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Generations Teasers - January 2016

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Generations Teasers on 15 Dec 2015
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Coming up on Generations this January 2016:

Friday 1 January 2016
Episode 25

Getty is floored by Jonathan’s announcement. Namhla’s attempt to flirt with someone backfires on her.
Thami’s revelation at the Moroka house sends shock waves through everyone.

Monday 4 January 2016
Episode 26

Karabo is alarmed after having a dream about Amo. Heartbroken Cosmo finds someone else to crush on.
Xolelwa steals something at work.

Tuesday 5 January 2016
Episode 27

Zola wants to come clean about the affair. Angela realises her father will never take her seriously. Nolwazi doesn’t like it when Mazwi comes on too strong.

Wednesday 6 January 2016
Episode 28

Namhla accuses Getty of moving in on her turf. Tshidi has a freak accident and wonders if the ancestors caused it. Vuyo has to eat humble pie in order to make ends meet.

Thursday 7 January 2016
Episode 29

Lucy is rattled when Gadaffi questions her about Karishma. Xolelwa is thrilled about the idea of being a muse. The dirty video reveals a clue about Simphiwe’s secret love affair…

Friday 8 January 2016
Episode 30

Mazwi is on a mission to find out the truth. Tau is convinced the skeletons in his closet are safely packed away. Zola pops the question.

Monday 11 January 2016
Episode 31

Zach has some interesting revelations about the dirty sex video. Vuyo feels bad about his blunder and decides to make things right. Karabo thinks she’s off the hook until a set of cufflinks gives her away.

Tuesday 12 January 2016
Episode 32

Namhla gets an idea of how to win Xavi over. Gadaffi feels the noose tightening as Zondo ups the pressure.
The truth comes out about who booked the Three Towers hotel room.

Wednesday 13 January 2016
Episode 33

Tshidi is not happy to hear who her husband got a loan from. Xenophobia rears it’s ugly head at the shebeen. Tau finally gets the answer he’s been dreading all along.

Thursday 14 January 2016
Episode 34

Nolwazi makes it clear she won’t be messed around. Xolelwa threatens to sue Vuyo if he doesn’t pay up.
Mazwi realises Simphiwe’s affair was about far more than revenge.

Friday 15 January 2016
Episode 35

The Phakades plan their getaway. Xavi is curt towards Namhla but not for the reason she thinks.
Things don’t go well when Karabo breaks the news of the divorce.

Monday 18 January 2016
Episode 36

Tebogo appeals to Zondiwe to talk sense into her son. Angela is stressed about making a good impression on an old enemy. Smanga is suspicious about what was going on behind locked doors.

Tuesday 19 January 2016
Episode 37

Tau reveals the real reason he wants a divorce. Nolwazi is manipulated into revealing the truth.
Amo has another setback.

Wednesday 20 January 2016
Episode 38

Tshidi believes there’s a way to stop Thami’s prophecy from coming true. Xavi wants to do the right thing but Namhla refuses. Karabo is shocked when she hears the terms of the divorce.

Thursday 21 January 2016
Episode 39

Gadaffi comes up with a dangerous plan. Siya doesn’t know how to comfort a distraught Angela.
Smanga makes a shock announcement to the family.

Friday 22 January 2016
Episode 40

Mazwi’s smugness turns sour when he hears about Simphiwe’s confession. Xolelwa gets her wish but still plays hardball. Tau proves just how bitter and angry he really is.

Monday 25 January 2016
Episode 41

Lucy catches out Namhla and Xavi. Karabo got what she wanted so why is she unhappy?
Tshidi buys muti to protect her man.

Tuesday 26 January 2016
Episode 42

Nolwazi is shocked to hear the truth surrounding the divorce. Thami tells Gadaffi what he doesn’t want to hear. Zola realises the Moroka legacy will always come before him.

Wednesday 27 January 2016
Episode 43

Things get ugly when Tau plays hardball. Mazwi has an idea when he hears about the affair. Zondiwe finds out the truth about Amo.

Thursday 28 January 2016
Episode 44

Namhla manipulates Xavi into doing something he doesn’t want to. Tshidi does something drastic in a moment of desperation. Vuyo decides to expose Karabo to the world.

