Rebecca Borman was born and raised in New York and attended a Jamaican high School. Ah, Jamaican high schools, where your pot dealer is also your history teacher. Must be a blast. Wait, sorry, she attended Jamaica High School in New York which isn’t nearly as fun, herb-wise.
She’s not a budding actress, only having studied drama in college. Instead, she’s been a make-up artist for the last fifteen years. We not only have
Oscar nominees this season, we also have Emmy winners because Rebecca has won awards for best make-up on a Daytime talk show.
Turns out she does make-up for former Survivor sweetheart Elisabeth on some show called The View, in which, from all accounts, she’s turned into a conservative ninny. Er, Elisabeth not Rebecca. No idea whether Rebecca is either conservative or a ninny (though with Survivor contestants, it’s usually best to assume ninny-hood until otherwise proven).
She is most proud of her family for…I don’t know, living in New York or something. Not really an uplifting story to tell here, she’s just proud of them. Her dad lives with her belly-dancing step-mom so maybe there’s some uplifting tale about them overcoming the prejudice against belly-dancers or something. Rebecca’s holding out on us.
Her hobbies include playing tennis, collecting music (no word on whether she likes
Forsakken) and rescuing stray cats. It comes as no surprise then that she lives with her two cats (and her step-sister who is presumably not a cat) Blinky and Pookie. Perhaps Blinky is the missing sibling to
Cao Boi’s cats Minki and Pinki.