Was it Love, Blindness, Stupidity or Addiction???

Written by andi01 from the blog Love, Blindness, Stupidy or Addiction on 12 May 2008
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I was in a relationship with this guy *Benson for 28 months. Benson was not employed 80 % of the time. At the beginning of our relationship he was sweet, caring and kind. But 8months down the line he changed. He started doing drugs and he got very abusive, physically, emotionally and otherwise. Basically he treated me like *bleep!*. He was very jealous and accused me of sleeping with anything that moves. In October 2006, during one of his physical abuse upon me, I suffered a miscarriage (I was 3-4 weeks pregnant, but we both did know, I kinda suspected but I wasn’t sure). I forgave him for that and we carried on with the relationship. Basically I paid rent and paid for groceries and toiletries and he would only buy things once in a blue moon. He would come home at 3am in the morning, start calling me names, beat me up and at times force me to have sex with him. He would disapperare for 3 weeks without calling and when he returns he would blame me that I am not treating him well, that is why he disappeared. I would be angry at him, we would fight and I would ask him to leave but then again I would miss him and I would go looking for him, it was almost as if, I was soo used to the abuse. He stole my things (CD’s, celphone, clothes & Tupperware), sold it for drugs (tik to be more specific).

My family (sisters) were hurt by these things (even though I only told them half the staff), and they would talk to me and advice me that I need to make a plan before this man kills me. I didn’t listen to them. I loved him, and besides he was good in bed. I actually believed that they just didn’t like him. Deep down inside I knew that this relationship was bad for me, but I just loved the guy too much to let him go. The thought of him with some1 else made me weak in my knees, I just wanted him to myself.

He would tell me that I am a good for nothing bi**h. He made me believe that I was worth nothing. That I was ugly and no man could ever love me as much as he does. He made me loose confidence in myself and I lost a lot of weight. He made me believe that he was the best thing that has ever happened to me, even though deep done I knew that wasn’t true, I didn’t have the courage to prove him wrong. I would brake up with him (a 100 times already), and still couldn’t move on, always telling myself that I am not ready for another relationship, but deep down I knew that I was waiting for him to return, hoping that we would change.

On the 5th of April 2008, a friend of mine threw a party, many of our friends from the Eastern Cape (whom I haven’t seen in a long time were invited), and I was the last to arrive, to my surprise, my first ever crush, *Steve was there. The moment I saw him, I had this weird feeling in my stomach, the same feeling I had ten years ago, something inside me said “somethings never change”. Steve and I met 10yrs ago, I had a crush on him and he was also into me. I was 14yrs old then and scared so nothing developed there. We both went our separate ways and would meet each other at times. Every time I met him (in the years between), something inside of me moved, but I just kept on telling myself. “no I cant be in a relationship with him, we are good as friends, maybe he no longer has feelings for me bhla bhla bhla”. To cut the long story short, Steve and I talked and talked and I decided that, that night I wasn’t going home to Benson. I have let Steve go so many times before, but not this time. Besides he is visiting here, I cant let him spend the night all by himself (at the friends bedroom), he wont be safe, I need to take care of him, even if its only for 2nite. I spent the nite with him (nothing happened), not that I didn’t want anything 2 happen. 

But even though Benson had treated me like a doormat, I wasn’t going to cheat on him. I was going to end things with him before I move on with my life. The following day I went home, I found my house has been broken into, and I found Benson inside waiting for me. I sat him down and I told him “when we first met, I told you that I would never cheat on you, when I don’t want be in this relationship anymore I will tell you, so there it is, I want out, I cant take the way you are treating me anymore, its been way too long. The only thing I ever wanted, and I told you, from you is “appreciation and care”, and you failed to give me those. So I am sorry my frend I cant be with you anymore. His response was, I am sorry baby, I am going to change, I will find a job, I will stop using tik, I will find the jo……………………….

In the middle of those “I will”, I felt asleep, I lost interest coz I have heard all that before and I wasn’t interested.

Do you think that I made the right decision?
Do you think I have been stupid to love this person soo much?
Do you think that I waited too long to end this relationship?
Do you know of any one in the same situation and what did they do to get out?
They say we teach people to treat us bad, do you think this was all my fault

Come ma bloggers, put on those thinking caps of urs and lets talk


12 May 2008 03:49

Sorry for such a long article, but come peeps, lets talk

12 May 2008 04:05

are you sure ukuthi you and Benson (chirwali) are finised, did he accept that?

12 May 2008 04:06

andibaby, i think you already know the answers to those questions

long story indeed. what alot of us women fail to accept is that men don't really change, only that part of themselves they've kept hidden from us comes out eventually so there really is no change. it simply means you didn't knwo him as well as you thought you did.

12 May 2008 04:10

@Monchooza, hahaha, trust u to make anything funny!!!!!!!!!!! (chirwali), I think he has coz he hasnt come back to beg for forgiveness (isnt what guys normally do when dumped by some1 they still wanna be with), infact I hear that he has moved on, he has a 17yr old girl, that he does drugs with and force to sleep with him, Oh by the way the girl is bonking about 6 out of 10 of his friends.

12 May 2008 04:10

gal, this is all so sad things that we do in the name of lv are unbelievable, anyways to ans ur ques:

Do you think that I made the right decision? hell yes
Do you think I have been stupid to love this person soo much?
 not at all, thats why they say lv is blind sometimes u feel like u're the one who's not doing enough
Do you think that I waited too long to end this relationship?  yes but it doesn't matter coz in the end u're finally free and u're gonna get the lv and care that u deserve, but I understand how difficult it is to lose someone that u lv and as u say u always blv that they'll change someday
Do you know of any one in the same situation and what did they do to get out? no
They say we teach people to treat us bad, do you think this was all my fault ? not it wasn't ur fault at all, all u did was lv this man u never encouraged any of his bad behaviour

12 May 2008 04:15

@kelefab, the thing is I am quite a humble person, I dont really believe in changing a person, all i really look for in a relationship is appreaciation and care, amongst some other things as well. I guess kele what fooled me was that, I was tellin maself that he once was a great person, its these drugs, if he could stop he can go back to the loving man he once was. but the bottom line is, he choose to do drugs, he chose to be a monster to me, there is nothing I could have done to stop him, but rather run while I still can.

12 May 2008 04:18

@ocean1, you have made me feel better already.sometimes u feel like u're the one who's not doing enough - and  the more u show them how much you love them, its like you are encouraging them to mistreat you even more.

12 May 2008 04:19

Are you still with this man right now and why ????? I will not resort to calling you names like (stupid, desperate for love etc...) becos i have seen this all to often in my own friends. Its as if you guys don't believe in ur own self worth, like maybe you believe that you don't deserve to be loved or something and i'd like to say that the man is an idiot, assh*le...etc but really the problem lies with the females for allowing such behaviour, it's pyschological I think.

12 May 2008 04:19

infact I hear that he has moved on, he has a 17yr old girl, that he does drugs with and force to sleep with him
@ andi01, seemingly the guy is hopeless its a good thing u got urself out of that situation, one question though do u stil luv him?

