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Isidingo Teasers - May 2009

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Isidingo Teasers on 27 Apr 2009
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Coming up on Isidingo in May, 2009:

Friday 1 May 2009
Episode 2591 

Frank finds out the consequences of violating the court interdict. Maggie tries to help Nandipha, but is told in no uncertain terms that her help is not wanted. Maggie refuses to take Louis' calls.

Monday 4 May 2009
Episode 2592 

Frank gets ready to face the consequences of his actions. Parsons feels the pressure from all sides to marry Thandi. Maggie's nearest and dearest feel bad about Maggie and wonder how they can help her.

Tuesday 5 May 2009
Episode 2593

Thandi's expectations about the big day are frustrated as Parsons refines the art of delay. Sofia's Mondayther tells her a version of the facts that is shattering. Maggie decides to accept that her life will be loveless.

Wednesday 6 May 2009
Episode 2594 

The news of the engagement spreads, but not as far as Nandipha. Harriet tries to get Priya to open a missing persons docket for Barker. A new and interesting woman checks into the Duncan.

Thursday 7 May 2009
Episode 2595

Priya gets a lead on Barker. Thandi reveals her family secret. Maggie and the communards angst about telling Nandipha about the Wedding. Len takes up the femme fatale challenge.

Friday 8 May 2009
Episode 2596 

Zeb is still pursuing the Strubenland, and Agnes is upset to realize this. Harriet receives a phone call, but the mysterious caller has nothing to say to her. Len Mondayves in on the new beauty in town.

Monday 11 May 2009
Episode 2597 

Len has been very active with Manuela all weekend, but he's starting to take strain, much to everyone else's amusement. A serious crack opens up in Thandi's ideal Wedding dream. Harriet's hope of finding Barker dissolves.

Tuesday 12 May 2009
Episode 2598

Thandi doesn't know who to turn to save her Wedding day, and Zeb has an unlikely solution. Priya continues the search for Barker, but finds only dead ends. Lolly needs to cover for Len when he dodges work to have wild love with Manuela.

Wednesday 13 May 2009
Episode 2599

George puts word out on the street about Barker and makes a shocking discovery. Zeb is determined to pursue his plan but Vusi comes up with an alternative. Len sails close to the wind with Manuela and Rajesh.

Thursday 14 May 2009
Episode 2600

Thandi is not keen to get married on a building site. Harriet finally gets some good news from Priya. Zeb takes a pounding when he gets some seriously bad news. Len gets some good news from a bad lady.

Friday 15 May 2009
Episode 2601

Priya makes a big breakthrough. Jealousy becomes a major threat to Len Cooper's life. Zeb hears that Agnes is on a tender committee with the council, managing up to 70 million rand.

Monday 18 May 2009
Episode 2602

Zeb is offered an opportunity, but will he be willing to cross the line? Harriet wants her troubled mentor to stay in hospital. Umberto Fonesca, Len Cooper discovers, is a man with a penchant for violence.

Tuesday 19 May 2009
Episode 2603 

Barker is desperate to be at peace. Zeb battles with his conscience in the face of a tempting bribe. Len discovers that he is in serious physical danger now that the jealous Mr. U. Fonseca has come to town.

Wednesday 20 May 2009
Episode 2604 

Len Cooper decides on a sex change. Harriet cuts a deal with Barker, despite the doctor warning her that this may lead to disaster. Vusi finds out about Zeb's endeavours regarding Strubenland.

Thursday 21 May 2009
Episode 2605 

Farrow is outraged to see Len Cooper on television wearing her dress. Zeb and Georgie battle against an unknown bidder. Barker tries all tactics to get Harriet to give him what he needs.

Friday 22 May 2009
Episode 2606 

Harriet flies in the face of all reason, and professional medical advices, and perseveres with Barker. Agnes is coming up against a brick wall with Zeb. Lenita very nearly makes a tragic decision.

Monday 25 May 2009
Episode 2607

Len Cooper is enjoying Lenita a little too much. Barker has flashbacks to better times, and to times very much worse. Parsons is worried about his prospective father in law, just how bad can he be, and how are they going to control him?

