Euphonik o shapile Bonang

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 04 Jun 2012
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So yesterday, we woke up to the news that Bonang Matheba got assaulted by her now ex-boyfriend Euphonik. The reports put the popular 5FM Dj among or rather, Euphonik joins in the long list of bad boys who assault their girlfriends after a little lover’s tiff. 


It is reported both on Sunday World and Sunday Sun that he slapped and kicked Bonang. We had to get a copy of Sunday Sun and World this Sunday as we wanted to read the stories ourselves from the newspapers. It was shocking to read about this but at the same time it was no surprise that the relationship is toxic as signs were there from the very beginning of their relationship when it became public that they are dating. 

B 2

For what is worth, we never believed Bonang and Euphonik made a cute couple simply because Euphonik looks like something out of the Pretoria Zoo and his picture in the Marie Claire naked whatwhat showed that nigger doesn’t have a clue how Virgin Active door looks like. As sad as the news of Bonang’s assault is, we are glad she finally ditched him. Making us more glad about this is that she pressed charges against him and good for her because a lot of girls look up to Bonang for inspiration and we are glad she aint tolerating him making her his punching bag. According to the Sunday World, Euphonik has always been abusing Bonang.

In a number of occasions, Euphonik has disrespected and embarrassed her on Twitter. He once called her a B-grade whore we don't remember what made him say that and there was an outrage on twitter about it with a lot of celebs telling him that is not the way to speak to a woman. But your Gal B continued dating Euphonik and loved him like nothing happened. At that point in time, we saw danger sings and heard alarm bells but Bonang never saw and never heard them. 

U 2

It has always stuck in our minds as to how did Bonang move on from that public humiliation. To us, it was clear from the word go that Bonang was the one who loved more and it was hard for her to hide it and we think Euphonik took advantage of that. Our Girl B was forever going on and on about how she loves her man on Twitter. When we went to A listers parties in Jozi, Bonang always made it solo and where the pair attended together, they never arrived together, but we were fooled to think the pair was “protecting what they have from the media’s prying scrutiny”. 


There was also a time on twitter when he tweeted Bonang that must answer her phone before she makes him "*bleep!* angry" and there were a lot of tjos with everyone saying your Gal B is being abused by Euphonik and we wondered if that's how he treats her on twitter what is happening behind closed doors? This other time when Bonang appeared on Motswako talking about lingerie and all things sexy, she talked about how she surprises her man in the bedroom and all that and Euphonik tweeted her about it kinda asking why she lied on Motswako and she got a lot of tweets laughing at her after Euphonik's tweet. But still Bonang continued loving the man who keeps humiliating her on twitter. 

A tweet from those in the know about how the police serves Euphonik with some papers.

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We can go on and on forever about this. No matter what Bonang has done, she doesn’t deserved to be beaten up. In fact, no woman deserves to be beaten up by her man. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship will tell you lovers fight some of the time.

Makisto remembers the day when he and his then girlfriend had one heated disagreement. A few weeks later, Makisto’s then woman confessed that if Makisto was a type that beat women up, he would have done it on that day. However, common sense prevailed because lovers disagreeing is not anything new.  


Kaloku Euphonik must join Boxing South Africa if he feels that he would like to stretch his non-existant muscles of better yet, Kung-Fu is another form of sport. Beating women is not on and can never be tolerated. We hope the law will use this Euphonik to send out a very strong message against women abuse. Before we forget, Euphonik must fight with his peers, not women. Nigger, real men beat HIV and Aids, not women.

Women abuse has got no place in our society and such cannot be tolerated. As much as Bonang has tolerated this dude’s nonsense in the past, we reckon it was because she was under the impression he will change. Having said that, she doesn’t deserve what happened to her and we salute her for opening up a case against him. We understand it took a lot of guts and courage for her to do this.


04 Jun 2012 11:43

pics coming up just now

04 Jun 2012 11:53

I read with shock and disgust at that story  yesterday. 

I tht they were cute enuff together but tjo after reading the article about the twitter drama I think most pple can say the signs were there of abuse / the potential of it coming in the future.