Friday 29 January 2016
Episode 45

Xolelwa accuses Getty of trying to change Max. Angela is devastated when she realises Siya betrayed her. Gadaffi is shocked to see how far his wife will go to protect what she believes is hers.

Generations is on SABC1 Mondays to Fridays at 20h00.

Shows in this post: Generations

Channels in this post: SABC1


15 Dec 2015 10:04


15 Dec 2015 10:07


15 Dec 2015 10:19


15 Dec 2015 10:24


15 Dec 2015 11:14

Story lines not so clear

15 Dec 2015 11:18

The OLD Generation story of sibusiso,sharon,memela was far better than these hatefull exergerated... tau,gadaffi,zola and smanga storylines

15 Dec 2015 13:16

Why is tau divorcing karabo after he fought so hard .I wonder is his angle with this whole thing .gadaffi is finally back wow .I wonder who Xavi is

15 Dec 2015 13:52

It can't get more boring than this. Better bring back the old generations.

15 Dec 2015 13:57

Teasers leave me confused. But I'm shocked that Tau demands an divorce. It seems it is going to be interesting.

15 Dec 2015 14:01

Tau is definitely protecting his interests by divorcing Karabo. I guess it's a strategic business move.

15 Dec 2015 14:26

@danick u are wrong i love this soapie

15 Dec 2015 14:27

tau just want half of ezweni

15 Dec 2015 14:31

Interesting month teasers are made to give glimpse of actual picture so it doesn't have to show much u must watch the show to see what happens

15 Dec 2015 15:10

i wonder wht makes Vuyo Dabula come back,, aka Gadaffi,, lol,,
Tsidi wht are you doing now, hahaha Thanks God news abt Amo will be out.
i thnk Jonathan will said he is going overseas for good,,
Angela i thnk story writters abana lines for wena sisi i thnk nawe hamba,
i hate tht Esther yooo ,,,,

15 Dec 2015 15:11

They need to give Nolwazi her own storyline please .I love that girl. Tau deserves half of Ezweni for all the crap karabo puts him through .lol can Xolelwa just stop stealing for once

15 Dec 2015 15:15

Mazwi must  build a Masion  for  his Mother please,, he has money now, please tell him guys.

15 Dec 2015 18:07

I cannot wait 4january, when is gaddafi going to spill the beans? Aow my girl xolelwa should just stop stealing hleng lolll huu. Simphiwe and her secrets ae I really cannot wait shem HABASHWE

15 Dec 2015 20:29

Mxm Still no jack Mabaso

15 Dec 2015 21:51

Lucy was fuming tonight !!! Manaka Ranaka just reminded many that she is one of the most gifted actresses in this industry. She just owns this thug Lucy character.

15 Dec 2015 22:32

Ey I was also fuming nx ghaah hate Ester

15 Dec 2015 23:27

Guys guys guys n TVSA, Vuyo Dabula isn't leaving generations after all and it is confirmed. Generations even realised a statement

16 Dec 2015 11:06

Gadaffi is the reason I watch generation.. :-)

18 Dec 2015 13:28

Nolwazi was suppposed to be given a storyline,I remeber when she first arrived to the GenFam,she received a call from a strange dude and she quickly dropped the phone-#Cliche Maybe Mfundla didnt like it and gave her the infedelity storyline

18 Dec 2015 20:17

It's that crazy Namhla time again.. She's probably going to abort babies every year.

20 Dec 2015 14:00

I can't wait for the truth about Mazwi and Nolwazi to come out.

29 Dec 2015 11:20

hey guys was on leave only few days,, from 15th till 28 Dec,, i am tired,, hope u guys are enjoying festice season
Generation Legacy
Karabo and Zola i hate wht you guys are doing to Tau,
Simphiw and Mazwi lines must come to an end now and i thnk Tamkhulu Tebogo knws everything
I am happy Gadaffi is back,, but Coasmos charector is a bit lacking now not sure if there are not lines for him
i like Jonathan i wouldnt like him to leave the show please Mr Vundla give him a chance.

