Monday World is Tuesday Times

Written by carino from the blog Carinos Box on 05 Apr 2011
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Apologies first to Monday World readers, that your favourite online newspaper is only making its way to your desktop today. :-) Today we probe into love and relationships and we wonder how people make relationships work. We also have a word on some radio and TV shows.

On this past Sunday’s papers, we came across Judith Sephuma’s husband who is just clearly not too happy about the time that Sis’Judy spends with her ex, Selaelo Selota. According to the paper’s source, the man just doesn’t get how a man can be so close to his ex. I guess the concern is, if they were once so close that they made three children, what would prevent them from exploring the closeness when they are in India and it’s not like there’s anyone to check on them? So bloggers, is it really possible to work closely with an ex and make sure the lines are not blurred? Or does it really just depend on how strong the current relationship is?

selaelo blurb

Then you come across two people who claim they totally love each other – they have been at it, broke it, then at it again, with a child, then now they have broken it again. I’m talking about Ruri’s parents – Touch le Thuli. Shem, if the quotes in the Sunday paper are anything to go by, the breakup seems to have hit Akon’s half brother quite badly. He’s quoted saying something like, “I loved that woman” and I could almost hear his voice in that statement. Shem.

Breakups are never good. Some people hate goodbyes, and i think breakups are some kind of deeper goodbye. When youbreakup it’s like you are saying... “look, we could’ve spent a lifetime together, but let’s drop all the expectations, stop pretending and just act like we were never close.” #sad

Especially when there’s shortly going to be other people – like Sis’Judy’s hubby – who will get hurt and annoyed whenever you even come close to acting like you are close.

Which then brings me to the Ranthumeng vs Pheko situation in Muvhango. Poor Ranthumeng has to deal with the fact that his wife is in love with another man – I pray to God that I never make my husband feel that way.
Anyway, the point Im concerned about is Ranthumeng’s reaction to all this. Does being grumpy and acting jealous actually heal the situation or does it just make it worse? Nna I would imagine that when a man finds himself in a situation like that the best thing would be to act proper, stable and win his woman back. Or maybe Im just a hopeless romantic, but I think this is the time Ranthu should be surprising Thandaza with impromptu lunches in the office , buying her roses just because it’s Tuesday, washing her feet and speaking to her in the calmest voice – not screaming and throwing things around coz for me that just paints a picture of instability and a low self-confidence – which will just drive the woman further away. I think.

Talking about being driven away.... what was that guy’s name who used to do the MetroFM morning show, 6-9? Shem, I can’t even remember his name – Whoever made the decision to terminate his contract was surely led by the Holy Spirit. Lol. Tjo! The Avenue crew is doing a great job now – we give credit where credit is due. They are still just as hot as they were in the afternoons – it’s just that you can almost hear that Glen is not exactly a morning person – he’s half asleep until just after 8’oclock. True story. Lol

glen blurb

I have also had the chance to listen to The Touch Down (Tbo Touch, 3-6 Metro) and I must say I am a bit impressed. I was a little worried when this was announced that it is going  be a strictly hiphop with swag included situation but it is somehow swallowable; in fact more swallowable than DjSbu’s excuse of a show on Saturdays. It is nothing else just noise! I listened to that show several several times and the only words I ever heard were “DjSbu”, “Vandals” and “Twitter” – very little content. They are just ghubhuluzing all the way – Or maybe the whole show is an advert. heheh

Talking about ghubhuluzing, Monday World is happy to report that we have had a word with TDC and he confirms that the next TVSA party will be on the 4th June 2011. So make all preparations, clear you diaries – more info will follow as we count down to 04.06.TVSA.
"Expect something different". The party will be at a leisure resort." says TDC.

Maybe while we are at it we might just wind up talking  about how to improve certain TV shows - or perhaps take a bloggers' shot'left and show Johnny Clegg and Desmond Tutu how this is done.  What bra'Johnny is doing on that show is just totally disappointing - and the polyphonic Zulu that he throws in is also not helping much. Just like the purple robe isnt helping the Bishop . I just wonder if there are people who lahv these shows and who cant wait to see the next episode. Or are they just those things that you end up watching coz you happen to be in front of the Tv with nothing else to do and nothing else to watch.



05 Apr 2011 10:38

05 Apr 2011 10:46

Thanx Carino & u know what... Abo ex most of the time want to experience what they left behind once you know, but as 4 sis Judith..haybo.. Selaelo was not keen on marrying her she should not go back.. What good will he bring now..She shud juss love her hubby qha yena & i juss hope nothing is happening between the two song birds ngoba usis' Judith uzolila i'm telling you..

