eNews scoops Spear defacing

Written by TVSA Team from the blog News on 22 May 2012
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painting_defaced_ 2

The controversial Spear painting is no more. This according to the Goodman gallery curator who spoke to eNews after today's chaos that saw two men defacing the painting with red paint and oil.

eNews has had the story on a "Breaking News" blast all afternoon after 3rd Degree cameras happened to be at the gallery moments before events exploded.

3rd Degree cameras captured the defacers as they attacked the painting as well as the scuffle that ensued afterwards between one of the defacers and a security guard who turned into a Mission Impossible agent.

Needless to say Patta was there. Somewhere. Either in a control room or behind a desk or watching close-by. She was nowhere to be seen but if the cameras were hers you just know that she was busy plotting the 3rd Degree she'll be giving to everyone involved.

Here's a clip of what the cameras caught in case you haven't seen it:


22 May 2012 19:11

That security guy is a ..... Nxah da way he attached the black guy n did nothing to the white guy.. The way he carried the guy n threw him on the floor ud swear he was on WWWE smack down. And to begin with the guy wasn't fighting the stupid security just attached him.. Its annoying that black will turn on black. It really gets to me, at a shop u n a white person need help u being der first , first priority wud be da white person - help with a smile but when it gets to u a frown .. Its not nice I'm not racist but it pisses me off.. I'm so happy dey destroyed the art work!!!!

tha - bang
22 May 2012 20:10

poor guy being tackled so hard ...ja nee
yet the way we deal with differences in sa is worrying

23 May 2012 08:15

Its just a pic ao, its nt like he is nude and we seeing his tool. We hv seen worse and he shud b running the Country instead of worrying abt a protait. 

He sure dze know how to hv multiple women so he must just create jobs and forget abt this thg

23 May 2012 08:29

Yesterday when I was watching the eNews at 19.00... I was astonished to say the least. There were two offenders there but funny enough only one of them was attacked like a dog and the other who was at fault as the first was taken away in a very descent manner as if to say he had done no wrong!!!

I was hurt, disgusted, angry, bitter (you name it) but I guess this is the way most BLACK people were raised... RESPECT A WHITE PERSON EVEN IF HE IS DOING BULLL *bleep!*!!! F*c* that teaching... if you are wrong it shouldn't matter what your race is... you should all be donorred (if need be)!!!

I am just wondering what could have happened had that STUPID & ILLITERATE BLACK  security guy beaten that DUMB WHITE dude as well???

I am still angry and very much resentful and doubt very much I want to even watch the clip... I saw more than enough last night!!! I don't have a problem with WHITE people but I have a problem with BLACKS who worship them as if they are gods!!! Nxxxxxxxxx

23 May 2012 08:52

I wonder what will Gwede Mantashe say cause he said the painting was racist and what about a black man attacking anothr black man eish yeah neh mara re tlwaetse. And now they are fighting for a man who once said "sleep with a HIV positive person without a condom and shower to minimise the risk on contacting the desease" The very same man who marry every damn year in the name of culture the same man who have a child with his former best friend child ( ivan khoza ) the same man who paid half lobola somewhere in Swaziland.

23 May 2012 11:11

I don't understand the race bit of the painting but personally I do think it is distateful for any human being to be portraid like that... Correct me if I'm wrong but I haven't heard the President commenting on it, so he is running the country... On the other hand even if that thing doesn't even look like him, it is named after him and how can anyone focus on work when some people could be thinking of the painting while he's with them???

I also do not necessary approve of his love life but that's exactly what it is "HIS".

As for the security guy... It's a shame cause possiby his mind was trained like that just like some other whities were trained to dislike blacks...

23 May 2012 12:43

I hear the Duke's daughter is pregnant again for JZ.

23 May 2012 12:56

The security man needs emancipation. Real freedom is still lacking.

23 May 2012 13:10

You've got to love this country yho. They are going to arrest the security guard who manhandled the other guy at the gallery. The only people who are missing in jail now are JZ and Brett Murray. Talk about freedom of speech gone wrong. Luuuuuuv this country. @mbulela, it is not known who the baby's father is.

23 May 2012 15:59

great campain for JZ going in for 2nd term. reminded me of the rape case.

And Black man!..???? security...........yoh! why i dont classify myself as such ( I am an African)
saying I am an African brings about are immidiately reminded of your roots-humility-strenght etc

Blackeness......ey!.......its where everthing wrong is acceptable.......(im black i can show i can beat you i buy carvella while staying in a i can fire you when i get managment i can send people after you once i get elected as a street i can....i can....i can......

23 May 2012 16:08

we see them in offices....if their job is to make tea.........they have a problem doing for one of their own.......even if senior than others......they can rather go run wash the others' lunch boxes or go run buy them cigarrets

if their job is to answer phones.....they will run give note messages on the desks of the other and forget about yours...(after 5 hours ....."oh there's a lady that called for you....i forgot her name") matter how nice you are......but if ba shorta ka taxi money/having boyfriends/husbands/kids problems they remember who they are

Security guards are the best in this trend....@my complex he did not want to open for my daughter cause i told her not to converse with him after he interrogated her on why she speaks English..........(forceful friendship).........

If they do admin.........they will be busy to bind your documents but will run when someonelse comes.........after you.....they will even deliver the copies to the person's matter the position

boils down to lack self love & illiteracy

23 May 2012 16:56

Black Consciousness. We resent ourselves so much. We think everything original about us is primitive. We hate our languages and feel superior when expressing ourselves in English. We've even coined a phrase for it in order to rid us of our insecurities "Internationally Recognized Language". We don't act Black cause it's barbaric and being that is an ill fit to our knew accumulated status of "Black Diamonds" with new addresses in the suburbs.

23 May 2012 18:17

@Minah Zuma is a product and reflection of our society. We throwing stones at him while we know colleagues, friends, relatives, neighbours who are promiscuous and act exactly like him and we do nothing about it...

as you put it "the man who marry every damn year" who is he marrying? are they forced to marry him? how many women you think would give anyhting to be 'the presidents' wife' and get a share of the spotlight - its a lot! how many women date married men- a lot...


24 May 2012 14:25

your all right guy, blacks treat black like *bleep!* and its really shows that the apartheid is amongst our own community. the video is very embarrassing for me to repeat as a black person. the security guard must be ashamed of himself. #pissed#

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