12 May 2008 04:21

Do you think that I made the right decision?  by breaking up... YES
Do you think I have been stupid to love this person soo much?...YES
Do you think that I waited too long to end this relationship?...YES
Do you know of any one in the same situation and what did they do to get out?...No1 comes to mind
They say we teach people to treat us bad, do you think this was all my fault ... NOT YOUR FAULT... it will be your fault if u take him back into your life. askies if this is a lil harsh.

12 May 2008 04:29

Andy Andy... did you have to meet someone first in order for you to leave Benson? Couldn't you leave him coz you've had it instead of meeting with an old crush and then only seeing that you need to leave... What if the ucrush also does the same to you - you don't have to wait for someone to come rescue you... 
My boyfiriend once slapped me and till this day he regrets it coz I went insane on him...I broke his plasma tv, smashed the car windows, gave all his clothes to charity and opened a case against him... If I had let him get away with it, it would have lead to more abuse. 
You have the POWER!!!

12 May 2008 04:30

Andi01,you are so brave sista for staying in that relationship for so long, how r things between you and Steve now,

12 May 2008 04:31

@thin line- you can be harsh as you wanna be with me, as long as you doing it out of love, care and hoensty, i realy appreaciate that, besides i feel like i needed a hammer to knock some sense into ma brains.
@ocean1, one question though do u stil luv him?-  to be honest with u, i dont hate him, i wish him all the best, but i want him as far away from me as possible, he doesnt deserve friendship from me. I cared a lot for him and it took a lot out of me to finally let him go, I aint going to let myself go through the same agony again, not ever. so all in all I dont hate him but i donot have love feelings for him. I have been dating steve for a month now, i know its still early days, but he is great to me, and i aint lettin anything (esp a crazy mafacka, who abused me), try to mess ma life up again.
@felfel-no i am no longer with him (the best decison i have ever made), Its as if you guys don't believe in ur own self worth, like maybe you believe that you don't deserve to be loved or something- to be honest, at some points in ma life he did make me feel like this, even though, i put a roof over his head, the mafacka

Sana Lwam
12 May 2008 04:31

Andi you already know the answers to all you questions, but I'm quite curious as to why you didn't get it on with the Stevie boy - girl that was your chance and I'm sure you are banging your head against the wall coz he is now back in the EC

12 May 2008 04:31

@ felfel 
but really the problem lies with the females for allowing such behaviour, it's pyschological I think.  not necessarily, when a guy knows how much u lv them they use that to their own adv and for their selfish reasons make it look like u're the one encouraging it and I don't think that's true, the truth is lv makes us do stupid things sometimes and we realise our mistakes when its too late most of the time 

12 May 2008 04:32

Yo Andi01 uyabekezela (4got the english word), i think you waited for too damn long to cut this mafacka out yo life. I am just worried that you gonna go back, cos it looks like he's a drug that embedded in your system hard to get rid of. Ja neh things we do for love, its blind girl i know and that's the sad part of it. I am just not happy with you for putting up with so much ish and it made it ok for him to go & come as he pleased.

What matters is that you are out of this fugly mess. uthando alunaklever grand-grand mchana.

12 May 2008 04:33

Andile my lavh I cant beleive youre still with benson&hedges : ( whats wrong with you maar ,thats not love and you know it .we have been through this before ,you need to drop the looser pronto ,pick up the pieces of your life and move to better things ,you can do waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than that and until you cut him loose for real you will never experience true happiness 

And look who's talking ,sumone who wet pillows at nite with tears  ,have sleepless nite and was almost admitted to hospital due to  sress ,Im lying andi im in almost the same position as you are and i understand your position im  not in any position to judge anyone ,I hope you make the rite choice my lavh

12 May 2008 04:34

andi01 sana line from ME.......GOOD RIDDANCE to GOOD RUBBISH! I stayed with a man that was not good for me for SEVEN long years hoping he'd change..everything Benson told you i have had before from this self esteem was so bloody low that the only thing I kknew about myself was just my name, nothing more.....but I promise you, the day I left he looked like he was running out of his mind, literally running after my car.......AND I WAS DONE with him. Your sisters can talk all they could, kodwa into inawe at the end of the day, YOU have to make that decision, and until you do (which I believe you have), no one can tell you otherwise. All the best with the Fab life ahead.....chin up girl, reclaim your life!

12 May 2008 04:34

@ lemon_Lite,  some of us are not strong enough but u did the right thing for ur self

12 May 2008 04:39

@lemon lite- Of course i didnt leave him bcoz of steve, I had left him a 1000 times before, but i never had the courage to move on with anyone. I guess it was just co-incidence, that i saw steve at that point in malife.
@Stroh;so how r things between you and Steve now, things a great, its just been over 6 weeks, i guess, but we have always had a great friendship and this relationship is building on that friendship foundation. he treats me well, like some1 who really cares for me.and i have always care for him

12 May 2008 04:40

hahhahahaah LOL @ Andile my lavh I cant beleive youre still with benson&hedges

12 May 2008 04:41

Very sad,but make sure you learn fron this.You can't change what has happened to you but you can make sure it doesn't happen again.Its very clear that he never loved you,as I believe that men who abuse women are not capable to Love at all.

Sana Lwam
12 May 2008 04:51

I must admit there was a time I found myself "taking care" of a man, but trust me he didnt even think of doing any crazy things until I realised that sana nam ndifuna ukubejwa. I still have accounts to pay thanks to my generousity thats why now I dont want no broke ass nigga next to me - call me a golddigga but like they say " once bitten twice shy"

12 May 2008 04:51

@lemon what happened to the case you opened against him, just interested to know. the way, never ever miss an opportunity to get a good worth while shag when you're going through tough really goes a long way and personally it has worked for me

12 May 2008 04:51

Do you think that I made the right decision? 
Yes, I know that u are worth more than what ur reslationship with Benson has been.

Do you think I have been stupid to love this person soo much? 
No gal, u haven't been stupid, I have been a similar situation and I know exactly where u are comming from. Qina sisi, uzobaright!!!!

Do you think that I waited too long to end this relationship? 
No use beating urself about the length, what's done is done and it can't be reversed. What matters the most is that u have made the right decision in the end. U needed to go through all of this, so that one day when u feel like going back u will remember all the pain and heartache that u suffered, and that will make u realise, it's not worth it!!!! Mina I listen to mary Mary, song titled: "Can't give up no"........please listen yto those words (On You Tube NOW).......u have come far Andi01, please don't go back!!!!

Do you know of any one in the same situation and what did they do to get out?
As I said, I have been in similar situation myself, and it's hard but I left and I know that not even if the Benson type of guy was the last poerson on earth would I go back. The only difference in my case if that the man din't take any forms of drugs and he has always been employed yet high highly abusive *physically and emotionally*. What I do, when I feel like going back, I pray and then I think I remember all the good and bad times we had. Then when I realise that the bad times outweigh the good, that's when I know I made the right choice. I advise u to do the same.

They say we teach people to treat us bad, do you think this was all my fault 
Sadly I feel that it's not our fault taht we allow our hearts to lead astraty even when we can see we are being hurt and played.

Sorry for the long reply. As I aid nami lendaba iyangithinta. Please gal, don't go back, they say it will be better just coz they realsie the diamond u are when u're gone, but once u take them back all thsoe sweet and loving words are forgotten and they go back to tehir old ways. U don't want to end up like the first Doobsie of Mubvhango leave now, while u still have a chance of claiming ur life back.  

