Julius-Malema's house

Written by just T from the blog Living large on 20 Feb 2009
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Bloggers, I am puzzled. What really makes things worse is that the guy does not even have a matric kodwa ke, he is living large. Julius owns a mansion ko Limpopo Ga-Masemole. WOW that’s a very nice house. Anyway with hard work determination I believe that anyone can own it. Julius did not even have to think about hard work, all he had to do was to follow Jay-Z and open his big mouth, walllah that was it. I also want to be close to the top dogs.

Just look at that, nice nehhhhhhh, I love the mountain views….

Now this is really funny. The guy built a room for his car, not a garage people, a room upstairs for his range rover sport. Sho ha ke tsebe he hore ke chelete kapa o rata koloi ya hae nahhh???


Look at the room upstairs
I thought that was funny enough until I saw his car REGISTRATION.

DOG-Limpopo, haai! Nna ha ke sana molomo…. Lona le reng bloggers?


20 Feb 2009 15:57

I dont think  its true bcoz its been circulating for weeks & its different. Some they say its a unknown man & some they say its Juluis.

But i like that personalised reg car; DOG L (iyamtswanele, i wouldnt b surprised if its true)

20 Feb 2009 16:12

Hai, T, i also want to know, are u sure its Julius' house?

20 Feb 2009 16:17

im happy for  him,God bless him.

Brown Shuga
20 Feb 2009 16:46


20 Feb 2009 16:54


20 Feb 2009 16:59

heheheheh, a car that has a room upstairs, now i've seen it all.

20 Feb 2009 17:11

I'm a bit sceptical...i dont buy it...why is it so far from civilazation...surely he'd stay next to where all the "gravy train passengers" live..and as for the mountains what would he know about the him the word view mean spilling nonsense out of his mouth......the upstairs "garage"  well ..nice touch..its probably some tribal chief's house

20 Feb 2009 17:16

Im really concerned about a Julius Malema that would choose to live in an extraordinaire, secluded house, up the hill in Limpopo.... mos witches would have a field-day....

20 Feb 2009 17:18


20 Feb 2009 17:19

Now you need the fencing Julius.

Zanele Wayini
20 Feb 2009 17:19

@Cheesa The guy built a room for his car, not a garage people............

Im not suprised by that coz akhonto ingelogugu eqabeni nochitha umchamo ngefestile kuligugu, So building the rum for his car must have bn the BIG thing to him.

Julius did not even have to think about hard work, all he had to do was to follow Jay-Z and open his big mouth, walllah

Careful guys dat guy can be very nasty. if he sees this he will freak out n swear to all of us. HE IS VERY RUDE. being rude is the only thing that he went to school 4.......

20 Feb 2009 17:28

Im not suprised by that coz akhonto ingelogugu eqabeni nochitha umchamo ngefestile kuligugu

kwa kwa kwa kwa.....iyhoooooooooo

Cape Hustlaz
20 Feb 2009 17:55

I know this house on the road from Lebowakgomo to Burgersfort.And one thing that puzzles me is when did Malema become a doctor?Check the number plate of that Range Rover.Besides,that Range Rover never moves off that upstairs Garage!Hey i doubt if this is for Malema

20 Feb 2009 19:24

Hey Julius works his butt off, even if its his house he worked hard since he was still young.

20 Feb 2009 20:58

oja mofufutso wa phatla ya gae.

"haters" i work hard with my small mouth.good for him'maaka ga batlege.

ke gona mo a jelang marago teng,when he goes to the bathroom he saw BENZ...,hm

23 Feb 2009 07:21

that's our money....without matric but with such a huge mansion.....aretse.....corruption?fraud?

23 Feb 2009 07:38

LOL, some blogger anesikhathi esiningi on their hands!!!!

One and Only
23 Feb 2009 08:20

I have to admit that I am not a fan of Julius nor ANC supporter but this are the shitiest allegations I have heard so far, it's bulldust in technical colours.

