Some of you might have heard that there's some “beef” between
HHP and JR over the hit song that got every race crazy last year the song is
Show Dem Make the Circle Bigger. Some of us were wondering what the real "beef "is between the two popular and successful Motswako artists. We also know that JR was introduced by HHP in the main stream of this music industry after he asked HHP to listen to his demo and he liked it then decided to take him under his wing. So this “beef” came as a surprise to many people and we wished to know what the real story is behind the beef about Show Dem.

There were many speculations no one came with the real story as to how the “beef” started. I was one of the people who wanted to know what is going on. A few weeks ago JR happened to be a guest on etv's popular music show,
Club808. I was happy when
Dineo Ranaka asked JR what is the “beef” between him and HHP that involves the song Show Dem. JR quickly dismissed the claims that there's beef between him and HHP.
He said what happened is that, when he was recording Show Dem, HHP came in studio while he was recording the track and heard that dope beat and asked to put in his sixteen bar so he agreed. So that's how they did the song together. They even decided to put it in their albums. JR said on Club808, when he wanted to do the music video for the song, HHP was not in SA he was in America. He decided to go ahead and do the video anyway without HHP. Other than that there's no beef between him and HHP they are still buddies.

After this interview I was happy that I heard the real story from the horse’s mouth and some tweeps were happy too. We even praised Dineo for asking about the "beef" and JR for answering the hot question. Obviously Club808 has little time for interviews so that's were it ended phofu there was no other question about the beef and that is as far JR explained the story about the “beef”.
Now last night I listened to
C-live's Hip Hop show on 5FM that plays every Monday's at 22h00pm. He normally has guests in his show that he interviews from 23h00pm until the end of the show at 24h00 midnight. HHP was last night’s guest. Obviously C-live asked the “beef” question. He asked HHP what is the “beef” between him and JR that’s about the song Show Dem Make the Circle Bigger. HHP explained everything from scratch. I liked how he didn't fool around before answering the question or tried not to answer it.

He said when this song came up he was with his engineer Stevie. Him and Stevie were just chilling then decided to go to Rusternberg to his family were people would not care about them. They got there and they were in some place where they were playing this vulgarish Kwaito so they decided to leave and go back home. When they were in studio Stevie made that dope beat (the one you hear on Show Dem) and he decided to lay in some lyrics.
While still there they had a braai/ party and there were people and they decided to play the unfinished song and JR came in and he was crazy when he heard the beat and the song. JR asked if he can put in his lyrics. HHP said he was fine with it. So they did the song together but it was not finished. They made agreements with JR that they are going to put the song in their albums.

HHP said he even suggested that they should add the hook “We Love It” something that’s going to make the crowds go crazy. After that he said the next time JR came to him with his manager or producer and told him he has finished the track and he wants to make it his first single. That is were the disagreements started.
HHP said he told JR, no they can’t make it a first single now because it is a hit, JR must release the other songs in his album because, once they start by making “Show Dem” the first single people will expect the next single to be bigger than “Show Dem,” which is something that JR didn’t want to hear. (Come to think of it there was no hit that followed Show Dem and HHP's album didn't get the hype he normally gets). HHP said he even told them he has already released two singles that he has even made videos for, which are Make Monyeke and Banyana. So the whole thing will kill his album.

Hayi ke JR went ahead and made the song his first single and HHP said he heard JR has comedian Raasdin in his version. He then went to America and the next thing when he came back he found that JR has made the video for the song without him but his verse is still there. That’s when he decided he won’t perform the song with JR, he can do it alone even if they are performing in the same show. He will let JR perform it alone. He said the first time they performed the track together was in the Miller Rock the Boat tour.
C-live even asked how HHP felt when Vodacom decided to use the track in their World Cup campaigns because that was huge and sure there was a lot of money that was put on that. HHP simply answered that he doesn’t even want to talk about that because his tummy hurts when he talks about it but as long as he has lights on in his house and his car has a petrol. He also said there is no beef between him and JR. They are cool he is still his boy.

I was very surprised when I heard HHP’s side of the story because it is vice versa of JR's story. I asked myself who came up with this song kahle kahle because I’ve read a JR interview on Move explaining how he came up with the song. He said he went to his coloured boys in Eldos. There was a party there and the coloured people were screaming or shouting “Make the Circle Bigger Show Dem, Show Dem” then he decided to use that as a hook in his song.
He even said HHP came in studio while he was doing the song and asked to put in his sixteen bar then he agreed. They even made agreements that they are going to both put the song in their albums. So that is how he ended up doing the song with HHP.
This is getting more and more confusing just when I thought we have heard the truth about this popular song Show Dem Make the Circle Bigger. I think they need to both get invited in any show and explain this thing together when they are both there, so that we can hear how they are going to explain it when they are there together.
So who is lying here? Who came up with the song Show Dem? Who asked to be featured in this song? And who’s story do you (blogger) believe?
pics: various sites on google.