Cudn't agree more no woman deserves a beating from her man there's no justification for it

04 Jun 2012 11:54


Mrs Chix
04 Jun 2012 12:03

Shame yazi

04 Jun 2012 12:04

May she never go back to him, abusive relationship are hard to leave behind.  No woman deserves to be beaten up, even if the "man* was *provoked*.   I watched her interview on 3 Talk not so long ago and when she was asked about Slikour, she was glowing, but then again did he not publicly dump her?  She deserves better, the two men don't respect her at all.  Pleas Bonang, pick yourself up and forget about these men, the right one will come along.

04 Jun 2012 12:29

Ai Ai Ai Ai Bonang o na le bhati strue if it not Sliqoe dumbing her on face book ke this man moering her shame nana take a break a one year break and enjoy your beauty and success sies banna

guy gaga
04 Jun 2012 12:30


04 Jun 2012 12:52

This is disgusting ya neh its true most  ladies who are beautiful, sex , etc etc they bad lucky when its come to men

04 Jun 2012 13:04

Well done Queen "B"! He's a looser and doesn't deserve You.
Send him straight to where he belongs and that is jail so he can meet his peers there...

04 Jun 2012 13:08

Slikour clarified the FB breakup in 1 interview I can't quote him verbatim but it was blown out of proportion. 

Slikour did love Bonang.

Some1 said he once saw both Bonang & Euphonik at Marie Stopes

I love this Gal she works hard but i guess she's just like the rest of us not immune 2 falling for bad boys.

04 Jun 2012 13:18

Morning all

 People we all knw tht God wont give a person  everythng.There will be ONE
missing  in your life and it is how God made us , ... so Miss B hang in there and focus in  your career .

04 Jun 2012 13:25

Ya neh...

04 Jun 2012 13:33

Is it not strange how predictable the result of people flashing & gushing about how their people are "SUPER anything" and gifts from god end badly ... somehow?

Shut Up !, enjoy life & your man/ woman & it will not be national news when you get trampled by the one you say loves you more than breathing.

04 Jun 2012 13:48

Shame maarn Bonang... no one deserves to be beaten... doesn't matter what you have done or haven't done... The guy could have been intimidated by B's success!!! 

Euphonik you can go staright to hell where the sun don't shine... we, ladies will stand by our own. You are a SORE COWARD LOSER who thinks with his smallanyana head he is a hero by beating a woman... Lemme tell you something, you are an ignominy to not only the MAN RACE but the HUMAN RACE at large!!

04 Jun 2012 14:11

Privacy !!!
Priceless !!!

04 Jun 2012 14:22

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,.

04 Jun 2012 14:24


04 Jun 2012 14:30

On a different note,this girl seriously needs to eat. Those thighs of hers look like my arms. How do men find that sexy? I still don't get the hype about this girl.

04 Jun 2012 14:31

Euphonix has always looked like a troubled soul. He is no real man. How can you beat a woman? He needs psychiatric evaluation.

04 Jun 2012 14:36

Black girl with a white woman's body

04 Jun 2012 14:41

To each their own ...

men who beat women & the women who love them !

sometimes ... to death !

At which point do women also account for their existence and illogical states of denial, and their seeming desire to remain with men who beat them.It seems the signs were there ... where and when will she be accountable for staying when she had tens of thousands of seconds to choose not to remain in harm's way????

04 Jun 2012 14:42

deathby Euphonik being intimidated by B's "success" its not really about that hey. he is a  douchebag thats all because he is also succesful. fast forward to december she'l be heading women and child abuses campaign. thats what i dont like abt ths celebs. everything is an opportunity for them. RME

04 Jun 2012 14:49

Sorry B for the beating, come to me for royal treatment, boys like euphonik do not deserve to live, sies!

04 Jun 2012 14:58

How  I wish he cud spend some time in jail that wud teach him a lesson mnxm Son of a gun....... 