There's is no correlation between matric and having money/ living large I don't know how you can to conclusions that he should be poor because he has no matric. 

Don't make a mistake into thinking that it's who you know that counts. It doesn't matter who you know, it's what you know that counts. And what you do with it. Knowing JZ has nothing to do with it, Julius's most speeches do make sense but media has a way of presenting and potraying negative profile when it comes to certain people.

Julius is not special nor smarter than most of us, he's just an ordinary person who knows something you don't know. The other races are getting promotions, managerial positions without any qualification, Julius is doing the same. Phone Luthuli House and for Julius contact details so he can mentor you, I'm sure he can teach you a thing or two.

He is full-time employed and what he does with his income is no skin of your nose, stop being jealous and follow the suit.

cool one
23 Feb 2009 08:26

Come on T, JuJu comes from Seshego and is now based in Joburg.  Don't believe emails like this, next week you will receive the same house by i will belong to some different.Have you heard anything about hoaxes..

23 Feb 2009 08:30

it's bulldust in technical colours>>>>>>>>>>>ROTFLMAO

23 Feb 2009 08:30


23 Feb 2009 08:31

LOL @ Cool one, mtshele sana.......LOL

23 Feb 2009 08:34

Im really concerned about a Julius Malema that would choose to live in an extraordinaire, secluded house, up the hill in Limpopo.... mos witches would have a field-day....
kwa kwa kwa choma, u bought this story.........heheheheheh I didn't see this comment.

23 Feb 2009 08:51


23 Feb 2009 09:57

That's DOC L...C not a G

Sana Lwam
23 Feb 2009 10:34

This email is not true, I have a friend from tertiary who comes from Limpopo and she says the house has been there for some time and it belongs to some doctor/businessman.

Ms. Jay
23 Feb 2009 10:39

be careful u don get arrested for defamation of character......this is a hoax

23 Feb 2009 10:41

Thanks The Lady
For a second there I thought I had to get my eyes checked cos I also saw a C.

23 Feb 2009 10:41

On some newspaper they said he built a house in Seshego mos!

23 Feb 2009 10:58

I am shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(  & Very upset! ( i work for 10hrs every week to make a living) some people just fart around and get everything they want.........nxxxeeeeeeeee disgusting ma'an.

Sana Lwam
23 Feb 2009 11:12

Jez love one, don't be upset because 1) the owner of this house works very hard for his successes although we do not know how many hours and 2) we do not know what you do so it would not be fair to compare yourself with him.

As far as Julius Malema is concerned we tend to forget that the guy is actually an employee of the ANC and holds a top job/position in the ANCYL, so whatever he uttes from his mouth is his views. We the general public do not know how many hours he works a week, so do not also compare yourself to him.

Ndiyayishiya indawo...

23 Feb 2009 11:43

Surely someone as important as malema requires hi-tech security and at the mo I can walk in there and drink KWV in his bed.... as for the car display it is so rural

23 Feb 2009 12:24

Firstly,What Julius does with his money is none of your asses bussines, It means is a good planner and he is using his money for a good course,he deserve it , he works hard for it (Admit it the Dude has GUtS )most people of his age they won't do what he is doing they will crumble withing seconds.

Secondly , we don't have a house like that in Ga- masemola,This is just a prank toying  with your silly minds.

Thirdly.Julius is from Seshego and he has no reason to build a house in  Ga   masemola, he probably doesn't even know where is Ga masemola from 

And as for you T get the spelling right is not Ga masemole is Ga masemola, you will offend lots of people............Lol.

23 Feb 2009 12:39

One and Only.......*high five*

23 Feb 2009 12:46

i heard somewhere he comes from a rich family...

23 Feb 2009 13:08


Julius Malema is from Seshego mos, what is he doing ko gaMasemola ezilaleni. If he wanted to build a house in L, he would hv built it ko Seshego zone what what or in town ko Tender park......

T just copied a circulating e-mail....mcinm!!

