Nate Gonzalez (Ooh, a Hispanic surname! Maybe he’ll have mixed loyalties.) is in retail sales. He is not, as far as I can see, an actor. Nor a model. He is a musician though, who began playing the violin when he was eight years old and produced a hip-hop CD with his group EZTHeI. Wow, that’s…how exactly do you pronounce that anyway? I’m suddenly looking back fondly on
Forsakken. Sure, the name Forsakken sucks but at least I can pronounce it. I think.
A Google search reveals no MySpace for Random Collection of Capitalised Words Put Together so sadly, there’s no way of listening to EZTHeI and judging for yourself whether they’re any good.
Although he now works as a shoe salesman and a representative for an urban clothing line, he still hopes to make it as a musician. Maybe if he gets rid of the pigtails, someone will start to take him seriously.
He enjoys sushi and Chinese food. Gasp! Another sign of impending racial disloyalty, clearly.