

Kenneth gets to his study and doesn't like what he sees.

Monday 16 May 2011
Episode 98 (3340)

Naomi's morning goes from bad to worse when she witnesses an exchange.

Senzo is lonely and decides to do something about it.

On the other side of the world, an ailing man is dying and alone...

Tuesday 17 May 2011
Episode 99 (3341)

Sharon walks in on a tense situation and wonders what it's about.

Jason isn't sure he's doing the right thing but he can't help himself.

Dineo has no misgivings about what kind of man her ex-husband is.

Wednesday 18 May 2011
Episode 100 (3342)

Khethiwe hopes fixing the wrongs of the past will help to fix the problems of the present.

Ruby arrives at Siqalo Court and lets rip!

What is Lungile really up to?

Thursday 19 May 2011
Episode 101 (3343)

Khaphela is taken aback and alarmed by what he finds in the garage. Samuel remembers an event which could have major implications ...

Feeling bitter and scorned, Naomi decides to get her own back.

Friday 20 May 2011
Episode 102 (3344)

Patricia is shocked by what she reads in the newspaper. Sharon insists an apology is in order but Puleng won't hear of it.

Ace is not going to let his feelings get in the way of protecting himself.

Monday 23 May 2011
Episode 103 (3345)

Khethiwe is rattled when she hears what she got up to during her drunken binge.

Ruby's worried when she's urgently summoned to Jigga's school. Is Nicholas up to his old tricks again?

Tuesday 24 May 2011
Episode 104 (3346)

Jason is fed up with an employee's behaviour and puts his foot down. Kenneth is rattled after a phone call and decides something has to be done.

Dineo makes a shocking discovery.

Wednesday 25 May 2011
Episode 105 (3347)

Ace is shocked to see his ruthless employer close to tears. Sharon doesn't know how to appease her jealous husband.

Could a disclosure about the past be just the information Lungile needs?

Thursday 26 May 2011
Episode 106 (3348)

Senzo has a huge surprise waiting for him when he wakes up. Ozzie and Tiny are finding it hard to get used to life without their friend.

Choppa is shocked when he hears the ugly truth about the woman he's infatuated with.

Friday 27 May 2011
Episode 107 (3349)

Khethiwe's left speechless by a surprise kiss. Penrose calls to say which two interns they've shortlisted.

Puleng's guilty conscience is starting to catch up with her.

Monday 30 May 2011
Episode 108 (3350)

Dineo says the hardest goodbye she's ever had to say. Samuel's had enough of pussy-footing and tells it like it is.

Kenneth finds it's true what they say - regret always comes too late.

Tuesday 31 May 2011
Episode 109 (3351)

Things are very tense in the Khumalo household this morning. Tiki and Tshalo arrive with news about Jigga.

Nicholas overhears something and is not happy about it at all.

Generations is on SABC1 Mondays to Fridays at 20h00.


The General
25 Apr 2011 22:32


25 Apr 2011 23:01

Interestng indeed

25 Apr 2011 23:29

Dying to see the action!

25 Apr 2011 23:38

Cnt wait 2 c Paul & Kenny of course!

25 Apr 2011 23:50


The General
26 Apr 2011 00:15

Eh naishe I don't see anything written about Paul here

26 Apr 2011 00:16

im no6, whoop let me read..

26 Apr 2011 05:35

Top 10 yipee!! Now le'mme read

26 Apr 2011 06:42

wow im in top 10,let me read

26 Apr 2011 06:59

Oh yey!!!!!
M in top  10

Xhosa Lite
26 Apr 2011 07:02

Damn i wanna see this. . Sounds interesting indeed

26 Apr 2011 07:29

Is paul coming back? Wow i knew mr chamer boy lungile mabena is up to no good joo drama drama.

26 Apr 2011 07:55

Atleast de is drama dis month

26 Apr 2011 08:28

Morning guys. Interesting ya

26 Apr 2011 08:37

Interesting indeed. Shame poor Paul is dying alone, wherever he is. Whose going to kiss Khethiwe? Is it that Diamond dude? lollest

26 Apr 2011 09:04

wow am on top20
lt me read

The General
26 Apr 2011 09:44

I see some people writing about Paul coming back, I don't really see anything in the teasers about Paul coming back...

26 Apr 2011 10:21


26 Apr 2011 10:32

@The Gen, they didnt say he's coming back. They just said someone on the other side of the world is dying and alone. LOL

26 Apr 2011 11:16

whats all this abt Paul coming back............................

26 Apr 2011 11:45

dumelang bagolo.....!!!

Mmm....interesting....Am missing something when is Kenneth leaving Generation and I just wonder how is he going to leave generations...???

26 Apr 2011 11:49

On the other side of the world, an ailing man is dying and alone...

26 Apr 2011 11:50


26 Apr 2011 11:52

Well my comment is based on the above statement. Its my own opinion and I for one never said Paul is coming back.

Reply from: S.K Tuesday, April 26, 2011 08:37 AM

Interesting indeed. Shame poor Paul is dying alone, wherever he is. Whose going to kiss Khethiwe? Is it that Diamond dude? lollest

26 Apr 2011 12:11

how come iev never been in th top 10. i need to up my game en that goes to u all who have neva been.

love u all am well en thanx to u guys.

so interesting but the teasers are getting smaller by th day.

26 Apr 2011 12:33

hello guys, did u see? Shaz is not preg at all, did u see her in the gym yesterday? her belly is so flat

26 Apr 2011 12:49

yeah, her belly was flat. Who said she is preggies?

26 Apr 2011 13:23

looks like we made an impact by critisising, this will be hopefully an interesting month, dankie...

26 Apr 2011 14:08

Interesting dis month. Lungile is more like Kenny. Ahh dat Nicolus thing wen wil we stop seeing him on our screens?

26 Apr 2011 14:17

I heard kenny wnt be killed but he will get whats coming to him 4 a long time

26 Apr 2011 14:18

I heard kenny wnt be killed but he will get whats coming to him 4 a long time

26 Apr 2011 14:19

I heard kenny wnt be killed but he will get whats coming to him 4 a long time

26 Apr 2011 14:45

Hi guyz, seems lyk there is drama ths mönth,is paul comn bac.

The General
26 Apr 2011 14:47

I saw the 'Jaco scene' on Saturday's omnibus, and that was bad acting at its worst, as well as Dlomo 'punching' Kenny without even touching his face. Queen should also just leave Generations now cause there's no more storyline for her...

26 Apr 2011 14:55


Khethiwe is driving a tazz???? i saw it on last week on tv!!!!!! tazz??????

26 Apr 2011 15:00

i got the explanation,someone on the other side of the world who is dying  ke Paul,hence the hardest goodbye dineo ever had to make ....don tu think?

26 Apr 2011 15:04

are you referring to khethiwe or  Winnie Modise??????

26 Apr 2011 15:11

Let us laugh a bit plz,there is thz story whn a blac woman had a child with a chinese man so it hapnd that the child became sick,child's anty cried & said i knew it.the chinese did nt understand u knw(english) afta some tym the chinese man went 2 the lady & ask wat she meant by "i knew it"the lady said i knew chinese thns are nt stron i knew ths chld wil die.

26 Apr 2011 15:16

LMAO, Hahahahahahaha. Nice one Kayb

26 Apr 2011 15:50

@Kayb , lol  hayi wena 

@58843,, sana referring to Khaethiwe Buthelezi, hayi bo tazz???? uyenzeni ini imali ka Bhuti Tau???? ade ahambe nge Tazz, i tazz klk izakuthengwa yimina not yena, haaaaaaa

26 Apr 2011 16:03

Hie to you all!

Its been long since I visited this site, I hope this month there will be some action. 

I feel sorry for Paul, and cant wait to see the guy who will kiss Khethy

Love you all maBloggers!

26 Apr 2011 16:06

hi Olo hud....wlcme bk hme...we msd u

26 Apr 2011 16:14

Yeah, I think i saw it too. She was at the packing lot at Siqalo and she was shown coming out of it, even though m not sure if its really a Tazz but it was definately a cheap car!!!! tltltltltltlt

26 Apr 2011 16:40

@Tazteeq, sana Khethiwe she use to have ama  millions frm Bhuti Tau, uwenze ini????? or Generation didnt afford to hire a car for her, corse Connie a.k.a. Karabo Moroka was driving a mercedes Benz, latest, when she saw Tau, at the parking lot, at list nokuba ke ibiyi Polo pLAYA , or Cleo, not Tazz, wena, 

byee all im out,

26 Apr 2011 17:25

OMW!!!dis z a must watch...cant wait already,yipeeeee,gen z definately up 4 a cumback

27 Apr 2011 10:19

alo alo

27 Apr 2011 10:21

ze germans are approaching ze camp were are ze soldiers

27 Apr 2011 10:22

Son: Mummy do you know that our maid is an Angel?
Mummy: Why do you say that?
Son: I saw her naked with her hands up on the wall screaming,
"Oh God I'm coming!
"If it was not for daddy that was holding her tight from behind, she would have gone to heaven

27 Apr 2011 10:23

proper guy

Umwaume umo upepa dobo aisafika pa ng'anda. Aisa sanga abakashi naba lala pa bed ninshi bali mu G string. Elo aisa amba ukuseka guyi. Abakashi ba mwipusha ati finshi muleseka? Nokwisa asuka ati: epo nafyalilwa nsha monapo amatako nayafwala ama pata pata!

27 Apr 2011 10:24

Halo kid. Looks like amabloggers asengakavuki

27 Apr 2011 10:33

Halo sloe lets do this th blogger way
@ Sloe may be they are on strike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iam thinking lets encourage them with the word maybe thay are tired of living yah?

27 Apr 2011 10:34

One Day I Decided To Quit

Don’t we all have a day or days that we felt like “I wanted to quit”?
This is so beautiful and so true. Enjoy!!!

One day I decided to quit...

I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my

I went to the woods to have on last talk with God.

"God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"

His answer surprised me... "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern
and the bamboo?"

"Yes", I replied.

When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of
them. I gave them light. I gave them water.

The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the

Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again,
nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. He

"In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I
would not quit. In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the
bamboo seed. "I would not quit." He said. "Then in the fifth year a tiny
sprout emerged from the earth.

Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant... But just
6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.

It had spent the five years growing roots.

Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would
not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle."

He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been
struggling, you have actually been growing roots."

"I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. " Don't compare
yourself to others ." He said. " The bamboo had a different purpose than
the fern . Yet, they both make the forest beautiful."

Your time will come, "God said to me. " You will rise high! "

How high should I rise?" I asked.

How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.

"As high as it can?" I questioned.

"Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."

I left the forest and brought back this story.
I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.

He will never give up on you.
Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you happiness
Bad days give you experiences;
Both are essential to life.

Keep going...

Happiness keeps you Sweet,

Trials keep you Strong, Sorrows keep you Human,

Failures keep you humble, Success keeps You Glowing,

But Only God keeps You Going! Stay blessed!!!!!!!!

With thanks to Jade Natasha Gailey

27 Apr 2011 10:35

so guys come on en lets have fun. iam going out en wen i come i should find u guyz ok.

mabloggerz i  love you en pulizi cant wait to blog with u.

27 Apr 2011 10:48

Eish encouraging words kid. The only problem wth us is that we fail to wait. We just want God to come through right when we want and if he doesnt we give up. Mabloggers holidays are over come and blog wth us.

27 Apr 2011 11:15

guys help me hear who is ngamla?

27 Apr 2011 11:18

 hey des episodes are boring i thought des month u wl cum up wth sumthing different anywy let me wait for the scenes maybe there is sumthing better.

@the general -yah queen shud leave she is all over gake tsibe le gore position ya gagwe ke eng, or they want her 2 keep audience busy with her style sa go bonyanya but she is booooooooooooring.

with khethiwe pls change he hair style or they is sumthing she is hiding from her ears.........

27 Apr 2011 11:30

@sloe yah God is so amazing and we shoul all thank him. atleast pipo are showing up now
@magerrry ngamla is sibusiso ndlomo. eish i like him wen he says excuse or exchuse me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27 Apr 2011 11:37

oooh? thanks @kid 1coz i have been wondering why I only get to see this ngamla on the teasers and never on the television lol!

27 Apr 2011 11:46

@ tlouphiri who said shaz is preg? or u a creating ur own scene.