P.S - Andi01, ngizokubheka emthadazweni nami sisi!!!!

Bra Bizza
12 May 2008 05:00

love makes us do stupid things

12 May 2008 05:05

@Nonny, thank you so much girl, you makin me stronger, (come to think of it, with you guys who needs a shrink). And which mary is this (Mary J Blige or Mary Mary)??.

@Ngqesta-by the way, never ever miss an opportunity to get a good worth while shag when you're going through tough really goes a long way and personally it has worked for me. LOL. I know girl, trust me I know, but somethings goes deeper that even the greatest shag just cannot solve.

12 May 2008 05:08

@Yoyo : Its very clear that he never loved you,as I believe that men who abuse women are not capable to Love at all. you can say that again girl, I mean how can he love me if he doesnt love himself, they say charity begins at home. 

until I realised that sana nam ndifuna ukubejwa- LOL,  you go girl, i like some1 who knows what they want and go for it. LOL

12 May 2008 05:09

Do you know of any one in the same situation and what did they do to get out?I have a friend who's going thru the same thing.Her boyfriend beats her up all the time and they would still go home together and shag,until one day one of our neighbor's daughter was beaten to death by her man.You don't need a wake up call enjalo so I really hope you won't go back to the loser.

12 May 2008 05:13

"And which mary is this (Mary J Blige or Mary Mary)??."
Not Mary J Blidge, this is Mary Mary the Gospel singers. Go to You Tube, type out: "Mary mary - Can't Give Up Now" and just listen to the lyrics, u will know what I am talking about. U will also see that u have come to far to go back to this Chirwali of urs.........LOL

12 May 2008 05:14

@ Nonny, when I feel like going back, I pray and then I think I remember all the good and bad times we had. Then when I realise that the bad times outweigh the good, that's when I know I made the right choice. I advise u to do the same.
 u remind me of the movie Why Did I get married

12 May 2008 05:23

Shame sana sorry maan but good luck to your new man & i hope u ready for new love & Dont ever compare him 2 Benson & hopefully he will be good to you ...................Love is complicated sometimes & why u always have to get these hard knocks? is it supposed to be 2 people that are inluv not one person is inluv with stupid bastard A**hole nxxxxx. Andy im not asking u these questions my luv its just me .......... Im going 2 lunch dear

12 May 2008 05:30

love makes us do stupid things, Amen to that

If we would start pouring out the things we did/do for love, we all would be shocked. Logic & reasoning becomes very minimal and we let emotions rule. At times we even cross moral barriers for love. Its a tough one for real, i bow down to people who are able to avoid these sticky situations alltogether and who let logic do the talk&walk. Big ups for moving away from this mess Andi01.

12 May 2008 05:35

Hi Blogger's,I just have to say this.I'm new here on TV Sa and I can't believe how supportive you guys are.You know some times its easier to confide to poeple you don't "know"and who won't judge you,though niphoxe sometimes but I'm really moved by how you just give advice when its needed and a lecture.Keep it up *wink*

12 May 2008 05:36

Yazi plp are really being abused out there in the name of love. A friend of mine, is at a point where she even discovers used condoms on the couch in the flat she shares with her man of soooooooo many years (maybe 10 years now). They not married but she spots a ring on her finger, they don't have kids, she has a low-paying job than the man but he chows all her money, makes her stand outside in the rain at night for no reason, wakes her up and forces he to go pee outside in the middle of the night. She has no freedom at all, if she wants to go anywhere, one of us must ask the man, then he'll gladly oblige but not when its her. One day, there was a chilling session at their place and he dissapeared with some coloured chic into the bedroom for a while, mind you the door to the bedroom is facing the lounge and everyone saw them go in there including her.

12 May 2008 05:39

@Andi01 ... hectic stuff indeed

Do you think that I made the right decision? 
You made the brilliant decision(if there is such) for dumping benson

Do you think I have been stupid to love this person soo much? 
I wont say you have been tupid to love him but he has been stupid not to see how much you loved him ..that's one golden opportunity he will never get in his entire life

Do you think that I waited too long to end this relationship? 
Yes dear, you waited too long but there is no point in beating yourself about it, what is done is done but in the future remember a person who loves you will never make you cry but will always be worthy your tears and true love is kind and gentle so it will never abuse.

Do you know of any one in the same situation and what did they do to get out? 

They say we teach people to treat us bad, do you think this was all my fault 
i wouldn't say you teach them rather you allow them ... It wasnt your fault that he abused you but how you responded to it is what you are accountable for.

im glad you broke up with that guy but i still think you shud have done so without any intentions to be in another relationship ... you shud have given yourself some time to heal, some time to get over him, some time to find yourself and what you real want in a man, some time rebuild your confidence and to know what things you wont tolerate in a man and when to draw a line and put a stop.

im out

12 May 2008 05:42

Do you think that I made the right decision? 
yes Andi you did
Do you think I have been stupid to love this person soo much?
No, nami gal i've been in a similar situation like yours, I know where you coming from.
Do you think that I waited too long to end this relationship? 
Yes gal, but i think all that matters right now is that you finally out of that  unhealthy relationship.
Do you know of any one in the same situation and what did they do to get out? Yes, me........all the love for him just went out the window and all that  was left was hate and anger and wishing that he would die horrible and painful death, he still kept on stalking me after i told him off. I decided to finally go the legal route and get a protection order. I dont hate him anymore, just hate what he did to me....but i've left all of that in the past where it belongs...

They say we teach people to treat us bad, do you think this was all my fault 
Its not your fault at all, all you did was love him and clearly your love was just not meant for him.....
Dont go back there Andi ngoba uzoba uzibuyisela umva sisi....God Bless and be strong.....and as Nonny would say "Qina Mzalwane qina"......LOL

12 May 2008 05:44

@myname, I am ready for new love, I know i am, as human beings we differ. some1 of us are take time 2 fall inlove after a sticky sitution and some of us dont. Mna i am one of those that fall inlove quickly after a breakup, i guess its because I dont leave a guy b4 I know 4 sure that I have had enough, that there is nothing I can do about this relationship, I have a tendency of letting them get back to mess up ma life even more once I stay single after a break up.
 The one thing that made me stay in this relationship was fear. i was scared to begin a new relationship. I was scared that no man would ever appreaciate me bcoz I was not worth being loved (the results of being told this almost everyday). I was scared of being alone. I guess i cud rather be "unhappy than alone', I also was scared that what if i leave him and something bad happens 2 him, how was i 2 b able to leave with myslef. But since we've broken up, he has been arrested twice (for theft and armed robery), he has been beaten up (3-4 times) for stealing, i do feel sorry for him, but I am soo tired. i am tired of running after him, i am tired of playing mother-mother to him, I am tired of lovin some1 who doesnt love me in return, and mostly I am exhausted of feeling sad and unhappy. i have already began to rebuild my life and once again i am happy, and full of life. I do pray that I can keep this up, I ask Lord every night to give me the strength to brake this habit (of being there for him every time he is in trouble or pain), and so far it has worked.