21 Apr 2009 12:36

GEEEZZZ!!! guyz give the dude a break,surely this is proof dat,u dnt have 2 have fancy matric symbols n degrees 2 make it 2 the top.hard work is what got him here,and come on,we all knw dat his not successful coz he only supported Zuma,this guy is practically the young president of the country and bilieve me,it takes a whole lot more 2 get dat title dat jst a support 4 a certain individual...BIG UP MALEMA!!!!though im not impressed wit some of the comments he made publicly bt credit mst b given where it is due.

21 Apr 2009 12:46

Malema denied all this, he was interviewed in one of the channels ,the issue of the house in question was raised, this is definately not his house according to him, he stays with his 2year old son and his grandmother.

21 Apr 2009 12:51

and he said he was single but not available for now he is married to ANC

Savanah Dry
21 Apr 2009 12:57

LOL!!! Go jules go jules( Dancing like a white guy)

21 Apr 2009 13:22

i c pipes there...lyk they are fixing to hook hum up with personal water supply.....
thats nothing compared to the house of the infamous Mr Mafiri ko ga sekhulhune...he was the meyer untill the scopions (rip)...sorted him out
imagine that house...times 4...with a third level....and quite a lot of cars parked on the 2nd level
its the world we live in.....

i must get done..and go to bachelornyana yaka....and prepare to vote vote vote 2morrow

21 Apr 2009 12:36

GEEEZZZ!!! guyz give the dude a break,surely this is proof dat,u dnt have 2 have fancy matric symbols n degrees 2 make it 2 the top.hard work is what got him here,and come on,we all knw dat his not successful coz he only supported Zuma,this guy is practically the young president of the country and bilieve me,it takes a whole lot more 2 get dat title dat jst a support 4 a certain individual...BIG UP MALEMA!!!!though im not impressed wit some of the comments he made publicly bt credit mst b given where it is due.

21 Apr 2009 12:46

Malema denied all this, he was interviewed in one of the channels ,the issue of the house in question was raised, this is definately not his house according to him, he stays with his 2year old son and his grandmother.

21 Apr 2009 12:51

and he said he was single but not available for now he is married to ANC

Savanah Dry
21 Apr 2009 12:57

LOL!!! Go jules go jules( Dancing like a white guy)

21 Apr 2009 13:22

i c pipes there...lyk they are fixing to hook hum up with personal water supply.....
thats nothing compared to the house of the infamous Mr Mafiri ko ga sekhulhune...he was the meyer untill the scopions (rip)...sorted him out
imagine that house...times 4...with a third level....and quite a lot of cars parked on the 2nd level
its the world we live in.....

i must get done..and go to bachelornyana yaka....and prepare to vote vote vote 2morrow

21 Apr 2009 12:36

GEEEZZZ!!! guyz give the dude a break,surely this is proof dat,u dnt have 2 have fancy matric symbols n degrees 2 make it 2 the top.hard work is what got him here,and come on,we all knw dat his not successful coz he only supported Zuma,this guy is practically the young president of the country and bilieve me,it takes a whole lot more 2 get dat title dat jst a support 4 a certain individual...BIG UP MALEMA!!!!though im not impressed wit some of the comments he made publicly bt credit mst b given where it is due.

21 Apr 2009 12:46

Malema denied all this, he was interviewed in one of the channels ,the issue of the house in question was raised, this is definately not his house according to him, he stays with his 2year old son and his grandmother.

21 Apr 2009 12:51

and he said he was single but not available for now he is married to ANC

Savanah Dry
21 Apr 2009 12:57

LOL!!! Go jules go jules( Dancing like a white guy)

21 Apr 2009 13:22

i c pipes there...lyk they are fixing to hook hum up with personal water supply.....
thats nothing compared to the house of the infamous Mr Mafiri ko ga sekhulhune...he was the meyer untill the scopions (rip)...sorted him out
imagine that house...times 4...with a third level....and quite a lot of cars parked on the 2nd level
its the world we live in.....

i must get done..and go to bachelornyana yaka....and prepare to vote vote vote 2morrow

21 Apr 2009 12:36

GEEEZZZ!!! guyz give the dude a break,surely this is proof dat,u dnt have 2 have fancy matric symbols n degrees 2 make it 2 the top.hard work is what got him here,and come on,we all knw dat his not successful coz he only supported Zuma,this guy is practically the young president of the country and bilieve me,it takes a whole lot more 2 get dat title dat jst a support 4 a certain individual...BIG UP MALEMA!!!!though im not impressed wit some of the comments he made publicly bt credit mst b given where it is due.

