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Rhythm City Teasers - September 2011

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Rhythm City Teasers on 25 Aug 2011
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Coming up on Rhythm City this September 2011:

Thursday 1 September 2011
Episode 1084

Fats offers to manage Thula's musical career, and then gets his next big money-making idea.

Stone asks Ding Dong for his job back - and gets it. David's bail hearing starts, and there are a few nasty surprises for Baloyi and the Vilakazis, when they realise that David has bribed the magistrate.

Friday 2 September 2011
Episode 1085

Mile, Saures and Lucilla come up with a plan to deter David from getting away with murder. The Khuse family struggle with the fact that Stone has gone back to the mashonisa.

Stone discovers Cuba is one of Ding Dong's clients. Ding Dong expects Stone to get his money back no matter what.

Fats hatches a new scheme: a wet T-shirt night at KW. He cautiously approaches Niki and is shocked when she happily buys into the idea.

Monday 5 September 2011
Episode 1086

Stone struggles with drawing the line between business and friendship, after having an enlightening chat from an unlikely source, he pays Cuba a visit and informs her that he's the mashonisa's collector and he's there to collect from her.

Fats bruises Puleng's ego when he suggests that she's not a good candidate for his latest scheme, tight T-shirt night.

David's courtroom drama continues with unexpected twists and turns. Just when it looks like David is about to walk free, Suarez takes a serious gamble and wins.

Tuesday 6 September 2011
Episode 1087

David establishes his authority in his prison cell and has a face-off with a member of a prison gang.

Meanwhile Allan tell S'bu that David wants him to be acting CEO of 9-Nine FM because he doesn't think Ronald is up to the task.

Stone struggles to get Cube to pay the loan, meanwhile Puleng is unhappy with Fat's new great idea.

Wednesday 7 September 2011
Episode 1088

Miles tries to use S'bu's new role to his advantage.

Cuba finally comes clean to Puleng about the mashonisa, but it's too late because the damage has already been done.

Much to Puleng's dismay the T-shirt night at the bar was a major success.
Stone confiscate Cuba's fridge for the loan she owes.

David makes a new friend, but makes it clear to George that he's a one man band and will not be joining a gang while in prison.

Thursday 8 September 2011
Episode 1089

David grows increasingly frustrated with his incarceration and the leader of the 66ers inmates gang makes him an indecent proposal.

Miles is excited about the power he would have over David should S'bu take David's offer.

Puleng offers Cuba the money she has been saving for Matric's tombstone so Cuba can pay the mashonisa.

Niki and Tshidi realise that Puleng's distaste for Kilowatt's tight T-shirt nights is connected to her feelings for Suffocate.

Friday 9 September 2011
Episode 1090

S'bu informs 9-Nine that he is the new station manager and Ronald is now happy about it. David finds that Boom has been threatened with death if he, David, doesn't give in to the 66ers.

Stone has his goons search Cuba's house for the tombstone money, and despite the protests of the two ladies, seizes it.

Puleng is hurt that Suffocate does not reverse Fats's decision. The church ladies decide to take more direct action to put an end to the club's exploitation of women.

Monday 12 September 2011
Episode 1091

Boom is terrified and David promises to take care of the threat from Croc. There is tension between S'bu and Ronald at the station.

Cuba confronts Stone and Mamokete throws her out of the yard, causing a feud between the two families. Ma Rose leads a march on the Kilowatt club. David takes drastic action in the prison kitchen.

Tuesday 13 September 2011
Episode 1092

Tshidi confesses to Puleng that she's the one who told Stone about her tombstone money. Puleng doesn't take this very well and the two have a major falling out.

David's plan of asserting his authority in prison seems to be going well. He issues a warning to the prisoners that he's not someone they want to mess with.

S'bu's decision to implement changes at the station that will see his company benefiting, have Gail's hackles rising. She calls him out on it and accuses him of being neither aware nor respectful of the station's processes.

Wednesday 14 September 2011
Episode 1093

Having made his stand the day before, David is feeling quite confident he's proved himself king of the hill in prison and will no longer face the wrath of Croc and the 66ers.

Puleng refuses to forgive Tshidi for betraying the existence of Matric's tombstone money to Stone.

Niki encourages Puleng to join her for tight T-shirt night at Kilowatt which finally provokes Suffocate into taking action.

Thursday 15 September 2011
Episode 1094

When David's brought back from the prison hospital, Boom tells him he's lucky to be alive. George tells him he needs protection and the only way to do that is to join the Kommando gang.

Puleng has a meltdown when her assistant burns the sauce. At first she won't discuss what's bothering her, but eventually she breaks down and cries on Suffocate's shoulder.

Lucilla's concerned when she discovers Victoria's spending money on the PowerDraw, but Miles thinks it's harmless.

Friday 16 September 2011
Episode 1095

Victoria wins the PowerDraw, but decides to stay on as the Vilakazi help.
Kop returns and is not happy to find that Stone has taken over most of his responsibilities.

S'bu is not happy to have Miles dictate to him on how to use his position at 9-Nine.

Gail gets more and more frustrated with S'bu's dismissive attitude towards her.

George tells David that the only way the Kommando can protect him is if he joins them and submits to George's authority.

Monday 19 September 2011
Episode 1096

David changes prison cell, ducking the 66er inmate planted to do him harm. He moves into the Kommando cell and is obligated to perform the gang's rites of passage, which include committing murder.

S'bu moves Gail's show to the afternoon slot and Gail protests vehemently. She threatens to quit, but S'bu doesn't take her seriously.

Kop tells Fats to sell the house to him and now Stone. Victoria's old lover comes back to claim her love back.