Honestly how do u beat someone black and blue becos she didn't close ur gate on her way out at least she has plucked up the courage to get out of the r/ship

If only someone can start a call to boycott all his shows and no one shud give him any gigs to play at


04 Jun 2012 15:02

I never liked Euphonik he is rude arrogant and thinks his all dat bt he just luks like a loaf of bread.. Maki dat naked pic of his was hoooorrrrooorr for days dnt wana think of that pic huge turn off.. I never understood what B saw in him reali ... I remember once on his show he was dissing Dj Claudes song saying it was it sucked n all da bad things , I tweeted to him that he also has songs that suck n his a mean person he deleted me but I didnt care cause hs a very horrible person!! Good for B that she's out, no one can tell u to leave a person wen u love them onli you realise on your own that enough is enough.. You get so sucked in to the toxic relationship that nothing and no one will make you is indeed blind!!

04 Jun 2012 15:02

Let's also wait for the full story.
Beating is inexcusable ...
but perhaps, possibly ... she also motivated and triggered an ass-whipping.
I want to hear both sides of the story
How many people don't know someone who triggers and forces an ass whipping on themselves sometime.

04 Jun 2012 15:08

@VusiK. I am struggling to come up with scenarios where it would be ok for a man to lay a hand on a woman, help me out, what could she have done to deserve a beat down? I am struggling

04 Jun 2012 15:12

Euphonick has never accepted Bonang as his girlfriend
when he was interviewed if he dated Bonang he said NO... they asked him about 3 times he still said no. 

sorry Ms Bee

04 Jun 2012 15:22

I never said it is OK Babye
i want to wait for his side of the story ...
and I said ...
I know people ... from both sexes who will create every motivation in the book to get an Ass-Whippin'violence is about power ... and sometimes the inadequacy of power ... it is less about sex.
some women whip men's asses ... and people find it amuzing ... even entertaining.When men whip men's asses & women whip women ... it is called sport!

What's so special in reality about either of the variables being acceptable, and inconvenient when Bonang's Ass gets whipped!

wait for ALL the facts.
I'll never take sides in other people's business
Only he was there doing the whipping ... which I find disagreeable and abhorrent, and she was there getting her ass whipped.

Opinions do have limits where facts must start to kick in.

It is time for the facts.

04 Jun 2012 15:25

shem Euphonik is saddening shem..... real ma knows the womans worth......i think will have to investigate him internally 

B our girl thank you for making him ur EX and remember an EX is an EXAMPLE of who you should not date ever

Gorgeous Guy
04 Jun 2012 15:27

Hi Guys am new here
 the story I got she stormed out of his crib and he followed her and found the door locked and went in trhu the window and bit the hell up out of her 
ok think 
how do you follow someone and bit the person for not closing your gate 
something is fishy

04 Jun 2012 15:34

@G G, ROFL we also got that story ROFLMAO from the tabloids and the e-news sites, sorry couldn't help it *BBM ROFLMAO*

04 Jun 2012 15:34

no way that someone beats an adult for leaving a gate open ...

There's plenty to it ...

Wait for the facts ... many people might end up disappointed in her !?!?
There are such things that happen between people that push others beyond the realms of reason ... and some people are very very short fused ...

Wait to hear both sides I caution.!

... This guy looks like a wife and girlfriend beating DJ from my home town. Is it possible that DJs have a high propensity for spousal beat-downs? I know of many Disc Jockeys who are physicaly abusive to their women, and others are incapable of treating their men with respect.

just a question.

Gorgeous Guy
04 Jun 2012 15:34

The female celebs must stop pouring themselves to male celebs they must luk at ordinary guys

Gorgeous Guy
04 Jun 2012 15:37

he had a fluzzy and got busted by Bonang the giultyness

04 Jun 2012 15:39

@VusiK ok i wont even try argue with you grootman, your writing can leave a brother in a knot *BBM embarrassed* ok hows about this scenario, you catch your wife in your house, your bed with another bloke make it your best mate betraying you with the ultimate betrayal (sic) i cant even write it down here, in a case like that is it acceptable then the beatdown?