21 Apr 2009 12:46

Malema denied all this, he was interviewed in one of the channels ,the issue of the house in question was raised, this is definately not his house according to him, he stays with his 2year old son and his grandmother.

21 Apr 2009 12:51

and he said he was single but not available for now he is married to ANC

Savanah Dry
21 Apr 2009 12:57

LOL!!! Go jules go jules( Dancing like a white guy)

21 Apr 2009 13:22

i c pipes there...lyk they are fixing to hook hum up with personal water supply.....
thats nothing compared to the house of the infamous Mr Mafiri ko ga sekhulhune...he was the meyer untill the scopions (rip)...sorted him out
imagine that house...times 4...with a third level....and quite a lot of cars parked on the 2nd level
its the world we live in.....

i must get done..and go to bachelornyana yaka....and prepare to vote vote vote 2morrow

23 Nov 2009 05:52

You do not believe that this is the filfy rich Malemas house? Well the whities also didn't want to believe the bad things about the apartheids government, just like you refuse to believe things you do not like to hear. Shall we call you white in the Verwoerd era?

02 Dec 2009 12:07

I agree to Mkhisto, Hard work is what make you who you are.
Just be happy for  some one  at his age, he is soo young to own such a funcy house.You go Julius Malema.

04 Dec 2009 13:11

all you guys are boring,,, get  a live

04 Dec 2009 13:19

you cant even spell life and yet you can tell other people that they are boring

04 Dec 2009 13:27



shooooooooooo Cande

Life and live- dibatlile ditswana mos.

04 Dec 2009 13:33

kwa kwa kwa kwa! Cande..tell it like it is, lol

04 Dec 2009 13:45

LOL Cande...................

04 Dec 2009 14:01

LMBAO Cande.

16 Jan 2010 09:32


I knw dat H
24 Feb 2010 15:11

Cape Hustlaz is right, that house is on the road between burgersford and Apel cross, and that Number plate is DOC L, bcos da car nd house belongs to Docter Mohlala, Business Man(Butter Mohlala)'s son. period, T"who brought this pictures, is lying to you ppl, im suprised how he cn go on with dis upto dis, wen u google dis pics comes first, T check ur facts 1st b 4 u do things...

24 Feb 2010 15:38

24 Feb 2010 15:47





24 Feb 2010 16:08

My opinion in all of this is .....there's no smoke without fire. You know what puzzles me the most is that does all of these things become public knowldge. There is so much that is going on at Lithuli House, too much backstabbing. How do you think that whole Kgalema-Kelebogile, the Zuma-Khoza and now the Malema fiasco comes to the fore. I bet, it's a dog-eat-dog world. I will expose you if it means me bringing you down. 

If you have been following the story, Malema have been caught up in lies so many times. The very people within the organisation that he so loyally serves are actually the ones feeding the media with amnunition. Records from the Deed Office and details of his home loan applications. Read on 

@KeleFab - Malema comes from a poor family His ma was a domestic worker and becsuse he was so out of control, his mothet could not discipline him, so she sent him to live with her Maternal grandmother, that's why more often than not he makes reference to her grandamother. I read it from his biography - The world according to Julius Malema - by Maz Du Preez.

baby e
24 Feb 2010 16:10

@ Sexykb slow down girl.

24 Feb 2010 16:14

I'm also going to say " High Five* One & Only!!!

How people equate education and wealth often beats me!! 

