Generations: The Legacy Teasers
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Generations Teasers - January 2015

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Generations Teasers on 19 Dec 2014
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Coming up on Generations this January, 2015:

Thursday 1 January 2015
Episode 24

Mary realises her life will never be the same again. Karabo calls a family meeting to break the news to the kids. In the dead of night, an intruder sneaks in to kidnap a young girl …

Friday 2 January 2015
Episode 25

The Diales fear the worst when Kagiso brings bad news. Angela thinks sometimes tough love is the only way to help someone. Tau wants Mazwi out of their lives.

Monday 5 January 2015
Episode 26

The Bhengus are back home but things just aren’t the same anymore. Getty is disgusted when she finds out she was lied to. Lucy realises she’s to blame for the nightmare they’re in.

Tuesday 6 January 2015
Episode 27

Karabo has a change of heart. The family has a meeting about what to do with Jonathan. Mam’Bhengu is shocked to hear Archie wanted to marry her.

Wednesday 7 January 2015
Episode 28

Angela is more worried about her brother than ever. The siblings try to figure out Gadaffi’s plan. Mazwi is shaken by a customer’s grim warning.

Thursday 8 January 2015
Episode 29

Gog’Flo is not happy to hear what Getty has to say. Tshidi finds out about the footage of Bob’s murder. Tau doesn’t want the Bhengus to return to Jo’burg.

Friday 9 January 2015
Episode 30

Jonathan is determined to set things right. Karabo finds out they’re expecting a child. Cosmo opens for a distraught neighbour who bears shocking news.

Monday 12 January 2015
Episode 31

Mary enjoys rubbing salt into the wound. Tshidi plays hardcore when she gets a desperate plea for help.
The Moroka siblings decide to let their hair down for a change.

Tuesday 13 January 2015
Episode 32

Getty is over the moon about Angela’s revelation. Tau is not happy about having to work with Mazwi.
Gadaffi shows what happens to people who betray him.

Wednesday 14 January 2015
Episode 33

The new Moroka baby is seen for the first time. Gog’Flo catches her children out in their lie. Namhla is ordered to beg for her life.

Thursday 15 January 2015
Episode 34 (0034)

Lucy receives a spine-chilling video and rushes out the house. Jonathan has no idea that his best friend is falling for him. Tau is shocked to the core by Karabo’s demand.

Friday 16 January 2015
Episode 35 (0035)

Getty’s hopes for a romantic date are blown out of the water. Mazwi thinks he’s to blame for the tension in the Moroka house. Cosmo fears he might never see his sister again.

Monday 19 January 2015
Episode 36

The Moroka children are thrown but excited when they receive big news. Smanga hears a heartfelt speech that was actually meant for someone else.
Tshidi says an emotional goodbye to their hostage.

Tuesday 20 January 2015
Episode 37

Angela is shocked by her father’s confession. Karabo lays down the law with Mary. Gog’flo is not as happy about her granddaughter’s homecoming as she should be.

Wednesday 21 January 2015
Episode 38

Their first date wasn’t everything the youngsters had hoped for. Namhla is caught stealing from a local shop. Tau is cut deeply by his wife’s hurtful words.

Thursday 22 January 2015
Episode 39 (0039)

Lucy vows to leave her life of crime behind and go straight. Zondiwe is stunned when her daughter comes to visit. Jonathan is on a mission to prove his manhood to Getty.

Friday 23 January 2015
Episode 40

Angela decides to play cupid. Gadaffi comes up with a new way to make trouble for his enemy. Cosmo issues a veiled threat at Dr Wilson but she gives as good as she gets.

Monday 26 January 2015
Episode 41

Mary feels snubbed and decides to take revenge. Simphiwe is hurt when Mazwi postpones the lobola negotiations. Tau uses his mother to manipulate Karabo.

Tuesday 27 January 2015
Episode 42

Zondiwe insists on meeting ‘the surrogate’. Lucy takes her frustrations out by kissing a married man.
A titbit of juicy gossip makes it’s way to the wrong ears …

Wednesday 28 January 2015
Episode 43

Thuli is blissfully unaware of her husband’s betrayal. Getty is worried about the scandal that’s about to hit the press. Namhla doesn’t realise the extent her mother will go to to make her daughter happy.

Thursday 29 January 2015
Episode 44

Mazwi is shocked by what the press has to say about him. Angela finds out she’s been had.
Gadaffi hears an interesting piece of information and wants to know more.