Tuesday 20 September 2011
Episode 1097

Lucilla tries to warn Victoria about Alpheus's intentions, but it only gets Victoria's back up. Stone buys a TV set.

Kop learns that Stone is working for the mashonisa, and is feeling very uncomfortable with the shifting of the balance of power in the family. He decides to put Stone in his place. David's killing of Ngwenya raises the spectre of a gang war.

Wednesday 21 September 2011
Episode 1098

To their surprise, Miles and Lucilla learn that Victoria hasn't cashed her 2.7 million PowerDraw ticket.

Mamokete has a heart to heart with Stone and asks him to step into Kop's shoes to see where he is coming from.

S'bu lays down the law to Miles and tells him to stop interfering in his business. Gail and S'bu set their differences aside to start afresh.
The Khuses learn that Kop has tuberculosis.

Thursday 22 September 2011
Episode 1099

David is forced to give the Kommando power of attorney over his affairs outside prison. Two members of the Kommando appear at 9-Nine, tell Ronald and S'bu that they're fired, and give them an hour to clear their desks.

Kop faces the prospect of six months of intensive medication to cure his tuberculosis.

Alpheus persuades Victoria to resign from the Vilakazis. When she goes to pick up her cheque from the PowerDraw offices, she discovers she's made a dreadful mistake: she had the right number for the wrong draw.

Friday 23 September 2011
Episode 1100

S'bu and Ronald are shown the contract and realise it is legit. S'bu decides to walk away and to focus on Hustle.

Ronald manages to see David in prison and is told he's joined a prison gang and handing over 9-Nine was the price he paid to stay alive.

Suffocate bursts into Ding-Dong's shack and they pull guns on each other. Thula and Zodwa's MIAs performance becomes an Internet sensation and Thula tells a sceptical S'bu he'd also like to focus on his music career.

Monday 26 September 2011
Episode 1101

Suffocate learns that Stone's boss is Ding-Dong. Gail and Ronald are told that a new manager has been appointed by the BK Group to run the station. Thula gets an exciting call from Marang, but gets the wrong end of the stick.

Miles seizes the moment and celebrates the Vilakazis' victory over David. Ding-Dong comes clean with Stone and tells him to choose between Ding-Dong and Suffocate. The new manager turns out to be Naomi.

Tuesday 27 September 2011
Episode 1102

Gail and Ronald are shocked by the revelation that Naomi is taking over the management of 9-Nine.

Stone is besieged by his friends who tell him what an evil bastard Ding-Dong is. He refuses to believe all their propaganda.

Niki urges Tshidi to give Puleng more support - and suggests they dream up a scheme to raise money for Matric's tombstone. Zodwa comes across shocking news and gives Thula and ultimatum.

Wednesday 28 September 2011
Episode 1103

Ronald is having a hard time convincing Gail that the BK Group are not the type of guys to issue idle threats.

Naomi learns of this threat and in a surprising move, stands up for them to BK Group. Niki gets to meet the infamous Ding-Dong, but he fails to intimidate her.

S'bu tells Miles that Naomi is back in town and heading up 9-Nine. Miles decides to keep this from Lucilla while he tries to figure out a way to get Naomi recommitted.

Thursday 29 September 2011
Episode 1104

Miles is freaking out about Naomi. He arranges extra security and tries to persuade Lucilla to stay at home.

After a prickly start, Thula is impressed with what Krisis is proposing. Ding-Dong is flirting with Niki and Suffocate is trying desperately to keep her away from him. She has other ideas.

Miles comes to meet with Naomi and threatens her to leave town.

Friday 30 September 2011
Episode 1105

S'bu wonders whether Naomi might be recovered and Miles insists Naomi's agenda will always be evil. Gail's scepticism of Naomi's transformation is piqued when she overhears a mysterious telephone conversation.

Niki offers her services to Suffocate to help him deal with Ding Dong. Lucilla is enraged when she discovers what Miles has been hiding from her and later attacks Naomi.

Rhythm City is on Mondays to Fridays at 18h30.


25 Aug 2011 22:00

Please etv come up with something better rhythm city and scandal are both BORING am not surprised there is no one commenting on this page I am sure the writers are busy watching ISIDINGO rather than come up with ideas

The General
25 Aug 2011 22:22

Damn! This is going to be an exciting month. Can't wait to see David in jail, and Naomi is back.

25 Aug 2011 22:38

Hope de is more drama this month

25 Aug 2011 22:48

Naomi is back'its exciting and the stats might go higher,moshidi is excellent in her job

25 Aug 2011 22:51

25 Aug 2011 22:57

Ding dong flirting with Nikkie ,David in jail & Naomi is back thats interesting

25 Aug 2011 23:11


Baby love
25 Aug 2011 23:11

I am so excited 2 hear abt NAOMI's cum back,finally i've bn so lng wit hope 2 c her again on RC. Double D its tym 4 him 2 take a hike,he is boring n evil,maybe he shud join Dave behind bars

The General
25 Aug 2011 23:56

I agree with Guava4, the stats will go higher

26 Aug 2011 07:41

Lucilla and Miles wil never be happy....with Naomi back

sexy d
26 Aug 2011 07:55

top 15 yippe let me go read

sexy d
26 Aug 2011 08:17

Finally naomi is back cant wai to see dave in orange overall this indeed is gonna be an exciting month cant wait

26 Aug 2011 08:26

oooh yeah am make sure am nt missn a sngle episode sounds so innterestin and our lvly naomi bk to our screanz

26 Aug 2011 09:47

ejooo i havent watch Rhythm City for the past 5 months. but ya nee this months interesting indeed. Naomi ma guetrain is  back. More action i can tell. wound miss it for the world.