Tuesday 26 May 2009
Episode 2608 

Barker attacks an innocent woman, believing she is Cherel. Thandi's father, Menzi, arrives in Thandi's flat with a bimbo called Sweetness in tow. Lenita rocks Umberto Fonseca to the core of his being.

Wednesday 27 May 2009
Episode 2609 

Maggie, Agnes and Zeb have problems counting sheep, which will impact on the Wednesdayding. Rajesh is furious to find out that Len has been pulling a number while he has been away. Harriet sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Thursday 28 May 2009
Episode 2610

Barker sneaks a weapon from the breakfast tray, and sends Harriet away on an errand. The Fonescas are gone, but Lenita Cooper remains on Horizon Deep. Zebedee Matabane does battle with a herd of sheep.

Friday 29 May 2009
Episode 2611 

Thandi, in the midst of having her make-up done, calls the police to report missing relatives. Barker Haines leans, literally, over the abyss. Len distracts Nandipha with evil substances.


28 Apr 2009 09:27


28 Apr 2009 09:36

@ MIA LOL!!!!!!!

28 Apr 2009 09:52

poor Nandipha

28 Apr 2009 09:27


28 Apr 2009 09:36

@ MIA LOL!!!!!!!

28 Apr 2009 09:52

poor Nandipha

28 Apr 2009 13:01

Thandi reveals her family secret. 

I knew it...that girl is more trouble than she's worth!
Hope she shows her true colours before Parsons marry her.

28 Apr 2009 13:01

Thandi reveals her family secret. 

I knew it...that girl is more trouble than she's worth!
Hope she shows her true colours before Parsons marry her.

28 Apr 2009 15:18



28 Apr 2009 15:18



Ex fan
28 Apr 2009 16:23

Can one of the writers pleez help the Isidingo cause. Is becoming really boring,   & I dont want to resort to watching etv bubblegum. Pity please!! This Thandi/Parsons thing sucks... she cant be that perfect, and Nandiphas injured party act must end, time for her to rise above it all and show Parsons what a loser he is. Can we have Parsons lodging outside her door begging her forgiveness please...something! This is pathetic.

28 Apr 2009 19:56

28 Apr 2009 20:09

what are the writers doing...why are they making lolly a bitch.. running after everyones man..she went for johnny and now frank...frank and priya make an awesome couple..we all watch isidingo cos of priya and frank..can the writers please leave them alone and make lolly and len have something going on..jeez guys find some oda couple to play on..leave priya and franks relationship alone..please dont let anyone intere with their relationship....lolly is becoming a real bitch..cant the writers make her story line with len heat up......what are the writers problemss..making isidingo become like bold and beautiful and days of our lives were people steal one another husband and boyfriends...i thought this would be one soap were we could watch were nothing like this would  happen but we were wrong...thandi stole parson from nandipa and now lolly starting to have feelings for frank when he and priya have just started something....i am now definitely starting to loose interest in isidingo and so are my frenz....

28 Apr 2009 20:20

Mondaying? Wednesdaying? WTF?

Holy Ghost Fire
29 Apr 2009 09:10

Mondaying? Wednesdaying? WTF?


29 Apr 2009 09:15


29 Apr 2009 09:28

I thnk i hav to cum back en watch Isidingo coz it's rocking these days

29 Apr 2009 11:01


zimbo 09
29 Apr 2009 11:11

wat a bore..

29 Apr 2009 11:18

>>Mondaying? Wednesdaying? WTF?


Apologies! It has to do with the formatting - onto it like a kneeguard on a cricket player. (WTF?)

29 Apr 2009 19:02

Sorry tash,lol

30 Apr 2009 00:28

Lenita?Is Len really serious about this?Can anyone that subjects themselves to the slow torture that is Isidingo answer this q?

30 Apr 2009 14:43

tjhe!!!! Thandi bathong

02 May 2009 15:05

Nan is too much of a Dramma queen.she needs to use her mind and stop drinking.she has money for heaven's sake and she is sexy and attractive. Isidingo is becoming boring like passions they should just make stella a witch like tabitha.come one guys we want a villian like barker and we r glued to the screen like old times.

04 May 2009 12:28

LMAO Len..Lenita,,cant wait to see this.