Friday 30 January 2015
Episode 45

Mam’Bhengu has her hands full with Simphiwe’s unhappy parents. Lucy’s had enough of being judged and decides to get her own back. Mary doesn’t take kindly to being reprimanded and gives a veiled threat.

Generations is on SABC1 Mondays to Fridays at 20h00.

Shows in this post: Generations

Channels in this post: SABC1


Mpho Patricia nkwinika
19 Dec 2014 17:00


19 Dec 2014 17:17

2nd yaaaaaaaay

19 Dec 2014 18:44


19 Dec 2014 21:00

wow no.4 will giv it a try. But the characters ar few pliz Mr mfundi brng in more

19 Dec 2014 22:45

5th , janaury sure is gonna be entertaining

20 Dec 2014 08:53

Hello guys am lilian n still new i think we will get used to da actors n how da act dis generation is nt dat bad

20 Dec 2014 14:05

It is getting there... Baby steps.

22 Dec 2014 08:14


22 Dec 2014 08:18

getting interesting i think and good

22 Dec 2014 15:58

I'm kinda confused here with Mazwi and Simphiwe's relationship!? I wonder if Mazwi will still marry this girl now that he knows he's a moroka?? I feel for that girl>

22 Dec 2014 16:42

Wow Interesting

23 Dec 2014 09:33

Just watched a repeat now!! And yeah I can adhere to it now!! Must say Tshidi will make u forget about Dineo!!

23 Dec 2014 12:36 what a joke. They must bring back skim spam or we will continue watching etv. Mgundli he failed to invest on actors that he had, ..current Generation is directionless, no target market, we don't know who much watched as is not good for families. Muvhango is better. Guys don't waste ur time with generation

23 Dec 2014 13:37

Gold Diggers will take on Generations next year...sizobona amaHypocrites ngoban!!

28 Dec 2014 08:25

Sori Mfundi i try like i really try to watch it bt i stil hate it, Lucy is trying too hard to be a chick-thug, Namhla is Xhosa-speaking coloured-looking girl who can't act to save her black mouth, Mazwi the helper who turns to be the child of the master, been there done that with Archie's first-born daughter Khensani Moroka (Phemelo Motene).

02 Jan 2015 15:43

Generations ??? satanism its there, namhla im so scared of her xem

07 Jan 2015 11:23

i love this new Generations ,, i thnk Mary she  is going to be a New Quenne Moroka ...

07 Jan 2015 11:23

i love this new Generations ,, i thnk Mary she  is going to be a New Quenne Moroka ...

07 Jan 2015 19:18

Sounds like days of our lives

07 Jan 2015 19:19

But its promising indeed ????

08 Jan 2015 10:32

pleas guys tell me abt Miss Bhengu (Mazwi's Mom ) is she a Xhosa or wht? her lines are mixing Zulu and Xhosa .. or im hearing wrong people?

Simphiwe and Getty yes Xhosas lines are pour and simple. but Miss Bhengu,, hayi angazi,

08 Jan 2015 15:20

Am really enjoying this generation.The storyline are getting exciting by the day

08 Jan 2015 22:21

u r for real guys.anyway it is ur opinions m i don like it even a bit bye bye soapie awards u hav los mfundi

09 Jan 2015 10:15

I dont get some things on this generation . Mazwi was desperate to be accepted into the Moroka family now Karabo is reaching out and he is turning her away why??? Why would Gaddafi kidnap that old school girl thought he was a professional who would simply make that footage disappear rather than kidnapping someone. And why is Smanga ever angry am still to see him smiling. And why the baby is being called the Moroka baby thought that was Tau's child

12 Jan 2015 09:23

@ Anotida Mazwi was angry because instead of welcoming him into the family Karabo chose to pay him off meaning she ddnt want him to be part of the family...who wouldnt be angry at being bought off?but it seems she rectified her mistake soon enough and now they are getting to know each other...

I think its impossible for him to make the vid disappear considering he doesnt even know where it is and how many people have it or have seen it so his best bet would be to threaten Lucy into destroying the footage by kidnapping her daughter...what do you mean by old school girl anyway? hahaha!

I don't like Smanga as well, the way he speaks is artificial, no one speaks like that in life, its like he tries too for why he is always angry hahahahahahahha hameno...

The Moroka name is overused in generations, thats one thing im hating about it...everything has to be referred back to Moroka...Moroka siblings,Moroka Legacy Moroka this Moroka that...we need a break tu!!!!

