THE SECRET put to the test

Written by Toxic from the blog Enter the Quiz Zone on 29 Oct 2008
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If you've ever read the Bible then you'd know the basis of the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. In fact a lot of self-help books are based on this simple principle found in the Bible. If youv'e read Mind Power , Rich Dad Poor Dad, any of Deepak Chopra's books and countless books on how to succeed you'll notice the underlying "what you believe, you become' thread. It's called new-age thinking but it's always been right there in front of us. Beats me why Rhonda made so much money on this book, beats me even further why i actually went out and bought it.

The Bible verses? Below is what you've been flipping through and ignoring all these years:

Mark 11: 24 (KJV) Therefore i say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Matthew 21: 22 (KJV) Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

My financial status is beyond terrible. I have recently moved back home and i think i've outgrown them and they have also outgrown my mood swings. So i'm looking for a place. Laad knows how i'm going to pay for this place but this is where the secret comes in. If all my wishes come true, then i'll have a flat of my own and my little sister will have her own bed-room (taken from leg-room) back to herself. A girl does need her own space and privacy, afterall.

From the book:

See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don't fret and worry about them. Don't think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours; as belonging to you; as already in your possession. Robert Collier (1885-1950)

Think of how we know we're getting paid and we don't doubt that our salary will be in our bank accounts on payday. i think it's that FEELING of knowing that is important. 

In the moment you ask; and BELIEVE and KNOW you already have it in the unseen, the entire universe shifts to bring it into the seen. You must act, speak, and think as though you are receiving it NOW.

Go ahead and set a budget as well LOL.

If your thoughts contain noticing you do not have it yet, you will continue to attract not having it yet.

You must believe you have it already. You must believe you have received it. You have to emit the feeling frequency of having received it; to bring those pictures back as your life. When you do that, the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people, and events, for you to receive.

Even before you physically had the money, you know it is yours. That is the feeling of believing it is yours. That is the feeling of believing you have it already. That is the feeling of believing you have received. Claim the things you want by feeling and believing they are yours. 


Start make-believing. Be like a child and make believe. Act as if you have it already. As you make believe, you will begin to believe you have received. Have faith. Your faith is your greatest power. When you believe you are receiving, ge ready and watch the magic begin!!

How it will happen is not your concern or job. When you are trying to work out HOW it will happen, you are emitting a frequency that contains a lack of faith-that you don't believe you have it already.

A fast way to get yourself on that frequency is to say, " I am receiving now. I am receiving all the good in my life, now. I am receiving [a fully furnished flat on Smit Street, in Braamfontein or whatever your desire is] now." And feel it. Feel it as though you have received.

A lot of people have dismissed the secret as a load of hogwash and most will probably say it has never worked for them. I will not be deterred however as i have nothing to lose. I seriously need to find a place of my own and sooner rather than later (hate this phrase!). 

have spotted the ideal place of my abode and i have taken pictures of its construction. They seem to be working towards a December deadline cause not so long ago, there was nothing but the foundation and today the block of flats is looking very 'livable'. This means there is no time to spare and i should start working my faith.

view from the side

front view. I hope know that one of these will be my home.

If you have something that you desire, try this and when i move into my flat, i'll check in on you to see if the secret works for you. Remember you cannot doubt that it'll work. You cannot think that you're testing it. It's all in the believing, the feeling, the knowing that it'll work. May seem pretty easy but trust me-it's damn difficult. There's always a small voice going....hehehe, this is ridiculous! Fight the voice. 


Has your faith worked for you? Note that i am not asking about religion ONLY but whatever you believe in.

Oh & remember: If blah blah blah, walk on by!!!