26 Aug 2011 10:03

Excited! And oh yeah gkma, just cos people don't comments don't mean that they are not busy watching RC, please compare the Isidingo numbers and RC numbers, and beside; Isidingo is not the first drama to come up with a story line dealing with a criminal lord trying to assert his power, Yizo Yizo did it, OZ did it; the wire did it, the latter of the two are US shows and I know for damn sure they were'ny watching Isidingo should I continue!?

26 Aug 2011 11:18

26 Aug 2011 12:21

Poor Kop has TB, shame man, I was so worried when he was coughing the other day.

26 Aug 2011 13:47

Crazy biatch Naomi is back, yippeeee!

26 Aug 2011 14:08

Naomi is back!  Good thing Isidingo is moving to 19h30 in October so I can watch Rhythm City when Naomi returns! 

Gontse Phiona Masetla
26 Aug 2011 14:42

Naomi is back hehehehehe re tla ke re bone

26 Aug 2011 16:33

So Dave is going to end up in jail that's good, there is a bit of news about Suffo and Puleng but the news is a bit scatchy.

26 Aug 2011 19:57

Yes more actions 2come.... Yep, it will b gr8t

26 Aug 2011 20:20

NAOMI'S BACK!! David's in prison. Thula sings? What a month! On the other hand Stone is back with the loan shark and Kop has TB. I've had it up to here with the Rythm City writers and the never-ending Khuse crisis.

26 Aug 2011 20:24

Lol at Miles throwing up when Davey gets an award. Stone, all of us have had plans go awry and we have learnt to adapt, wo adapt, it's the only way.

26 Aug 2011 21:32

Oh No! The Khuses go through another unfortunate ordeal. Why can't Miles have the TB??

28 Aug 2011 18:34

Hey am no1
28 Aug 2011 22:17

Oh God, Noami is back!

29 Aug 2011 07:54

Krisis says that Zodwa loves drama, I think Miles loves it more. I think Stone loves the feeling of power; I think if he didn’t have Kete and Kop as his parents he would have turned out like Ding Dong. As it is now he is going off the rails

29 Aug 2011 07:55

Krisis is a joke yazi, lol at Miles saying that Suarez has gone off the reservation. Shopuld we say that Naomi is back by popular demand or what?

29 Aug 2011 08:16

Molo ma teasers

Sana Lwam
29 Aug 2011 15:06

Wow! Naomi is back, David in jail and another bout of unluckiness for the Khuses. I like I like

29 Aug 2011 16:08

The ego on Dave is proving to be his down fall, but the fact is that he played Suarez, she fell for is hook line and sinker, if it wasn’t for the Flashy, she wouldn’t have had them move Gordy. Now she sees what a monster Dave really is, she is going to nail his ass to the wall. The look of horror on her face when she saw the pictures was just priceless.

29 Aug 2011 16:11

@ gkma, hi H8r! Hate is not a good look and jealousy makes people nasty.

29 Aug 2011 19:01

Wow so much drama, did they have to wait until he was up there accepting the award to arrest him, how embarrassing. The look on Dave's face was priceless.

29 Aug 2011 19:01

Wow so much drama, did they have to wait until he was up there accepting the award to arrest him, how embarrassing. The look on Dave's face was priceless.

29 Aug 2011 19:04

Hayi, Ayo technology!

30 Aug 2011 07:41

Wow; the look on Dave's face was just priceless. Lol at David blowing the goat shed as him and Suarez were leaving his plasce and Miles calls him a goat. Now that was funny! 

30 Aug 2011 07:43

The look on Dav's face, enuff said.

30 Aug 2011 07:53

Tshidi might as well have gone by herself for all the attention that Thula paid her and the song was it was Thula featuring Zodwa. The Kilowatt guys were so excited to see their frind on TV.

30 Aug 2011 07:56

Ooh Suarez you are a crual woman. I loved the look on David's face. he was just so shocked it was beautiful.

sexy d
30 Aug 2011 08:05

Morning all

Hai i i just have to say the look on dave face was indeed priceless it was like a kare lefatshe bulega ke tsene.

Mare why do bad things have to happen to the Khuse family? Tshidi my love wena if only you knew you could have just stayed at home le Mamokete and watched di awards on tv now you didnt even enjoy the moment you were so excited about.


Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh suarez suarez suarez well done girl finally someone have put dave in his place well done girl now the challenge is to make him stay there for ever.

30 Aug 2011 08:37

OK guys when was Davey arrested... I didn't watch yesterday I was at the gym but if it happened yesterday then I sure have to watch the Omnibus... which I don't even know whether it is Saturday or Sunday!!!! Seems like it is happening with RC

30 Aug 2011 10:52

@ Chix, yah Dave got arrested yesterday wen he was abt to recieve his award. Omnibus is on a saturday at 9am i think. 

Suarez well done cc...poor tshidi, does she stil have feelings for Thula or wat? the way she ran out of tht rum, U'd swear she was tulaz galfwnd...n its not like that...if u stil hv feelings for Tula the u shud tel him! 

Mamokete shame was sooo excitd to c her daughter on national tv! wat wil she say wen she comes home crying?


Good morning ma bloggers, great day to you all

30 Aug 2011 12:12

OMG i jst read nw, NAOMI is cumng bck. LET THE GAMES xcyted. BTW looovvvveeeed yesterday's episode. Man! RC uyatshisa.