@qaqamba wats wrong wth ur keyboard or u where in a internet cafe running out of money, if khethiwe ane ana le a lot of money she cud hve paid that deveil the day he said he wants 50 grand i dont mind her driving a tazz cauz le her hair style can tel gore no money.
I think ths bastard (Ace )wl kis khethi

27 Apr 2011 12:10

exchuse me pipo now in sibusisoz words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27 Apr 2011 13:35

@kid1 i thought i was the only one who heard that rubbish ea exchuse me. i think khethis hairstyle goes with her FAT lips 

27 Apr 2011 14:08

Thanks Kid 1..thos are the words i really nided to hear today u just lifted mt spirits

27 Apr 2011 14:40

@6444 i dont think its ace who wil kiss khethi. Khethi really hates ace. I've been looking at the gen guys and other than dumi i see no other kissing her. Who knows maybe its sbuda or kenny or maybe choppa, ya may be choppa they ar both single and available.

27 Apr 2011 15:51

A little boy went up to his father and asked, "Dad, where did my intelligence come from?" The father replied, "Well, son, you must have got it from your mother, cause I still have mine."

27 Apr 2011 16:30

@S.K & 6444,

 do u remember that some time back we were debating whether in real life shaz is preg or not, and i have been really looking at her, that is why i wrote that comment.

27 Apr 2011 16:45

@lamisto am glad i cud minister to u. whethr we like it or not we need devotion at all times.
@tlouphiri she aint preggers check in drum magazine its all ther. sh brags marriage first en baby next nice move neh

28 Apr 2011 07:25

Mornig y'all.
I can see bloggers were busy yesterday. Eish I was not working but was having a day from hell. LOL

I liked the wedding, it looked cool. I wanna get married!!!! *sobbing*

28 Apr 2011 08:45


the traditional wedding was so lovely, i was so exited like i was there

28 Apr 2011 08:50

Hi s.k Why was the day from hell if u liked th wedding. Anyway dont worry tell urself the next wedding in ur family is urs(b positive gal)

28 Apr 2011 08:56

@ SK hw u gal frnd ....i lvd da wedding as well nw i want a trditional weddin as weell

hw is evrybdy in da hauz

28 Apr 2011 08:58

Ay thing is wena Sloe, I had a horrible day nje period. Then i enjoyed the wedding later (Being Sharon's wedding). LOL

Well m not getting married anytime soon gal, lets just say the day I had proved it. LOL

28 Apr 2011 09:00

Miss charmagal, m all good my love! Wena unjani?

28 Apr 2011 10:30

What is the difference between Windows 95 and Windows 98?

Three years 

peepz were u?

28 Apr 2011 10:31

A student feeling sleepy.....
His head was going down and down due to sleep.......
teacher comes and ask ''what is this''
Student''gravitational pull im testing is still working :D :D :D :D

28 Apr 2011 10:34

Billgates gave 5$ as tip to the waiter. .
WAiter:- Sir Yesterday Your Son gave Me 50$ as tip. , And U Just 5$. ?

Billgates:- He is the Son Of Billionare, I Am the Son Of A Farmer. . .

28 Apr 2011 10:52

goodmorning:i would like to share with u a poem written by a 21yr ol girl ....its a poem thts bth muvin n sad;-ALL THAT I HAVE u askd m my name n i gav u my surname,,u askd f u could col n i gav u my digits,,u askd to see m n i gav u my add,,u askd m to trust u n i gave u my loyalty,,u askd m to luv u n i gavu my heart,u askd to b ur wife n i gav u hppyness,u askd to hold u n i gav u my body,u askd m to believe in u n i gav u confidence,u askd m to forgiv u n i gave u peace,u askd u make u laugh n i sang 4 u,u askd m fo suppt n i carried u,u askd m to help u n i gav u time,u askd m 4 stability n i gave u a family,u askd fo strength n i gav u children,u askd m to shr my life wit u n i gave u my life,i gav u all that u askd 4,i gav more than u askd f4 igav u ALL THAT I HAD......AND THEN I ASKD U TO STOP HURTING M AND U GAVE M HIV.....:(

28 Apr 2011 11:12

Morning all 

 Queen Moroka 'outfit  last nite was stunning, pls give me contact detail or a designer or any info regarding her outfit i really loved it.yoo pls guyz, u can pm if u knw the details. 

28 Apr 2011 11:14

tru @ qaqamba i loved her outfit as well bt eish so ri dnt hv any details

28 Apr 2011 11:29

@6444,, Sana nothing wrong with my keyboard, i am working alone ppl are on leave, so im super bzy sana, humble apologies for my mistakes, haaa.

wht im saying abt Miss Buthelezi is tht, uyenze ini imali??? i knw she gave Khaps amashares wakhe, it was unluck her driving tht car, as she used to have $$$$ frm Bhuti tau.. hope u flw me.
@charmagal... im invited to a wedding in Sept i wouldnt mind to dress like her,

28 Apr 2011 12:00

Mina qaqamba, I follow u my sweety. I dont understand y Khethiwe is broke ngampela. I trully dont understand. 
He had these shares at Siqalo for so long. She even took the internship at Ezweni coz she wanted experience but not money, she said that herself. And now she is a graphic designer, promoted after Karabo's exit. I mean, a TAZZ good people. It doesn't make sense at all to me. 

Maybe its just me and u gal who has a problem. LOL

Snuca Babe
28 Apr 2011 12:08

Hey Guyszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I know you missed me oh bathong i did too
mncwa mncwa mncwa

Baph abafana lol

28 Apr 2011 12:12

Hehehehe, whatsup Snuca babe!!!!! Yeah we missed u, U crazy thing!!!

Abekho labafana!!!! u Taz akaphilile shem. Sorry. hahaha

28 Apr 2011 12:14

S.K. thank u sana, 

28 Apr 2011 12:40

hi guyz shaz wedd was very nice i lov it

28 Apr 2011 12:48

@market... Do u know the Zulu saying that goes like....    *Nongena baskidi (basket) uyangena emakethe (market)*????......#justasking

28 Apr 2011 14:27

win 95 has excel,win,all those products that make u viable to do your typing en thing that was the first.
win 98 upgraded the speed en all th products were u use powerpoint i mean beta access.
then came win 2000 an upgrade as well, then 2005 and now 2010 all these are upgrades to enable u to do all ur work easy. hope i help but u can come for more lessons ok.

28 Apr 2011 14:59

PPL i just want to take out lento ilapha kum ku chest,

im in love with Zolisa Xaluva, (a.k.a Jason Malinga) yuu ndiyamthanda la bhuti yuu, shhhhhhh everytime i see him on tv , always blashing,,

wena uthanda bani S.K... CHOPPA????, pls khipha lento ilapha kuwe ku chest, dont be shy, haaaaaaaaa

28 Apr 2011 15:20

I'm crazy in love with sbudda. Kona umasakwatile and ahlahla amehlo he just drive me wild.

28 Apr 2011 15:25

Jason is a looker shem, yababa!!!! Choppa????? Aybo, u sdudla mos mina ndimncinci ngomzimba!!! LMAO

28 Apr 2011 15:28

The guy I was in love with mo Gen left a long time ago. I used to fantasize with the guy. Remember NOAH, Kensani's twin brother? They were in love and found out the day of the wedding that they were twins!!!! 
I used to love that guy shem!!!!

28 Apr 2011 15:45

@Sloe , haaaaaa mhhh and sana muhle u Menzi shame akazenzi, hope u dont get wild infront of your man wena, they get jls, yuuuuu, my one knws tht im in love with Jason, ude wandixolela, haaaaaaaa, and he said as long he is not here c.t.
@S.K.,, why ngingasamkhumbuli, not Karabo's bodyguard??????

Snuca Babe
28 Apr 2011 15:56

SK I remember Noah

He was once a junkie!!!

28 Apr 2011 15:57

@qaqamba say tht again about the jelousy of man. Mara he knows the man has a wife and i cant go 2 him and propose but still he gets angry when i say somethng abt sbudda. I think some men ar just insecure

28 Apr 2011 16:06

@SLoe, haaaaa i love it, just keep him tht wam haaaaaaa

Snuca Babe, wich  one mannnn  the rapper????? remember Tandai,(backstage) used to be a producer ,(Generations) with dreadlocks, he was working with tht thin guy, i 4get his name, is he the one for S,K,???? tht thin guy ???tall one??

28 Apr 2011 16:17

ok i see its confession timebut mina i like or love that dude in obsessed Idris Elba en in the other movie. u guys u got to see th physic of tha man that a proper man ala la la lla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoz with me on this one

28 Apr 2011 16:23

or by the way idris en sibusiso ndlomo sama same

28 Apr 2011 16:25

@Kid1, hayi wena Beyonce's hubby,(obsessed) haaa and also i knw him from Daddy's little gals, he is soo cute wena, his legs, omg., maar he is a bit older for u wena, why dont u take Omario????

28 Apr 2011 16:29

@qaqambai think i will stik to him hez to die for. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

28 Apr 2011 16:30

Who is Puleng and Naomi from the teasers? New characters mhlawumbi?

28 Apr 2011 16:36

@timone ..puleng is Sharon's mum, dnt knw bout naomi

28 Apr 2011 16:43

ok thanks girl

28 Apr 2011 21:12

It's goibg to be a boring month....what's with new characters ba pallwa ke the ones they already have...... Khethiwe's story kine is boring....Diamond....BORING!!!!!!!!!!

29 Apr 2011 08:06


Naomi is that chick that recently slept with Mashaba who works for Capitec or something? Well I stand to be corrested. The one that Mashaba was sms'ing to bring the toothbrush when coming to supper! lol

Snuca Babe
29 Apr 2011 08:10

Qaqamba he was Khensanis twin ehlala no Baba kwi commune
He was into drugs nje and he was sexy.............

29 Apr 2011 08:37

oh yah u ryt SK thnx.

Mrng peepz

29 Apr 2011 09:07

gen needs ppl like naomi 4rm rythm city ppl who keep u clued 2 the tv not choppa he is not so ayabo

29 Apr 2011 09:21

Molweni bahlobo. Yoyoyo did u see my sbudda when he walked on carl and senzo. I wonder what he wil do. Matewu is naughty bringing gals to bra khaps house.

29 Apr 2011 09:31

Morning All

Guyz did u see Jason last nite, yoo HE IS HOT!!!!!! ndiyamthanda laa bhuti yuuuu
Snuca Babe,,or S.K. , still i dont see his pic , pls pm me will give u my email adrs ,, and forward to me his pic if u have it, 
zdwesha.. im with u i dont want tht Choppa  they can take my cousin brother , im sorry Choppa u are not doing it for me, 
guyz how abt  Puleng and Lungile Mabena???????? as a couple?????

29 Apr 2011 09:53

Qaqamba and Sloe, u guys are crazy!!! You really love these people hey? LOL
Well Sbudda is no more Mr Nice guy and m loving it. Thats the character he plays best!!! I guess Mfundla do read our comments afterall. LOL

i'll find the pic 4 u Qaqamba neh. Wena just PM me your email adress!!!

29 Apr 2011 09:55

29 Apr 2011 09:58

@ sloe imvubu izodlala ebantwini uyayazi usenzo

29 Apr 2011 10:11

LOL, poor Senzo, uzoba ukudla kwenduku nje!!!!lol

29 Apr 2011 10:26

Say that again the new sbusiso uzoshisi nduku. Senzo must find his own flat and so must dineo.

29 Apr 2011 11:05

@qaqamba: i agree wth u those 2 can make  agud couple bt mabena can not hsndle da lady o rata menati thata. o kgonwa ke one makgowa fela.oh.... just kidding.................
oh.. dat weding was u know rocking i liked shaz one a lebga jaaka a princes.

29 Apr 2011 11:23

senzo is in hot soup keeng ane a sa ye ko hotelen or to the guy's apartment, dlomo was lying one as ye gope he wanted 2 find out abt his son.

next tm  the costume designer chose  sumthin difrnt or a new suit for choppa dat one ya boswa ea bora nd its color e tsosa raurau nd when i c the color mala le dibete dia kokobala.

also shav ditedu tsa gagwe o kare tsa sum one from da village.

 i agree wth shaz puleng des time makesure u tkcare of ur son u a alwys after that white bastard who dosnt care abt bana ba gago whats wrong with u kante.

nicholus is just a dog bull dog le gone he just ignores hs father's cal fela ka a silly party is sumone is house  a bata gore a te a tene jason ka gore o ile ko lenyalon le ene a sa le lalediwang even le da way a aparan ka ten u can tel gore ke motho yoo ntsen jan

29 Apr 2011 12:35

OK, take me!!

