SCD 5: Shugasmakx Is The First Casualty

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Strictly Come Dancing 5 on 17 Oct 2008
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Last night's third episode (16 October) of the SABC2 reality competition series Strictly Come Dancing 5 saw its first celebrity couple leave the show.

Despite adding more spice to his performance, rapper Lebo "Shugamakx" Mothibe had to pack his dancing shoes, based on the judges' scores and viewer votes. Viewer votes account for 50% of the final scores.

When judges' scores and viewer votes were tallied in the final half-hour of the show, Shugasmakx and his partner Seipati Nthoesane and Judith Sephuma and her partner Eksteen Traut achieved the lowest scores, and had to perform their routines again during the dance-off.

Judges then had the final say on axing the first celebrity/professional dancer couple from the show.

Despite the fact that Garth Collins and Hayley Bennett achieved the lowest score from judges, viewer votes saved them from the dreaded dance-off.

The judges' scores, before viewer votes were added, were as follows:

Tessa van Duuren and Grant Esterhuizen: 32
Rob van Vuuren and Mary Martin: 32
Gugu Zulu and Sarah Cooper: 27
Hlubi Mboya and Khutso Khunou: 25
Adil More and Robynn Soules: 24
Anele Mdoda and Brandon Eilers Le Riche: 24
Cindy Nell and Johnathan Broadway: 23
Judith Sephuma and Eksteen Traut: 20
Shugasmakx and Seipati Nthoesane: 20
Garth Collins and Hayley Bennett: 17

Where judges last week focussed their fierce tongues on the professionals, this week saw them giving some low, demoralising scores.

During this third episode couples performed either the Rumba or the Quickstep. The Rumba is characterised by very specific body shapes, controlled hip action and no heels ever allowed forward. The Quickstep is a light, bright and energetic dance, with couples moving in absolute unison.

The first to endeavour the Quickstep was radio jock Anele Mdoda and she entertained with Liza Minelli's "Cabaret". Apart from charming the audience, the judges thought the couple utilised the whole dance floor, and complimented them on their light, convincing footwork.

Lillian Phororo suggested work on Anele's shoulder line and for her to finish her arm lines.

Next up was "the fastest brother in Africa", Gugu Zulu, with a well-rehearsed Rumba. Despite the fact that the couple was worried about his timing during rehearsals, the judges were pleased with their performance and Tyrone Watkins could bring himself to call it "awesome for a beginner".

The top scoring couple for a second week in a row, Tessa van Duuren and Grant Esterhuizen, were up next with a graceful, confident Quickstep to the tune of "The lady is a tramp".

Dave Campbell loved it – "You were not on a trot... that was a gallop!" He was particularly impressed with their combination of intricate and basic choreography.

Salome Sechele called Tessa "a floating butterfly – certainly no tramp".

Judith Sephuma entered the dance floor next in a short gold number for a Rumba and determined to impress the judges, who failed to succumb to her charms during the first two episodes.

Lilian and Tyrone agreed that she should apply the same precision we're used to when she sings to her dancing. Her timing also deserves attention.

Shugasmakx confessed that he had put his whole life on hold for this project, and the Quickstep with feisty partner Seipati almost managed to redeem them. However – the rapper was still much too stressed and obviously didn't take kindly enough to all the good advice from his trainer.

Adil More's Rumba managed to capture the love/hate relationship the dance is supposed to portray, but the judges thought there was too little attention paid to the technical aspects of the style.

Tyrone surprisingly thought he showed a lot of potential, but warned him to not be so afraid of social comedowns, as opposed to focussing on what the competition requires.

Beleaguered ex-Gladiator, Garth Collins, experienced a nightmare performance, with everything going wrong that possibly could. He has lost 15kg since the start of rehearsals - an indication of his hard work and persistence.

Salome, however, called it "on the brink of chaos" and his stiffness was once again a thorn in the judges' sides.

Hlubi Mboya admitted to being disappointed and nervous after failing to impress during the first two episodes, and once again her spirited performance left the judges lukewarm.

After her Rumba to Celine Dion's "My heart will go on", Dave thought that although she was "sultry, sexy and silky", her footwork was largely unsuccessful. Tyrone thought the couple went down with the Titanic.

Consistent performer Rob van Vuuren once again impressed judges with a well-rehearsed routine, this time a Quickstep of which nothing bad could be said, except for the fact that Ballroom requires more flowing and less staccato movements.

The last to perform was ex-Miss South Africa and Pasella presenter, Cindy Nell. Her Rumba was sassy and scintillating, but as with her other performances, her timing was an issue for the panel.