24 Feb 2010 16:32

I got an email, with a fancy huge house with fish tanks on the walls gotwe it's his Sandown house and I saw a glimpse of the one News 24 has.......not the same house!!! 

Da Diva
24 Feb 2010 17:38

Its seems as if u are nt Happy with Malema being succesfull... No "T" stop it.

25 Feb 2010 20:44

Hey Bathong, The House belongs to a man by the name of Doctor Mohlala in Burgersfort, a local businessman. get your facts right. Lesego.

10 Mar 2010 12:03

Oh come on!!! These pictures have been doing the rounds via chain mail for the past 3 years if not more. I have received the same pictures from most of my friends. Only each time I get it, the house is owned by a different politician or personality.
And anybody who knows Julius would know that he loves his gran and will always go back to her house each time he visits Polokwane, so why get a house in an area that more than 50km from her.  Its one thing to hate a man, its another to make up stories about him.

It would have been more believable if different pictures were used.

10 Apr 2010 20:17


10 Apr 2010 20:21

We need people as brave as Malema he is my inspiration
Vuma Durban

10 Apr 2010 20:25

If this was a white man's house no one was going to bitch and mourn but because it belongs to a black child now there is too much noise .......,.... no  let them go hang and go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vuma Durban

Da Diva
10 Apr 2010 22:59

@icecream-true that...u remind mi Mandoza's song, "UMUNT'OMNYAMA AKAFUNI UKUBONA UMUNT'OMNYAMA EYA PHAMBILI"...

10 Apr 2010 23:46

Malema is a racist as anything.  I'm sorry to be so direct but its the honest truth.  Did you see what he said to the BBC journalist  who just interupted him?  Yes that was rude, but  you don't speak to people like that. He is uneducated and lacks leadership.  Man of my heart, Kofi Annan, he cares deeply about people.  Malema causes hatred and stirs up anger.  The days of apartheid are gone, get on with it you fool.  Look at Obama, what a man, he's clever and provides the necessary resources for his people, which is more than i can say for ANC.  Unfortunately one man can't do everything, but he tries to do the right thing along with all the pressures. 

Racism continues because everyone keeps talking about it, which fuels it even more.  Black and White people can never live in peace in SA until the DA take control. Helle Zille is a good lady with a goof heart, who is switched on. She always apposed apartheid, which most voters don't even know about.   Julius gets the youth league stirred up who sing "kill the boer", is this how life should be and a leader should be?  I have white friends, and i have many black friends, we all get so fed up of hearing the same rubbish time after time. 

Julius Malema is as racist as you get.  Tell me, is this someone fit to run a country??  He does not have a good heart like Mandela who found forgivness in his heart and brought the country together, now the ones that follow after him are making that dream slip away. If Malema one day makes president, the country will go down the tube.  He causes hatred and violence.  He will be the next Mugabe unless he sorts himself out, which i don't think will ever happen.

Its fun to say that he's the right person for the job,  but think about the poor people in the townships who don't even have clean drinking water and don't have jobs.  Do you see that government taking care of the little children standing at the traffic lights beggin for money, sniffing glue to supress their hunger. All i see is politicians looking out for themselves, corrupt as you anything.  Do you really think Malema cares about providing resources for the people of South Africa, i highly doubt it.  He's so focused on revenge more than anything, for his own benefit.  All the politicians focus one themselves, they care nothing about the poor people of South Africa.  You people who praise him have no clue, and are very simple people. This man is going to cause violence, wake up and smell the coffee.

11 Apr 2010 00:04

ICECREAM:  Sort yourself out.  Its people like you that bring South Africa down.  I'm a black man and its sad to see my brothers act like this.  Why do you have to have hatred in your heart towards the white people?  Apartheid is finished, get one with it.  You should focus your time more on reading books and furthering your studies, instead of writing stupid remarks!!  Very nice to say go and hang!!  Grow up you little boy!!