29 Apr 2011 12:45

Hello my beautiful bloggers, its bin 4 a while i miss u all pro much! B2gen.... Last nyt's episode was an ass whipper. wow

29 Apr 2011 12:45

Hello my beautiful bloggers, its bin 4 a while i miss u all pro much! B2gen.... Last nyt's episode was an ass whipper. wow

29 Apr 2011 13:38

To my dearest Wife

To My Dearest Wife,

During the past year, I have attempted to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of only once every 10 days. The following is a list of why I didn't succeed more often:

We will wake the kids - 54 times

It's too late - 15 times

I'm too tired - 42 times

It's too early - 12 times

It's too hot - 18 times

Pretending to be asleep - 31 times

The neighbors will hear - 9 times

Headache or backache - 26 times

Sunburn - 10 times

Your mother will hear us - 9 times

Not in the mood - 21 times

Watching the late show - 17 times

Too sore - 26 times

New hairdo - 6 times

Wrong time of the month - 14 times

You had to go to the bathroom - 19 times

Of the 36 times that I DID succeed, the result was not always satisfying because 6 times you just laid there, 8 times you reminded me that there was a crack in the ceiling, 4 times you told me to hurry up and get it over with, 7 times I had to wake you up to tell you I was finished, and once I was afraid that I had hurt you because you started thrashing around and breathing heavy. Let's try to improve this, shall we??

Love, Your Hubby


To My Dearest Husband,

I think things are a little confused. Here are the REAL reasons you didn't get more than you did this past year:

Came home drunk and tried to screw the cat - 23 times

Did not come home at all - 36 times

Did not come - 21 times

Came too soon - 38 times

Went soft before you got it in - 19 times

Cramps in your leg - 16 times

Working too late - 33 times

You had a rash, probably from a toilet seat - 29 times

Caught yourself in your zipper - 15 times

You had a cold and your nose kept running - 21 times

You had burned your tongue on hot coffee - 9 times

You had a splinter in your finger - 11 times

You lost the notion after thinking about it - 42 times

Came in your pajamas after reading a dirty book - 16 times

The reason I laid still was because you had missed me and were screwing the sheet. You seemed to be having a good time and I didn't want to move and spoil it for you. I wasn't talking about the crack in the ceiling.

What I said was, "Would you like me on my back or kneeling?" The time I was thrashing around and gasping was when you farted and I was fighting for air. Maybe you can work on your "shortcomings?"

Love, Your Wife Your Information:
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29 Apr 2011 13:38

seems gen is really gettin on again....cant wait till exams r ovr then it will b me and gen 101!!!

guys wats happening 2 dumisane's character?itz slowly but surely fading away..

I think ACE and  DIAMOND are somehow related,,,they kinda look alike...still on that z diamond still around? i want him off screen,the guy gives me the creeps((hides))

dineo n lungile???

lastly, of the three weddings(thandaza n ranthu,aggie n zeb,n of course shaz n sammy) which one takes the cake????

29 Apr 2011 14:16

@ Liz as far as im concerned my no.1 is tantaza and rantu's.

29 Apr 2011 14:18

@ Liz as far as im concerned my no.1 is tantaza and rantu's.

Snuca Babe
29 Apr 2011 15:36

Yeah its Ranthu le Thandaza

29 Apr 2011 15:40

hai nna kere Sam nd Shaz

29 Apr 2011 16:47

I wud say thandi n ranthu coz they are my fav couple...but shaz n sam's wedding ceremony was off the hook,which made me fall in love with the zulu culture(m sooo gonna marry a zulu guy)

Hloni Morakabi
29 Apr 2011 20:55

Whr is uNtombi no Paul kodwa,or nabo bahambile lyk uKarabo? *thnkn*

Hloni Morakabi
29 Apr 2011 21:00

'Tiki & Tshalo' m jst wandarin' ukuthi abobani labo.

30 Apr 2011 06:45

Mornin mablogas,did u see Nich's face whn his dad showd up & he avoided his mum's memorial service dat guy ke bastard.M hapie dat Jason kicked him out of his houz.

30 Apr 2011 06:52

Diamond ga ana vibe he shud be off the screen bathon he is so borin,don't lyk Carl at all.

30 Apr 2011 15:14

Guys seriasly y wud Khethi kiss uDiamond?i thnk Ace s gona help Khethi solve da mess ya Diamond nd da 2wl end up kissin,i mean Kheti n Ace.....way 2many new chracters ds mnth hpe gabana gore bora.n i luv Choppa thnk uya hlegisa.Ntombis on martenity leave n shel b bak, s 4Paul hes gonna come bak seriasly ill,say gudby 2 Diny and die!!!Niks bein der kips us wandarin wat he's gonna do next so i thnk o adder motswakonyana 2mins,i hate hm thou!!!!!

ownah m p
30 Apr 2011 20:34

Hei! Hope u are al fab. @S.K, Taz, Tantrum and 6444 and all of u guyz plz take of the whole family while anty is stil at the bitch land ok. I love u all. Did u al see khapz ka di hot pants?

01 May 2011 07:53

Guyz don't u thnk Matthew is the man dyn alone.

01 May 2011 12:45

Ao  Kayb Mat's still stron n cute dnt thnk otla swa anytym soon.da dying man ke Paul.

01 May 2011 12:46

Ao  Kayb Mat's still stron n cute dnt thnk otla swa anytym soon.da dying man ke Paul.

Baby love
02 May 2011 14:05

Where is everyone, i'm sure u too guys know that blogging site is boring without u anyway how are u all

Lady Noh.
02 May 2011 20:12

Shame poor Carl.

02 May 2011 21:59

Eish guys my goal to be reached is kenneth n dineo to be an item again i think they can make a great couple.

03 May 2011 09:40

Morning y'all

03 May 2011 09:42

Tiki and Tshalo are those two bodyguards tsa MamRuby guys.

Miss Rue
03 May 2011 10:05

haaibo Mateo's behavior is becoming irritating...... and uKhethiwe laye.

Good morning mabloggers, its been long.

Baby love
03 May 2011 10:23

Poor Khethi is in trouble its either she pay that diamond or she rest in peace n wats with sbuda can't senzo be happy,i mean he is wat he is

03 May 2011 10:28

03 May 2011 10:31

03 May 2011 10:36

Puleng (Sharon's mother) seems to amaize me when she shifts the responsibility over Sharon's shoulder by asking her (Sharon) to put Matthew on her medical aid.  What kind of a mother is she?? All she ever cares about is her WHITE boyfriend-Robert.

03 May 2011 10:38

Puleng seems to amize me by shifting the responsibility to Shaz to put Mat on her madical aid.

Snuca Babe
03 May 2011 10:38

Snuca Babe
03 May 2011 10:39

Morning Guys

03 May 2011 13:11

yho just read the rythm city teasers! it is going to be on fire, But Gen gen is picking up shame! a very good step forward generations, i wish they could keep it up! if only they can stop this thing of dragging stories for ever!

good morning everyone in the blog, been a long time

03 May 2011 13:13

Matthew is such a mama's boy, he just proved that, his mother is in town an he is behaving like such a baby, poor shaz!

sexy d
03 May 2011 13:16

afternoon guys

03 May 2011 13:49

Chopa,as crazy as he is,is such a good friend to matt. as for shaz's mother, the woman is juust too much

03 May 2011 14:44

hala hola guys hope you grand. am gud. hey was been happening its so quiet here wats the story? hah how? no jokes here? come on guys buckle up en lets hit th road..................... love u all 

03 May 2011 14:55

Thethe is still recovering from the holiday, uzobuya. LMAO

03 May 2011 16:21

ok fine shaz ur mom didnt raise & yes she is running away 4rm her duties but u cant change the fact dat she iz ur mom show sam respect girl.
khethi u r in trouble ace is the man 4 u 4 now

03 May 2011 16:36

03 May 2011 16:38

A man named Bill woke up on his birthday. His wife and kids didn't even say good morning to him. So, he left for work in a huff. His receptionist, Joanna, said happy birthday. "Thanks, Joanna. That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me all day." Bill relied, pleased. So he worked until his lunch break, when Joanna asked if he fancied a lunch. Instead of taking their usual lunch just outside, they went to a big beautiful bistro. " My apartment is just around the corner. Would you like to visit?" Joanna asked. "Sure, why not?" Bill replied. At her apartment, Bill sat down on the couch. Joanna said she'd be right back and stepped into the bedroom. Minutes later, she came back out followed by Bills family, friends, and co-workers. Bill just sat there... naked.

03 May 2011 16:40

hala nd bye lovin ppl..

*sad* wl be off for two my holid only strtn tomorrow bt wl be chckn on u guys from tym to tym

will miss thou

03 May 2011 16:41

kikiki hayi thats bad..

03 May 2011 21:26

What is lungile REALLY up to? Dis man is up to no good watch da space...

ownah m p
04 May 2011 07:34

Hi, poor paulie he waz so trbl n blck. I feel sorry 4 him. As dineo n lungile if dineo keep on sayn she z not ready 4 a relationshp thn thy should be f**ker mates.

sexy d
04 May 2011 08:14

Morning All

Hau i thought those papars showed us gore paul is in Rio De Jeniro kante o ko cape town hai generation mare yona. kenny ena should go out there and find his brother i mean he is dying all alone shame poor paulie.

Lungile mare ke a smooth talker shame. Matt my brother get hold of your self man show some grown up tuu and take care of your self..

04 May 2011 08:27

Cn sum1 tel me wat hapnd yestadai i did nt manage to watch plz guyz.mornin 2 u al mablogers.

04 May 2011 10:28

sexyd how did you know that was cape town coz i didnt even have the slightest idea where was that place.

04 May 2011 10:28

sexyd how did you know that was cape town coz i didnt even have the slightest idea where was that place.

Snuca Babe
04 May 2011 10:40

Guys I thin U khethiwe uzohlanya
Usehamba ecasha kuma Parking manje
Lol ne Tazz yakhe

04 May 2011 10:50

No comment!!!!

04 May 2011 11:41

if i remember correctly generations used to have award ceremonies every year..what ever happened to those??????

04 May 2011 11:43

@charmagal will miss u. as for polly not anice exit for him, u know they cud have done a proper one like karabo. eventually he will die all by himself in rio or capetown whereever he is. not so much

04 May 2011 13:10

Afternoon guyz...just got back from leave....missed your comments...

sexy d
04 May 2011 13:16

@Taz my bad guess ke tlaile ke reke di spectacles lol

04 May 2011 15:08

it is a Tazz after all, very simple Khethi. Since wen dd Kenny start taking advis from Ace eish, he shld jus go look for his bro hayi. Dinny isn't worth that much.

04 May 2011 16:48

how ever far we have come, we can always go further


A mother had three daughters. On each daughter's wedding day she would
ask her to write back home about their sex lives with their new husbands.
The first wrote back on the second day after she got married arriving with
only a single message: “NESCAFE”
The mother was confused at first, but finally noticed a Nescafe
ad on a newspaper and it said, SATISFACTION, TO THE
So the mother was very happy.
The second daughter got married and after a week she sent home
a letter. There was only one message, it read “BENSON AND
HEDGES”. So the mother looked for a Benson and Hedges ad
and it said, EXTRA LONG, KING SIZE
The mother was happy.
After the third daughter got married, the mother was anxious to
receive a message from her baby. It took 4 weeks for the
message to arrive. When it did, it simply said.
The mother was concerned. She frantically looked through all
the newspapers at home for British Airways ad. She finally
found one and she fainted. The ad read;

04 May 2011 23:35

Hahahahaha! Can't stop laughin Kid1, thts a killer one. U hv rily made my night. Back 2 Gen, so who shot da Xcop?

05 May 2011 11:02

I think ace shot the cop cause khethi told him that he wil give diamond his money. Mara sbuda is too hard now

05 May 2011 12:07

Just to suggest a smalanyana storyline for my fellow industry colleagues at generations.

Int. (Ngamla's apartment)
Senzo; Carl this is not working for me, I am still in love with Jase....

Carl; (silent, looking sad, tears filling his eyes)

Senzo; Please understand, I dont want us to continue seeing each other

Carl storms out and not aware that he is running towards the balcony, he gets there trips and falls over and dies.

Cut to: Senzo looking shocked and storms out and runs to Jason's apartment at Siqalo.

Cut to: Senzo knocking at Jason's door, Jason opens and they kiss and make love the entire weekend.