12 May 2008 05:45

@Felfel, the abuse outthere has gone so bad its becoming normal for people to accept certain situations, I have stopped talking to this girl i grew up with as it has been four years discussing the same issue with her, my cellphone bill hits the roof every month for dishing out girly advice to her every month. I dont want get into her story but its beyond bad, her only excuse is that its the father of her child and its the only man he wants to die old with. The guy is threatening to commit suicide as she did not pay rent for him and he lost his job as he went on a spree to see another woman in another province over the long weekend. I am so angry I dont know what to say to this chick, i have ignored calls & sms's from her, its bad but i feel like strangling the guy myself. Felfel even my friend works as cashier but she would break down her R2500.00 for this low-life.

12 May 2008 05:47

Off to lunch peeps, be back soon

12 May 2008 05:51

@andi01....Mna i am one of those that fall inlove quickly after a breakup...AMEN to that.....they say the best way to get over a man is through another one's loving's worked for me, might not work for the next person! Just go on with your life.....don't look know you are worth so much more!

12 May 2008 05:54

Deep Andi01. Thing is you are so in tune with what's happening to you even though you let him strip you of your confidence. Your article has just made it clear the reasons why so many women stay in abusive relationships and never leave. After so much abuse and when u've lost all confidence in yourself it really is difficult to believe that life does go on outside the relationship-and i fully get what you mean about not wanting him and yet not wanting him to be with anyone else. Children do that with toys they've lost interest in-but that possessive nature just won't let them completely let go.

I think u did the right thing by leaving him and i also think you need time ALONE ANDI-ALONE! to figure out yourself, your needs, your priorities. Don't get into another relationship-even if it's with Steve-until you have soul-searched and are at peace with yourself, otherwise you will never discover what it is about you that let Benson do to you what he did.


12 May 2008 05:55

@ andy, I ask Lord every night to give me the strength to brake this habit (of being there for him every time he is in trouble or pain), and so far it has worked.
keep it up sisi, u won't regret it and be strong he's not worth ur tears and pity u deserve more

Fluffy Head
12 May 2008 05:56

I did not read the responses.

But looking at this I can tell you what the problem was. Call me shallow and old fashioned all you want but this is the truth.

The bible says this about woman and man
Woman: a woman will bear kids and will feel pain doing so.
Man: Shall eat through his sweat and will provide for his family through hard work.

That is the natural order of things. As a woman you can work but you cannot be a bread winner in a relationship/marriage...Temporarily you can be but the know and natural bread winner should be the man...
Once you take that role from a man (voluntarily or with no choice) are guaranteed to get trouble..That's immasculating a man. And differenct men with react differently to being immasculated. And some will be abusive.

This is the way man and woman are supposed to co-exist. Mara thina mantombazana edemocrasi we want independence and sometimes it backfires...

But I'm glad for you the guy is now an -EX

12 May 2008 06:00

Fluffy did u read this blog grand-grand? I am kinda lost ukuthi ukhuluma ngani manje?

12 May 2008 06:02

Yazi Fluffy, you could have just shut up and not say anything, you wouldn't have lost anything by doing that. What you say is pure rubbish and i hope no church preaches using that bible u quoting from!!!

12 May 2008 06:03

"You know some times its easier to confide to poeple you don't "know"and who won't judge you,though niphoxe sometimes but I'm really moved by how you just give advice when its needed and a lecture.Keep it up *wink"
@ Yoyo, the times where u think siyaphoxana, we are actually joking not ukuthi sabantu ababi, we just like having fun as bloggers, but when it's a moment of seriousness we know ho to be there for one another, mina that's what I enjoy the most here ukuthi nje asigcini ngokusineka kuphela.

"Nonny would say "Qina Mzalwane qina"......LOL 
LOL.......u know me to well sisi, and yes uAndi01 kumele aqini!!!!!

12 May 2008 06:06

OMG Fluffy Head, I am SPEECHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 May 2008 06:06

Guys read Fluffy's response again-it really isn't offensive. If anything it's at the heart of the reasons why many women fail in relationships-we don't want to submit to men. We have become too independent and too bossy and too modern than most men that hold dear the traditional teachings can't cope with us.

*eish i hope that's what Fluffy meant*

12 May 2008 06:10

Felfel i am not being on Fluffy's side but i have noticed that she does not read the whole story at all when it comes to other people's articles. 

Fluffy mkhaya wam u could have atleast read, imbi lento yakho yokungafundi into zabantu. why usonqena kangaka ukufunda hi, usivisise istory?

Fluffy Head
12 May 2008 06:12

Guys, read the reponse kahle like Toxic says...Actually the bible says so. And ask your grand mother she will tell you the same thing.

Nam I'm victim of not doing things the right way cause after all I'm trying to be a modern independent woman...But naturally there is a role for man and woman and its as I've stated above.
No woman should be a bread winner in the family_that's the root of all troubles

Fluffy Head
12 May 2008 06:17

Cngle mom_I read the whole article....not the responses..

And what Andi01 said was 
1. She was in an abusive relationship
2. The guy did not have work half the time
3. The guy be-littled her and made her feel like nothing
4. She saw an old crush and decided to end it with the abuser

Now my take on the situation...
The guy was feeling insecure cause he's not doing his role as a man.....which is 'provider' so he does what he is doing in defence...Andi is the boss (she brings home the dollar) so he abuses her to make her feel small..

I might not have said it in the most politest of ways but that's the truth I believe

12 May 2008 06:17

No woman should be a bread winner in the family_that's the root of all troubles
@ Fluffy - I disagree, I know many families that have survived many years of happiness with a woman as the breadwinner. At the end of the day it all lies on the individual, it doesn't matter if u earn 10 times more than ur man or husband, it's all about u not using that money in thinking that u are the head of the family.

12 May 2008 06:20

ok Toxic and fluff i hear you and you might have a point right there,maybe the question we should be asking andie before we jump to conclusion is the backround of   benson&hedges ?, is he traditional  ,his level of education and a lot others and then we can start to debate the the point  fluffy u guyz raised

12 May 2008 06:20

Sorry Andi love may God give all the needed strengh to pull through, you made the right decision though.

12 May 2008 06:26

haibo Andi, i cant even get myself to finish reading your article, my mood just changed i'm so angry, why do people allow such things to happen to them fukc the so called love maan, i think people use love as a shield to cover their insecurities and self pity and to think that they are not worthy to be truelly loved.

haimaan this has to STOP, how do you justify such madness to yourself??? ladies even guys haimaan this is not on, how can you allow another human being to treat you like a piece of *bleep!* like you dont matter, as if you are not loved its high time humans understand that no other man will complete them you will search for that for the rest of your life.


12 May 2008 06:27

12 May 2008 06:30

*cough cough*

12 May 2008 06:32

Fluffy you just did not explain your point further and just threw in the bible before we could get the gist of your argument (u know how the bible gets us rambling when used to justify things), I hear you now & i would prefer if Andi01 indulged us a bit about Benson's status like Spicy said. Unemployment can really do some serious harm in a man's ego & self-esteem.

Fluffy Head
12 May 2008 06:36

Nonny_girl. I am yet to see that girl. But if you say so, maybe I'm wrong.

I see guys who are well educated adn earn a lot of money and are well off....and their wives happen to earn a tad better than they do...Ask those guys they'll tell you_its not nice. Some of them are biting the bullet cause there is not anything they can do about it but thet'ld love a day when they do better than the wife.

