Exclusive Q&A's with TV celebrities


Celeb Q&A: Mark Bayly

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Celeb Q&As on 01 Sep 2006
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If you were an animal what would you be?
A dolphin.

Fave fictional character (from a movie, novel and or TV Show):

James Bond. I was gonna go with Batman because he’s got a dark side but the Bond character I just love. The fact that he’s debonair, that he gets to drive amazing cars, gets all the toys to play with, gets the beautiful women and gets to travel around the world.

If you could the life of somebody you see in movies – that would be a pretty good one live.

Fave Movie:
The one that I’ve watched most is The Big Blue – I absolutely love it. I get transported every time I see it. The casting is so brilliant – when they’re kids in the beginning until when they’re grown up – it’s like they stopped production until they’d grown up and then carried on.

I love dolphins – they’re my absolute favourite creature and there’s so much footage of them and the interaction between the people and the dolphins. I find it very emotional.

The down side of it was the Patricia Arquette character. If she wasn’t in the movie or if there wasn’t that female character – I kinda felt it detracted from the rest of the movie because it was light and flimsy and the rest of the movie was very powerful.

Having grown up as a kid in Cape Town and surfing I love the movie Big Wednesday too. It resonates every now and then. When you grow up with a tight group of friends surfing and then you split up – some of the guys went to the Army, I went overseas and did a year on Rotary exchange – people went their separate ways.

Then you come back together and you try to recapture what you had and you can’t. It’s like a right of passage and a loss of youth. Although it’s a surfing movie on the superficial level, it definitely spoke to me at the time about what was going on. It really summed up a time in my life.

Your most valuable possession:
I’m not that big on possessions. I like to live my life thinking that if all my physical possessions were taken away it wouldn’t bother me. Sometimes it’s difficult but I do try and live my life like that.

I mean people aren’t possessions so I don’t need to get into that. On a really basic level I suppose losing all the contacts on my cellphone would be probably irritate me more than most other things.

I wouldn’t like to lose my apartment because it isn’t insured for replacement. There’s nothing that really stands out that I couldn’t do without.

Fave song:
It’s almost impossible to say. I love so many different genres of music from Andrea Bocelli – I love his music – Romano’s one of my favourite albums. I drive in my little car with the roof down and that blaring and it’s phenomenal.

When you watch movies and you hear songs that are linked with scenes they become very powerful too. I don’t know the name of the song but in Shawshank Redemption, when Tim Robbins’s character locks himself in the library I think it is and he puts on some Italian opera and he cranks it up and plays it for everyone.

I think there’s the line: “None of us knew what that Italian woman was singing about but it transported us, “ - stuff like that really resonates with me and I get very emotional - when I hear stuff like that and it’s got that visual context as well.

From Romanza to Nickelback’s latest album to the Beach Boys. I’ve got older taste in music, I think my fathers musical taste’s influenced me to a large degree. I have a number of albums in my musical collection that my friends look at and go :”What are you thinking??” I like country and western and Dire Straits and Crosby, Stills and Young. I’ve seen Cher in concert which I loved, I’ve seen Madonna in concert who was fantastic.

If you were to get married and you had a first dance, what track would want played?
Joe Cocker’s You Are So Beautiful

Which role would you most enjoy playing?

Doctor or detective
Mmm, what kind of doctor? Hehe.
Probably detective.

Film star or tramp
Film star because you wouldn’t have to get dirty every day.

Con artist or love interest.
Con artist.

Lawyer or journalist

Music sensation or Olympic athlete
For a music sensation you’d have more groupies … but probably an Olympic Athlete.

Patient or psychiatrist

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be?
Right now I’d like it to be with Madiba and my grandmother because my grandmother – she’s not dying thank God but it’s her last real wish – to meet him. If I could put the two of them together it would be fulfilling a dream of mine to meet the man and I’d be doing my gran a favour as well.

What’s the first thing you’d say to him?
Thank you - and huge respect. It’s something he’s heard so many times in his life but what else do you say to somebody that you’re in awe of?

When last did you kiss someone?
About an hour ago.

Do you believe in aliens?
I love to think that there’s more than us. I don’t know that I fervently believe in it but the chance of us being the only intelligent life forms in the universe is impossible considering how vast it is. So ja, I guess I do believe they exist. I bladdy hope so.

Mark's biography


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