Snuca Babe
05 May 2011 12:26

Yeah Yeah Tizoz

Snuca Babe
05 May 2011 12:30

1 day a boer policeman stopped a charou who was walking out of the dockyard gates pushing a wheelbarrow with a suspicious looking package in it.
The boer policeman opened the package and found it contained nothing but some old bits of rubbish, sawdust and floor-sweepings.
The next day he stopped the same worker who was again pushing a wheelbarrow
containing a suspicious looking package. Once more it contained nothing of any value.
The same thing happened several days on the trot, until the policeman finally said, "OK, I give up. I know you Charous r sharp ous and u r up to something, but I just can’t tell what. Please, I promise not
to arrest you, but put me out of my misery; tell me what you are stealing.
The Charou replies, "I’m stealing wheelbarrows,YOU KUSU ...

05 May 2011 13:28

Nyc 1 Snuca Babe & i thnk Jason is bein hard on Senzo,they can be just friends.

05 May 2011 14:00

Welxome back Prokza ngwana!! lol

05 May 2011 14:07

Ay wena Tizoz, wa mpolaya shem. Everytime u open your lil mouth u spit craziness!!! Hehehehe

05 May 2011 14:49

Goodafternoon guys i reali miss u so much i only got back to work on Tue m kinda mute since i have no jokes to share and i am not watching TV lately i rather spend my tym in bed or fb,i hate winter can't freeze on the couch bt will never stop loving u guys......

05 May 2011 14:58

Ay wena Tizoz, wa mpolaya shem. Everytime u open your lil mouth u spit craziness!!! Hehehehe


05 May 2011 15:13

@ Tizoz....lmao.....dats plain insanity...but i like...lolest

05 May 2011 16:03

Ha ntoko still kicking. I realy missed you

05 May 2011 16:21

Insanity at its best wena Prokza ngwana!!!lol

06 May 2011 08:04

Oy oy oy SK u doing???? Morning good people!!!!! :-)

06 May 2011 08:17

Morning Proxy

sexy d
06 May 2011 08:41

morning all

Hau wat happened to Diamond body and i wonder who killed coz for sure Ace wouldnt go to do his dirty work. Shame poor khethi wat r u gng to do now cause this thing will definately hunt you for the rest of your life.

Is nicholas really turning a new leaf? hai as for me i dont trust that guy not even for a moment. 

06 May 2011 10:02

@sexyd. i think ace is the one wo killed diamond dat guy is a realy barstad he can do tht nd i think he is the one wo is going to kiss khethiwe

oh poor khethiwe wat wil happen???????

06 May 2011 10:26

Holla heita!!
Prokza m gud ngwana!!!!
she should be glad diamond got eliminated, more shopping for her with that money! .........*dead*

06 May 2011 10:30

06 May 2011 10:30

did you see dineo's eyes when she saw that Kenny was (bazing ) someone in the house, she seemed dissappointed.
i like u Kenny when trying to be charming and he was speaking xhosa it was so romantic (WENA UZAKU THATHA I ADVANTAGE KUM) hey Kenney Kenny .

06 May 2011 11:15

i hope the diamond story line will get even more interesting.

cabanga nje if diamond did not die..then start making Khethiwe's life a living hell by sending her all sorts of nasty gifts with sick notes. until khethiwe gets crazy or confess to the police about the missing docket..

then diamond starts harrasing ace too...until keneth fires him

06 May 2011 11:16

                               hi everyone

06 May 2011 11:25

yeah Maud i saw how Dinny was jelous on seeing that Kenny was busy via Vonkie. but then i think it was kennys plan vele for dinny to see. i mean why would you live clothes like that when you know ukuthi you dont live alone.

and in any case i think that only happens on TV land. the taking of clothes and droppin them everywhere like that

06 May 2011 12:39

Hi guys

06 May 2011 12:56

Hehehehehe TAZTEEQ!!!!!!!! 
Its much better coz she never found an underwear  in the pot after looking for it non stop. It happens. lol ((((hides))))

06 May 2011 12:59

and in any case i think that only happens on TV land. the taking of clothes and droppin them everywhere like that

I don't like the clothes thing all over the place ....

Take a shower ... Have her take a shower/bath .... Give her a bathrobe .... put condoms in the pockets .... then anything goes, anywhere in the house and yard ... I'll do it anywhere, .... but with order ...

06 May 2011 13:14

hi guyz who kill mr diomo i gen last night.

06 May 2011 13:32

Take a shower ... Have her take a shower/bath .... Give her a bathrobe .... put condoms in the pockets .... Now u talking my language. lol

06 May 2011 14:01

Dineo should have done the same with Lunga drop all the clothes down and go to bed and make sure that kenneth is the first one to wake up , ngathi ngiyabona trying to fit in Lunga's underwear and its a small size lol

06 May 2011 14:09

Mrs Chix
06 May 2011 14:13

LOL l would rather take the shower after we are done and do it in the shower also, clothes evrywhere l dont mind

06 May 2011 14:14

LOL @maud......ngathi ngyabona trying to fit in Lunga's underwear and its a small dats a killer!!!!!!!!!

06 May 2011 14:27

LOL l would rather take the shower after we are done and do it in the shower also, clothes evrywhere l dont mind

Showering after is a must ... does not have to immediate .... Some loving is so wonderful I do enjoy the funk to linger ....

Nothing worse that un-pre-showered passionate Lovemaking .... I like my Loving clean and fresh smelling before I get going!

06 May 2011 14:34

Ha! Tazteeq .... it's never good when rushed .... there's always an anticlimax somewhere .....

It's actually fantastic in the garage ... in the car! ... nobody'll sneak up on you and mug you in your own garage with your pants down ....

At least in the back of the car in the garage ... the doors are open .... It is very uncomfortable screwing in a car with the doors closed.

06 May 2011 14:42

@tazreeq .... try it the other way round .... start in the living room, go through all the rooms, garden ... back in the remainder of the house and then end up in the car in the garage .... works .... did it ...

Just make sure the help has the weekend off ... I once was all into it with two women and the chef came in to prepare the weekend's cooking just before he went home for the weekend.

our staff should never witness our debauchery hey!

Talk embarrassment ....

The most embarrassing though was once when I was supposed to be overseas and had a few women over ... naked & all at my lake house and my family decided it was a good time to go and ontspan there ....

... There I was with a bevy of gown wearing muses and My parents, sister & her children, brother in law & his wife, and the children pouring into the house in an uncoordinated stream ...

I put up a brave face ... but the embarrassment was there ... my dad was like "Eh Mfana'm ... uyazidla izingane zabantu ne!?!"

You Betcha!

06 May 2011 14:44

there r those days u cant wait at all immidietly wen u enter the door u just wanna bang the door & get started, then after u can take a shower
Saying "uhh honey what a welcome home"

06 May 2011 14:48

there r those days u cant wait at all immidietly wen u enter the door u just wanna bang the door & get started, then after u can take a shower

No more rush for me .... I want no "What just happened" convos after ....

She should know what's coming ..... women have talent in guilting one after some really banging sex ... I don't play that spontaneous sex anymore .... Too risky on too many fronts

06 May 2011 14:49

@VusiK, dont you sweat when you do "it", whats the use of showering when you'll be smelling of sweat after that? bathing should be done strictly after the do!

Shower before and shower afterward ... I sweat very little, she does ... so I shower after as well ... but not necessarily immediately after.

06 May 2011 14:52

... actually ... most of my biggest embarrassment sex-caught moments are when a friend brings a friend over and *bleep!* happens because it is all unpredictable!

Nowadays .... I always dismiss the staff and make sure I take them to their transport before I go fetch anyone ... be it one or plenty!

06 May 2011 14:59

I lyk the way youll comment when it comes to f@#%*ing yet u always find storylines boring cos they dnt dala i am watching youll

06 May 2011 14:59

few woman over- VusiK- uyabonamanje i a very scared of you i am even shaking- can i ask you something? i am going to ask you anyway- what kind of a person are you my friend please give me a brieve profile of your self tu my f...

well unfortunately some of us dont have showers so sizilalela kunjalo plus ,this thing yoku washa washa sizoze siphume ne taste nxa lol

06 May 2011 15:06

I'm a brother who works extremely hard ... Lives hard, Loves Hard ....

Completely committed when committed, but when I am single .... I do let loose in a big way - Big time!

Akukho taste ozoyithola la!

I am your friend .... I do not screw my friends ......

Yababona osis laba abazibuka esibukwenin bese bazikholhlise ukuthi ubuso nezinqe, amathanga, amabele, nama flat-stomach azobathengela ama Masion nama Lamborghini ..... Ngidla bona en-masse wholesale!

Futhi soze ngincenge .... uma engafuni ... makahambe ... she has some other friends somewhere who are ready to supplement and substitute .... ongafuni ukuza nomngane wakhe .... umngane loyo uzoza nabanye ... akasale .... sizohamba thina!

Plus my company does me great favour by making the shiny things they like available at my discretion ....

06 May 2011 15:06

@maud well unfortunately some of us dont have showers so sizilalela kunjalo plus ,this thing yoku washa washa sizoze siphume ne taste nxa......u killing me here.....u r as real as they come....lolest 

06 May 2011 15:08

... but Maud .... when I do decide on a woman to commit with ... I commit absolutely ....

They turn out to be psychos eventually, therefore, I generally find myself in the single pool more often than in the committed pool!

06 May 2011 15:10

@ VusiK are u currently committed to anyone??? hope u don't mind me asking....u seem like u leading a very interesting life.

06 May 2011 15:17

... but personally ... I just detest people who believe they're doing one a favour by breathing the air I breathe before I do ....

If I like someone and ask "What do you do? ...." Don't say I'm a Model! The "Shag you" demon in me goes to full power in a nano-second hey!

I won't use the shiny things as a tool but they're rather obvious ... and they latch on ... the rest sometimes leads to the embarrassing situations listed above!

06 May 2011 15:19

@proxy .... I am not committed ... am very single .... but I was checking out a social worker yesterday

She is humble, down to earth, earthy, focused and balanced .... and has a man for four years and that stops me from making any move ....

I will not ever run a line on someone who has someone!

06 May 2011 15:23

@ VusiK....i like that..... I will not ever run a line on someone who has someone! That shows muturity and intelligence of which some guyz don't have....

06 May 2011 15:28

Ta Proxy ... If she says she's with someone .... Step Off!

Anything more violates whatever she has going for her ...

I met a really awesome looking woman .... preety, thick, great everything (except the very thick makeup) .... I stepped up ... asked "are you married?" .... she said yes ... I apologised for approaching her and stepped off

If she was not married, the next set of questions would be Got a man ... committed ... Single in that order and if single ......I GOT A WINNER ....

I am a size 28, no beer belly, have a full physical life .... other than my eyes,  face and neck .... one would not tell my age!

06 May 2011 15:30

well well mfundi vundla u must watch dude gen block is becoming very interesting than gen itself.

06 May 2011 15:31

well well mfundi vundla u must watch dude gen block is becoming very interesting than gen itself.


06 May 2011 15:34

@ VusiK.....mmmmm u quite a smooth operator i about your it open for discussion???? lol

06 May 2011 15:35

It's on my profile .... I don't hide the truth ... I am 43

06 May 2011 15:39

Thanx 4 yo honesty...much u've been around the block and played the field.....a lot of guyz might learn a thing or two from u...i think...

06 May 2011 15:41

@maud ...

I am also overt, blunt, unpretentious

If I see two women together and both are absolutely hot ..... and the chat starts ... I'll say "What's wrong with dating you both" ... most men think it anyway .... 90.99% failure rate .... but the 0.01% success will be a memorable experience ....

I live for the memorable experiences .....

Boring is Boring!

I don't live for boring!

06 May 2011 15:43

@proxy ..... There is no block ... life is linear because of time ....

Most guys are actually stupid in how they approach things ..... and it is the women's fault for letting them get away with their crap!

06 May 2011 15:44

No way Vusi just went there also turned 36 but i look way older than u even old enough to be ur mom lol

06 May 2011 15:45

Guyz have yourselves a splendid everything i'd do and more....the Durbanite is outta here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mnchwaaaahhhhhh :-)

06 May 2011 15:46

@ ntoko....lolest!!!!!!!

06 May 2011 15:48

Hawu Ntoko!

No way ngani?

The gallery pictures are my children ... the eldest of whom is 25!

06 May 2011 15:50

Have an excellent weekend Proxy!!!!11!

06 May 2011 17:01

yoh some of us are kids here @VUSIK U HAVE MADE MY DAY. Enjoy urweekendall ma bloggers

06 May 2011 20:34

lol kid1 ... its not my problem you are a kid ... some of us here are also not-kids...

