BS: Well said, so why have you still not released a SOLO album? Anything but gospel though!!
Nonhlanhla: I’ve recorded a number of songs which have been ready for release for a while now, but what people don’t realize is that anyone can record and album today. But to get a company or a team of people that are willing to move mountains to sell your material is a rare find.
So far no one has showed that kind of faith in my product.
BS: That is so sad!!! (TS Records where you at?? hehehehe)
Nonhlanhla: But that is not stopping me! I’m putting together new fantastic material which hopefully will get the support it deserves. And don’t be afraid of gospel gal, gospel is not a genre but content. It’s singing about the good tidings, and positive messages that are a substance of my faith. So gospel can be packaged in many different forms but the message will remain the same, but yes it’s not going to be a gospel album.
BS: Glad it ain't. It's great to praise the Lord & all but I just think your voice would be lost in that genre. Only Christians listens to Gospel but everyone (Christian and not) listen to Rn'B/Afro Pop etc.
BS: How did you get involved with SCD?
Nonhlanhla: One of the producers of freshly ground JB Arthur who is a close family friend, also happens to be musical director of the show, So when word got out that they were looking for a female singer he suggested me and that’s how I landed the gig.
BS: Cool, now how in heaven's name do you practice all those songs and sing them perfectly in just a week?
Nonhlanhla: What’s funny is all rehearsals take place on the day of the show but its cool though coz we get CD’s everyweek to listen to beforehand. It's fun though having to learn all those songs in such a short space of time.
BS: Isn't it a challenge though to perfect all those different genres? I don't think people are actually aware that the music is "performed live"!!
Nonhlanhla: It’s a serious challenge especially because we have to stick as close as possible to the original. From a tiny inflection to the most complicated phrasing, you have to be on point every step of the way. But I thrive on the challenge it makes my job enjoyable.
Look, the show is about the celebrities and the dancing, so very little attention comes to us but still if we mess the entire production goes down. So though our role is more background it is very significant
BS: So how does it work, do you get a list of songs & CD's that you listen to or do you meet with the couples to discuss their song choices?
Nonhlanhla: It’s the couples who select the songs which are the given to JB, who prepares the backing tracks and writes the scores for the band. We then go into the studio to do pre production and when we leave we’ve got CD's to rehearse with. From there it’s up to me to make time to listen and go through the song cause the next time we meet is on stage with the band, couples and TV crew and no time for rehearsal. Every one has to be good and raring to go.
BS: Sounds really hectic. And the most difficult song you've had to sing so far this season? Nkalakatha maybe? Hahaha I laughed at that!!
Nonhlanhla: Hhe! Hayi! wena, njani man! It's funny coz I had to sing that with my husband (Thabo Mdluli) and I was laughing at myself too! So far all the songs are fairly easy, now and again you come across a classic jazz standard sung by greats like Nina Simonne, then you know you’re in for a hard time.
Some gals are lucky, beautiful voice, beautiful hubby *sigh*
BS: Speaking of your husband, he released a Solo CD last year (don't know why you guys didn't pull a Chante Moore/Kenny Lattimore), presented a couple of TV Shows & I saw him on One Gospel recently. Stephen Molakeng, who was with you guys in Family Factory & Joyous is also on TV presenting Gospel Gold, would you consider doing television?
Nonhlanhla: Oh yeah, if an opportunity like that came, I definitely would.
BS: Heheheh maybe you must take over "Gospel Time" on SABC 2!!
And speaking of SABC 2, who do you think is gonna win this season of Strictly Come Dancing?
Nonhlanhla: My favourite has to be Emanuel I think he is definitely gonna take it this season.
Emmanuel Castis on Strictly Come Dancing
BS: Yeah man, my Captain Jack Sparrow's done well!
If you could choose anyone in this world to collaborate with, who would it be?
Nonhlanhla: Mariah Carey definitely! We almost have a similar timbre, plus when I entered the “Shell Road to Fame” a talent competition, I sang one of her songs “Hero” and that’s how I captured the attention of the judges. So I‘ve been in love with her sound ever since.
Brown Shuga: Wow, Nonhlanhla thank you so much for your time gal, you rock and I really hope that you will get to release that solo album in the near future. See you at Carlton Centre on Thursday?
Nonhlanhla: See you there and thank you for inviting me into your space.
That, ladies and gentlemen was Nonhlanhla Mdluli. Check her out for the last time on Thursday, 20 March 2008 at 19:30 on Strictly Come Dancing and please, do come back here & let me know what you think of her talent!
You know how I feel. Big Up to Mzansi Talent.
(Nonhlanhla mentioned Shell Road To Fame & I googled it only to be met by a funny article written in September 1997. Gossip has been alive on the web for ages! Check it out HERE