SCD 5: Judith Hits The Wrong Note

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Strictly Come Dancing 5 on 24 Oct 2008
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Last night's (23 October 2008) fourth episode of Strictly Come Dancing 5 saw its second celebrity contestant and partner leave the show.

Award-winning Afro-Jazz vocalist Judith Sephuma and dance partner Eksteen Traut came head-to-head in a dance-off with speed freak Gugu Zulu and partner Sarah Cooper, after viewer votes and judges' scores dumped both couples in the bottom two.

Judges then had the final say on which couple had to make an exit. Salome Sechele vouched for Judith with Tyrone Watkins, Dave Campbell and Lillian Phororo (the judge with the deciding vote in case of a tie) voting to keep Gugu in the competition.

Nothing personal, Sis Judith, but TVSA is heaving a sigh of relief. Gugu - once known as "the fastest brother in Africa" but nowadays known as "the biggest shisstirrer on TVSA" - is a born blogger. Never a dull moment.

The judges' scores (before viewer votes were added) were as follows:

Rob van Vuuren and Mary Martin: 33
Tessa van Duuren and Grant Esterhuizen: 30
Adil More and Robynn Soules: 29
Anele Mdoda and Brandon Eilers Le Riche: 29
Hlubi Mboya and Khutso Khunou: 26
Garth Collins and Hayley Bennett: 25
Cindy Nell and Jonathan Broadway: 24
Gugu Zulu and Sarah Cooper: 23
Judith Sephuma and Eksteen Traut: 23

During the fourth episode couples performed either the passionate Tango or the lively Jive. The Tango is a fiery, dramatic dance characterised by abrupt, staccato action. The Jive, on the other hand, is a bouncy, light and frivolous affair, with dancers' body weight always leaning forward.

Dressed in a romantic, midnight blue velvet gown with diamanté detail, Cindy Nell and partner Jonathan Broadway were the first to strut their stuff, after she left even the notoriously bitchy Tyrone Watkins speechless after last week's performance.

Last night, however, judges agreed the performance was passionless and without the character the style requires. Tyrone suggested that Cindy attacks this competition (and her partner) to get more out of it.

“The dancer trapped in a bodybuilder's body”, Garth Collins, turned his disastrous track record on the dance floor around with a surprisingly light Jive.

Dressed in what seemed to be an S&M-inspired patent leather outfit, Garth and partner Hayley Bennett (we missed you last season, girlfriend) delivered a routine that inspired Lilian to call it a “dramatic improvement”.

Salome was as impressed and suggested that the couple really put in everything they have, now that they've got their nerves under control.

After race ace Gugu Zulu's Tango, the judges suggested he and partner Sarah Cooper now shift into second gear (clearly they haven't been reading Gugu's blog - the brother is in sixth gear and cruising, baby).

According to the judges his performance was lacklustre, but they nonetheless commended the amount of potential he shows. Lilian reminded him not to be intimidated by his partner.

Lilian had better be careful what she says to Gugu, however, or she's next on his famous Hit List. Shwashwi ain't got nothing on Gugu. Phew. Ouch. Yho!

With a hairdo big enough to accommodate two empty apartments, according to the ever-toothy Ian von Memerty, 5FM's Anele Mdoda proved once again that her and partner Brandon Eilers Le Riche's hours spent in the dance rehearsal studio will bear fruit every single week.

[A side note: viewers of previous seasons of SCD will have known Brandon simply as Brandon Eilers - yet this season his name has suddenly extended into a heady, exotic concoction of Anglo-Dutch-French persuasion which would leave half of Europe's royalty green with envy at the sheer magnificence of it all.

The explanation, as TVSA has divined, is that when Brandon got married after Season 4 of SCD he - in a very modern move no doubt endorsed by millions of feminists worldwide - added his wife's maiden name to his own, to become Brandon Eilers Le Riche.

Now that's class.]

The appreciative judging panel found their Jive to be sparkly, light and energetic. The radio personality with the attitude and matching big personality did not disappoint. She was, however, cautioned to be more flighty in her movements.

Hlubi Mboya and Khutso Khunou's Tango depicted the love/hate relationship between two fiery Latin lovers, much like the real-life relationship between coach and novice dancer...

Lilian thought that the dance suited the actress well, but noted that the passion should be evident in every movement, as opposed to just in the temperament.

