Season 1
Mr. Sunshine is an American television sitcom created by Matthew Perry, Marc Firek and Alex Barnow which follows the misadventures of Ben Donovan, the general manager for the Sunshine Center, a second-tier arena in San Diego, who has to deal with the unusual demands of his job and his unpredictable boss.
Matthew Perry stars as Ben Donovan, the general manager of the Sunshine Center, who every night navigates a never-ending series of bizarre requests, curious mishaps and employee screw ups to put on a show for 18,000 screaming people.
Working alongside him is his boss and arena owner Crystal, attractive, powerful and highly erratic; Alice, the cute, tomboyish marketing director and Ben's friend with benefits; Alonzo, a former basketball player, handsome and unbelievably happy; Ben's assistant, Heather, pretty, sweet, but terrifying because she once lit a boyfriend on fire; and Crystal's son, Roman, sweet-faced, clueless and Ben's newest employee.
Mr. Sunshine stars Matthew Perry as Ben, Allison Janney as Crystal, Andrea Anders as Alice, James Lesure as Alonzo and Nate Torrence as Roman.
Broadcast Notes
The series aired in the USA on ABC from 7 February to 6 April, 2011. Although 13 episodes were made only nine aired in the USA before the series was cancelled. All 13 episodes aired in South Africa.