Nkululeko is a South African television drama series created by Sibulele Siko-Shosha which is a coming-of-age story set in the windswept streets of Cape Town township Khayelitsha and centered around Nkululeko Zwai (Aphiwe Mkefe), a talented mathematician preparing for a competition that could change his life and destiny forever.
When he makes an impulsive decision in a moment of blossoming love, he suddenly finds himself in deep trouble and everything he has worked so hard for falls apart - leaving his future in jeopardy.
It is at the centre of Nkululeko's unravelling that we are introduced to Sibulele Nginda (Zimkhitha Nyoka), who is the daughter of Khayelitsha's well-known Brigadier.
Sibu is exceptionally smart, independent and while the two are drawn to each other like moths to a flame, it is their meeting that ignites a series of events destined to change their world forever.
Nkululeko's sidekicks are Mandla (Tiisetso Thoka) and Buhle (Abongile Salli) who have to face their own demons while helping their friend come to terms with his life choices.
Buhle is a colourful hustler from a poverty-stricken family. He believes money can end all his problems and is not afraid to dabble in criminal activities to acquire it, while Mandla is a "Cheese Boy" who is struggling to find where he belongs.
Nkululeko's father, Thami Zwai (Chris Gxalaba), is a caddy at a golf course whose wife left him for greener pastures. His primary focus is to give his son all the opportunities he never had, as does the Brigadier (Sizwe Msutu), who's determined to protect his daughter Sibu at all costs - especially from troublemakers.
Other cast members include Tina Jaxa, Bongile Mantsai, Andile Mxakaza and Jet Novuka.
Nkululeko is an M-Net Original Production produced by Bomb and Dumile Films with creator/producer Sibulele Siko-Shosha and Shelli Miller. The script is by Gillian Breslin and Andy Peterson, with a story team including Breslin, Amy Jephta and Tshenolo Mabale.
The executive producers are Desireé Markgraaff and Angus Gibson. Zeno Petersen directed the series pilot and the title theme was written by Metzman.