Salome remarked that Hlubi's head is obviously in the right place now, after her somewhat unsatisfying first performances. The couple are clearly starting to get into the groove.

As from the outset and every week thereafter, comedian Rob van Vuuren left everyone – from judges to his coach Mary Martin – pleasantly delighted at what he has to offer.

The couple's Jive was a "tour de force" and Lilian went as far as calling Rob a “dance wonder” and “dance supremo”, getting slightly breathier as she strived for ever-greater adjectival heights.

Tyrone was elated by the fact that this white boy and his sultry mate did justice to a style that originated on this continent.

After competing in the dance-off last week, Judith stalked the floor with a James Bond-inspired Tango, along with partner Eksteen Traut. Her concentration was plain to see, to such a degree that her timing was once again the step that tripped her up.

Tyrone scathingly remarked that she actually managed to kill James Bond. He was wrong - Daniel Craig managed that all on his own.

Tessa van Duuren – the elegant show jumper who likes to call herself a tomboy – confessed she found the Jive a challenge, going so far as to say “the Jive hates me”. The Jive and Gugu - haters all.

Her cheeky and energetic rendition with partner Grant Esterhuizen detailed with splits and jumps, however, had the judges raving. Tyrone suggested that she brings more than the technically correct moves to the party.

The next couple is rumoured to be more than dance partners in the gossip mags, and if this is the secret to their success, it is working for Metro FM's Adil More and his partner Robynn Soules. Their Tango was convincingly impressive and the judges called it his best work on the season to date.

The cast of the stage show UMOJA gave an adrenaline-fuelled performance halfway through the show.

Next week the couples will be performing either a Paso Doble or a Foxtrot.

If you haven't yet, check out what the celebs have to say each week in their TVSA blogs (or use the banner at the top of the page to access all the celeb blogs at once):


Other SCD 5 links:

Strictly Come Dancing 5 Mini-Site
inTOXICated (a blog by TVSA blogger Toxic, featuring SCD articles)
SCD Episode 4 Live Blog (a live blog of Episode 4, by Segololo)
Official Site


Judith Sephuma and Eksteen Traut

Judith Sephuma and Eksteen Traut

Judith Sephuma and Eksteen Traut

Judith Sephuma and Eksteen Traut


24 Oct 2008 07:13

lmao Babalwa was right when she infamously said "Black people dont vote",but this was good for Judith iv gained alot of respect for her,previously she came across as uptight & old,but on the show she came across as fun

24 Oct 2008 07:57

Ahhh Sis' J but you gave your best. 

Robyn and Adil's touch-touch antics are starting to annoy me. He's improved a lot though I must admit.

24 Oct 2008 07:58

Who is Eksteen's fiancee?

24 Oct 2008 08:06

I just love what they did with her hair/dread,,,as for her dancing, hayi no, she must stick to singing ..
Robyn and Adil's touch-touch antics are starting to annoy me. Did u see when he touched her boob, dont think that was an accident,,i think some hanky panky is gone on there....

24 Oct 2008 08:15

Mornings...uhh thankx GOD its no Gugu

24 Oct 2008 08:20

Cande: it's Sarah, Gugu's partner!

24 Oct 2008 08:35

Who is Eksteen's fiancee?  Sarah/ Gug's partner

Robyn and Adil's touch-touch antics are starting to annoy me. Did u see when he touched her boob, dont think that was an accident,,i think some hanky panky is gone on there.... Did you hear Sandy asking them if there's is something going on btw them.. Ohhh Adil touched her boob iyoooooo

24 Oct 2008 08:41

hayi shame it was about time mama u judith but i give it to you sisi
you tried your best

Shuga babe
24 Oct 2008 08:59

*bye bye baby 
baby bye
baye baye don't make me cry* 
I'm so proud of you. Judith

Rob van Vuuren and Mary Martin
*You are my number 1 yeyeye
You are the reason I jump on the couch.....*
 (Tumi's Voice GI)

24 Oct 2008 09:06

I cracked up when I heard that Gugu was dancing for his life. Kanti TVSA'ers are mouth!

Anyway, that part where Adil toucehd Robyn's boob, hai man, very uncalled for. Mara maybe the relationship will translate onto the dancefloor...who knows.

As for Salome saying Judith must stay over Gugu, hai man, honestly now, we all know who the better dancer is, does she think Judith will give her free cd's for that...please!

