I was tempted to add some images but I thought let me play nicely. Now back to the lovely topic at hand. online dating sms dating, mxit etc these are the new ways of connecting with people hassle free as most of these would promise.
The big question is: Is there something like a "hot date waiting for you just a click away"? If they were as hot as they claim to be why are they alone? Do these kind of hook ups ever work? is it just an xcuse for promiscuity? (gaad dont believe I said that didn't mean no harm to anyone)
I would like to hear from you bloggers wot do you think of this, have you done it before, share your experience with us,
Would you consider it? if yes why if no why cum on share your thought's. People please note I am talking about dating not just occasional hook up's.
just thought this would be a nice friday topic.
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