No, Cao Boi is not his real name.
Even though people have been known to give their kids horrible names, Cao Boi is just a nickname. His real name is Anh-Tuan Bui. But come on. Just look at his picture. Would Anh-Tuan really suit this guy? He’s totally a Cao Boi.
He came to America as a war refugee from ‘Nam when he was 11. He’s worked as a photographer, used car salesman and farm hand and currently works as a nail salon manager. At least we know he’s versatile.
He likes to meditate, hike, bike, sky dive, photograph things and play classical music on his Martin Backpacker guitar. Knowing next to nothing about Cao Boi, I still suspect he is a more musically legit than
Billy and his harddkorr deth metal. Then again, I suspect that of all eighteen other contestants as well.
He is the world record holder in Marathon softball and a member of the Loyal Moose Lodge. What do those kinds of lodges do anyway? Do they wear those funny hats like in the Flintstones? If anyone would look at home in a funny moose hat, it’s Cao Boi.
He is married to a woman named Kristol Bond. See what I mean about parents straddling their kids with bad names? He has a dog called Charlie Woof and cats called Pinki and Minki. His children have normal names that are not Pinki and Minki, thank the Lord.
His favourite scent is Vietnamese Fish Sauce (not dabbed on someone, I hope) and his favourite TV show is Columbo. I was going to make a stupid remark about how he obviously hasn’t had a TV since 1989 but then I looked Columbo up on IMDB and the most recent movie is from 2003 of all things. So rock on with your hip and happening self, Columbo.