24 Oct 2008 09:09

I cracked up when I heard that Gugu was dancing for his life. Kanti TVSA'ers are mouth! 

LMAO!!! Eish, when do lines open kanti? nna i've been voting thruout the week....

Shame Gugu looked terrified and those pants looked one size too small and his thighs looked glued together..eish he just looked like a guy who had JUST been healed of his paralysis.

Dudu Diva
24 Oct 2008 09:18

Shame sisi for being eliminated but sisi i still love you though, your music and you made as proud hey.

Dudu Diva
24 Oct 2008 09:18

Shame sisi for being eliminated but sisi i still love you though, your music and you made as proud hey.

24 Oct 2008 09:18

I cracked up when I heard that Gugu was dancing for his life. Kanti TVSA'ers are mouth! 

Rene i was asking Fluffy the same thing last night, ukuthi amabloggers anjani? umgobhi wethu mara? Kwa-kwa! guys niwrongo yazi.

24 Oct 2008 09:24

does she think Judith will give her free cd's for that...please! LOL Rene uqalile 

eish he just looked like a guy who had JUST been healed of his paralysis
hahahahahahaha shame Tox umenzani uTaurus wethu. I missed the dance off and elimination I only watched the last 3 couples dance in the second part and then went to bed.

What's going on with uHlubi kanti, why is she putting herself under so much unneccessary pressure? It's like someone or even she is saying she has to do extremely well. I don't like how tense she looks when the judges are critising her. Please sisi try to relax otherwise you'll give yourself a premature stroke.

24 Oct 2008 09:25

i cracked up when I heard that Gugu was dancing for his life. Kanti TVSA'ers are mouth!

We did vote nje last night, but they were not enough clearly and Lawd knows the company is going to make me pay for abusing their cellphone last night

24 Oct 2008 09:33

Who is Eksteen's fiancee? 

eish Eksteen o sexy bathong. I've got a thing for cute white boyz

24 Oct 2008 09:37

yay Khutso is tough bathong! - am so terrified of him.

24 Oct 2008 09:43

Ok Hlubi...girl its just a dance competition its supposed to be fun, one'd swear your life dependend on it, stop being soo tense and enjoy urself! still love ur size 28 ass though!!!!!1

Judith......those manequins in heavey make up judges should cut her some slack, the woman has raised 4 children for heavens sake. I have so much respect for her alot. Im 22 but eish cant move the way she does!!!!!!

24 Oct 2008 09:44

we voted guys,of course it was always going to b hard 4 gugs to avoid elimination bcause his score with Judith was the lowest

24 Oct 2008 09:47

hlubi is taking a break from isidingo to concentrate on scd-Sowetan

24 Oct 2008 09:50

hlubi is taking a break from isidingo to concentrate on scd-Sowetan 

Abanye abantwana  baserious yazi

24 Oct 2008 09:53

There's just something Kgotso-ish about Adil...

Shuga babe
24 Oct 2008 09:55

"There's just something Kgotso-ish about Adil... " If its true they make a beautiful coupls, love them!!!!!!!!!

24 Oct 2008 09:56

hlubi is taking a break from isidingo to concentrate on scd-Sowetan 

I'm sorry sisHlubzzz.... but i just had to LMAO at this bit... All the best, wethu.... hope all these sacrifices pay off.

24 Oct 2008 09:56

Leave Adil alone, he's gonna win this competition.

24 Oct 2008 09:57

<<Mornings...uhh thankx GOD its no Gugu >> you can say that again!! but my poor cellphone bill is gonna make me cry!

24 Oct 2008 10:02

<<the woman has raised 4 children for heavens sake. >> Isn't it 5?

24 Oct 2008 10:07

guys IWTSG is over and people should start voting 4 couple 6 now

24 Oct 2008 10:07

hlubi is probably a very nervous person by nature.

24 Oct 2008 10:11

hlubi is taking a break from isidingo to concentrate on scd-Sowetan .

First it was Tessa, now Hlubi, who's next???????

24 Oct 2008 10:15

Didn't watch. I hope to catch the reapeat, tehre still is on Satrurdays right???

24 Oct 2008 10:15

<<the woman has raised 4 children for heavens sake. >> Isn't it 5?
Yes it's 5 Sego!