12 May 2008 06:37

it's all about u not using that money in thinking that u are the head of the family.

SPOT ON Nonny!

before we jump to conclusion is the backround of benson&hedges ?, is he traditional ,his level of education and a lot others and then we can start to debate the the point fluffy u guyz raised

LOL @B&'re right Spice, let's hear from Andi.

12 May 2008 06:37

Porsch it has happens dear,  like i said earlier if we were to tell things we go through for love oPorsch would be disgusted even further. We all need love and sometimes we seek for it at the wrong places. 

Nonny what's the whooping cough for?  LOL!

12 May 2008 06:37

I'm 1 of those people i had a boyfriend that cheated in front of me, sometimes even kicked me out of the flat, that i used to rent mind you.So that he can sleep with his galfriends.He made 2 gals pregnant while we were together, I always forgave him. The last straw was when he denied me in a mall, we went out on lunch and we met 1 of his galfriends and she asked me, who am i, i introduced myself, but he jus refused point blank that he knows he said he it was his 1st time seeing me. That hurt me so much, when i woke up i was in hospital.(I collapsed). He is now asking for forgiveness...

Foxy gal
12 May 2008 06:38

Hi Mabloggers amahle!!!!!!!!!!!

Andile u made the right decision actually a great one amigo ...ngiyakuhlonipha ntombazana..... qina ngan'yakwethu kuzolunga........ just know that u are beautiful and one day when u are ready u'll find someone who will treat u right & appreciate u!!!!!!!

12 May 2008 06:40

ANDI01 --- mosadi ke wena. You should be ashamed of yourself ---okay, that was me being a gay biatch!!! The truth is that i am glad you got rid of his ass, He used you and its time you get over the motherf-----.Yes you were stupid, but we can all be stupid when it comes to love -the important things is to know when ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. If i was you, i would have clipped his balls on a vicegrip before walking out.

12 May 2008 06:40

I don't think you were stupid at all...a sucker for love yes...but!!! 

I went through the whole abuse drama with an ex-b and even one knows half the things he did to me. I just made showed and told the tip of the iceberg. And after everything...I can safely say that you cannot change anyone. Change comes from within....

What I realised was that I sacrificed myself for him because I thought since I loved day he would realise that I am willing to do anything for him and change... for me.. 

I thought I was living in hope...hope of better things to come..of change and love...but looking back now....I was living in fear...fear of losing him and because he also made me believe that I was nothing without him...I endured it all. But I  found the courage to walk out. 

Am glad you walked out because noone deserves to be hurt....even for love...

12 May 2008 06:43

Guys read Fluffy's response again-it really isn't offensive. If anything it's at the heart of the reasons why many women fail in relationships-we don't want to submit to men. We have become too independent and too bossy and too modern than most men that hold dear the traditional teachings can't cope with us.

*eish i hope that's what Fluffy meant*

There's no submitting to anyone in this day and age, this is a very old notion, are you trying to tell me that the reason there are so many single mothers out there is because men have been immasculated and women are not submitting to their partners???? Try submitting wena and see what will happen to you...

12 May 2008 06:44

@ Porsch......pleeeeeeeeeeeeze stop it. Am not sure how you're helping someone you has just opened up her heart to the fellow bloggers by your post. If you've never been through it, GOOD FOR YOU.....but until you have been subjected to it for whatever reason, then you would understand exactly where Andi is coming from. I really don't believe that every woman who's been through that situation is mentally deranged......however we go through it and learn....we try to break the cycle which is possible with support and self assurance but takes a's like asking a recovering drug addict why s/he was taking drugs in the first place..........

12 May 2008 06:46

i am truly disgusted CM, but is it really love???? Nna what i really really want to know from those that have been through such evilness is that you look at yourself and think what?????

please someone enlighten me??????

12 May 2008 06:48

oops I meant to say someone who had just opened up her heart

12 May 2008 06:50

Nonny_girl. I am yet to see that girl. But if you say so, maybe I'm wrong.

I see guys who are well educated adn earn a lot of money and are well off....and their wives happen to earn a tad better than they do...Ask those guys they'll tell you_its not nice. Some of them are biting the bullet cause there is not anything they can do about it but thet'ld love a day when they do better than the wife. 

So what must women do then, settle for less paying jobs??? 
Women are under pressure, they need to take care of their parents, raise their kids alone, further their own education, raiseand educate siblings.
I'm not talking about women who brandish their financiall power in their men's faces NO!. If these men are scared of women who earn more than them then they must stick to their own kind qha ke...

12 May 2008 06:52

@Porsch;Wow!Uyavuya wena tana.I wish we all could live in your world sisi.

12 May 2008 06:54

I cant let him spend the night all by himself (at the friends bedroom), he wont be safe, I need to take care of him, even if its only for 2nite.....HAHAHAHA Andi aint you generous!!!!...LOL

Do you think that I made the right decision? You made the best decision ever. It was about time gal. Good for you.

Do you think I have been stupid to love this person soo much? No love you were not stupid, you were being a girl, hoping to be loved. 

Do you think that I waited too long to end this relationship? Well...(*scratching my head*)...i think you ended it at the right time, when you were ready.

They say we teach people to treat us bad, do you think this was all my fault...Andi sweety, never ever think like that. it was not your fault in any way. The only people to blame here is Benson and his ancestors. They must be very mad at him, they made him blind not to see and appreciate the best think that ever happened to him. cause you were Andi gal, and i tell you whereever he is, he's beating himself up for not appreciating you.

12 May 2008 07:03

The background of Benson and hedges is that, he never knew who his father is, he was raised by his older sister beacuse his stepfather was very abusive to him and his mother. his level of education is grade8. He is neither bright nor ambitious, the only good thing about him is that, he was once kind and caring. but i choose not to focus on these things, I have a couple of times, and I have realised that I was making excuses for him. People choose how they wanna treat people. My father (stepfather!!!, whatever he was) was a very abusive men, but that doesnt make me abusive. I have a poor background, where by I was raised by my parents relatives, but that doesnt make me treat people bad, bcoz my parents didnt give me all the love I deserve. I am smart enough to know that hurting some1 else bcoz of your insecurities, doesnt take the pain away, it just make it worse.

On Steve- I understand that some of you might think I moved on too quickly. This is what works for me, really. I know who i am, I know the things i want and need from a relationship. I understand that whatever happened to this relationship with Benson was not my fault, therefore I wont put my life on hold for some1, I wont get back to. Steve is not the replacement for Benson, He could never be. And he is not a rebound kinda guy (i dont do those). I have been in ma head planning this break up with benson for more than a yr now. so that is why it was easy for me to fall inlove with Steve so fast, and remember, I let Steve in ma life before official telling Benson his part is over, which means I aint replacing Benson with steve.

12 May 2008 07:03

i hear you Ngqesta, and its good that she and other people that have endured such come out of it in one piece and dont get me wrong i am not saying they are mentally deranged either. all i'm saying is that we like affirmation, acceptance and the so called love..............................................

we are so afraid of loving ourselves that we need other people to comple us, if we truelly truelly loved who we are and respected who we are we will not be letting other people to mistreat us like that, we all go through such at some point in our lives but men have done it and  ITS ENOUGH......

and WOMEN must just stop feeling sorry for themselves, kunini, until when??????  