28 Oct 2008 11:46

Great article Toxic... very Great and encouraging.... My faith did work tremondously for me. i'll jut  share the turning point i had in my life in 2007. Im not boostig just sharing my faith

Every year in December 31 we have a family culture of gathering together and read Habakuk 2 vs 2-3 and then we all write down our resolutions for the year ahead of us. In 2006 amongst the dreams i had, a car took the first place but as time goes by irealised that it will be unwise of me to get a car first while my parents are still living in the same house we used to live in while i was still studying so i changed my plan and said, i'll first build a house Then buy a car. In June 2006 i alreday have saved R25000.00, i spoke to mum and dad and asked them whatking of a house would they like, we get everbody involved(including my siblings) and concluded on the house we wanted... it turned out to be a very big house and the garage.... i gavemy parent a check of R25k and asked them to start bying theneeded material for the agreed house .... i savedmoney like a crazy i prayed a lot to see habakuk 2:2-3 and matthew fullfilled in my life i had so much faith, that nothing and no one could ever move me to what i believed.  

The going got tough, the money i wasserving did seem to get everything wewanted i resoluted in getting another job, and after getting that job i said i will take my pension in cash(no transfers) from my previous employer and guess what i wasnt taxed But was supposed to be taxed that money helped me a lot, i worked for that company for a short while(6 months to be exact) and then applied to the company(October last year) im currently in ... we didnt do any negotiations about my salary, when my new contact came themaximum money i had in mind to negotiate for was doubled, i couldnt believe it, the perks were so unbelievable.  On the 8th day in my current employer, i was robbed and the taxi station, they took my lap top, id, flat keys, taxi fare for the week and everything that was in the bag(fortunately there wasa spare key since i was staying with a friend)

On the following day ... wentback to work told them what happened, my employer phoned the lock smith to changelockes in my flat, organised me a free lift to and from work while there were still arranging my car allowance(this was added to my contract after the incident)... they topped my salary with the oney tthat was enought to pay my car installment and almost my insurance(i only addabout R300.00) to the insurance. i got the car after 5 days, after a week (having acar), i was given a petrol card that i dont pay back on get taxed.

When this all happened my mother reminded me of my 2006 resolutions and Habakuk 2:2-3 and said that even if to me it seem as as if my dream wasnt fullfilled when i wanted it to But God was working on perfecting it without any additional cost to me... 

there are so many things i can share but thisone wasa turning point to me and my family. sorry for a blog within a blog. and Dont loose hope in your faith

28 Oct 2008 11:50

Interesiting.... Toxxx... you havent written your intelligent articles in a while...... lemme read..

28 Oct 2008 11:51

Tox,..  will read and comment.

28 Oct 2008 11:56

The award for the article within an article, and the winner goes to Best achiever LOL

I'll go on and read

28 Oct 2008 12:02

sorry for so many spelling errors

28 Oct 2008 12:02


28 Oct 2008 12:04

blog within a blog meant article within an article, thankx andi01

28 Oct 2008 12:06

Oh Toxic, Its good to have faith, but its even better to exercise your faith in all your life spheres.... This article is so spot on! What your heart desires it shall be given unto you, just ask, say it and keep saying it until it happens... Amen

28 Oct 2008 12:08

I did not read the book cause like you said, these books are all based on the same principle.

Oh,.. yeah I do believe in the power of believe...  visualizing it,..  and I can't say it did not work for me,....  cause that will mean that I do not believe it.  (I don't have to make sense now, do I?)  Keeping my believe has always been easy cause I have always been surrounded by people who believe in positive thinking.  

My best friend is obsessed with self help books,... she can go on and on about how your life is a movie, and that you have to make sure that you don't merely star in that movie, you have to write the script, direct and star in that movie (don't ask,  I am trying my best just to keep that script running and I think I have way to many cast members in that movie).  My ex (yeah I know people are fed up hearing from the men in our lives, but chow a chappie if you have a problem, see if I care) kept on saying that if you can see it, you can't make it happen.  So, I am trying very hard to visualize my life the movie,...

<<I have spotted the ideal place of my abode and i have taken pictures of its construction. They seem to be working towards a December deadline cause not so long ago, there was nothing but the foundation and today the block of flats is looking very 'livable'.>>

Tox,.. will do more than holding thumbs for you to get that place,  I will visualize you in that fully furnished place, ok?