Shuga babe
24 Oct 2008 10:20

"Didn't watch. I hope to catch the reapeat, tehre still is on Satrurdays right??? " No gal,  there is no repeat for SCD. sorry u'll watch next episode on Thursday.

24 Oct 2008 10:22

Aunt J, gave her best but it was not to be. and her "I never thought I will go this far" comment, mhmmm

Mara uGugu is stiff maan, what the hell was he doing yesterday? He was also dunusing ala Kgotso with the tightest of pants. I demand (&deserve) more as I'm voting for him.

Mary, damn is the girl on steriods or what? The way she was shaking it yesterday. Rob is great...You go white boy!

Anele, now there's a girl who knows how to shake it. Her " give me a minute Brandon so that I can get my lungs back to their place"  comment finished me. And what'sup with Brandon and kissing?

24 Oct 2008 10:36

SCD must grab the offer from Aunty J to sing for them, that band or the singer are hurting our ears...

24 Oct 2008 10:52

Bye Aunty J nomzimba oqinile

24 Oct 2008 12:50

I just learnt that Khutso and Seipati are engaged...

24 Oct 2008 12:54

I just learnt that Khutso and Seipati are engaged... - they will make beautiful babies together

24 Oct 2008 12:54

I just learnt that Khutso and Seipati are engaged...
WOW Congrats to them, a note for Khutso:
"All dangerous weapons to be kept far away from their home"..........coz with Seipati and her short temper, Khutso will literally be dead meat............LOL

Shuga babe
24 Oct 2008 13:05

Sandy became a RGB when she said to Adil "people are talking about the two of you, are you have a *thing* going on??? shame Adil said "Let them talk we don't wanna be involve". hahahah!! I'm watching you,, phela there's no smoke without a fire!!!

31 Oct 2008 15:14

Ladies and gentlemen, I love you anyway even if you didn't vote. Just so you know, Ihad the Best, and I mean Thee Best time on Strictly. I would do it again tomorrow if asked. But i would be more prepared amd more graceful. 

I was inspired by all those who brought me down and said i should stop. you made me continue because i knew i was inspiring someone out there. I loved your comments. Most of all, i was pushed to do better by the judges comments. 

Thank you for loving me outside of my comfort Zone. Oh, Ecksteen's fiance' is Sarah, Gugus partner. Mmmmm, what a man! And you know what.... What a woman, Sarah is so Sexy.... love both of them to bits.

Love you always for supporting me
Judith Sephuma

31 Oct 2008 15:20

Sis Judy.... Your Change is Here is beautiful! A friend got me a copy and it's totally amazing.. I love Change is Here, Lerato la Pelo ya ka, Gae makes me cry... the whole album is just hot! hot! hot!  Good work, sis.... good work...

31 Oct 2008 15:21

Hi Judie!! well done you tried your best! we love you too!!

31 Oct 2008 15:24

Hello Sis Judith, thanx for making time for us and accepting our craziness..
congratulations on your new album and i am getting myself a copy for christmas..
Congratulations as well for taking part in SCD season 5, good luck with your future endeavours.

31 Oct 2008 15:25

We  love u too Aunty J, u rock.

31 Oct 2008 15:36

Aunty J, we love you tooo!! Please force the SCD peeps to take your offer to sing for them!! that band was most likely the reason you left... 

Will get your albums waya-waya and will see you at your concerts for life!! stru!

31 Oct 2008 15:41

I cracked up when I heard that Gugu was dancing for his life. Kanti TVSA'ers are mouth!
kwa kwa kwa kwa, I'm only seeing this today, neway Rene, we *or should I say they....LOL* do vote phela remember TVSA only has a handful to regular bloggers.

31 Oct 2008 16:01

We love you Ausi Judith. You made us proud. 



Shuga babe
31 Oct 2008 16:10

"I was inspired by all those who brought me down and said i should stop. you made me continue because i knew i was inspiring someone out there. I loved your comments. Most of all, i was pushed to do better by the judges comments"

HAAWU hee Bathong!!! which means the more we want Hlubi to go the more she's gonna up her games,, nooooooo!!

We love you  wena Sis Judith, please sing along!
*Mma motwsedi kea hurata umutswedi waka, 
wanghodisa kalerato wamphidisha. 
kealeboha mme motswedi
(sorry for poor speling)

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