Bloggers, I am puzzled. What really makes things worse is that the guy does not even have a matric kodwa ke, he is living large. Julius owns a mansion ko Limpopo Ga-Masemole. WOW that’s a very nice house. Anyway with hard work determination I believe that anyone can own it. Julius did not even have to think about hard work, all he had to do was to follow Jay-Z and open his big mouth, walllah that was it. I also want to be close to the top dogs.
Just look at that, nice nehhhhhhh, I love the mountain views….

Now this is really funny. The guy built a room for his car, not a garage people, a room upstairs for his range rover sport. Sho ha ke tsebe he hore ke chelete kapa o rata koloi ya hae nahhh???

Look at the room upstairs
I thought that was funny enough until I saw his car REGISTRATION.

DOG-Limpopo, haai! Nna ha ke sana molomo…. Lona le reng bloggers?