28 Oct 2008 12:09

My faith has worked for me tremendously.  Let me elaborate

1.  I once wrote a blog complaining about my husband and his irresponsibility, i was ready to call it quits but now things have changed.  We still have our bad moments but i have noticed a changed in his behaviour.

2.  It took us forever to conceive so I went to do a Laporoscopy (check if my tubes are closed).  Two weeks after the operation i found out that i am pregnant and now I'm 8 months pregant and nothing is wrong with my unborn child.  I call him my miracle child.

3.  Things were not going well at work between me and my boss and his subordinates do not like me so they were setting traps for me but they themselves fell into them.

4.  My bond is R3800 but i pay R3500 and i did not fix the interest rate and when i enquire about my overdue balance i am told that i do not owe them

I have prayed  for all these things and believed that God will see me through and he has kept his promise for he is no man that can lie or change his mind.  I tithe  and God has indeed opened the windows of heaven for me.

28 Oct 2008 12:11 rock. it hits home yazi.I think I should start praying regularly.

28 Oct 2008 12:13

Great stuff Tox~~~~Best Achiever, your name says it all

28 Oct 2008 12:16

nice one Tox and best-achiever - keep on believing and it will happen

mina I want to own a beach house fully paid. i think of this every day, and every time i pass the place where i want to own the house I always say to myself ONE DAY, eish dreams bathong

28 Oct 2008 12:19

Glad to hear things are looking up Mathaz.

28 Oct 2008 12:20

@BA:  You are one rich kid!  Can I adopt you?  LMAO...  Great stuff, gal, great stuff!

28 Oct 2008 12:28

Thanks Firstdvd n maddie

Im official yours WSG, but you aint gonna be my mother just a sister !!!!

and Toxic thank you my dear, thank you for this

28 Oct 2008 12:30

@BA:  OK!

28 Oct 2008 12:34

Hai maan Tox! you just made me think there a bit, i am a victim of not believing hard enough. I just give up easily, i just dont know how to keep the faith and keep on believing that it will happen. Maybe my problem is that i put time-frames to everything, and if after six months that thing doesnt happen i just give up and sulk!

28 Oct 2008 12:35

Nice one Tox...

I visualised moving back to Gauteng from Cape Town and gave myself a June Deadline. And I used to complain about how I hate Gauteng winter - to cut a long story short... Im back in Jozi and moved here in my favourite season - SPRING!

Now for that house! and that other dream!

28 Oct 2008 12:55

wow....great revelations...and testimonies too.. mathaz... i'm happy for you...

The only  problem i had with The Secret was that it kinda took God out of the picture.... The book emphasised that we can do it all by ourselves... all we need to do is believe say things that are not as if they are, attract positive energy and things will look up for us.... The bottom line being, we do not need God.... thats why i never read the book...

Anyway, back to the faith issue...My mamaPastor once said to me, that Hebrews 11... when it says Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen... it means that when the fridge is empty and im hungry.. faith should make me full...When i have debts and my bank account reflects a R0.0 balance.. faith should say to me, i have money and my debts's been paid.... 
It is just Total reliance in God...

I can go on and on if i had to say the things that God has come through for me just coz i trusted in him and even when i was in $h!t i put everything in Him and carried on like it was business as usual...

Another thing comes with having a grateful heart..... The bible says we should continue to thank God even when there's not much to thank him for....Just thsnk him for everything that he's doing in your life, even in the midst of all troubles... and he will bless you even more..... See the blessing even when it is not there yet.. become the blessing... STOP COMPLAINING... coz moaning just attracts negative energy... and the more you say you are poor, the poorer you will become.... 

28 Oct 2008 13:00

Another thing comes with having a grateful heart..... The bible says we should continue to thank God even when there's not much to thank him for....Just thsnk him for everything that he's doing in your life, even in the midst of all troubles... and he will bless you even more..... See the blessing even when it is not there yet.. become the blessing... STOP COMPLAINING... coz moaning just attracts negative energy... and the more you say you are poor, the poorer you will become.... 