06 May 2011 20:41

@Kid 1 ... learn from people like me ...

Most kids are of the impression that older people do not have sex ... we have plenty of sex ... That's how children come to exist ...

Most kids think that because they are attractive ... older men are suckers for them .... generally ... the kids are the suckers!

Most young kids are of the opinions that their beauty and youth is a passport to undeserved and unearned comfort ... none of these illusions are true ... work for yourself ... study (get skills, have options and choices you can exercise), be independent (not arrogant), take care of yourself ....

The most attractive woman on the earth is not necessarily the preety/beautiful one ... the mmost attractive woman on the planet has a firm realistic grip on reality, is respectful, honest, and dutiful in the pursuit of what makes her, and those around her who she cars for ... happy with her existence.

Once the kids stop thinking of themselves as predators ... they will stop being prey!

Want to be a player playing the game .... We older men know exactly how to deal with kids who exceed their limits .... stay away from us, we will have no motivation to get near you!

.... unless the attraction is genuine and legitimate!

06 May 2011 20:55

@Kid1 & All the other Younguns who might read this ...

If you stop liking people for their things ... People will also start liking you for who you are!

The picture on my profile is mine ... everything you see written by me here and on any other platform about me is the truth.

Things I write about my experiences are the truth .... Some of us are quite lived and we have a wealth of experience. You can either make constructive use of it, or not.

The difficulty with confronting the truth is that truth is not necessarily a comfortable zone for people to find themselves in. Either people are too politically correct to speak their minds ... or those listening do not like hearing the bare-knuckled dirty truth because it is generally unattractive.

The choice is yours.

07 May 2011 01:21

dyng to see the action

Leonard mtsveta
07 May 2011 12:15

I never liked the kindless kenneth

sexy d
09 May 2011 08:35

morning all

09 May 2011 09:13

Hello hello hello  everyone, i was on leave, sooorrrrryyyyy i didnt mention it, but im back anyway, how is evryone in the house?

09 May 2011 09:52

Dineo says the hardest goodbye she ever had to, to WHOM NOW? IS IT PAUL COZ I THINK HE WILL BE BACK OR IS IT LUNGILE COZ HES UP TO NO GUD

09 May 2011 10:24

phewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! goodmorning all hope u had a lovely weekend. mine was fab en i used part of the advice from @vusik. wel well well thanx for the chat en i believe dineo would use it as well.

@thethe welcome

09 May 2011 10:37

morning all!!!!!
@Thethe just okay evry thing is col hpe u wl enjoy

@mawiniza i agree wth u thnk kenny did this delebarately he wanted 2 check wther dinny stil luvs him,,,, but dinny dsnt needs this guy anymore kegore she want sumone who behaves like an adult just imagine clothes all over wats the hurry cauz dinny has already told him dat she is not yet redy for a man....anyway may be one a nyorilwe long time asa date

 wat kenny nd dat chick/ or lady was boring cauz it seems like he was in a hurry ya gore sum one wud cum nd disturb anyway dta lady is simply nd cheap its true dat dnt judge the book by its cover she looks so responsinble .....maybe she is one of those ladies who...................................................... kwa. kwa kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

09 May 2011 10:42

Morning good people, hope yoll had the greatest weekend of all especially the mothers in the house....

09 May 2011 14:37

whats going on in here?

09 May 2011 14:50

Hey friends. I havent been here 4 a really LOOOONG time! I think lil dinny is gonna say goodbye to the Mashaba mansion. She will not stand the Naomi-Kenny hit!

09 May 2011 15:50

Hi everybody,

Been a silent teaser for  a long time, VusiK hayi ke I realy enjoy reading ur comments.

09 May 2011 15:52

how are you mabloggers

09 May 2011 16:10

VusiK is da man....!!!! Tel it like it is...

09 May 2011 16:23

LOL, VusiK is one hell of a character i tell u.

10 May 2011 08:22

hello, gud morning bloggers

sexy d
10 May 2011 08:34

morning all

Hau carl le jason jaanong bona generetion mare yona wena carl learn not to make hush decisions while you are angry coz u will regret later

Kenneth speaking xhosa kwakwakwakwakwa

10 May 2011 08:35

You should simplify things 
Confusion reigns when you don't simplify things: 
A Priest kept chickens at his village parish. 
One evening the cock went missing. 
At mass the priest asked, 
"Who has a cock?" 
All the men got up..... 
"No! I meant who has seen a cock?" 
All the women got up.... 
"No, No! Who has seen a cock that isn't theirs?" 
Half the women got up. 
"Oh!!! For goodness sake! Who has seen my cock? 
"All the nuns got up!!

Miss Rue
10 May 2011 08:44

@ thethe kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! good morning good people

10 May 2011 09:11

Janong whats up ka mr Mabena? that voice message ke ya ga mang?.

10 May 2011 09:16

Janong whats up ka mr Mabena? that voice message ke ya ga mang?.

10 May 2011 09:59

Morning Peeps!!!!!!!

Boys are stronger than Girls?

Oh Please!!

Can you bleed for a week and survive?
Can you squeeze a 14 inch baby from a 10 Centimeter Hole?
Can you carry a 7pound baby in your stomach for 9months?
Can you take care of a child, cook, clean AND talk on the phone @ one time?
Can you carry a 108 lb shopping bag?
Can you go a week only eating salad?
Can you face heartbreak?
Can you watch the love of your life be with some one else?
Can you burn your forehead with a curling iron and not complain?
Can you wear a string in your ass all day?
Can you walk all day in 5 inch heels?
Can you cry all night then wake up the next morning like everything is okay? I don't think so..Ladies......cheers to us! Men give it a serious thought!!

10 May 2011 10:12

Feel bad for Khethiwe.

10 May 2011 10:29

morning you all. its a lovely morning en lets blogg.

yah i think its too much for khetiwe she needs good love u know. someone to compete with like mabena just afling, what do u think guys not those ace boys just something loving.

10 May 2011 10:29

Tashi .... There's malware on your site  .... please purge your server!

10 May 2011 10:43

VusiK hayi ke I realy enjoy reading ur comments

VusiK is da man....!!!! Tel it like it is...

(Bowing) .....

@Proxy ..... Batshele Sisi Wami'

10 May 2011 10:50


kenny is now happy , guys hv heard him yestday he likes to challenge sibusiso " if i was married to a beautiful wife ekabo ele ene atlan pele ga mmereko" this sounds jelous .
i think khethiwe needs a councilor b4 she go mad, she sud tel sum one abt des to releave herself othrwise she wl always dream dat deveil.

10 May 2011 11:43

Khethi need a cleansing ceremony 4rm her gogo. Wat is lungile upto now. Plz update me wat hapnd on gens itolo plzz tel me all

10 May 2011 11:54

hey guys I think I`m back, I`ve been a silent blogger & reading ur comments for soo long.

I missed u guys Maud, Taz; M2D, Blackie; Proxy; Ntoko; SK; msjackson; kid1 etc.

guys I think after therapy  I feel very much better.

 Vusik r u realy 43? u r spot on no hiding around the bushes hey I like that.

10 May 2011 12:02

Hey Thatohashi ... Welcome back .... as true as the day I was born ... August 20 1967

10 May 2011 12:06

oky I respect you for being so honest realy; we can learn a lot from you.

10 May 2011 12:07

I need to replace the keyboard on this notebook ... too many typos

10 May 2011 12:12

Welcome back Thato sweety i am also a silent blogger frm now till i dnt know,as much as i am trying to adjust nothing seem to impress me lately ,m always around though reading ur funny comments guys :-) but onething for sure i spend my entire tym on FB  peace and love ma bloggers........

10 May 2011 12:12

You're welcome Man!

I appreciate the confidence ...

Most people here are truly positive thinkers ... I admire them ... I hang because I like the people ... I'm generally not too personable.

How anyone considers me is their responsibility ... I will always do my best to nudge people into confronting the realities we so love to sweep under our respective carpets ....

Considering that I do not watch Television .... It can only be the people I enjoy here!

10 May 2011 12:15

hey @Vusik I`m a lady.

10 May 2011 12:21

@Thatohatsi ... My apologies Ma'aam....

The ... Hatsi part should have given me a clue ... but I am dense ... and Zulu ...

Please accept my apology!

I know of more male Thatos than female .... It's like running into a female Vusi

10 May 2011 12:22

... Wena G.A.

Ungikweleta i-Article!

(I'm thinking of writing either late this week or next week early ... what should I write about?)

10 May 2011 12:35

accepted hey; maybe u should write about married woman & their extra affairs; I would like to but just don`t have the it in me to write.

10 May 2011 12:37

Which element of married women and their extramarital affairs do you wish to explore?

10 May 2011 12:47

I wish somebody could talk about Y they have extra marital affairs; I`m glad u get me & I can`t explore I just like to know few reasons Y .

10 May 2011 12:48

Lol try me got too many things to say regarding that article,unfortunately i dnt have what it takes to write an articles Men & Women & their extra affairs mmmmmh sounds interesting can't wait guys:-)

10 May 2011 12:49

Keep it coming .... I need a decent skeleton to flesh out and then build something around!

10 May 2011 12:49

@thato wellcome back babe we missed you too,i hope you will be blogging now akere? 

10 May 2011 12:54

I'll compose it around fidelity issues confronting the modern relationship

10 May 2011 12:56

... with Vusi's Perverse opinionated outlook just for kicks!

10 May 2011 12:57

yes blackie nakanjani; Vusik will chart more after my lunch  ;-)

10 May 2011 12:59

ok ... will check back!

10 May 2011 13:48

It's going to be a very long article people .... too many matters to dig into in order to stimulate the discussions

10 May 2011 14:35

hey I`m back 4rm lunch  *in queens voice*.

10 May 2011 15:02

... finished ... Epic Article without the graphics .... people will lose their concentration due to its length ... must work on redaction .... I can post for a pre-read

10 May 2011 15:05

Vusi i tried but failed to create one,I need someone gentle to guide me slowly cuase am a slow reader the faster u become ngiba more blank hahahaha

10 May 2011 15:07

@Vusik u already finished?

10 May 2011 15:17

Yep! Finished! No graphics yet ... but the length does get in the way of quality

10 May 2011 15:18

@Ntoko ... We can take time one day and I will walk you through the process ... it seems more difficult than it is ...

10 May 2011 15:19

I published it ... I'll shorten it with time .. and add graphics as we go along ...

10 May 2011 15:20

Got It?

11 May 2011 08:28

what happened on gens ddnt watch studyng for EXAMS PLEASE TELL

11 May 2011 09:17

helo guys @ Msjackson  neva watched yesterday.

Zaza girl
11 May 2011 09:52

Gen is turning into GAYS OF OUR LIVES!

11 May 2011 10:37

morning bloggers

I think I`m beginning to hate Sharon & her mother they treat Samuel really bad; as fro Khethiwe she needs therapy qha!

11 May 2011 10:55

You and me both thato.

11 May 2011 13:00

@thato in real life thoz re th ugly inlaws. seriously that woman failed her marriage en wat makes you think she is going to approve of her dotaz?
that apple didnt fall fall from the tree. so shez shud look out her mom is going to ruin her marriage. she needs to tak control. as for sam he has alot to put up with those two re there to wash en rinse him.

11 May 2011 14:46

Kantsi vele how big is Sam's flat, is it the one 3 bedroom and the rest are 2 bedroom. If that woman is loaded why not rent a flat for her and the son. Leave Sam & Shaz  alone to deal with their wifecontrollinghubbymarriage.

11 May 2011 15:35

Abantu can talk, 2day i read a quote saying "i dont get jelous when i see my ex with another person cause my mom taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate." OUCH!!!

11 May 2011 16:53

@ Mlondy dats fun,kwakwakwaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... bt the person who said dat is the sam  perso who is always after his/her ex when she/he sees dem wth other person o buisiwa jalo ke stress, the parent dd wat others can do just comforting since she saw that the son /daughter was to go mad soon.........

is jason begging for backluv?
@vinc sam's flat is nnot big enaf for 4 pple to leav, i remember the time when dat city woman arrived she asked sharon why they dnd buy a house 4themslf , the prblm wth that lady 4 not renting a house 4 herslf nd son is dat she want 2 go back 2 da hubby, i agree wth u if she is loaded why dnd she rent a house 4 her son since  she want to go back to the husband.

oh poor diny she needs sum one 2 keep her busy maybe she can 4get about dat coward, wat abt jason dnd they make a gud couple

12 May 2011 07:23

I dont watch Gen these days people, its annoying me. Mxm.