Van Waar
11 Apr 2010 12:28

There are No More Black or White in South Africa! The word or TERM Racist must be Banned! Join this group and stand together as One Nation - The Green Nation Of South Africa!

Van Waar
11 Apr 2010 12:30

Racism is the biggest threat to our fledgling democracy and if you feel the same, we ask that you join our cause to defend tolerance, respect and reconciliation.

Our Mission:
We want all South Africans who believe it in their hearts and minds that they respect each other’s cultures, ethnic groups and races in our beautiful country South Africa to join us.

11 Apr 2010 22:47

I presume people here probably look at Van Waar as an Afrikaans person, probably connected to the AWB, when in actual fact he is part of something good, and wants to move on with a better way of life in South Africa, at least he is making an effort to bring people together.  Not all White people are bad, they are GOOD people who CARE, its just a few bad apples that made trouble for the rest of them and now they pay for it with hatred and racist remarks from us black people who don't see the big picture.  To hell with Julius Malema, he's an idiot and stupid.  I have not heard one decent thing come out of his mouth, except hatred and anger, what a leader hey??   Teaching the young ones in the youth league to take up arms and fight, for what???  His own god damn benefit because he can not control his anger and has a lust for revenge.  He will not stop until SA is like Zimbabwe, the past bread basket of Africa. 

When i see children stop begging on the streets (which breaks my heart) and old people (who battle to put food in their mouths and can't provide for their families) provided for, i will consider voting for the rubbish ANC.  They are in power because the voters assume they can deliver (who were deprived of thier education unfortunately and do not realise what's going on), which is not the case, but some people are starting to realise now and will hopefully vote for a better party and better way of life.  Look at Soweto for example, seems to me people still live in poverty, or am i blind when i drive past in my car.  Crime is out of control.  I would never let my children walk in the streets at night at the moment, is this the NEW South Africa.  It makes me sick!!!  South Africa has the highest crime rate/ratio in the world.  VIVA ANC, you have done well !!!

At least we can look at the bright side of life a little now, and have a bit of power to run the kettle for coffee and iron our shirts for work (power shedding if i have lost you).  We can at least read our books in the night without a candle, or at least i hope so in most places.

  The ANC has spent millions of rand changing names of streets, towns, cities, airports, when in fact this money could have gone into bettering the townships, providing clean water, schools, sports facilities, helping homeless children with shelters, the list goes on.  But NO, they want revenge and always talk about APARTHEID and bring up the past instead of being better and rising above all of it, stupid uneducated fools.

BAck to the subject, its no Julius's house, this must be the funniest thing i have ever seen, people can be so gullible.  Sorry for the above moan but the ANC makes me sick to the bone, and Malema even more.  Him and Mugabe share the same values, they are like a bunch of senseless baboons only looking out for their next meal to eat.

Good on you Van Waar, at least someone here is positive.  I award you for this, you are a good person, and we need many more like you in SA, NOT ICECREAM and the rest of these people who praise Malema and have no idea of what is going on around.  Correct me PLEASE if i am wrong.  Common sense prevails, simple!!!  But no one takes the time to really think about the big picture..  Good luck with all of your futures, violence and hatred IS NOT the way!!!!!!!!!  Find peace within yourselves, and you can achieve anything.

12 Apr 2010 15:53

what does malemas house has to do with every thing and i think some  people are inquisitive


12 Apr 2010 23:23

Go back and smoke some more dagga and play your game you little baboon, don't spill you icecream on the your floor with those red eyes!!!!
You are obviously too stupid to understand what is being said.  People sometimes don't appreciate stupid comments made by little children like yourself.  "Let them go hang and go to hell", very mature. 

And its "what does Malema's house have to do with anything", go back to school, you obviously don't know how to write properly.   


12 Apr 2010 23:34

Zuma, if you take a look at the conversation above you will understand what was being said, but im sure your brain can't handle that much detail.  Good like to all of you, peace!!

12 Apr 2010 23:39

Interesting, he has a point Zuma!