04 May 2009 12:29

"SWEETNESS" .... kwa kwa kwa!!!!

04 May 2009 12:36

i also kwa kwa'd @ SWEETNESS  bulz

04 May 2009 13:00

Ja man you can see the mini skirt, bad weave and a layer of make-up ..LOL

04 May 2009 13:07

....ahahah and the pronounciation of Sweetneeeessss ,not forgetting the bubblegum

04 May 2009 13:23


04 May 2009 14:31

Honestly , i dont like what Thandie did to nandipha - reallt think its gonna come back to her & parsons ...its called KARMA!!!! --its real ---. What goes around comes around , this is called LIFE ! 

04 May 2009 14:41

le nna hake rate Ka Nandipha

04 May 2009 14:53

Thandi's family secret?????????? wat ever it is hope it's gonna turn Parson's heart from marrying that slut

05 May 2009 09:38

Please Isidingo writers, Nandipha needs to get over this divorce thing now. I would like to see her making peace with it and moving on. You are stretching it too much. It's starting to bore me. Please bring Barker back, life is boring without him in the Deep.

05 May 2009 16:36 every one in that crew mad?? is this an international soap or Mzantsi's? I mean really.... WTF??? The Nandipha divorce thing is so boring she really needs to get over it....And Parsons?? all the Matabane's are irritating the sh!t out of me...and that Thandie?? ngaske ithi kanti she can't bear children...she makes me sick....Please Isidee guys bring Cherryl back....and Barker in the game, get Vusi a woman or hook him up with Nan so that they kick out all them Matabane's in that house.....Love Frank & Priya....Maggie needs to go...(what the heck was she wearing at the SAMA's....) That Jess gal needs to grow up or go...enough with the bright colours kwindawo yonke...its too much for our eyes. I'm not sure what Lolly's supposed to be doing....anyone who can explain to me. Len & his ex were so cute together...they need to get back together and i think she's too beautiful and talented she needs to do more than dressing up and wondering around those couches the whole episode....

06 May 2009 14:07

I love the part Parsons and Thandi's marrige. pls fine Nan a Man.

06 May 2009 15:28

Ja Sips, I too want Nan to hook up with Vusi and see the reaction of the Matabanes. I hope Thandi's secret is that she was once a man and had a sex change operation. I hope that Parsons gets a car accident on his and Thandi's  wedding day.... I would love to see her standing alone in the altar. Len must hook up with Lolly now, since Farro and her seem to be ok with sharing ex-boyfriends. Oh please find Radjesh a woman or hook him up with Lolly  or something don't make him such a boring character pleaaaase!  I can not wait to see Lenita.

06 May 2009 15:46

By the way why did they kill Lettie instead of Zeb?

06 May 2009 16:27

Hahahahahahahh...i think they should have killed them both Letti & right Mhiza Radjesh needs a woman...he's so hardcore and boring...give him some action please....

06 May 2009 16:53

I miss the days when every body in isidingo had something to. These days writers concetrate on one topic. Yesterday it was Parson's and Thandi's engagement. The whole of Horizon Deep was busy talking about that. Ayikho enye into ebalulekileyo elalini bethuna? Someone needs to recue isidingo nyani-nyani. Otherwise sizoba bored sibukele.

07 May 2009 10:24

I think Nandipha needs a man...her life has gone boring!! Romance and drama people...lets not lose the plot!!

07 May 2009 11:08

am with you Mhiza, i also miss that...i even changed the chanel when everybody was talking about that stupid engagement....akandiki uParson's no Thandie - Parson's etsho ngobuso ubungathi butyiwe zinyosi and Thankie oneziqhitsi ngathi yikati...i've completly lost interest in Isidingo yhani....haybo!!

08 May 2009 10:44

LOL, bt ja ppl we hav 2 agree Isidingo is still the only bst soapie thats made in Mzansi.

