The show started before i finished cooking spaghetti-and I wanted it to be al dente! This was a predicament for me because I had notebook/pen/fork in one hand and one eye on the stove and the other on the tellie...and I was searching for Brown Sugar in the audience....
Anyway,the couples did Ballroom (Quickstep/Rumba )and Latin American (Tango/Cha Cha Cha) dances. Now that there's only three couples left, I hope the next episode doesn't go into that long break cause it's a waste of TV space. One hour should be enough next week.
1. Hezekiel and Lindsay- Tango
During rehearsals, Hezekiel went on and on and on about how the judges and the nation think he can dance and Lindsay told him not to let that get to his head. They danced to Pretty Woman and Lindsay instructed Hezekiel to imagine that he was dancing with Julia Roberts. I don't know why that didn't work cause Hezekiel was inspired to do the manyonyoba dance *sigh*. This dance wasn't a spectacular performance for me in any case.
Judges' scores: D=7, S=6,L=6,T=5 TOTAL SCORE=24
2. Erald and Mary- Quickstep
The insecure and irritating Erald emerged and he accused Mary of making him feel worthless. He bellowed "I AM NOT FREEDOM", while thumping his chest with his limp hands. Mary was almost in tears with frustration and I couldn't believe how umdala can go on like a PMS'd teenager like that. Eish! Mfundi should create a role for Erald on G-Spot, he's a performer yerrrrr!!
Anyway, they danced to Oh what a beautiful morning with a rose clasped between their hands. The dance ended with Mary's foot on Erald's chest, giving him a very beautiful view i hope.
Judges' scores: D=6, S=5, L=6, T=4 TOTAL SCORE=21
3. Candice and Quintus- Tango
<See pic on TVSA blog> They danced to JT's My Love and I need someone to exorcise that version from my soul--phaaaalleeeeaasse!! Candice reminded me of a geisha with that thing she had on her hair and their dance was just too sweet, like they are just starting to dance. Not so, the judges thought!
Ion made a joke out of Salome's comment and had Tyrone laughing like a chick, with tears streaming down his face. This man is handsome.
Judges' scores: D=8, S=6, L=7, T=6 TOTAL=27
4.HHP and Hayley- Quickstep
Danced to Happy Feet, a very delightful song (well, i don't know the original version). I love these two and hope they win so I won't go on and on about how much I loved them. OK, OK, I had to remove the mince from the stove and rinse the pasta-so much for al dente!!
Judges' scores: D=8, S=7, L=7, T=7 TOTAL SCORE=29
1.Hezekiel and Lindsay-Cha Cha Cha
<see pic on TVSA blog> Danced to MJ's Black or White. Hezekiel did the intro on stage and did an athlete's version of the moonwalk. I have never laughed so hard since the show started..he he he!! Lindsay has him doing all these JIKA MAJIKA-like dances, the poor man was literally sweating on the dance floor. I didn't feel this dance and it's not because i don't understand why Hezekiel's still on the show but because i was bored. Salome said Hezekiel looked ravishing and gave him her best come-hither look. Whoo!!
Judges' scores: D=8, S=7, L=7, T=6 SCORE =28, GRAND TOTAL=52
2. Mary and Erald- Rumba
They danced to Barbara Streisand's I finally found someone. i love that song!! Mary looked super fine in that outfit <put pic in TVSA blog here> and they really tried to cling to each other like Dave had told them to. Seems Mary was determined to show off her underwear last night. Erald just doesn't know what else to do- he's giving his all goddamnit!!
Judges' scores: D=6, S=6, L=7, T=5 SCORE=24, GRAND TOTAL=45
3.Candice and Quintus- Cha Cha Cha
Candice should join Trompies cause she makes the pantsula look super cool. They did something that reminded me of a doctor using chest compresses (or whatever they're called) to resuscitate a patient. Seshwapha sa Candice-hi hi hi hi!! Haai eh eh. Seems like the cha cha cha has changed since the last time i was taught the dance (i.e years and years ago). Saw Thembi and Danny K in the audience. Did anyone spot Brown Sugar???
Dave said he wanted to see the lady in Candice and was not worried about technique. WTF? Isn't that what they should be judging?
Judges' scores:D=7, S=7, L=7, T=6 SCORE=27, GRAND TOTAL=54
4. HHP and Hayley- Rumba
<see pic on TVSA blog>. Hayley is cute ya'll. HHP told everyone he has a crush on Lillian and Lillian looked authentically flattered.
Judges' scores: D=6, S=8, L=8, T=7 SCORE=29, GRAND TOTAL=58
Hezekiel was kicked out and I enjoyed my meal. I don't blame him for his ego-trip cause he has been mis-lead to believe that he can dance.....☻
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