What I realised was that I sacrificed myself for him because I thought since I loved day he would realise that I am willing to do anything for him and change... for me..

I thought I was living in hope...hope of better things to come..of change and love...but looking back now....I was living in fear...fear of losing him and because he also made me believe that I was nothing without him...I endured it all. But I found the courage to walk out.   Tshd21 i so wish that other people will realise as well

Fluffy Head
12 May 2008 07:06

What I'm saying is the princeple...How you deal with it is an individual choice partly depending on the maturity of your spouse.

12 May 2008 07:10

amen to sisi Porsch.... Kunini mara?...i have this gay friend who is now a punching bag for baba wa mkhaba and he tells me that they are just normal couple, and thats what one goes through in a relationship.I said fackol, rip that Mkhaba open with a jack knife and let that beer fat fall off!!

Fluffy Head
12 May 2008 07:12

Girl I hope you are not taking anything I'm writing the wrong way. I am really have your best interests at heart as a woman myself.

Watch this movie when you have  a chance: 2 can play that game...and follow the lady who found a non-working guy and wamlungisa cause he was caring and loved her to bits.

12 May 2008 07:14

LOL haaha aha, @Vutmi.HAHAHAHA Andi aint you generous!!!!...LOL,  not really vutmi, you see I am the kinda person that when i really want something I try ma best to get it, and besides I have been wantin to take care of him for almost a decade so dont blame me girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.
@Ngqesta- thanks amigo for lookin up for your girl, and ya thanks YA'LL you really are helpful.
Benson once or too many times had confided in am frend that the fact that I am more educated (for lack of a better word)than he is scares him, everytime i go on business trip he feels threatened that I might meet some1 and leave him. To me that show that having me as her girlfriend meant he hit the jackpot, what confusses me though is that if he really recognises how ambitios and independent am i, what doesnt he treat me liek the treausure that I am. Does abusing me make him feel superior coz thats the only thing that he can do and i cant. He would pressurise me to have a child with him, but teh Almighty decided otherwise, and I cant thank him enough for that.

12 May 2008 07:15

"I said fackol, rip that Mkhaba open with a jack knife and let that beer fat fall off!!"
ROTFLMAO, that is a good one Harambe24, u made my day ngalena.........ehehehhe

12 May 2008 07:15

I hear u Fluffly, i'm not attacking, i argue the same principles in relevant contexts. 
Its just that the way you put it, just doesn't sound like you thouhgt it through in the way it cam across. In general i'm very vocal, i don't take *bleep!* etc.... but ndiyazi ukuthi i cannot be like that with my man cos it can make him feel less of a man if i'm always shouting. Same goes for women who are financially independent (well, some of them), they need that money cos they ukuthi they grew in bad ways ro they just overly motivated, cos its not like the husband will renovate the in-laws house for her.

12 May 2008 07:17

Felfel, okay lemme try and make my case without sounding like my head's in the clouds.

I'm obviously not speaking for every men out there neither am i speaking for most women who find themselves single.

For those men who have been taught that men rule the roost, are sole providers and women are subservient and their role is to make babies, cook, clean, wash, yield themselves to their partner's will and generally "serve their master". Unfortunately, there is a percentage of men who believe this (great or small i don't know).

Marry this man to a woman who's career driven, ambitious, makes money, is in a management and is used to having things done her way and generally cannot be the woman the man wants her to be. They may ride on the coat-tails of their passion/infatuation with each other for a year or so and deal with the "soft issues" in a relationship but eventually the "hard issues" will be difficult to deal with once they are faced with the stark reality of the expectations of gender roles.

Try submitting wena and see what will happen to you... 

i can tell you right now that i am unable to do this. i wasn't raised to revere men or taught that i am on earth to serve them so it's difficult for me to do it but i see merit in that old a chef in the kitchen, a slave at home and a bitch in bed...or smthng to that effect.

i am not saying that successful women will fail in relationships purely cause they are successful....i am saying place a successful woman who does not believe in traditional gender roles next to a traditional man and she'll in all likelihood end up single.

12 May 2008 07:17

I said fackol, rip that Mkhaba open with a jack knife and let that beer fat fall off!! LMAO H24 wa ntlatsa

12 May 2008 07:17

Porsch we look at ourselves and think;it doesn't mean I'm weak,I'm just learning to be a strong woman and about what real love is;I am not stupid,God is just showing me what to expect in life in order to grow wise.Maybe that's a boring statement for someone else,but for me i'ts like that.

Sana Lwam
12 May 2008 07:20

@ KellieR mabloggers don't you think she is exaggerating kancinci apha - when i woke up i was in hospital I collapsed" - girl I feel your pain but that is hilarious.

In true Nonny syle: Qina mzalwane qina

12 May 2008 07:21

ROTFLMAO@HARAMBE.Kwow ha'yke wena.

12 May 2008 07:23

@Porsch. all i can say to you is that "never judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes" You might be angry and feel that I dont love myself enough, but please remember, the fact that I decided to get out of this life, the fact that I am willing to point out my weakness and ask for support from the best place I know will give me the best support, means I aint as doff as you might think I am. Some people choose to commit suicide when abused, some choose to murder their spouse and spend lives in jail, and some choose to stay and pretend all is well. but I didnt, i chose to walk and i chose to share my story so that some1 can learn from it, as I have from many stories onTVSA.

12 May 2008 07:24

I hear you peaces, well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 May 2008 07:27

"we look at ourselves and think;it doesn't mean I'm weak,I'm just learning to be a strong woman and about what real love is;I am not stupid,God is just showing me what to expect in life in order to grow wise."
Thank Peaces, well said sana!!!

"In true Nonny syle: Qina mzalwane qina"
@ Sana Lwam - I'm gladlad to see the spirit oof Qina Mzalwane is spreading well.

12 May 2008 07:29

one advise   LOVE DONT MAKE NO SENSE AT ALL!!!!and it cant be fixed...ride on>>

12 May 2008 07:29

i miss u vutmi

12 May 2008 07:29

be a chef in the kitchen (ayeye Best -Achiver), a slave at home and a bitch in bed...or smthng to that effect.

i am not saying that successful women will fail in relationships purely cause they are successful....i am saying place a successful woman who does not believe in traditional gender roles next to a traditional man and she'll in all likelihood end up single.

shu Toxic ... oh God grat me the sprit of submitting when i tie the knot, allow Cnglemother to give me all good recepies i the world or even make her to an extend of offering me the cooking skills and avail H24, Nonny, Cnglemum when time for bedroom finally hits me  ... otherwise i'll end up single ...LOL

12 May 2008 07:33

@Porsch. all i can say to you is that "never judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes" You might be angry and feel that I dont love myself enough, but please remember, the fact that I decided to get out of this life, the fact that I am willing to point out my weakness and ask for support from the best place I know will give me the best support, means I aint as doff as you might think I am. Some people choose to commit suicide when abused, some choose to murder their spouse and spend lives in jail, and some choose to stay and pretend all is well. but I didnt, i chose to walk and i chose to share my story so that some1 can learn from it, as I have from many stories onTVSA.

Enkosi Andi...well said

12 May 2008 07:35

heheheeheh LOL @ Harambe
I said fackol, rip that Mkhaba open with a jack knife and let that beer fat fall off!!