30 Aug 2011 12:46

Lol sexy d, the look he gave Suarez was just one of pure murderous rage. It was similar to the one he gave Gina when she shot him. By the way the omnibus starts at 9:30 on saturday. Suarez yena is ruthless shem. I mean reporting David's phone stolen was just pure genious. She covered all her bases shem.

sexy d
30 Aug 2011 13:10

@calamity she really did her homework she knew the only way to beat dave is to play him at his own game and i must say she a pro o phadile le miles dat one always run under a women skirt for protection.

But hai nna i for one cant wait to see dave in his orange overall coz damn i know he will look hot than the sun*smiles* (((((hides)))))

jimmy jimmy jimmy
30 Aug 2011 13:25

aha the oake is in prison and miles is smilling but with the return of naomi[ miss trouble] i jst wonder how long will he keep on smilling

30 Aug 2011 14:12

This is what we call drama, take a seat back n obseve the r'm city is rocking the soap  world.III LLOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE it

30 Aug 2011 16:02

I think Suarez was hurt when she saw the pictures and she realised that Dave had taken her for a ride and she plotted revenge.

30 Aug 2011 16:06

Ron has shown that his loyalties lie with Dave or does he think that Dave gets arrested he is going to implicate him. Did he do all those things to try and save his skin?

30 Aug 2011 18:36

Now Gail is going to be in the firing line, Dave actually thinks she betrayed him. Dave needs to pump his brakes and hold on a bit there.

30 Aug 2011 18:48

What is Kete talking about, Tshidi is not traumatised she is just smarting from what she witnessed between Zodwa and Thula.

31 Aug 2011 07:42

Whoa Dave; hold on there buddy, I know you thought that you had Suarez on the ropes but come on; you got played, take it like a man.

31 Aug 2011 07:45

Poor Suarez had actually fallen for Dave. What did krisis think was going to happen. Of cos Thula tripped and landed on Zodwa's lips.

31 Aug 2011 07:46

Yoo Dave, a blood bath!?

sexy d
31 Aug 2011 08:38

Morning all

Hold the phone kwakwakwakwakwa thatha dave telling his lawyer to do watever it takes to keep him out of jail even telling him to bribe the magistrate, wake him up hell even rape him hai that guy really has his ways of putting a crazy sentence together. He really wants to off the vilakazi to last DNA hai cant wait for tonight episode Poor suarez shame you really thought dave is the love of your life lol dave doesnt do the L word CHINA

So is tshidi inlove with thula or wat? if u are you better tell him coz the poor aint a psychic hewont knw wat you feel until you tell him. Krisis is one annoying character who de hell does he think he is calling people his propery shame on you you are really messed up boy pre fame(dating a celeb) e go ile ko tlhogong

31 Aug 2011 10:18

@ sexy d, I think Tshidi still has a thing for Thula, she is hoping that they can rekindle whatever it is they had before. Niki and DD, I never saw this one coming.

31 Aug 2011 10:43

I personally am more than excited for this month i can't kept on suspense of what's gonna happen i'm over the moon *tjo tjo tjo tjo tjo*

31 Aug 2011 14:33

But what if Suarez is pregnant with dave's chils, obviously she is going to do everything in her power to keep Dave away from the child and Dave will fight tooth and nail for his heir!?

31 Aug 2011 16:05

Power to Suarez.

31 Aug 2011 18:09

With Naomi coming back, Lu better start think about taking Buhle back to Mafikeng.

01 Sep 2011 07:41

Thula shouldn't pull the one thing led to another card on Tshidi, I think he knew exactly what he was doing. Poty that guy doesn't have the privilege of foresight cos if he did he would know that Stone is goint to be collecting from you very soon. Let this be a lesson to all that treat people right cos you never know that tomorrow you may come to depend on them.

01 Sep 2011 07:44

Hello Lucilla, the man faked his own death for goodness sake and pretended to be his brother of cos he is going to come back and all those people that he thinks have betrayed him will never rest. Miles shouldn't taunt Dave.

01 Sep 2011 07:46

It seems to me Dave is blaming everyone else except himself; he shouldn't have kept those pictures; better yet; he shouldn't have had those people killed.

01 Sep 2011 07:48

Just to think that David spent all that time rehearsing and practising his speech for the MIAs only to be thwarted by Suarez.

01 Sep 2011 07:50

David Genaro is a teddy bear.

sexy d
01 Sep 2011 09:17

Morning all

Gumede is one piece od s*hit why the hell did he do that to stone i mean the guy was just trying to make a living now ha wa lebona coz he is going back to his old job and you are the one you should call him baas lol

Dave a teady bear hai that guy is something else i him comparing himself to a teady is beyong me

@calamity i couldnt agree more she better call Ausi Connie to come and take him bcos Naomi will make sure  gore HA E DUMA YA TSALA KOLOI YA ELIYA or better O TLA BA BONTSHA MANYELOI lol cant wai to see her crazy behind

01 Sep 2011 15:22

Hayi Sexy d, when he waned Stone to call him Baas, now that was just too funny.

01 Sep 2011 16:12

David always has murder on his mind. he wants to kill the whole RC cast mos.

02 Sep 2011 10:30

Suarez is gunning for Genaro, and she's just gonna pull all stops to make sure he's behind bars.

sexy d
02 Sep 2011 10:57

Morning guys

Did you notice gore that judge made it possible for anyone to see even a blind can see gore he was bribe. He keeps on insisting that he wants to grant his decision but never listern to anyone who talks hai to me it was a dead gaveaway

Rose le Jaftha dont you have anything to do than keep on looking at what other people are doing and concentrate on your lives.

Stone and Gumede momemt lol 

02 Sep 2011 16:18

I am guessing that Suarez feels betrayed by David; I mean she thought he loved her and they had something special. Where is Frank, is he dead?