12 Apr 2010 23:41

This is not Julius house!

13 Apr 2010 11:13

hayi,akidumeli that not julius's house you knw what the KZN mec for social development is also building a house e tswana na le i his

13 Apr 2010 11:16

BOOO to you Zuma

13 Apr 2010 11:52

I agree with Floh, why does it have no fence????

20 Apr 2010 15:26

i thinks i should quit science and be a politician. joke:) politicians in this country has one thing in common, corruption. im disappointed

13 Sep 2010 08:45

this is nt Julius' house, is Doctor Mohlala's house, and is not at ga-masemola, is at moroke just at the side of R37 road that link burgersfort and polokoane. and that doctor is a name nt a proffesion, he is the sun of a taxi hooligan an is also a taxi hooligan, hm n his brothers r the top dogs of burgersfort local taxi rank. this house is next to mecklenburg hospital and police station outside burgersfort town.

13 Sep 2010 08:50

13 Sep 2010 09:05

Sewenya you call yourself a nationa builder and talk to your President like that? you come with a snobbish tendency, Get a life! we know politicians are corrupt but one thing you must know I and most of us will never vote DA, go campaign for your Zille in the Western Cape...

13 Sep 2010 09:16

The guy built a room for his car, not a garage people, 
you go JUJU (in blackcoffe's voice) the sky is the limit sana

i'm not a politic person but i love this guy he just say things as they are,akajikelezi

13 Sep 2010 09:22

and i will never vote for ANC either

24 Oct 2010 21:38

lol people dats nt Julius's house bt ma brada Doctor, n he has no benz bt BMW

18 Jan 2011 08:19

thats not j. malema's house, this house is situated about 100km away from polokwane on ur way to burgersforf. the house is in a village next to atok..............thats not malema's house

08 Feb 2011 19:29

That's a big lie T,that house is not Malema's, it is situated on a way to burgersfort its not even ga-masemole & I know the owner & Malema's range rover is not even meroon nor personalized.....stop lying this is SA,u'll get yo self arrested.
26 May 2011 15:40

may god bless him i wish him and his family many days 2 live.

26 May 2011 15:47

Why is a red range rover parked upstairs in a room in the house? I have been asking this question for years now .. still no answer!!!

11 Sep 2011 20:00

Meah u r rite. i saw that car 2day, its not malema's car. who said its malema's car?

11 Sep 2011 20:03

That car belongs to a DR. I know those family of Ranger. WHO IS SPREADING LIES ABT MALEMA? Malema's house is at seshego.

11 Sep 2011 20:03

That car belongs to a DR. I know those family of Ranger. WHO IS SPREADING LIES ABT MALEMA? Malema's house is at seshego.

12 Sep 2011 06:33

@Drums ... We know that it is not Malema's house (This house was built while he was still walking around dirty and looking nondescript) ... it does not answer the question ... Why is the car parked upstairs in what seems to be a bedroom? You know this family, perhaps they can answer through you!
21 Jan 2012 14:49

Hi everyone- I think the junalist who took this pictures should be jailed for lies. He is so insane. Infact he hates Malema to that he can go all out to mess up his name. Everytime I pass this house I look at it and think how bad we people are because the only thing we want is to see people poor. This house indded doesn't belong to Julias Malema. It belongs to Doctor Mohlala. I grow up with this boy from the early childwood, however his family was rich to that himself has became rich. So, I think the stupit photograper should be confranted and pay a fortune for this rubbish lies he spread about.


Doctor must hunt this photographer and charge him for putting his house to the public without consulting with him because this might put his life and family in danger by complicating him with Malema.

Lastly: How do you believe all the media's consparecy if they mislead us like this. I begin to believe that they lying about all they could have said about Malema.