Abt Touch & Tuli, bt it's ok to breakup bcoz they cant juss be together for the child's sake & bona babe bengafunani uyabo, bt they actually look gud together sheim.

05 Apr 2011 11:06

and the polyphonic Zulu that he throws in is also not helping much. Just like the purple robe isnt helping the Bishop much....*chuckles*...but watseba i love rakgolo Tutu so much i was eager to watch the show...what id do atleats was watch the intro and 5 minutes later change the cahnnel. Ntate Johny yena, his show was a bit interesting tho...but i still struggled to stick it thgru to the 10th minute...The 702 solid gold fans are most likely to follow those shows (imo). Goes to show that this shows xcan and must be produced with diffrenet "vibes" indeed so as to accomodate diffrenet people...

05 Apr 2011 11:20

So bloggers, is it really possible to work closely with an ex and make sure the lines are not blurred...haai nna i dont think so. ka sepedi gothwe "didupana marago ga di tswane"...being old and wise also means being realistic. And when people do what Judith Le Selaelo are doing they are straignt up playing with fire. SisJudy as a christian woman wa ntlaba e bile......kinda lazy to explain why a ntlaba

Re: Ranthumeng
Nna I would imagine that when a man finds himself in a situation like that the best thing would be to act proper, stable and win his woman back. Or maybe Im just a hopeless romantic, but I think this is the time Ranthu should be surprising Thandaza with impromptu lunches in the office , buying her roses just because it’s Tuesday, washing her feet and speaking to her in the calmest voices
I agree that throwing things and what not isnt very classy and what not. But to pamper and her go to romatic lengths to "win her back"  as if he is the one who made here drift away is just not okay either. Like Rajesh did with Priya ko Isidingo...i would rather he walk away with his pride and dignity intact and not begg her to choose him and not manipulate her choice, she is the one whose emotions are betraying her or she is allowing them to. What Thandaza is doing to him is one should put up with such, men or women. I love that Rajesh did not settle for second best...he of my Fav Rajesh moments and if Ranthu begs/manipulates thandaza to stay with her, id loose a good chucnk of the respect i have for him.
Id equally expect a woman to walk away from a man who is caught between her and another woman.

05 Apr 2011 11:32

I must agree with u regarding Glenzito. Love him 2 bits and im so feeling u. Shame my poor husband is not a morning person at all. He is used to waking up at 11-12. shame poor thing. Its gonna b worse in winter.......(_'''''_)

Ndiyayi first borna ke le kaTouch & Thuli. . Eish maybe its becoz ive been dumped not once & ive dumped people so its more like OK BYE, PLZ DELETE MY NUMBER NO MORE CALLS OR SMSes  or I miss u  ..... But all i can say is with time all will be well. They were lovable shwem. Now im thinking of Nelly Furtado's song... all the good things come to an end. 

To my boy Touch......congra my brother & im enjoying my afternoon so far and u can play Akona's songs anytime coz that man is the best when it comes to choruses.

Lastly usisi Judith is old so i wont waste my time. What i know is an EX has the reason why we call EX/FORMER.

05 Apr 2011 11:49

and uhm...if i may please be random and scream... #TEAMSKOBO....tltltltltltltlt.......Laughin out loud now....

05 Apr 2011 11:51

Hahahahahahahaha GA

05 Apr 2011 11:56

heish...carino..."be carefull what you wish for"  is the phrase of the season....hmmmm!...*dies*.......

05 Apr 2011 11:57

I hear what you re saying yazi re Ranthu. Its just that mina I believe love goes above pride and everything else. I think when you love someone and you are serious about wanting to spend your life with them, you risk your pride and you don't mind being vulnerable. Or maybe I'm just expecting a deeper kind of love.

05 Apr 2011 12:00

Can I just laugh again @teamskobo. And you are not being random at all - that statement is very relevant. Lol

05 Apr 2011 12:02

Its just that mina I believe love goes above pride and everything else. I think when you love someone and you are serious about wanting to spend your life with them, you risk your pride and you don't mind being vulnerable. Or maybe I'm just expecting a deeper kind of love. ...i also agree here, i do...but i think it will depend on whether the other person will appreciate what you are doing, the sacrificing your pride and fighting for them. Some people may just concider that as a weakness in you that they can tap into when they want to make you dance to their tune. And i suppose per situation, you will know whether a person is worth putting that much of you on the line for them.

05 Apr 2011 12:06

tltltlt....stop laghing gape carino coz we need to discuss the serious tuesday times issue...... (but if i may add ganyyane fela....the intelligence and the decentness covers the koboness quite a lot i must say, one hardly see it*...)