12 May 2011 09:03

sk u re an early riser i wonder y u have never been top 1. lol i was just thinking all those that re in the top ten dont even visit th blog ha  hah. just a thot dont kill me....

Goodmorning lovely pipo

12 May 2011 09:15

LOL, thing is sometimes they release the teasers later in the afternoon when m gone or very early in the morning and people are always looking for position 1 kanti mina I blog eveyday. So number 1 is something i never get. Just top 10 and m cool. LOL

I start work at 7 girl so i get here at 06h45 everyday. Its sad I know. lol
12 May 2011 09:18

Senzo he's a gud actor, Ke rata Senzo

12 May 2011 10:30

Senzo must find himself a girl. Both carl & jas dont deserve him

12 May 2011 10:39

shaz mom she a bict she like att...boring

12 May 2011 11:08

shaz mom she a bict she like att...boring

12 May 2011 11:20

TVSA ya bora nowadays....batho ba kae khante??

12 May 2011 12:16

Who can tell me if jason did what he did yesterday because of jelousy or ubedliwa unembeza ngokulala no carl.

12 May 2011 12:51

Hi mabloggers, wht is Lungile hiding? Is he broke bt it also involve Little Dinny *wondering*

12 May 2011 12:55


@Holiday- say sumthing abt the writers cauz  their storyline is not interesting at all thats why pple prefer to quit, the more there is drama the more pple comment.

@LJ007  I thnk he did that wth jelousy  he still luvs senzo so thes buboon (carl/ watevr the cal him)is 2 fast he has 2 understand dat feeling dnt just fly away within a second.hw wl u react if u alwys c u ex wth another person?????????????

12 May 2011 13:13

jason did what he did just to hurt senzo..hes a bitch

12 May 2011 13:18

Jason slept with Carl? Wow ok!!!!!
M still bored though with the storyline

12 May 2011 14:08

Jason slept with Carl? Wow ok!!!!!
M still bored though with the storyline
kikikiki wat will it take fr u to come back S.K u used to be a very reliable source with "updates"...

12 May 2011 15:04

Sebete sa gago nxa wa ntlwaela ka o bona.

12 May 2011 15:05

jess slept with carl wat i do not understand now

12 May 2011 15:53

S.K your right their story line is booooooooooring it seems as if the writers do not engage in a proper
The conversation btwn Carl and Jason
Carl. 'Seems as if is not going to work btwn me nd Senzo. nd i like what i see btwn me nd you.
Jason. ' mh'.
Carl. ' My place or yous'
Next segment they woke up at jason's place.
how cheap Jason is. Sies.

12 May 2011 15:56

In the south african soapies which has the worst dressed actors and the best dressed actors.

12 May 2011 16:06

a bit weird, yo exs sleeping together.. o yo current boyfriend sleeping with yo ex.. only in the gay world i gues. but i thot within the gays they's a chic n a dude so wats Jason? Carl? Senzo my gues he's the chic.

12 May 2011 16:30

MsKim,I never thought I would skip Gen ever. But now its something I do all the time. Seriously m bored with Gen , big time.
12 May 2011 16:45

@ Holiday  wat u do mean wen u say batho ba kae?
since i registered with this blog ka 2006, i neva get bored my luv, maybe wena wa ibora

12 May 2011 17:34

am so bored tooo en seriously queen used to be a proper drama queen now nix. ge--------ne-----------ra-------------ti========0ns               needs a make over.  lets move to the wild very interesting connie is there. lol sk ry it

12 May 2011 18:26

@mlondy, i think the worst dressd actors ar those in muvhango and best is gen

12 May 2011 20:32

mlondy methinks worst dressed are muvhangorians! kk mirror suits on black background,heh eh. Vho susan,pfulu, EGINESE! (agnes said in makhadzi tone) but then there's isabell waka 7de and those dark coloured velvet robes, and sofia 4rm 3 at least she did away with her piano handbag. Jess ex isdingo used to bore me with the whole EMo/goth look..... Funny I've been at school for the semester and i dont miss gen. Mnxm......@Vusik angaz ngthini, wish i could keep you in my pocket and pick your brain once in a whil. Its good to have a man's point of view at times. Kudos for honesty! Mabloggers where've you all been all my life. Its good to be part of this family.... Night guys and girls.... Mwaah!('',)

13 May 2011 07:31

Yeah,Muvhango actors are the worst. LOL

I also agree,VusiK is that one person that u need in your life to giude u!! He enlightens u in a way that u able to see things on a different angle and he tell it like it is., which is good. Big up to u VusiK............

13 May 2011 07:54

Mornigs that is all for today.
See you soon

13 May 2011 11:30

I agree with u Khabzette.gen is soo boooring these days!nna I watch it just bcoz I hav some time. I used to watch it religiously i no longer look forward to seeing what will be happening in the following episode

13 May 2011 11:42

updates plz that iz if sam1 watched gen anyway

13 May 2011 17:30

a bit weird, yo exs sleeping together.. o yo current boyfriend sleeping with yo ex.. only in the gay world i gues
I gues in the world of sopies only..............

@zdwesha dd nt watch  cauz its booooooooooooooooring  i just mute the sound during the shw nd  enjoy the radio music..........

happy weekend ................... 

ownah m p
14 May 2011 10:36

Hi all! Guys what if paul meet with lungile 4 help and told him 2 take care of dineo when he is gonn n als about what he is been through kenny. We al knw that lungie suspected kenny 4 dat incdnt of bitches that happend at his hotel, so he gave paul a safe place while he take kenny down.

16 May 2011 09:09

hey hey its blogging time. goodmorning everyone hope u all luk fabulous its a monday morning yah. 

16 May 2011 10:34

morning good pp@kid1hello

16 May 2011 11:03

@ ownah m p ........You have a good story line going on there and people do not just disappear like that especially Paul who was sick.

The problem with Gen they seem to be fumbling in the mud, some storylines do not make sense and are not entertaining at all. Even if you miss Gen for the whole week, nothing new. When you tune in its a drunk Matt, Shaz & mama Puleng fussing over him and that fats. That story line saka Carl, Jass & Senzo should have explored differently. 

Freaking Kethiwe is being overdone and her owning a gun from Ace, remember when she was scared of Bridget , Dumi's ex. Same thing hapenned except this time she must also pay the money.

It would make sense having Lungile bring down Kenny, smoothly such that he will only realise on the last day ave aswele ne mali ye flight ticket back to mama e Durban. But dont think its gonna hapen nakho uLungile has problems of his own.

Dhlomo please bring Ntombi back so that Senzo can move out fo your home. I acnt even watch an episode and finish coz, i always think ukuthi may be its a repeat or a rewind

16 May 2011 11:15

I heard Dumza has been fired, he is also boring the minute he became friendly towards that Nic, 

We want better story lines (hands in the air, toy-toying outside SABC offices)

16 May 2011 11:43

Repeat of the Rewind.......(Kwakest lolest dead)

16 May 2011 12:13

hey wats up, i'm new

16 May 2011 14:18

what u do if yo man get an irritated buzz at mid night,he don't switch off the phone or put it on silent. whe u confront him he said i must leave me alone. what to do.

16 May 2011 14:38

@titidi ... insufficient data ... write an article with all the facts ... guys here love such articles

16 May 2011 14:38

@ market y see this blog is dyinng slowly
@gudy welcome sugar we are hapi pipo here jist have fun dude
@titidi wat does ur man do for a living? so we th  bloggers can help

16 May 2011 15:00

@titidi wat does ur man do for a living? so we th bloggers can help hahahahahaha Kid u r mad lolest

16 May 2011 15:04

@kid1 he works under the contractor , construction man....*what a question*

16 May 2011 15:15

Ngwala article gobane there is truly no information you provide to formulate an opinion that could be helpful to you ...

16 May 2011 15:17

@titidi ... the only thing I could say right now is that what happens on your man's phone is really none of your business ....

16 May 2011 15:37

Spiced- Jason will go out wid Senzo's ex a white guy 
Khethiwe and Khaphela will kiss and make up(Ungixolele sbari)
 Ruby and Mashaba bang! bang! oh my world not again
 Sbusiso and Queen aibo ngeke Mr D (In queen's voice)
 Dinny and Senzo aibo! finally Senzo is no longer a gay oh Mr D is gonna be proud
 Puleng and Nicho's dad aiboh yazi i saw this one coming    
Mabena and Shaz whooooo wema i feel sorry for poor Sam hle bathong 
Patricia and Chief aikhona Mfundi u beta review this story line ngeke phela    

16 May 2011 16:16

@ tititi. I feel u gal. Just dont let ur man walk ova u. If he wants u 2 leave him alone just leave him for good. Cause his response tells me he is a cheat and u deserve better gal.

16 May 2011 17:44

@ ntoko u know how these things work. journalist, marketers, secretaries, lawyers too many to mention mingle alot with pipo en thats wer it starts from.
so thats th reason i asked. 

16 May 2011 17:49

@titidi the mobile phone is the devils doom so stay as far away as u can my love. but he has to respect u en not allow his business partners to cal any how any time they want. one thing men dont understan is that we all have that element of giving numbers neh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but with respect we dont allow them to call when its me time me time. so tell him that all those calling are eating into ur me time.
all the best gal en i know u will still rise.

16 May 2011 20:53

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GWAGWAGWAGWAGWA.Wu almost died of laughter. Ukhethi uyakhiva. And choppa making a move on khethi. Gwagwest i told u its chopa who wil kiss khethi. Wu igen iyarocka.

17 May 2011 07:54

 thanks guys , u don't have a clue how much u help me

17 May 2011 09:07

@titidi u are amazing en God is watching. just put all in the lords hands. In times like these seek God.

Goodmorning all< hope u are all well..............

sometimes you bloggers ur silence is so REPULSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i miss u wer are u today i have plenty of time to have fun here, ask me how? coz  iam feeling i dont have to put in anything thats all but led my life on the blogggggggggg. lollllest

17 May 2011 09:48

Edit where necessary!
And we seriously need this info guys!

A lot of people don't associate sex with God - they associate it with Satan and darkness, as if sex is not holy.... !!
The bible is explicit when it comes to sex.
Sex is holy within marriage, and there is no prescribed style.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the missionary position is the only sexual style.
Not discussing sex in a relationship leads to divorce!!!!!.
Pastor Khathide has counseled women who've complained:
my husband treats me as if I were his brother. There was one who told him: I am tired of getting sex fortnightly, like a salary. Khathide told her she was lucky to be getting sex fortnightly, since some wives only get it on big days, like elections. Many husbands leave their wives to seek sexual pleasures in Hillbrow. Have you ever asked yourself what those women have that you don't. Wives have become very frigid and even sleep with their panties. If you're a married woman, you should sleep naked and let your bum touch your husband.. Today you find men going out of their way to get a glimpse of a vagina. They page through magazines and even go to lingerie departments in stores hoping to see what's hidden under panties, because their wives hide it from them. Marriage is about being free with your body in front of your partner. A woman should parade naked and do some modeling to tempt her husband. There are many married women who don't know what their husbands' penises look like. She only feels it when he enters her. They've never touched it, let alone seen it, because the husband switches off the lights before undressing. A penis is a wife' s toy - she is supposed to play with it. He blames couples for not making time for sex and complaining about being tired after a day's work. You find many couples who've been sexually starved for years. God created sex for procreation and also for pleasure. You can't marry and not have a good time in bed. WHO SAID YOU CAN ONLY HAVE SEX AT NIGHT? Why can't you drive home during lunch and have a quickie with your wife? We' re all equal in sex - it's not just about a woman satisfying a man. You have to satisfy each other. Have you ever seen a woman who has been satisfied? Have u noticed how she glows and becomes energetic? May the Lord Bless you. This is the 'Whole Truth, Nothing But The Truth' so God ! Told Us From The Beginning. Once you read this letter you have to keep it going. This game has been played since 1996... You must send this letter to 7 people. On the 5th day someone will ask you out or say 'I love you.' This is! not a joke. It has worked for many years. If you break the chain, you will have bad luck with guys/girls forever. This is just for future readers. This began in 1996,not much of a past, but it works. So here are the rules: If you read this on a Sunday, wish for a good week If you read this on a Monday, wish for money If you read this on a Tuesday, wish for love If you read this on a Wednesday, wish for success If you read this on a Thursday, wish for anything you want If you read this on a Friday, wish for a really hot date If you read this on a Saturday, wish for an important phone call Send this to seven people (after you make a wish). Make sure it is sent as soon as you read it or your wish won't come true. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

17 May 2011 09:50

LOL Kid1 ...

