Nary Ebeid

Gender: Female


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Nary Ebeid is an American federal agent from Los Angeles, California who was a contestant on the reality television competition The Amazing Race 20, in 2012.

Her team partner was her friend and fellow agent Jamie Graetz. She was 32 during filming of the Race.

Amazing Race Q&A

Describe what you do
Enforce the controlled substance laws and bring criminals who grow, manufacture and distribute controlled substances to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States.

How will these skills help you win The Race?
In this profession you need to be on your toes and make quick split and rational decisions under pressure. That is a tough skill to come by and making quick decisions for the Race is important.

Three words to describe you
Stubborn, loyal and warm-hearted.

Favorite hobbies
Working out at the gym, rollerblading and photo-scrapbooking.

What famous person reminds you of yourself?
Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality

What famous person reminds you of your teammate?
Mike Myers in Austin Powers because of the funny voice she uses sometimes.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Completing the Academy, becoming a Federal Agent and getting my Masters degree in two and a half years, all while working full-time.

What scares you most about traveling?
Being kidnapped or eating something that will make me sick and therefore ruin my trip!

What excites you most about traveling?
The experience of seeing how other parts of the world look and how different people are and trying different food.

Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together?
We are both pretty good communicators with one another, but sometimes I may have to speak loudly to get it through her hard head.

Pet peeve about your teammate
She's hard headed and selfish sometimes – and a little high maintenance. For example, she told her fiancée that she wanted a $20,000 ring!

What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
South Africa to see the African Safari.

What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)?
The experience of a lifetime and gaining a stronger bond with Jamie.

Television Roles



Contestant - Herself


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