04 Jun 2012 15:47

LOL @ VusiK's writing leaving brother Twit_F56 in a knot... #dead#

04 Jun 2012 15:49 EX is an EXAMPLE of who you should not date ever... Wow, deep.

04 Jun 2012 15:52

SIES mane Euphonic o shapa mosadi!!!

04 Jun 2012 15:52

#...Euphonik just looks like a loaf of bread#...... LOL. I don't know if I'm just in a good mood but your comments are killing me, LOL

04 Jun 2012 15:57

I agree with VusiK, always two sides to a story.... Abuse should never be encouraged and no woman deserves it. Still, I want to know what happened because there is no way Eu is going to beat the hell out of B for not closing the gate. If anything, Makisto and Cheesa should have just done a little digging and stopped being lazy. I shall wait for the real story to emerge... #hides#

04 Jun 2012 15:58

@T you are making it worse don't laugh *BBM smile*

04 Jun 2012 16:05

@T, "always two sides to a story.... Abuse should never be encouraged and no woman deserves" does this mean then that there are situations that make it understandable, explainable, justifiable but not acceptable?

04 Jun 2012 16:09

B must just close this sliding door called Euphonik........

04 Jun 2012 16:18

didn't Bonang say she was impressed with the way he treats his mother? I doubt he beats up his mother.

04 Jun 2012 16:21

Euphonik must just get a remote and close his gate himself sies man lol or maybe it was the 'I was too lazy to close it' response that infuriated him but still u neva raise ur hand to a woman he shud know better

04 Jun 2012 16:26

Twit... No one ever goes to anyone and beat the crap out of the them for no reason. It is not acceptable, but most times, is instigated/provoked. I still repeat, no woman deserves to be beaten. Fact though, some do provoke the abuser. Bonang might have done that. But Eu should never have done it, if it is true that he did.

04 Jun 2012 16:28

There is no such thing as an acceptable beat down ... But people PAY buying tickets to view beat downs ... Many accept it as the way things are, and even entertaining.

Besides ... I also get tired of the idea being pushed that abuser are exclusively male
, and the realm of the bused is the exclusive domain of the females.

Many would be rolling on the floor with laughter induced fart-fits is it was this woman who beat down on the man.

if people wish for plurality ... it should be applied uniformly ... no special accommodations should be afforded for women only when they get beat downs ... I wish to see the same outrage when the man gets the beat down ... be it from a woman, a man, or a newt.

04 Jun 2012 16:29

.. after all ... we only know that someone is not the right person for us to be with AFTER we leave them ... not before.

04 Jun 2012 16:34

euphonik is a *bleep!*, he has been mistreating this woman. He deserves everything coming to him

04 Jun 2012 16:38

@T & V, then why are you guys on the two sides to a story tip? it should not matter how hard the buttons were pushed or how hard you were provoked it shouldn't. There shouldn't be any butts after a boy abuses a woman it should be condemned and left at that. *that's just me*

04 Jun 2012 16:40

oops sorry i didnt get your other point @VusiK, im in a knot right now, help me out @Tshd21 *BBM confused*

04 Jun 2012 16:47

which point do you miss Twit_

04 Jun 2012 17:03

Twit... Eu allegedly beat B up. I want to know what for. That doesn't mean I condone violence, it just means I am curious of what exactly happened. It is not going to change my mind about violence being acceptable.

04 Jun 2012 17:13

shem Bonang!i cant help it everytime i see him i always wonder about his dick size,irrelevant i know but his arrogance screams "andinapipi ndinemali qha" #hides#

04 Jun 2012 17:20


04 Jun 2012 17:54

kwaaaaaaa!! Cnglemother *dead*

04 Jun 2012 17:56

Bathong Cnglema!!! LOL

04 Jun 2012 22:06

hmk ya neh I wonder if he's man enough*thinking* jerrr cheers 2 B 4 dumping him we wnt b punching bags 4 scum asured

04 Jun 2012 22:42

LOL @Cnglemommy.

04 Jun 2012 22:47

Kwaaaaa @ "Andinapipi, dead for dayzzzzz

05 Jun 2012 08:33

i hope this is not similar to the case on BBA? domestic violence is wrong but verbal abuse is as bad.

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