30 Dec 2015 12:03

Wednesday 30 December 2015
Episode 23

Gadaffi decides to tell Tau the truth. Mazwi does all he can to avoid dealing with his true feelings. The rift between Cosmo and Lucy gets wider by the day.

Thursday 31 December 2015
Episode 24

Zondiwe is suspicious about what the prophet had to say. Vuyo watches Zola like a hawk at the party. Angela is shocked when she spots two ‘friends’ kissing.

cant wait. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

30 Dec 2015 12:04

Who are those those frnds kissing?????? Getty and Vuyo???????? or Xolelwa and Junno?????

30 Dec 2015 13:01

That was unexpected from Gadaffi yesterday. Totally bemused!!

30 Dec 2015 22:39

what's gonna happen ka baby amogelang? tau le yena doesn't deserve him bcos he is after moroka's legacy. tshidi, she is cruel just like her husband, how can she keep that srcret or she thinks it is better if they all loose him. but atleast mary would love to raise him if she might know this secret rather than another death in thr soapie

31 Dec 2015 09:59

eish i hate Tsidi she is more evil thn her Hubby but time will tell, yoo Lucy yadidiza shame.

31 Dec 2015 12:59

Jonathan doesn't know Lucy very well. Giving her his credit card locking a fat kid in a chocolate factory. Tshidi has just showed us her dark side. That she must have learned from Gadaffi.

31 Dec 2015 13:01

Giving her his credit card is like locking a fat kid in a chocolate factory.

02 Jan 2016 12:59

Can Mazwi leave Simphiwe's secret affair alone, I love what Simphiwe made Smanga to be, she made him to reveal his softer side, I loved the Smanga character while he was in love with Simphiwe

05 Jan 2016 01:13

@Nhlebaby.. Now that you're saying it I realise you're absolutely right.. Simphiwe brought out the best in him.. And now that she's not in the picture anymore.. He's the same unlikeable, spoilt brat he was when the show started.

05 Jan 2016 09:11

Mazwi has every right to find out what really happened before Simphiwe died. He must now that his brother is a dirty man who stabbed him in the back

05 Jan 2016 13:28

hey u all

i didint understand Karabo's dream it was a bit weid for me,
i would like to see the Khumalo Brothers i wonder ngoobani ezoo charectors..
 Xolelwa  Charector hayi i dont like her shame,, she is too much sorry ladies.

07 Jan 2016 08:25

Mazwi might wanna check Simphiwe's voice messages to find the man who was messing with her.

10 Jan 2016 23:28

Hai dis is boring just bcoz Simphiwe shes no more & no 1 2 defend her, she suffered now she is called a whore by some1 who pushed her 2 cheat bcoz he was cheating also. Mazwi must also suffer 4 cheating with Nolwazi. Pls can Smanga fight 4 simphiwe let thr be war between morokas brother

11 Jan 2016 21:42

Karabo is a legendary serial cheater. Even if she be with Zola, she'll cheat on her too. I want Smanga to know that Mazwi cheated on Simphiwe before she died so that he can blackmail Mazwi.

12 Jan 2016 15:37

I also want that Show-Time. coz even now he is still after the whore that caused her wife's death..

12 Jan 2016 18:28

OMG!! Lol, sorry I didn't rectify some of the bad grammar before posting. Glad you understood though.

12 Jan 2016 18:32

Can we expect to see the mobsters that Gadaffi fears so much called Khumalo brothers?

aubrey mangenge ntsundeni
12 Jan 2016 19:35

yah want to se them too.... GADDAFY IS A BIG DOG

14 Jan 2016 10:33

Is it Xavi or Adze???

18 Jan 2016 14:19

Hayi Karabo yafeba yooo sies,

18 Jan 2016 14:37

Let us accept that Karabo will never change as far relationships goes. Ever since she was betrayed by Glen Majozi she has never been the same. People call her a slut but ignore the fact that she has always had a miserable upbringing.

19 Jan 2016 22:43

Lol, I'm loving uncle Tebogo right now. He gave Karabo the stone cold truth. No one has ever done that before, not even Ntombi Khumalo.

Msido COG
30 Jan 2016 12:07

Msido COG
30 Jan 2016 12:07

This is all boring

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