21 Jan 2012 19:12 ...... No Journalist posted this ... A Blogger did ... Anybody can write and post an article here, all you need is an account. It is important to get the facts straight! ...and this photo has been circulating the internet for years ... because it has the oddity of having a peepint tom Range Rover on th upstairs floor ... But since you know the Doctor ... WHY IS THERE A CAR IN AN UPSTAIRS WINDOW??? ... Mina ngifuna ukwazi leyonto nje !!! ... Also, please tell Doctor that people who see the pic always #SMH# something about money and the lack of brains ... can't quite remember exactly what they say .... But they say something !!!!,

22 Jan 2012 00:09 this site, it is not compulsory to write in English. There are 10 other official languages you can use to make you point. your point, being what exactly?

27 Mar 2012 12:08

@VusiK, to answer your question. This is called the garage. Some people prefer to have it on the ground floor and He decided to have it on the 1st floor. There is a drive way behind the house leading into the garage. In front He used glass instead of a wall.

For convenience purposes and other reasons certain people prefer to have their garages next to certain rooms.

Hope this answers your question.

I happen to also know this house and it does not belong to Malema.

27 Mar 2012 13:18

It's not the 1st elevated garage on the planet (I used to rent a house with a garage between floors) ... I know .. My question was because there is nothing suggesting that it is an actual garage (no bumper / guard-rails to protect the window or the car from toppling through the glass, etc.) ... which technically prevents it from being called a garage....... Yah neh ... Wow ... They will insure anything in South Africa ... I would never insure anything that involves that garage or its contents ... Aesthetically .. works for them, not for me.

27 Mar 2012 13:20

... but the roof slopes upward behind this "Garage" .. you can see it on the 2nd pic .... & no parapet / retaining wall is visible either ... (it should be visible) ... I'd love to see the back of this structure ... too many things don't make sense.

27 Mar 2012 13:21

One last question .... since you know this house ... what do they use the 4 garages for ? ... bedrooms / study / living room / Home theater?

Sana Lwam
27 Mar 2012 13:25

kwaaaaaa......haw' Vusi after all these years u still wanna know why the car is in an upstairs windows.....tltltltltltl...

27 Mar 2012 13:27

hahahaha Vusi, u r on the roll

27 Mar 2012 13:41 ............I couldn't help but laugh at your spelling....kwaaaaaa

consparecy (khonsparesi)

27 Mar 2012 13:53

Buuuhhhhhhaaaaaa hayi maan nawe Sobza!

Blame MXIT, Twitter, FB etc.

27 Mar 2012 15:16

Ngifunukwazi ... How do I attain knowledge without interrogating the facts 7 asking the questions whose questions I don't know the answer to?!? My curiosity does not let go until it is satisfied ..... I'm hungry !

27 Mar 2012 15:22

PS ... That's no garage ek Se' ! As much as my cow farts ... That's no garage ! It is something, but one thing it is not .... is a garage! (maybe ba-bolokile the Range for when Mashwabana gets out in 2112) Everybody who owes him knows that nigga is going to come collect !!! ... now that's a man who's going to be houngryyyyy when he gets out of jail..

muanalo phathutshedzo
17 Jan 2013 06:49

If I may ask anyone who knws better about julius malima whether he has the house park the range rover upstairs. daz he trully hav it?? confused* up to so far!

17 Jan 2013 08:57

@ muanalo phathutshedzo

It is not a Malema house ...

We entertain ourselves with disinformation.

17 Jan 2013 09:04

Vusi and this post lol!

Bafana Mohlala
23 Apr 2013 17:23

That's where I live.

16 Oct 2014 11:29

This is a very interesting article regardless of when it was posted. I just came acroos your website by luck and clicked on this article's link. What interests me more is the architectural design of the house just ro room such whale-sized car. I am always intrigued by various beautiful house designs and this one also makes it special because of that car upstairs. I think it's a good thing to have it up there next to your bedroom. There are also expensive apartments housed in a sckyacraper which has a lift that take you and the car right into your apartment.

22 Oct 2014 13:54

Dat house belongs to doctor mohlala he owns sizwe contruction yena le auti ba gagwe ke ntlo txe 3 same place. Diz. 1 ebile e dia ganyane

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