If people don't associate sex with goodness ... Let them ...

It's their problem, not mine ....

I know better!!!!!

17 May 2011 14:10

17 May 2011 15:49

wawo@Kid1 thanks  wat a msg........ frnds jst take tym to read this Holy Bible sex thing haha .......these is a tru weapon....

17 May 2011 15:59


17 May 2011 16:19

Ms2  ... Hi *Smille*

17 May 2011 16:52

Hi Vusik,  about to go off home.  enjoy your day tomorrow

17 May 2011 17:29

I wish paul all the pain in the world as he dies alone. If only he told her.

18 May 2011 09:06


One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way
through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.

He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his
nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.

Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water! . She thought he looked
hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and
then asked, How much do I owe you?"

You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to
accept pay for a kindness."

He said ... "Then I thank you from my heart."

As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but
his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and

Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The local
doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they
called in specialists to study her rare disease.

Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the
name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.

Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.

Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at

He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save
her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case.

After a long struggle, the battle was won.

Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for
approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge, and the bill
was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would
take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and
something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these
words ....

"Paid in full with one glass of milk"

(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You,
God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands."

There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the water
comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone
you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at
least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't
that what life is all about?

18 May 2011 11:34

Hey Kid1 you were right my friend, the silence can indeed be REPULSIVE where is everyone else today?

18 May 2011 12:00

Casting their Vote!

19 May 2011 10:17

helo bangani are u stil casting ur votes today?

@ vusik wats up can u b th one guiding us today?
@magerry hope u right dear as usual th blog is biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
@sk cross over sis we make it live
@ms2 unjani sisi
@ntoko wats up
@thethe how u doing
@sloe wake up
@sunbae wer r u?
@miskim, titidi, vinc,gudy, market, tazteq, holiday,lapam,ownah m p,thato and all u representing this bloggg i miss u en that i will say it again ur silence is sooooooooooooooooooooooo REPULSIVE.

19 May 2011 10:18


19 May 2011 10:19

@kid1 ... hardly slept ... not leading ... not today ... but my articles are busy ...

19 May 2011 11:08

lead me to ur articles so i can have fun ther

19 May 2011 11:09

@kid1 i miss u 2,i m going 2 my grandmorther 's funeral in Bloemf 2day c u guyz.

19 May 2011 12:10

am so sorry @ market. MHSRIP. wishing you all the travelling mercies and be blessed. bye dear en hope to here from u soonest.

19 May 2011 12:13

@kid1 just click my profile and click my articles ... or look at the activity bar ...

19 May 2011 12:49

Kid1 wat a touching story hey m tearing

19 May 2011 12:59

molweniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nonke  good ppl,i am still alive peeps,just very very busy, otherwise i will be in soon day and nite.


19 May 2011 13:20

Hi all..

19 May 2011 13:29

Sanibona zithandwa zam!!!!

Eish guys m so busy and Gen is sooooo, i dont know. lol 
KID1 lovey, just for u neh,just for u,,,,, m gonna try help keep this blog alive!!!!

Asambe ke!!!!!!

19 May 2011 13:36

@VusiK, whatsup mjita? Asakhona amadumbe? lol

@market, askies love about your gran neh!!! Have a safe trip and come back in one piece.
May her soul rest in peace!!!!!

@gambukazi, unjani sana, ndikugqibele kudala sisi!! Ndithemba ukba uphilile. Nathi sphilile ingxaki nje ile blog, ifile sana,uMfundi uyayibulala nje qha!!!!!!! 
Nathi sikukhumbule vha!!!!!!


19 May 2011 15:17

Hahaha, nice one Taz!!

19 May 2011 15:24

Sk uryt Mara ????

19 May 2011 15:25

@Kid1- i dont believe you didnt mention my name.
Good fternoon everyone

19 May 2011 15:26

it was suppose to be Good afternoon

19 May 2011 15:27

S.K.  Asekhona amadumbe ... nizodla elinye now-now!

19 May 2011 16:04

no dear am so sorry here goes!!!!!!!!!!!

@maud my lovie, wats the silence all abot u know blogging is serious business en u just go mute on us.

u know names wer flowing in my mind but th typing was not colaborating with the brain.
good to hear from u love

19 May 2011 16:12

Holla heita ntoko? Howzit?

Eish VusiK, nami m gonna have some when i get home, ngiyawahalela nje kwamanje!!! Saw your vat 'n sit article, i'll read it when i get home, it gets so crazy here i can't even scratch a nipple!!!!!

19 May 2011 16:21

i came to the office very late today, i had stuff to take care of, but i have notice that it looks like people are on holidays is so lonely here.

19 May 2011 16:22

lol @ SK ... scratch that nipple sisi;

 scratch till your leg jitters like a puppy dog!

19 May 2011 17:12

ever seen a dog-leg jitter when you scratch its belly ... must be loving it!

20 May 2011 07:32

Morning guys....

Lol u guys, eish i'ma scratch it buddy but then I share an office wit my boss, dude I dont wanna make the poor soul all horny and ish, and maybe even get ideas I wanna shag him!!!

What happened in Gen?I saw Sam thinking about Paul or something! lol

20 May 2011 08:09

Morning S.K.  Yah hey .. the Boss can get ideas ...

20 May 2011 09:01

Hello to all, its just that there is nothing to comment about. i come to Gen teasers but always have nothing to say. 

Have a lovely weekend.

20 May 2011 09:22

Puleng wabora must go back to hubby now.

20 May 2011 09:25

Molo bahlobo. Puleng wabora must go back to hubby now. Wishing u all a fab weekend *in queen's voice*

20 May 2011 09:38

@ sloe Wishing u all a fab weekend *in queen's voice*  thanx

i love the way that capitec lady treated kenneth. u know sh put him in his place right in front of the horizon en amshaba staff i like.

samuel atleast managed to open dineoz suspesion box after telling her about wat he figured out. poor dinny.

khetiwe get mumrubbyz advice people are there to judge u so wake up from that sleep.

where is ntombi?

20 May 2011 10:33


ppl Gen wabora kodwa mann, maybe when tht Naomi is out, haa i love Kenny when he is speaking Xhosa, haaaaaaa, but mfundi u are killing your fans mann, BIG TIME,DO SOMTHING BEFORE ITS TOO LATE,khupha nalaa Puleng, yooo, she is just a pain,

20 May 2011 12:37

Hi mabloggers @ VusiK I need ur advise as well as other mabloggers I've started this small companies nhe:hiring a maid to do house cleaning and washing and this lady want us to do cleaning, washing and Ironing and i charge her R300 and she said its expensive I mean shes got a family and my maid is going to clean the house tell me now guyz am I being unreasonable?

20 May 2011 12:38

hie everyone!

eish, its so sad when it comes to Paul's issue.. Kenny messed up things and as for poor Dinny.. i just wonder what will happen when the truth comes out...kenny will the cards "devil"death'"

20 May 2011 12:43

300 per served day is OK ... you're not over-charging ... She can elect to pay 2K per month for a five day service with a maid ... or 300 / day for one day per week ... It's a good deal ...

People irritate me when they want the best and are not prepared to pay fair value ... you should see my household bill .... even some staff think I over-pay them ... In my opinion, I get fair value ...

20 May 2011 13:20


sexy d
20 May 2011 14:24

I  just wonder if Dinny will cope with these findings tsa  paul

Thatha Naomi giving kenneth a taste of his own medicine well done

have a lovely weekend my family blog again on monday

20 May 2011 14:35


A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends all their
time trying to make you look small so they can look tall.
They are very negative people to say the least. Nothing is ever
good enough!

When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters...

That's why you have to be careful with whom you share your
blessings and your dreams, because some folk can't handle seeing
you blessed...

It's dangerous to be like somebody else... If God wanted you to be
like somebody else, He would have given you what He gave them! Right?

You never know what people have gone through to get what they

The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they
don't know my story...

If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you
can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too!

We've all got some haters among us!

Some people envy you because you can:
a) Have a relationship with God
b) Light up a room when you walk in
c) Start your own business
d) Tell a man/woman to hit the curb (if he/she isn't about the right thing)
e) Raise your children without both parents being in the home

Haters can't stand to see you happy.
Haters will never want to see you succeed.
Most of our haters are people who are supposed to be on our side.

How do you handle your undercover haters?
You can handle these haters by:

1. Knowing who you are & who your true friends are

2.. Having a purpose to your life: Purpose does not
mean having a job. You can have a job and still be

A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be.
Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you.

3. By remembering what you have is by divine
prerogative and not human manipulation.

Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live...when its your
time to leave this earth, you want to be able to say, 'I've lived my
life and fulfilled my dreams, Now I'm ready to go HOME!

When God gives you favor, you can tell your haters, 'Don't look at
me...Look at who is in charge of me...'

Pass this to all of your family & friends who you know are
not hating on you including the person who sent it to you.

If you don't get it back, maybe you called somebody out!
Don't worry about it, it's not your problem, it's theirs.
Just pray for them, that their life can be as fulfilled as
yours! Watch out for Haters...BUT most of all don't become

Maya Angelou

20 May 2011 17:52

Hey dears. Just came back from the grandfather of all crap exams. Yhuuu! Hayi ke. On a lighter note,i see mfundi and his children are still feeding us cow dung. My goodnes,when Will it all end? What's this about Samuel tellin dineo what? Guys is it that gen is now boring or the audience has just become more sophisticated and want more exciting stuff. I mean think way back to the days of the commune,was that really high end entertainment i wonder. Though ntsiki lukhele and Anne De Villiers plus lack used to keep it interesting. Maybe we need a super bitch to get this show some life, ken needs am enemy what with ngamla being such a kitten now that he's stopped the booze. This show's let me down. Mfundi,baba if you aint careful this 's going to be the last gen, aksi mbhedo lo os'nikeza wona. fire your writers methinks! anyway.How did you guys vote by the way? I'm off to read what you been writing in my absence. Vusiki saw that sex article,read it with the fiance....hmmm, i owe you BIG!!!

20 May 2011 17:59

@Khabzette .... Anytime dear ... anytime ... Hope he learns you better!!!

23 May 2011 09:47

Morning guyz....been kinda mute....Mfundi i think its time u go back to the drawing board baba uyasikhinya yooh...Gen used to be the best soapie emzatsi and now i fall asleep half way thru the programme.

23 May 2011 09:58

Hi mybloggers, saturday was my I didn't enjou it my baby was sick , hoping that u had a fab week-end

23 May 2011 10:05

OMG goodmorning bloggers am in th heart of lusaka. 
whauw i made sure i logged on. now  did u hear slu warn ukhetiwe? i love you khetiwe but dont make me forget wat you mean to me wen u go to the cops.

mabena en dumisani they are a piece of work. the things we hear in the passages. lol

now paul is almost dead in rio.

how could khetiwe be that drunk sure yoh am so mad with mfundi.

23 May 2011 10:18

Morning all

Lekker dag almal!!!

23 May 2011 10:28

i think Lungile knows where Paul is................

23 May 2011 10:32

oh yes he does have you seen his cell had 3 missed calls from som clinic. after dineo pushed him he decided to make a call. the punk knows everything

23 May 2011 10:36

Morning all..

sexy d
23 May 2011 10:54

gud morning all

23 May 2011 12:45

hi hi ppl

how did u c the samaz 4 me i found them boring & celebz were also complaining abt the low starndard

23 May 2011 13:13

@zdwesha i agree with u the standard dropped big time even the stage set up wasn't so took people agies to get there....boring boring *yawn*

23 May 2011 15:43

MFUNDI VUNDLA........U heading for a disaster boss

Do something!!!!!! THE BLOG IS DEAD!!!!!!!

23 May 2011 15:46

Hi mybloggers, saturday was my

Happy Belated Mamakaroro!!!

23 May 2011 15:46

do u believe that guyz..........nna i just thought Lungile is fighting with someone and there is a photo o a gal she always takes out after the arguments on the phone..........

24 May 2011 09:14

hey guys hope u fine am gud. @vusik Happy belated i bet u more wiser en that u re being blessed each day neh!!!!!!!!!!!!

lets give him a chance maybe these re his rainy days en hez trying. com on guys lets give th boss a benefit of a doubt yah.

eish i feel him soometimes work just dont do u good en u end up losing it.

so ma bloggers he is our man en bigup to him but as usual let them pull up ther

sexy d
24 May 2011 09:44

gud mrng all

There were two gay guys living together. One of them lacked chest hair
and it seemed to be a real problem for him. So, one day he decided to
visit the doctor to see why he had no chest hair and if there was
anything he could do about it. Well, the doctor said there was nothing wrong
with the guy, and really the only thing he could do to try and stimulate
Hair growth was to smother Vaseline all over his chest daily. 