12 May 2008 07:35

BEST ACHIVER: we are family dear, you better keep us on speed dail. ANDI01: i love you girl, i just wanna give you a hug now, we support that you have finally broken off the chains that bound you to that man --- i still cant believe you stayed coz he was a lekker shag,ha-ha-ha!!!

12 May 2008 07:35

@H24 said fackol, rip that Mkhaba open with a jack knife and let that beer fat fall off!!",  lol thats the best thing to do to these mafackas, really, but then again I aint no violent person, he is, why change myslef because of some1 who cant accept me for who I am. I am kind, sweet, caring, loving, ambitious, motivated and earn more than him, I own more things than he does due to my hard work of course. i am at university and I pay for my own fees, just bcoz he cant do that why should I suffer/

On a positive note: When I threw him outa ma place, he left with a small plastic with his clothes on, this gave me great pleasure knowing that "every dog has its day".Imagine of the place was his and he had to throw me out. Thanks God i am an independent b***h.

12 May 2008 07:38

@Best-Achiever I can teach you the bedroom part(mzalwane to mzalwane).NDIYADLALA PLEASE,I know you people''niyazibaxa izinto''.

12 May 2008 07:38

@Andi01, its true what you said about other people and the fact that you walked away and still fell in love shows courage,

(we) women have put a blame on men for many many centuries, now we know better Andi01 i dont have to go through what you went through in order for me to GET IT, hence people talk hence we share our experiences so that we can learn from one another.

If my mother told your story i'd say her options were limited( its justified) but this is not the case with our generation, we KNOW better and  we have a choice it is there>>>>

i guess what peaces said is true, after all life is a journey, we all choose differnet routes

12 May 2008 07:41

one advise LOVE DONT MAKE NO SENSE AT ALL!!!!and it cant be fixed...ride on>>
@ Cnglemom, this line from Fara, reminds of of why we miss him when he shaya's ama dissapearing acts, coz he says his own unique things nje.......heheheh

@ BA, don't worry, Cnglemom, H24 & i will have u well trained by the time ur 2010 wedding arrives, u will be the top goal keeper by then.........LOL

12 May 2008 07:42

Nonny ask me nicely...kuti where was i ?i will tell u sweety....LOL

12 May 2008 07:43

Nonny ask me nicely...kuti where was i ?i will tell u sweety....LOL

Sana Lwam
12 May 2008 07:43

@ Andi01 "his level of education is grade8"- oohh Nkosi yam uthando, just out of interest what did you talk about Jan van Riebeeck or Vasco da Gama.

12 May 2008 07:46

Been reading and all I can say is there is no love without tough love and at TVSA that proves true.

@Andi, no one can pretend to walk a mile in your shoes even though some have been down the same road but we never feel the exact same pain. The decision you made is a very brave one and I can never pretend to know how.

Just be safe and take care of yourself, reason, 4years ago a friend of mine walked away from an abusive relationship, we sat and encouraged her it was the best thing, until I got a call, she was found dead in her flat and her ex was responsible three months after they broke up. Hope God provides you with the answers you are looking for as no man can give you answers, only He can.

12 May 2008 07:47

@H24 -i still cant believe you stayed coz he was a lekker shag,ha-ha-ha!!!,  true dat my friend, i mean really things we do fo totolozi, but again how was i to know if some1 else's totolozi wasnt as delicious as spykos if I wasnt willing to get out of this hell hole, but I did and I am glad i did, infact I am quite content with the person I am sharing the bed with now. But I am more interested in a meaning full relationship now than just a shag, it has to be good, but i wont be centering ma life on shaggin

12 May 2008 07:50

@Toxy....i am saying place a successful woman who does not believe in traditional gender roles next to a traditional man and she'll in all likelihood end up single.sad but somewhat true.There is so much harmony at my neighbour's house, she does not ask him jackshit, gets home at 12, we would be eating dinner watching TV & he feels like a glass of water and she goes to the kitchen to get it for him. I get horrified at the submisveness of this woman, he does not work and usistaz slaves away as a domestic worker for the mlungus. he does not work up until 10, i knock at their door for taxi fare some mornings and he would never open the door ngoba its too early. He does the banking (withdrawal of cash). I just go to their house to learn the next submissive stunt she's gonna pull. Apparently they never had a single fight and been living together since 2003. He's 33 and and sistas is 40 something.

BA, i may make the tastiest meals but that's not always enough when it comes to these complicated relationship.

12 May 2008 07:51

@ Andi01 "his level of education is grade8"- oohh Nkosi yam uthando, just out of interest what did you talk about Jan van Riebeeck or Vasco da Gama. 

Sana Lwami,
ohhhh myyyy gaaaaaaaaaaaawwwdddd, LMAO

12 May 2008 07:51

"Nonny ask me nicely...kuti where was i ?i will tell u sweety....LOL"
Fara baby, please tell which hott celeb's were u hiding away with now? Is that not nice enough????

"oohh Nkosi yam uthando, just out of interest what did you talk about Jan van Riebeeck or Vasco da Gama."
ROTFLMAO...........heheheeh Sana Lwam, if this is they way u respond, I'm lovin it......LOL........I think uAndi01 & Benson, were still on the talk about verbs and adverbs, Vasco de Gama is too advanced for Benson & Hedges.........LOL

12 May 2008 07:55

@Nonny Cnglemom, this line from Fara, reminds of of why we miss him when he shaya's ama dissapearing acts, coz he says his own unique things nje.......heheheh, u Farai is just too unique that's why i go bezerk without him tl-tl-tl LOL! Hola Fara my love. How was Bloem, what did u bring me? sorry Andi for going off the topic but u know how we roll lana ekhaya.

12 May 2008 07:56

@Simmone thank you very much, you might have saved my life, because i have just remembered how obsessed Benson is, I need to change my locks today and get a buglar bar at the month end.

12 May 2008 07:57

@Andi01 - Long story but verrrrrry interesting so not boring at all. 

I think you made a good decision.  They say love is blind and yes you were blinded by it.  What kind of a man tells her woman that she's ugly? and what kind of a man blames his woman for his own mistakes?  You're better off without him and by reading your story I already know that you deserve better in life coz I can tell you're a good person. 

Keep on being good and forget about Benson, if he needed help in his life with stopping drugs, getting a job etc. don't blame yourself for not succeeding in helping him coz he didn't give you a single chance.  He will get help from other people.

12 May 2008 07:58

Andi sisi, u made the right decision....please whenever you miss him(of which i know you will do), buy airtime and call Steve...coz this Benson guy doesn't deserve you....
I have been fooled by love before and i don't like seeing anyone in that similar situation... and please whatever you do don't hold a grudge agains Benson, within you..FORGiVE HIM...coz if you don't, you will never get over him
Time will heal you sisi, go out as much as possible, be with people who loves you(more especially family)...go to church even more....and you wil see uzobaryt....

It was love making you take those decisions, so it doesn't matter how long you took to end things the fact is you finally saw the light and the end of the tunnel...

12 May 2008 07:58

huu ee! why does God allow us to love the wrong people? knowing very well that the love will never materialise into anything but pain, resentment, anger.....? when is the pain ever enough? ive been thru so much pain as well, in my past.  i know that i can never go thru that pain again, i hope this time God heard me very well and he will answer my prayers!!!