05 Apr 2011 12:38

He bann,Ruri's folks have split again??? Haai,inzima ke le! Mme Judith ena must just leave Selaelo alone,irrespective of that hot body of his,Sphiwe is 'n nca bra,a ska mo dira yalo man!Selaelo o tlo mo fa bana ba bangwe ba i3,a ba nyamela gape.

05 Apr 2011 12:39

Ruri parents should try again for ruri sake,judith &selaelo i see remariadge

05 Apr 2011 12:44

hey everybuddy 
on this week's Drum Magazine i saw Judith dancing with Penny and Khanyi and i found it weird - i think she is discovering herself again. as for penny she was wearing hot pants and the wedding anniversay of some rich DURBANITE woman and her husband. eish south african are rich hey hey 

its never good for a woman to work wiht her ex especially if they had been together for a long time. women apparenlty consider having sex wiht an ex as ok because "he knows it so what the *bleep!*.' ((((((((hiding under my desk))))))))) so i guess o mma sephuma o fa rre Selota monate hela and her husband wont be complaining unless they were purely professional

05 Apr 2011 12:50

as for Touch -  ao they got back together again. i am dissapointed on Ruri's mother the guy cheats you left right and centre and you still go back to him haibooo

05 Apr 2011 15:30

Touch ena o a cheate le nna ka tsamaya


I agree bokobo ba monna o ya bo tlwaela especially when he's interesting

find a cute guy who does not even know how to put a word or two together and u'll c y ke rata dikobo tse di intelligent

lerato le boima it's as if when u find the one there's bound to b a breakup, nna ke kgathetse ke lerato

05 Apr 2011 15:39

RUSSIA:- we are the first to go to space
USA:- we are the first to land on the moon
Zuma:- we will be the first to land on the sun 
USA:- the sun is too hot, you can not land on it
Malema:- we are not stoopied, we will go at night.

05 Apr 2011 15:56

the next TVSA party will be on the 4th June 2011.

For the 1st time I will be missing out on this event, I will be writing exams during that time

05 Apr 2011 15:56

the next TVSA party will be on the 4th June 2011.

For the 1st time I will be missing out on this event, I will be writing exams during that time

05 Apr 2011 17:12

eish Ruri's dad!can i have a whole wkend onestand with him b4 they get back 2geda again!will always love him.i stopped watchin live the day he left.

05 Apr 2011 17:14

sisJudy-im not her target market and not interested in her.

05 Apr 2011 18:13

@maddie....o e beile gabotse botse! Ive got my guard up still though as fas the "L-word is concernd"....

05 Apr 2011 18:20

Abo Ex are extremely difficult to remove from the system. If one has to keep encountering them and entertaining their existence ... the door remains unclosed, and there is very little point in being delusional about having moved on. Ab-Judith are actually adults and it is stupid for an adult to find themselves in the situation she is in.

05 Apr 2011 18:22

Where will the TVSA party be in June? I read that it is in June, but no venue is mentioned

05 Apr 2011 20:14

The details including who is the sponsor will follow in due course @vusik

06 Apr 2011 10:05

Re S'bu's show:  the music is good, if he could just shut the f*** up, jerrr!

06 Apr 2011 14:42

eh banna Monday World e hlokagetje...and I noticed gore Tuesday Times e tlile ka Carino..what happened to Makisto??? Clarity asseblief

No Selaelo Seloto is just doing these collabs to spite Sphiwe can you comnstantly want to work with your ex even though you have kids together it's not right period. My suggestion to Judy and Selaelo is not to work together..they should make money separately and then raise kids. Their excuse of working together is flipping lame.

Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa @Glen half asleep during the show tjo....but they are doing well indeed.

Ey Tbo Touch likes bragging yoh...was it necessary for him to tell the nation that yena he is consulting Bishop TD Jakes for cancelling eish Akon's younger brother has over inflamed swagga yerrr....I was not aware gore they broke up twice...indeed they are not meant to be together cha!!!!

09 Apr 2011 14:40

Or does it really just depend on how strong the current relationship is? 
You said it Carino ,it really depends how strong the current relationship is , Mara usisi Judith mdala manje she shud know better ,mina i dont blame Simphiwe for being jalouse ! 

Which then brings me to the Ranthumeng vs Pheko situation in Muvhango. Poor Ranthumeng has to deal with the fact that his wife is in love with another man – I pray to God that I never make my husband feel that way. 
Yoh I also pray Carino (I feel for Ranthumeng) 

He’s quoted saying something like, “I loved that woman” and I could almost hear his voice in that statement. Shem
If he really did love her than WHY CHEAT ????
After he cheated on her the first time I gained a lot of respect for uThuli ,it takes gutts to forgive a cheating partner and worse when its all over the news papers .

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