The guy was elated. He went home and immediately smothered his chest
in Vaseline. When his partner came home and jumped into bed with him,
He felt the Vaseline and asked, "What in the hell are you doing?" "The
Doctor said if I put Vaseline on my chest I might be able to grow some hair"

"You idiot," said his partner, "Think about it. If that were true
you'd have a pony tail coming out of your ass by now!"

24 May 2011 10:32

@sexy d, jason and senzo!!! LOL

24 May 2011 10:39

kuluvuyo no chulumanco uyazi uba kukho bantu abandikhumbulayo.

molweni bethuna, i am very good this side bangane. 
hahi andiyazi eyenzekayo ku Gen, just watching njeeee.

24 May 2011 10:44

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha.....Sexy d

24 May 2011 11:15

Sexy d.................kwakwest

24 May 2011 11:25

Hiya everyone....

I am so tired of seeing the troubled Kethiwe...... She owned a gun when Bridget / Belinda was chasing after her and now she has a gun. She used to act crazy during that storyline and now she is acting all crazy coz of Diamond. Imagine if you had gone away after that episode and came back to Khety screaming and running to the dining room, surely you would think its the same story all over again. 

When kenny came back after the stroke thing, he humiliated Dineo and Mazz in front of everyone. After Paul left Dinny went back to Kenny's house. How do you trust a man like that. Now Mabena also just went to her room and collected all her stuff and she shook her pretty head and said a few words but now all is well. May be its me missing the point. But Dinny is supposed to be this intelligent woman even though she never went to school but why does she have to depend on man since she came to the soapie. I am telling you if Mabena didnt arrive she would have moved into the Dlomo house. Did she even want to hear from the physcic

One thing that i am happy about is that Sbu didnt have an affair with anyone while Ntombi is gone, phela on Gen your man can not live a day without a woman.

I have stopped watching the soapie but coz i have pple watching complaining until its finished.

If another channel cam come up with something nice to watch at 20:00, Mfundi will fire the team and start afresh, i promise you.

24 May 2011 11:32

Guys i also felt Mabena have an info regarding Paul's where about why he was ignoring that call i think Mabena dropped Paul at that place because the nuns were saying the day he arrived his condition was very bad i think Mabena left his details sothat they will keep him posted regarding his condition that will help him to speed up his move wid Dinny,and he is up to something i am so confussed though regarding that Magazine issue why the Mag is so important and he is working wid somebody can't wait untill he is exposed,

24 May 2011 11:37

Atleast Ruby manage to keep the soapy going yabona nje the only professional ppl who deserve to be on the soapy

1. Jason 2. Dumsane 3. Ruby 4. Kenny 5. Senzo not counting laba abangekho otherwise the rest benza the whole soapy ibukeke njenge stage play, i am pissed off

24 May 2011 11:37

Atleast Ruby manage to keep the soapy going yabona nje the only professional ppl who deserve to be on the soapy

1. Jason 2. Dumsane 3. Ruby 4. Kenny 5. Senzo not counting laba abangekho otherwise the rest benza the whole soapy ibukeke njenge stage play, i am pissed off

24 May 2011 11:39

Mina i gave up quite some time ago!!!!

24 May 2011 11:46

hayi mna shame im tired of khethiwe qha thats all

24 May 2011 14:38

heh if it was at my work place mfundi would have been history mybe sent to libya to keep busy with th troops. atleast th misiles would have woken him up.
@ sexyd that was a killer. am in stitches.

24 May 2011 16:06

@S.K. nami futhi,

whts up with Choppa and Matthew? are they gonna be on Gen permanently???
Lungile Mabenma wht are hiding???i suspect him i think nguye lo uthathe u Paul.  

24 May 2011 17:09

i dont like them chopa ni mathewcrowding gen for nothing

24 May 2011 17:58

Mabena knws where pauls is nd mabenas now broke and he wants da mag to work to generate money as 4 dinny shes a slut who deserve a klap so she can wake up nd smell da coffee nd learn that men are not everything a person can survive without them. I dnt blame the men 4 screwing her shes following them so they must continue screwing her until she wakes up.

25 May 2011 07:20

New Employment Rules SICKDAYS We will no longer accept a doctor's certificate as proof of sickness. If you are able to get to the doctor, you are able to come into work. MATERNITY LEAVE Kort Kort pregnant is banned. You must first apply to your superiors and with their approval you'll then be allowed to do pregnancy. It will only be allowed once in 10yrs and you only get 1 month maternity leave. No male shall get leave related to hiswife's pregnancy, sickness or even death (he is not a midwife, a doctor nor an undertaker). SURGERY Operations are now banned. As long as you are an employee here, you need all your organs. You should not consider having anything removed. We hired you intact. To have something removed constitutes a breach of employment. HOLIDAYS Each employee will receive 104 holidays per year. They are called Saturday and Sunday. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can do for dead friends or relatives. Every effort should be made to have non- employees to attend to the arrangements. In rare cases where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled for the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch-hour and subsequently leave one hour early, provided your share of the work is done. ABSENT FOR YOUR OWN DEATH This will be accepted as an excuse. However, we require at least two weeks' notice to allow time for you to train your own replacement. TOILET USE Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilets. In the future, we will follow the practice of going in alphabetical order. For instance: All employees whose names begin with 'A' will go from 8.00 to 8.20, employees whose names begin with 'B' will go from 8.20 to 8.40 and so on. If you are unable to go at your allocated time, it will be necessary to wait until the next day when your turn comes again. In extreme emergencies employees may swap their time with a co-worker. Both workers' supervisors must approve this exchange in writing. In addition, there is now a strict 3- minute time limit in the toilets. At the end of 3 minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper will retract, and the door will open.. LUNCH BREAK Skinny people get an hour for lunch as they need to eat more so they can look healthy, normal size people get 30 minutes for lunch to maintain their average figure. Fat people get 5 minutes for lunch because that's all the time needed to drink a Slimfast and take a diet pill. DRESS CODE It is advised that you must come to work dressed according to your salary If we see you wearing designer clothing we will assume that you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a pay rise. Thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to provide a positive employment experience. Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternations or input should be directed elsewhere. Have a nice day HR PS - please charge the time spent reading this email to ANNUAL LEAVE. NOTE: This e-mail message is

25 May 2011 07:28

once upon a time,there was a soapie called Generations, but it got infected by unknown virus. its currently a shadow of its former glory days of, Archie, Sarah-lee, simon rossouw,sonny, karabo,glen madlozi and little lindiwe. Now the soapie is dying slowly but surely. my condolences in advance

25 May 2011 12:24

i thought let me share this with you my buddies

Three men just got out of a mental institution.

They were taking a stroll when this car pulled up beside them to ask for directions.

Two of them told the driver they do not know.

The third one had been left behind tying his shoe laces.

When he caught up with his friends, he wanted to know what the driver wanted.

They told him the driver was looking for directions.

He chases the car, "Misa leyo moto! Heyi wena mshayeli, Misa!!

When he gets there out of breath he tells the driver.....

Ungamangali ngikugijimisa kanje ndoda yamadoda.

Nami bengifuna nje ukukutshela ukuthi ANGAZI!!

sexy d
25 May 2011 12:41

@maud kwakwakwakwakwakwa he is really mad

Lovacious T
25 May 2011 14:21

I cant wait to hear who will go overseas, Katja or Nicolus

Lovacious T
25 May 2011 14:21

I cant wait to hear who will go overseas, Katja or Nicolus

Snuca Babe
25 May 2011 14:37

Obviously its Nicolus

25 May 2011 15:49


25 May 2011 16:06

Nicholas must have switched it or worse... took it from the list to avoid competition.........

26 May 2011 09:00

morning mablogers hope u enjoyed ur freedom day i did en it was fabulous. 
All th stars re leaving including kenny i wonder how his exit is going to be.
atleast they know wer paul is.
Dineo  needs to be cleansed. lol

sexy d
26 May 2011 09:14

morning all

26 May 2011 09:45

hei Dinny was holding a gun like she was holding a glass of wine.......nna i was not going to be scared if i was kenny

26 May 2011 09:57

hei Dinny was holding a gun like she was holding a glass of wine.......nna i was not going to be scared if i was kenny..... My sentiments exactly!!!! LOL

Miss Rue
26 May 2011 10:12

kwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @Vandimerwe

26 May 2011 10:18

kenny was scared because remember what he was told. he is really scared.

26 May 2011 11:01

hello beatiful people, how do you do? long time ne!but im here now,

26 May 2011 11:04

beacuse Dumisane is fired how is he going to leave the scene,

26 May 2011 11:08

yah i wouldnt want to be in kennyz place forsure. he was shaking.

Snuca Babe
26 May 2011 11:26

Dineo needs to be cleansed. lol .............Definatly

beacuse Dumisane is fired...........Is he??? More detais on this please please

26 May 2011 13:39

Choppa is shocked when he hears the ugly truth about the woman he's infatuated with.  wat truth that she had an obortion????????????????????????????????

26 May 2011 14:46

Hi hi @kid 1 probably that she she stabbed her ex. . .

26 May 2011 15:09

@snuca Babe i read in one of the papers that  he was fired because of his arrogance which resulted in him showing up late for shooting, showing up drunk or not showing up at all....typical dumisane arrogant on and off set...

26 May 2011 16:49

 the 26 sk its time to be in top ten. i bet alot are waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

26 May 2011 17:09

A man joined facebook and his son posted on his wall "WTF dad" and the dad posted "what the heck son. U have no respect even for ur own father." son posted "chill dad i meant welcome to facebook dad"

27 May 2011 08:57

lol i bet he had it all figured out. nice one @ sloe. goodmorning lovely people. am good and cant wait for the weekend. wats on the menu today?

27 May 2011 09:08

Morning guys

Yesterday I came across Generations, lol
Ok I watched it coz I wanted to watch Sokhulu and Partners

Was it my imagination or that room Paul was sleeping at when Dineo and Lungile walked in, looked like Mashaba mansion? The walls and the passage???

Another thing, did they have to be like that? Fly from Jozi and be there in a couple of minutes? Yhoo!!! Maybe m being too hard on Mfundi!!!
And how the heck did they know where to go? Or Mashaba provided them the right info? Mxm oh well..............

27 May 2011 09:52

@SK, dont read too much in between the lines, its drama, i think you ar being too hard yes,

gud morning gud people,

27 May 2011 10:29

@ sk kenny provided th infor he told lungile that paul met his wife in rio and proposed so they went to a convent thats wer they wedded. they used to call it their lilltle heaven. yah i reckon that luks like mashaba mansion lol

27 May 2011 10:46

Once a Smoker was smoking at the airport.........

A gentleman came & asked him.

Gentleman: "How much do you smoke a day?"

Smoker: "About 30 cigarretes, why are you asking me such question?"

Gentleman: "If you had collected that money instead of smoking, the plane which is in front of you, would
have been yours."

Smoker asked : "Do you smoke?"

Gentleman: "No."

Smoker asked: "does this plane belong to you?"

Gentleman: "No."

Smoker said: "Thanks for your kind advice, but that plane is mine, I'm Vijay Mallya... Owner of Kingfisher Airlines."

Moral of the Story:-Stop meddling in other people's lives, especially those you don't know....

Kgona taba tsa gago !!!!!!!!!!!

27 May 2011 12:26

@ mokema.Stop meddling in other people's lives, especially those you don't know....

27 May 2011 14:35

Where are the teasers kani.

27 May 2011 15:09

mfundi is trying to show u who tha man is @ sloe so he will keep us waiting

27 May 2011 15:10

@ S.K I also dnt understand it gore why Ace found the info now coz they have been denied with it the time Paul jst disappeared. this Mfudi person p re dira ditlaela.

27 May 2011 15:16

@ S.K I also dnt understand it gore why Ace found the info now coz they have been denied with it the time Paul jst disappeared. this Mfundi person o re dira ditlaela.

28 May 2011 12:00

bt he found da information n kenneth tore it up n a paper showed rio. Wats happening with jigga

25 Jun 2011 12:44

yeah ryt, this is MC DONALD',parapapapa. Im loving it... ja ne, its KFE, Eye hooking

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