02 Sep 2011 16:20

Even if Gail believes you David, there’s nothing she can do.

02 Sep 2011 16:21

The reason why Suffo has a problem with your get rich quick schemes Fats is that they never work, you never see anything through.

02 Sep 2011 16:23

I think Dave has made peace with the fact that he is a goat, wherever he lays his head that his goat shed.

02 Sep 2011 16:25

Exactly sexy d; the magistrate could have pretended to hear Suarez out and heard Lu’s testimony and then made his ruling in Dave’s favour, he didn’t have to be so blatant in his bias towards David.

02 Sep 2011 16:27

Jafta is worse than Rose; he is the one who spilled to Rose.

02 Sep 2011 16:28

Rose is just a gossip nje, I am glad Kete told her where to get off although she was telling the truth.

02 Sep 2011 16:30

The way Stone made Gumede pick up the money, it was just too funny.

02 Sep 2011 16:42

Now Gumede knows hos it felt when he humiliated Stone like that at the restaurant.

02 Sep 2011 17:34

OMG naomi is back!!!!! so keen like a green bean right now. it is aaawn

03 Sep 2011 09:33

Tjo Fats money however and which ever way he can get it. Now the guy wants to eploit women to make money.

03 Sep 2011 09:34

Meant exploit. There is no way that Suffo is going to let Puleng do the wet t-shirt thing, I mean the man is not going to let people see what should be for his only viewing pleasure

sexy d
05 Sep 2011 08:31

Morning all

Still recovering from the weekend will be back to comment...

05 Sep 2011 10:57

Lol sexy d, it must have been an hectic weekend.

sexy d
05 Sep 2011 11:54

@calamity  eish you dnt wanna know lol

Finally the moment i have been waiting for to see Dave in orange overall hmmmm yummy. Naomi you crazy ass welcome back hope you will revive you r old self soon.

Gail ayeye wena dave is coming for you poor you ran  to Bernard  because once Dave gets out of there all hell will brake lose.

Suffo wena are you refusing Puleng to take part in the tight T-shirt because you think she is not a right candidate or you just love her to bits and you dont want other guys to droll over her?

05 Sep 2011 15:47

I think he just doesn't want other guys to drool over her.

05 Sep 2011 16:03

Stone; if we all quit our jobs because we hate them, very few people would be working. Stone just loves power.

05 Sep 2011 16:04

Loled when Ron asked David which suitcase he should put his clothes in.

05 Sep 2011 16:07

Stone justifioes his actions by comparing himself to a bank, well boetie, a bank doesn't beat you up when you don't pay up, they take what's theirs by law.

05 Sep 2011 16:18

Nothing on David's trial.

06 Sep 2011 07:38

Kwee Cuba, of cos Stone didn't come for a visit, he wants you to show him the money. 
I loled when David called Miles' posy a merry band of bench warmers.

06 Sep 2011 07:40

Has David forgotten who he's talking to, I mean it is Ron, there's no allegedly about it, he done broke the law.

06 Sep 2011 07:42

Davey is not doing well in a cage. As for Puleng saying that she was once tipped R50, smh*

06 Sep 2011 07:45

David had me running for cover when he lunged at Suarez like that. It is a thin line between love and hate indeed.

06 Sep 2011 07:48

Sheesh, Dave has certainly laid down the gauntlet, what was he planning to do to Suarez?

06 Sep 2011 07:50

S'bu has certainly changed his tune.

sexy d
06 Sep 2011 08:59

Morning all

Dave Dave Dave shame you missed your flight yesterday lol

06 Sep 2011 10:14

Yeah he did miss his flight, he gambled and he lost.

06 Sep 2011 16:22

Yay, Dave in an orange suit tonight.

07 Sep 2011 07:42

Dave doesn't look like nothing. He demads respect!

07 Sep 2011 07:50

Dave just got to prison and he is already trying to rule the roost. It was so funny when he told that guy to go quee for him at the phone.

07 Sep 2011 07:53

Davey is a mafilizolo and already he wants to run things.

sexy d
07 Sep 2011 09:07

morning all

@calamity dave o nagana o ko 99 lol lenna i just laughed wen he said dat i mean the poor guy must not eat but queue for dave hai dat man thinks he rules de world

07 Sep 2011 11:16

David if I were u, I'd slow down big time...u r playing with fire and you will get burnt very soon... i really lolied wen he told that guy from prison that he will be sleeping on his bed! tjo n that guy said nothing! MORNING EVERY1

07 Sep 2011 14:53

hey sexy d, hey Skura, hayi David is just so crazy. He doesn't seem to understand that he is in jail.

07 Sep 2011 16:19

Dave's antics are not going to endear him to the prison population.

07 Sep 2011 18:34

Renew your funeral policy! *smh*

08 Sep 2011 07:42

David is just digging his own grave. Those people have interests outside of the jail.

08 Sep 2011 07:43

Lol, Croc is a oxygen thief!

08 Sep 2011 07:47

Stone even took the Mofokeng's fridge, he is very cruel. As for Kete telling him that Cuba wants to take her time in taking care of the loan!

08 Sep 2011 07:51

Where the hell does David think he's going to get gloves, does he think that George doesn't use them out of stupidity, he's got athritis for crying out loud.

08 Sep 2011 07:53

Wouldn't mind Dave cooking for me. *hides*

sexy d
08 Sep 2011 07:54

morning all

Hola Hola Dave fly solo china lol

08 Sep 2011 16:06

Most people do spend a lot of money on funerals to impress the neighbours.

09 Sep 2011 07:30

Dave does look good with that doek on his head.

09 Sep 2011 07:32

I think Dave is starting to realise that being in the chhokie is not child's play. Pa wag vir jou.