11 May 2009 14:51

The thing is Nan can never find someone to marry since she is HIV positive, that what is stressing her a lot. as for Ma Agness and Bra Zeb, they dont have a heart how can the sit there and smile pretend nothing is wrong... shame on them. .... i hope thandi and pasns get what is coming their way


12 May 2009 08:35

12 May 2009 08:40

I like Parsons and Thandi, I think they make a good couple.

lee naidoo
12 May 2009 11:44

this Parsons Thandi thing has gone too far. All is not fair and perfect in the world of adultry. They need to get their own back. Only a people that have been on the receiving end of cheating can understand what Nan is going thro so judgments should stop. Parsons character used to be decent and kind before Thandi. If ever there was a slut that played the angel Thandi you're it.

13 May 2009 12:18

I also think that Parsons and Thandy suit each other even though i like Nandipha more, but still she should just pick up the pieces and move on, no one said it was gonna be easy, but she can"t cry over spilt milk. I cant wait to see the Psychotic Barker.

13 May 2009 16:15

hi sips..isidingo on the romance department is lacking..they are making the soap into other soaps which we are so bored off..frank and priya are an awesome couple..they are the only couple that have an electrifying chemistry,everyone else is so boring..frank and natasha didnt even have this chemistry the way frank and priya do.its high time to bring frank and priya a couple and leave them as couple without interfernces,we are very tired with the affairs and sharing of ex boyfriends and friends sharing their boyfriends or girls sharing their girlfriends,its becoming really annoying,,its sending out the wrong messages to the public..that is why we have so many marriages breaking up and affairs happening ..enough now with the affairs lines..bring on frank and priya to show us that there are couples that can fact their relationship started excellent by showing us u can hate someone at first and then it can lead to true forever love...priya and frank can do that..everyone is just to annoying..they just love to carry on for themselves...

14 May 2009 11:13

...nothing to comment bout the soapy....but
i just luvv it when MaAgnes says..."Helllooo my dear" anybody..with that motherly smile....
it just makes everything heals me far form the drama as i am...

Mmaphuti Seanego
14 May 2009 12:42


sister d
15 May 2009 13:40

i dont understand this parsons/thandi thing too. Parsons and nandipha were so perfect together. i can understand what nandipha is going through. hope that parsons realises that the biggest mistake he made was to leave nandipha.

20 May 2009 16:08

Thandie is such a slut & a bitch and i don;t have words for Parsons - i don;t care how Parsons & Nan's marrige was point is that witch ingu Thandie attached their married, and was a threat to it yes they were going thru a rough patch and maybe they were not going to solve their problems but that was their business she shouln't have got involved with Parson. Why the hell did they break up before anyway? She broke up their marrige even if she can defend her self and say it Nan's fault - 80% of the break up it b/z of her...And now she managed to pressurize Parsons to marry with you lee Naidoo she is a slut that played an angel and she's good.  Relationship born out of affairs don't survive that much...we'll see about theirs...i saw wish that she can't have children.  And that Ma'Agnes

20 May 2009 16:08

Thandie is such a slut & a bitch and i don;t have words for Parsons - i don;t care how Parsons & Nan's marrige was point is that witch ingu Thandie attached their married, and was a threat to it yes they were going thru a rough patch and maybe they were not going to solve their problems but that was their business she shouln't have got involved with Parson. Why the hell did they break up before anyway? She broke up their marrige even if she can defend her self and say it Nan's fault - 80% of the break up it b/z of her...And now she managed to pressurize Parsons to marry with you lee Naidoo she is a slut that played an angel and she's good.  Relationship born out of affairs don't survive that much...we'll see about theirs...i saw wish that she can't have children.  And that Ma'Agnes is

20 May 2009 16:08

Thandie is such a slut & a bitch and i don;t have words for Parsons - i don;t care how Parsons & Nan's marrige was point is that witch ingu Thandie attached their married, and was a threat to it yes they were going thru a rough patch and maybe they were not going to solve their problems but that was their business she shouln't have got involved with Parson. Why the hell did they break up before anyway? She broke up their marrige even if she can defend her self and say it Nan's fault - 80% of the break up it b/z of her...And now she managed to pressurize Parsons to marry with you lee Naidoo she is a slut that played an angel and she's good.  Relationship born out of affairs don't survive that much...we'll see about theirs...i saw wish that she can't have children.  And that Ma'Agnes is such