When both viewer votes and judges' score were tallied, Judith and Shugasmakx came head-to-head in the dance-off that saw Tyrone, Salome and Dave voting to keep Judith in the competition.

Next week the couples will be performing either a Tango or a Jive.

If you haven't yet, check out what the celebs had to say after the first episode in their TVSA blogs (or use the banner at the top of the page to access all the celeb blogs at once):


Other SCD 5 links:

Strictly Come Dancing 5 Mini-Site
inTOXICated (a blog by TVSA blogger Toxic, featuring SCD articles)
SCD Episode 3 Live Blog (a live blog of Episode 3, by Brown Shuga)
Official Site


Shugasmakx shaking it

Shugasmakx and Seipati Nthoesane

Shugasmakx and Seipati Nthoesane

Shugasmakx and Seipati Nthoesane


17 Oct 2008 01:44

Shame i guess his best was not good enough:-(

17 Oct 2008 01:50

I wish they could stop it with the lifts, they are getting penalized for it

17 Oct 2008 01:56

Yes Cande, and I thought they would have known that, It's always been like that. I must say though, shuga's partner had no faith in him, she cracked me up when she said, "that's as good as it gets"...I mean, have some faith woman!

Also, I thought it was a bit unfair on the last 2 dancers to have them dance in the 2nd part, when all the other dancers have gathered up a lot of votes. But I think it's becoming clear that the viewers votes in all these competition are a bit suspect.

17 Oct 2008 01:56

Gudbye Shugga, shuggelah!!!!

17 Oct 2008 02:09

Good riddance. If I was Seipati and had to put up with Shuggasmax attitude from the first episode, believe me I would have quit. The guy orchestrated his own downfall, why did he enter then if he knew he can’t dedicate 100000% to the competition. The guy didn’t even feel an inch of pain for being the first one out. For him it was just PR.

Hayi suka!

*Vote Couple 2, Rob and Mary*

17 Oct 2008 02:11

its true about the last 2 couples Rene, it aint fair

17 Oct 2008 03:09

He was struggling with the dance, he just did not look comfortable...he had to go!
All the best to him

17 Oct 2008 03:11

The partner had lost faith in Shuga and that is why people didn't vote for them. She shows the negativity between the two. You should market yourself no matter how bad things are and be positive. i think she didn't help Shuga much.

17 Oct 2008 03:18

♫Dynamite Diepkloof Dudes!♫

Shame, Lebo bathong... and Triple LOL at him promoting his album.

17 Oct 2008 03:22

I agree with Cleve... and she was just too nervous, nje, kwayena... Like the anxious, i-need-to-push-him-to-show-Tyrone-that-i'm-a-good-dancer kinda nervousness.

17 Oct 2008 03:54

Hayi sugar it was about time next  ngu mama u judith

17 Oct 2008 04:37

Lebo was cool, and i'm sure he DID try his best.. So big up to him! And he made me crack up laughing when he promoted his album!! Lol..

17 Oct 2008 05:48

Bye Shugs! Can't wait to read your last blog...

17 Oct 2008 05:59

Shuga - Big ups to you for changing your attitude and for the effort you made to do your best last night.
I was very disappointed by Seipati's attitude towards you. Her attituded SUCKED!!!
She was negative and impatient . I felt that she didn't motivate you, as an instructor should.
Neways all the best with your album.

17 Oct 2008 06:14

it's a competition at the end of the day or maybe show and someone must go home. this year's contestants are not impressive when it comes to ding the job they have assigned themselves. but Hlubi sexy Mboya i am crossing my fingers for you, but i vote with my mouth that's all.

17 Oct 2008 10:13

i LOL'd when Seipati said..."it's wasn't always nice but i had fun" YEAH RIGHT!

I don't blame Seipati at all.........who wants to bear an insufferable trainee like Smazzz? Hayi no re kampane ra tlogela shem!

17 Oct 2008 10:39

The woman Shuga was dancing with a dragon lady............damn that woman has no patience she is such a bad treacher. Yebo no Shugasmakx yaps too much instead of dancing during ama rehearsals, so all in all they were a recipe for disaster coz they both have big mouths and the teacher is moody as well.

Dudu Diva
18 Oct 2008 06:13

Shame shuga was the first person who was eliminated but with that performance he deserved it. he moved like a granny.  what was he thinking entering the show in the first place  maybe he got movitation from HHP, But HHP can move and i don't know about him.

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