Otherwise Generations: The Legacy is watchable...i have forgotten all about Sbuda and Dine-whore gegegegegege even Mam' Ruby and Sompisi le tiye lakhe...i think this was a welcome change!!!!

12 Jan 2015 11:13

i wish i can also  BE a Moroka child nami, krkr

13 Jan 2015 13:34

Hi guys laughi'm new here please welcome me

14 Jan 2015 11:14

am i seeing things or dreaming. anyone wake me up. queen of dusting in the house

14 Jan 2015 12:04

hahahahahhah mxxm wena Yoyo uzoswaba i'm back my darling eish i miss our Dusting topics wheres every1 vele?

14 Jan 2015 12:05

@Goldi hie.You are welcome.Wts your take on generations this far.For me it is lekker man.Well done to the writers for such intriguing storylines.Am soooooooooo loving it.

14 Jan 2015 12:09

Tshidi is my favourate this far.I can watch her the whole day i dont mind.

14 Jan 2015 13:07

Hi everyone. 'Welcome' Goldilocks. Yoyozz I see the twins are getting big. I am trying to like the new Gen, because I have nothing better to watch. So we'll see. My only gripe is not so much with the new one but how callously the old  members were treated. But anyway I just have to stop resisting  change. 

14 Jan 2015 13:09

That beatdown scene haunts me - the nerve ot him to say he'll make it pretty and not hit her on the face !!!!

14 Jan 2015 15:57

Nomd sthandwa i missed you like crazy hahahahah which twins mxxxxm Lebza thank you, eish mara these people i so stingy about welcomes *thinking out loud*

My take on this new Gen well i think its still getting there Vundla tried so hard to replace Sbu by bringing in Gaddiffi, Jonno is the new Nicky and Getty is Akhona still accessing it shem but when i look @ the storylines of those charactors i just a replacement *moving foward* i like Lucy the 1st few days after Gen Started until she started getting in my nervous and making noise ya thus so far peeps

15 Jan 2015 09:06

@Goldi i agree with you.Lucy as Manaka is great Talent no doubt but on generations something is not connecting.Remember old generation was the best with the actors having years of crafting their roles.Its going to need a lot for these new people to catch up to the former standards.The people i think have proved themselves so far are Tshidi,Tau and Karabo.The rest ummmmmm its just no lets give them time

@Nomdaz Gaddaffi scares me as well.My only thing is that the storylines and characters are just too few.We need more drama and more people.Focusing on the talentless smanga,mazwi and namhla is just boring.

15 Jan 2015 09:10

,Morning all
Generation is coming right with a brilliant storyline 

15 Jan 2015 09:32

Morning guys QQ good to see you still alive and kicking just by the look of your dancing skills

15 Jan 2015 14:12

Am still haunted by the beatdown gaddafi gave to wifey, sbuda was a thug but never beat up anyone like Gadaffi.##missing him##

Lucy is bad at being a thug, mama sgebenga, she talks too much, impetous,

Tau wants to hang on to the Moroka riches for dear life, he wants an heir to inherit what wealthy, i keep hearing Karabo saying its my company.

I find this whole thing boring. Maybe its me missing the point.

15 Jan 2015 20:30

hai guyz nna ga ke di tsene tsa gen wa tseba e mbora like watching some other can mfudi make sure of loosing the gud talented actors.copstix,sibusiso,keneth,aka queen,mawande,senzo nd jasen,tjooo the list is endless noluntu,tjooo hae mxm

19 Jan 2015 16:23

what happened between karabo and tau. the last time they were happy and inlove and now they come back fighting. who is the man of the house is it karabo or tau coz i can see karabo is the man of the house. the last time i checked karabo is married to tau by now she should be karabo mogale but she is still using moroka. hayi tau uyisi yoyoyo ngoku sowudotswa nge khala ngumfazi. can you please Tau leave karabo moroka and go start MOGALE legacy i want to see you take control like a man. i miss ngamla

04 Feb 2015 10:43

@Goldi,, sana im here , krkrkr

i thnk we must move on and leave old actors ......Bra Mfundi i dont thnk he will change his minds ,, he doesnt have 2nd chances so lets move on ladies,

 who said Namhla look like OBAMA??????

04 Feb 2015 15:05

@qaqamba now that you have said it. She does look like Obama. And I think she is too old for her role. She looks at least 25

16 Feb 2015 14:09


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