09 Sep 2011 07:37

Well, thanks Lu for giving Miles a reality check but the man is so high on what he presumes to be victory over Dave that he won't listen to reason. It's not a good look Miles.

09 Sep 2011 07:41

Miles you are the least of David's problems. I mean he's got some wanna be gansta trying to steek him. Everyone wants him to join their club. 
heish Jafta, I loled when he said nayi Nguluve ing nonela. (This is my best Zulu)

09 Sep 2011 07:52

Tshidi can be a bit heartless, of cos Cuba has to repay her loan but with Matric's tombstone money. Stone is just courting bad luck.

09 Sep 2011 07:55

Jafte is such a pervert. Both Rose and Jafta made me laugh till my stomach ached, reminded me of a similar incident which I witness although in that instance the wife went to fetch the husband from the shebeen cos he didn't come home on time.

09 Sep 2011 16:11

I don't like Stone very much at the moment. he has turned into a monster.

sexy d
12 Sep 2011 11:48

Afternoon all hope you had a g8t weekend i knw i did

@Takwesha stone is only dng his jobhe had to draw the line between friendship and business. Tshidi wena wa phapha you should learn to shut ur month but then again you saved cuba from DD bcos he was gonna break her kneecaps

cant wait to see naomi.....

12 Sep 2011 12:05

so naomi is bac? wil start watching again

12 Sep 2011 18:57

Stone is really working on my nerves, the way he just acts so nonchalant about this whole thing.

sexy d
13 Sep 2011 09:42

morning all

@calamity guess being a top dog has gone to his head lol

Thatha dave putting a man head in a hot soup prisiners you better stay away from dave hey cos is someone u dnt mess with china

Ron wena y dnt you just retire hey coz dave only uses ur serives when he is in trouble so you better take a hike boy hahahaha  sbu is taking over or should i say NAOMI NAOMI


13 Sep 2011 12:22

Ron is not a business man, he is just a heavy. Dave doesn't trust him with his business!

Naa Koshie
13 Sep 2011 15:55

Oh my God. I'm addicted to this soapie. Kudos to all the crew!

13 Sep 2011 18:39

And the way Dave was whistling after he dunked Croc in the soup, that was just creepy!

sexy d
14 Sep 2011 11:07

Dave is creepy

14 Sep 2011 17:32

And when he talked about his grandmother's tomato soup recipe, hayi!

14 Sep 2011 17:53

David in prison is great ! He should stay there ! This has spiced up rhythm city. I wonder where he is getting his "power"  from. I hope the rhythm city has a lengthy material on "Davids prison's dramas and escapades" !

15 Sep 2011 16:08

I beg you writers, please make Suarez pregnant with Dave's child, pretty please, with a cherry on top!

15 Sep 2011 16:13

Suffocate, in sepedi they say that fegolla se borala mampja re lapa melala (this is my best pedi OK). Just tell Puleng how you feel already.

15 Sep 2011 16:16

Suffo, what do you want Puleng to do, draw you diagrams, I mean that whole copversation about respect was just too awkward.

15 Sep 2011 16:19

Tjo Stone, ordering Tshidi around like she is two. Like she said, you are not her father, stop ordering her around.

16 Sep 2011 07:50

Lol @ Ron with his attitude towards Dave, I mean Dave may be a criminal but he is also a business man, a shrewd one at that. Ron doesn't have one business bone in his body and he wants Dave to put him in charge of his business!

16 Sep 2011 07:55

There's nothing wrong with betting a few times Lu, you never know, like Victoria said, she might be the one in a million to win the money.

16 Sep 2011 07:56

Prison officials are so corrupt

19 Sep 2011 07:45

Now Dave knows why George seems to know all about the Kommando, he runs this isht!

19 Sep 2011 07:47

Fats shouls buy enough airtime when he calls his girlfriend in germany; the exchange rate alone is something else.

19 Sep 2011 07:50

Poor Dave, he has no tricks left. A toothbrush can be a lethal thing!

sexy d
19 Sep 2011 10:55

Good morning people wow its good to be back i have been sick for a couple of days but now am back.

Cant wait to see dave in action tonight hehehe george is the general sho am shocked these white madalas dnt wanna grow intresting indeed

19 Sep 2011 22:22

Bring back david,that guy is the best actor

20 Sep 2011 07:41

When was the last time you watched RC Rowland45? You will realise that David has been back on RC for I don't know how long. *smh*
Anyway; S'bu putting his foot down. Hope you fill better sexy d

20 Sep 2011 07:44

Hawu Rowland45; were you in a coma for the past year or so? 

Good to have you back sexy d. hope it was nothing serious. 

The Khuses are not even paying rent and they have been giving Fats grief about him selling the house meanwhile they were just mooching off him.

20 Sep 2011 07:47

Stone should stop making his problems Fats', I mean he has been letting them stay there for free; and now it's time for him to cash in on his inheritance.

20 Sep 2011 07:50

Even the cochroaches will crawl from wherever they are to come help you spend your money. Victoria, although you did not win, you need to keep it quite. If I ever will the lotto, my family is not going to know, of course I will help them when I need to but they are not going to know where the money comes from.

sexy d
20 Sep 2011 08:45

Good morning people

@Incarnate and Ingenuity thanx friends its was just flu but now am getting better evyday

That guy wa victoria just wants her money nothing more all these years he has not been around and after that o tla ka story sa gore dave is in prison y didnt he come wen the whole world thought dave was dead.

Dave did his speciality yesterday and killed croc all hell will break lose once they found out that their cell mate is dead(66)

Kop bathong no comment

20 Sep 2011 10:00


20 Sep 2011 14:35

Thank God people no longer say ''yipeee im number 1,2,3,4 top 10'' blah blah blah.