20 May 2009 16:08

Thandie is such a slut & a bitch and i don;t have words for Parsons - i don;t care how Parsons & Nan's marrige was point is that witch ingu Thandie attached their married, and was a threat to it yes they were going thru a rough patch and maybe they were not going to solve their problems but that was their business she shouln't have got involved with Parson. Why the hell did they break up before anyway? She broke up their marrige even if she can defend her self and say it Nan's fault - 80% of the break up it b/z of her...And now she managed to pressurize Parsons to marry with you lee Naidoo she is a slut that played an angel and she's good.  Relationship born out of affairs don't survive that much...we'll see about theirs...i saw wish that she can't have children.  And that Ma'Agnes is such a

20 May 2009 16:08

Thandie is such a slut & a bitch and i don;t have words for Parsons - i don;t care how Parsons & Nan's marrige was point is that witch ingu Thandie attached their married, and was a threat to it yes they were going thru a rough patch and maybe they were not going to solve their problems but that was their business she shouln't have got involved with Parson. Why the hell did they break up before anyway? She broke up their marrige even if she can defend her self and say it Nan's fault - 80% of the break up it b/z of her...And now she managed to pressurize Parsons to marry with you lee Naidoo she is a slut that played an angel and she's good.  Relationship born out of affairs don't survive that much...we'll see about theirs...i saw wish that she can't have children.  And that Ma'Agnes is such a hypocrite

20 May 2009 16:24

I didn't do that guys....the pc did it. i swear. 

Not long ago Zeb had an affair with that woman (forgottn her name) she couldn't even look at the child and she expected evrybody else not to like that woman and her child now she's all over Thandie, not even thinking about Nan. Who was supportive when she lost her Lettie? Then aphinde azibize a Chritian. I'm not saying she should hate Thandie but why does she look like she's forgotten Nan, like zange uNan abe khona....when some thing goes wrong in ThandeSon's land she'll say Nan blablablabla. Okay Nan must hook up with Vusi PLEASE!!! And Lolly with Len or Rajesh...hahahah there must also be a man that claims to be Thandie's husband and wants her back with his child that she aborted....Also get Farrow something better to do haybo!!

24 May 2009 14:30

I used  to watch isidingo every night. couldn't wait for the next episode. now the soapie has become so boring i'd rather watch 7 de laan. Please i want some more drama and intrigue, and get this wedding over and done. find a new man in nan's live so that parsons see's what he is missing. i want him to be so jealous it must drive him mad.

25 May 2009 13:40

Jeez Sips I thought you felt so strong about the point you were making there, that you had to send it over and over again and you have such active imagination he! I bet if they can let you write for isidingo, there won't be any boring episodes. I'm with you... that maAgnes, I 'd love to give her indaba zakhe too. Tshotsho! bra Zeb is partnering with Georgie in his new business and has not told her about his dealings with braG. I wish uGeorgie angamrobha basale bengenalutho baphinde balale eReck Club. I am happy to see that Nan is laughing a bit these days...thanks to Len or Lenita? That Thandi and Parsons I wish them all the bad luck in the world. I think Hariet must let Farrow look after Barker. I don't think she'll mind at all andikaze ndimbone umntu efuna omnye that bad.

25 May 2009 14:00

Isidingo catch a wake-up!!!!!!!!!!

25 May 2009 14:59

@ Mhiza - memela kaloku i never saw myself replying nd' can't explain how that happened....Sorry ma- bloggers :)

Yes you're right i so have an active imagination hahahahahah. I can't wait to see what they've up with for next month. Tshotsho nam nditsho to Ma'Agnes...i so with that woman can come back and steal Zeb away from her. Yes she must let her do that...i've stopped watching Isidee - am now watching eTV @1830 but am also starting to get bored with wondering what should i be doing at 1830...would go to the gym but CT is so cold these days....any suggestions on what i should be doing guys....

26 May 2009 09:50

Yes it will be nice if Refiloe would come back from Tabanchu, that will bring a bit of drama to maAgie's life and to isidingo. I wonder if that baby boy of hers doesn't need another isiko thing again? It will be nice to see maAgie remembering how bad it feels to be cheated on. Barker please get well soon... isidingo can't live without  you.

26 May 2009 09:54

@ Sips ...You can come and Phola with me

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