Andi01: i know exactly what you are going thru, although it is not as complicated as yours, i also took care of my damn ex! showed him how to dress and wear Boxers (he was wearing tranka (feels better in sesotho)), took bloody care of him when he lost his job, made applications for him till he got a job, six months after that he saw himself as God's gift to women and left me.i will never tell you how many times i said i dont want him back, when he did, i took him back, until i found sum1 new! Who treated me like a QUEEN! i dumped his ass, IT Felt SO GOOD! I found out that i didnt want to let him go because i was just so afraid of being alone, thinking no-one will ever love me like him. (low self esteem)

 Good for you! at least now you can look forward to a new life and all the good things it brings. it feels so good to be inlove again!!!! Go for Stevie, youve got nothing to loose but love to gain!! You did good by not giving him your nookie, he will respect you for that! Just make sure that you dont open that door until you close the other one. Cum on gal!! there is life after B and H! Dont look back!!!!

GEEZ! love is a bloody addiction!!!

12 May 2008 07:58

I AM SO LMBAO : i am sure the discussed Jan van Riebeeck....ANDI01 doll which year did he came to the cape..please do tells us, i know that was part of the pillow talk.

12 May 2008 08:01

Eish Andi01, grade 8 nogal! Itotolozi yalezinja ezingenaskolo iyababa mchana i know . They go out of their way to compensate for the lack of other things. Was he good girl? Bayabhebha straight abadlali shame! sex route again but ke Andi01 loves to bits.

12 May 2008 08:02

Cnglemum & Nonny     well  im not doing any celeb mara if you wana hook me game for the has to be Zukiswa(Bridget in Genrubbish) LOL....and say it nicely.....I Missed you too LOL

12 May 2008 08:03

true, love is damn complicated.....why does it have to be hard work mara he?? i swear the only people that are happy are those who are in relationships with themselves or at least someone that's as close to who they are as possible...nxxxx.

12 May 2008 08:03

I think uAndi01 & Benson, were still on the talk about verbs and adverbs, Vasco de Gama is too advanced for Benson & Hedges,  ha ha ha aha.we grew up 2getha i think he didnt realised how far advanced I had become. In the relationship the more he got to know me and what I have achieved thats when he started hating me. He would spend hours saying stuff that made me feel less of what i am. I was more worried about how is he gonna get a job and he'd be worried about me shagging his friends, now realyy??????????

12 May 2008 08:10

In the relationship the more he got to know me and what I have achieved thats when he started hating me. He would spend hours saying stuff that made me feel less of what i am. I was more worried about how is he gonna get a job and he'd be worried about me shagging his friends, now realyy??????????


12 May 2008 08:11

did have cute friends, that you secretly longed for? i just wanna know ANDI01

12 May 2008 08:13

I read your article up until the end yize iyinde kangaka. Kodwa there is nothing you need to doubt about yourself, you are just like so many other woman out there who are afraid of moving to something new rather than what they have ngaleso sikhathi. I also know how diffult it is to dump someone you love but in your heart of heart keep hoping that he will change for your sake. It is even worst if your partner is an abuser like Benson Chirwali, so gal you did okay i can also say I am proud of you. To those who think that Andi01 left uBenson ngoba esethole omunye, my question is "KUNANI PHO"? Ziningi izinto ezisiza umuntu to move on from the situation ebuhlungu asuke ekuyona, it can be a new love interest, a new car, a new house etc. So Andi keep the one you with now who treats you like the way you are suppose to be treated.

Sana Lwam
12 May 2008 08:17

@Andi01 sana your blog has kept me entertained the whole day, eish good people I think we all learnt something kodwa the KellieR "collapsing" spell and "waking up in hospital"  takes the lead hehehe

Fluffy Head
12 May 2008 08:20

Msoe ___Benson Chirwali,....LMAO....LMAO LOOOOOOL

12 May 2008 08:20

@Harambe24- It was in 1652 babes. happy now???, but B& H doesnt know that, i bet you he doesnt. The only thing that he masters, is abusing me and druging himself. @ Madamzee GEEZ! love is a bloody addiction!!!, you  can say that again homz, but only an addict can break the addiction, no rehab and no ass whooping can. @ Cande-  when i took the decison to leave him, I forgave myself for letting him treat like me this, i know I didnt ask for it, bit I didnt stop it either. I forgave myself for forgetting my morals and be a sucker for punishment that I dont derserve. i forgave myself for deny-ing myself the courage and confidence to walk out the first time he laid a hand on. I also accepted the fact that I have failed in trying to help some1 who deosnt care, and in that process i forgave him. I dont have time to hold drugdes, what happened is in the past and i need to move on with a happy heart and a positive attitude and thas exactly what I am doing, and besides I am wait to happy now, to hate any1.

12 May 2008 08:28

it has to be Zukiswa(Bridget in Genrubbish) LOL.......ears and all.... hihihihihihih

12 May 2008 08:29

did have cute friends, that you secretly longed for? i just wanna know ANDI01,  let me brake this down to you my friend. All his friends are tik-heads, that are more worried about their next fix more than anything (if you've never had some1 close to u whose an addict you might not know), what he and his friends do is they stay the whole night smoking and telling each other "how smart they are", and besides even if they were hot I dont do my man's friends, OK i admit Benson was my other ex's friend, but I only shagged him when I had broken up with the guy.

12 May 2008 08:43

Dear TVSA bloggers

I want to take this opportunity and thank all of you that participated in this blog, I will print the replies and read them everytime i feel weak and want to give in to my addiction (which I am most certain that chances of that happening are very very minimal). I want to let you know that ur responses mean a lot to me and i value your advises very much. It feels great to know that there are people that genuwinely care for me (hence Benson, made it clear that on one will ever love me). I have always known that he was talking bollex and today you have proved just that. You have been always there for be, in more ways than one, but today you once agin proved beyond resonable doubt that you truly care.

I therefore, invite you to join me in this journey of my life. Where most things are new. Journey of love, care, respect and appreciation for myself and those around me (bloggers, my famil, steve, etc). I want you to know that i havent stopped crying, I will cry again, but I promise next time, it will be teh tears of joy. I hope that one day I could be what you were to me today, to someone else. i wish i could make someone else what you've made me today, a confident individual.

Words can never express the entire magnitude of my gratitude, but so that you knwo I am really thankful. keep it up guys. Love you lots


12 May 2008 08:45

Not infront of the kids mhani? details sure the people on tvsa knows you beta than yo real real frends do hey?LMAO

12 May 2008 08:54

We love u too Andi01.................(((((((((((((((((CYBER HUG))))))))))

12 May 2008 13:42

Best final decision you took...Benson is history!

12 May 2008 13:42

Best final decision you took...Benson is history!

Lady D
12 May 2008 16:56

Andi01,keep the faith gal and focus on healing those wounds.Take your affair with Steve one step at the time,nka nako go mo tseba(take time to know him).Its really brave of you to share your personal life with people you hardly know,you might not know it but you might have haved somebody who's in the smae situation but didn't know how to come out or what to do!

From now on be selfish and love YOU better thab anybody,remember YOU comes first.All the best with your journey gal!

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