21 Sep 2011 07:42

Good to hear sexy d
I know how you feel Krystal. I don't kjnow what is so exciting about being in the top 10 or whatever top it is.
The whole thing about David being under the Kommando's control is going to end badly; *I think if George keeps bullying him like that, he's just going to snap cos we all know that David does things on his pat malone.

21 Sep 2011 07:46

Oh lawd, Kop did not pull the I'm your father isht! Technically Stone is not your son Kop. Your brother Jacob is his father.

21 Sep 2011 07:52

Whys is Gail being difficult; I thought that the whole thing about being on radio is getting more listeners. She is going to get more listeners on the afternoon slot.

21 Sep 2011 14:40

i hate gail guys1

21 Sep 2011 16:13

Kop feels emasculated, he is a bit of a traditionalist; I remeber that he once took a belt to Tshidi. 

I know how you feel Tshepos, I also have a love-hate relationship with her. She tries so hard to be a bad ass!

21 Sep 2011 16:16

Thula is right, he is trying to prove to Miles that he is independent.

21 Sep 2011 16:19

I have to say that I have a wee crush on the leader of the 66 gang. There's just something about him.

21 Sep 2011 16:22

This George character gives me the creeps.

21 Sep 2011 16:24

This George guy has got Dave by the balls and Dave is no longer doing things on his pat malone china.

22 Sep 2011 07:30

David has turned into George's straf meisie. Poor Vicky, is being wined and dined by that parasite Alpheus, we all can see that he is just doing it cos he wants her money. he is even taking her to an expensive restaurant. 

22 Sep 2011 07:33

Does Dave want to be rehabilitated or does he want to run away from George.

22 Sep 2011 07:36

I know that you have to spit on your shoe to get it to shine but what David did, was a spit of disgust. Gorge is just going to push Dave too far.

22 Sep 2011 07:39

Was David crying when he was begging his lawyer to get him out of there?

22 Sep 2011 07:41

I don’t like this subservient Dave; I know he is doing it to survive. I never thought I’d see the day when David is bullied

22 Sep 2011 07:43

Yep I think he was crying.

22 Sep 2011 07:45

Kop is a hell lot stronger than I am, everytime I sneeze I go to the doctor to find out what's wrong, why wait until you get worse.

22 Sep 2011 07:48

Stone needs to be educated on TB, it seems as if he thought that Kop was going to die, I mean you need to take care of yourself, eat healthy and drink your medication.

sexy d
22 Sep 2011 08:25

Morning all

Didnt catch de episode yesterday i will come back to comment after i watch de repeat at 9 am

22 Sep 2011 10:51

Does do you guys think David will be stuck in prison for gee? and Naomi? how long will she be there?  I dont like David being in prison. he was supposed to be invincible, untouchable, you know, like all villains. He would rather die or disappear than have been caught

sexy d
22 Sep 2011 13:15

Shame poor dave now he is all controlled by george i really feel sorry for him. As foe Allan he better make sure they transfer Dave from that bin to a different bin china lol

Guys did you know that apparently naomi will come back with a baby gal and claims that it is miles daughter hai nna i for one cant wait for her craziness phela naomi wen i c her i just love remembering the whole manyeloying thing le hadu ya tsamaya lol.

22 Sep 2011 16:18

I just remember when she was just talking mean to poor Buhle who didn't even understand what she was saying. Yoo, how old is the daughter supposed to be.

Naa Koshie
22 Sep 2011 22:17

will it ever end? rc i mean!

23 Sep 2011 07:46

hehehe, Vicky, you don't burn your bridges when you retire, we all want to tell off our bosses but geez, that was a bit over the top and unnecessary.

23 Sep 2011 07:49

hawu, Victoria like anybody will just admit that he just wants your money, of cos he's going to deny it, go sestebe ke kotsi.

23 Sep 2011 07:52

Oh bless; Ron feels appreciated for a change.It didn't take long for Alpheus to show his true colours. But I loled when she said Miles eats like a pig.

23 Sep 2011 07:54

When Vicky called Lucilla it sounded so strange cos we are used to her calling Lu madam.

sexy d
23 Sep 2011 10:02

Morning all

sexy d
23 Sep 2011 10:03

by de way guys tomorrow is my born day yippie so excited..

23 Sep 2011 10:20

Hi Guyz happy dday@sexyd wich u all the best.

23 Sep 2011 14:58

Happy birthday in advance, will be sending you cyber gifts tomorrow!

sexy d
23 Sep 2011 15:20

@market thanx dear

@calamity i will be waiting...

26 Sep 2011 07:46

Hope you had on awesome birthday sexy d

Poor Ron, his promotion didn't even last a day, lolment.

26 Sep 2011 07:48

Dave just needs to bump off George and then he will be fine.

26 Sep 2011 07:50

So S'bu is moving into David's flat/penthouse!?

26 Sep 2011 07:51

George is keeping a very close eye on Dave!

sexy d
26 Sep 2011 08:16

Morning all

@Takwesha i did hey thanx

Dave should just off george i mean de dude is constantly around dave poor him am sue wen wen he goes 2 de bathroom he follows him around

Naomi Naomi welcome back

DD and suffo will ur fight ever end?

26 Sep 2011 18:54

She's baaaack! And what a entrance!

27 Sep 2011 07:41

Oh wow, Naomi Naomi Naomi Naomi.
Zodwa just moved from one man to another. hawu Thula, you need to clean your ears, stop selling yourself shot.

27 Sep 2011 07:45

So what is Niki's role nowadays, is she some sort of an agony aunt or what. She gives advice left right and center.

27 Sep 2011 07:47

You know what they say sexy d, ya madoda ayi pheli.

27 Sep 2011 07:50

hawu, Miles wouldn't stop drinking cos it is David's wine, really the man needs to get a life, Naomi is back to ensure that he does just that.

sexy d
27 Sep 2011 08:47

Thank U Naomi for coming back miles was starting to work on my nerves ka dis so called victory agaisnt david.

So guys if Naomi is appointed by this BK group does it mean that she got connections inside prison like those Kommandors who have connections outside prison pls assist guys am confused?

DD and Suffo who is stne suppose to believe now?

27 Sep 2011 16:32

I wouldn't put it past Naomi sexy d, with her obssession for Miles, I think she would make a deal with the devil just to stay close to Miles.

28 Sep 2011 07:22

People may what they like about RC but the writers and producers know how to please the people. I love it!
S'bu didn't have to wait, you should have burst his bubble, Miles' smugness over David's troubles really needles me the wrong way.

28 Sep 2011 07:25

I have heard of sore losers but Miles is a bad winner, the way he keeps on crowing just grates on my nerves. And that lawyer dude gives me the creeps, the BK Group are just a bunch of criminals.

28 Sep 2011 07:28

The tell tale signs are already there that Naomi is unwell, i. e the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top, one sandwich short of a picnic, not all tools are in the tool shed, aag you get the idea.

28 Sep 2011 07:32

So, Naomi has to keep taking her medication and then she should be fine. Ron and gail shouldn't trust her, she is crazy!

28 Sep 2011 07:34

I am a bit confused; are Ron and Gail implying that Naomi left RC 3 months ago or do they mean that she was only at the hospital for 3 months?

28 Sep 2011 07:40

I think they mean that she was at the hospital for only 3 months. 
The competition to speak to my favourite actor; what if I want to speak to Gordon Crumb; can they swing that for me. Eeuw Krisis is back.

sexy d
28 Sep 2011 08:41

Morning all

ntombo northern cape
28 Sep 2011 09:35

i love this soapie bantu really

Wilson Zachariah
28 Sep 2011 15:11

Im afraid of Naomi, She is got knives, teargasses, needles, gun etc, in that bag she is holding. She is back for Buhle again. Frankly speaking i like Ding Dong cos he is got impact into the society, Suffo is bitter and jealous, is never realistic this boy. O ganne Puleng akere jwale o batla eng.

28 Sep 2011 16:03

Lol @ Wilson Zachariah saying that Suffo is jealous of DD. "smh".

29 Sep 2011 07:19

So, Naomi was head hunted by the BK Group, really? Poor Ron wants Dave to come and save them.

29 Sep 2011 07:21

Naomi calling that guy young man, that was just wrong, was she trying to chastise him or what?

29 Sep 2011 07:23

Stone is a grown man, if he gets caught in the cross fire it will be his own doing, he has been warned. Ding Dong's shoes, no words, hehehe!

29 Sep 2011 07:26

DD should be careful of Niki, she's been around the block a few times. The woman stole a dead person's identity, now that's hardcore

29 Sep 2011 07:29

Gail should be careful, she shouldn't be making threats at Naomi, that woman is unstable and if she flips, well she will be in the firing line.

sexy d
29 Sep 2011 08:19

Morning all

@Incarnate when i saw those shoes walking to KW i was like who is day then boom DD face comes up i mean de dude is definately something else

Miles just tell Lu gore dat crazy bitch is back and should be careful there is no point in keeping it a secret bcos naomi is here to stay.

Themba Mtshali
29 Sep 2011 10:47

I can really feel it this are going to heat up this time. I double ''D'' is such an act especially with the RM (italian shoes)                                                                  

29 Sep 2011 10:51

Hi all, I am mesto.

My actual name used to be stemo.

Stemo died long time ago because he did not remember his password. He tried to request a new password but he failed to get a new one because the email adress he registered with is no longer applicable. So now I tried to re-register using the same username "stemo" but couldn't.

So I decided to reshuffle the letters to "mesto". If you wish to call me stemo you are welcome.

I missed my family here. Please welcome me with warm hugs.

29 Sep 2011 11:01

This soapie is going to be interesting. David Genaro sold his company to the devil and now Naomi is back. Yes  Naomi is connected to David criminally. So when David goes down, Miles's celebretions are shortlived.

So Miles days of celebrations are numbered.

29 Sep 2011 12:59

suarez used to irritate me, she always tried to look so poised yet strong an sexy all at once and it just looked off

29 Sep 2011 14:04

ding dong and david are the only once

29 Sep 2011 16:10

Kanti why is TVSA not giving us RC's October teasers, it is on the etv website though, I must say that Naomi is back to full crazy, and anybody or anyone in her way is going to get it.  
sexy d, you were right, she actually says she has Miles' child and partenity tests do prove that he is the father. hayi, Naomi show me the crazy shame. 

Welcome back mesto.

29 Sep 2011 16:18

Miles struggles to wrap his head around Naomi's claims that he is the father of her child. He's eventually forced to come clean with Lucilla.
Naomi drops in on the Vilakazis. She tries to convince them that she means them no harm, but they believe she's up to her old tricks again.
Niki learns that Ding-Dong has not been arrested. She decides not to heed Suffocate's warning and goes to see him at his shack. She learns a little too late that Ding-Dong doesn't take too kindly to being played. 

This is on etv's website.

10 Apr 2023 23:05

I've stumbled upon a goldmine thread lol. Used to love rhythm city when I was growing up 12 years ago... Good times

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