Amen Carino, We thank and worship God because He is God not because of what He is doing for us.

28 Oct 2008 13:02

WOW, you guys!!

DJ Why why
28 Oct 2008 13:49

I had a pirated dvd of the Secret, but the thieves broke in to ma new place in Jan this year and stole it with other cds, but they have nt come back maybe they watched it too.

Anywho I heard that the secret does nt have time attached to it... per se, so when i wanted a nice facebrick house close to the mall in October last year and knew it was gonn take a lotta 'frequency' i settled for sumin that was  R100K less.

But then the NCA kicked in and I alsmost lost faith... but thanks to ma mommy with the joint bond thingy and a handsome upgrade of R5K in October backdated to 1st of September * not review period* .... life was good!!!!

Now i am not using the secrete properly, i have bills, bills and more bills and stuff in the house leaks and cracks and breaks....eishhhhn guests that can never think about the owner. All ma credit facilities are exhausted, SABC keeps pestering me with the license story!!! Mzo did nt get the Moola, all is not going right!!!!!! Surely I am not attracting this!!!!

I thought, get a husband.....but the secret do nt work ...especially when you are at home broke!!!

28 Oct 2008 14:05

I thought, get a husband.....but the secret do nt work ...especially when you are at home broke!!!


28 Oct 2008 14:14

I thought, get a husband.....but the secret do nt work ...especially when you are at home broke!!! ha ha ha!!! @ DJ

28 Oct 2008 14:23


28 Oct 2008 14:54

28 Oct 2008 14:56

I've  heard about the secrete and like Carino said the reason I didn't read it is the fact that it takes God out of the picture and as Tox explained it's all about Mathew 21:22. One thing I know is that faith works, I won't even begin to testify cz I may not finish. One thing about God is that he does what's best for us and in His own time,just like in BA's testimony. So what I've learnt in my walk with Him and from my testimonies is that Delay is not Denial. So whatever you are trusting God for just keep on believing He knows the right time.

28 Oct 2008 14:57

Carino are you fine?


28 Oct 2008 14:59

So what I've learnt in my walk with Him and from my testimonies is that Delay is not Denial. So whatever you are trusting God for just keep on believing He knows the right time. wise words indeed Lela

28 Oct 2008 15:02

good topic Toxido
anyway dont know if its just me or i dont understand the meaning of faith, but i have always found that with as much faith as you have you also need to get up and do stuff. for instance i know i things arent going the way i planned and i have faith that one day the Good Lord will shower me with all the Blessings i NEED. But with that i also need to acknowledge that i must not just sit and wait there is also some input required on my part.

28 Oct 2008 15:03

What your heart desires it shall be given unto you, just ask, say it and keep saying it until it happens... Amen

So true Beyonce .... there is so much power in one's toungue.

28 Oct 2008 15:05

I'm bored candzzz....

28 Oct 2008 15:08

anyway dont know if its just me or i dont understand the meaning of faith, but i have always found that with as much faith as you have you also need to get up and do stuff. for instance i know i things arent going the way i planned and i have faith that one day the Good Lord will shower me with all the Blessings i NEED. But with that i also need to acknowledge that i must not just sit and wait there is also some input required on my part.

Exaclty Mazemnyama

28 Oct 2008 15:10

Yes, mazemnyana... but we shouldnt think we have to do everything..... and we should never assume that we can do things without God, because he's a jealous God and He thinks very highly of His Glory... and he hates it when we or anything in the world, steals His limelight... He wants to be acknowledged, so to be in the good with him... tell Him he's great and give him credit for everything in your life... and he'll bless you even more.. NEVER take credit!!
BTW, i dont like you calling Toxic Toxido, it just doesnt sound right....

28 Oct 2008 15:15

yazi i keep getting these emails(blackmail) about putting thing in the something for God to do and how can one really know which stuff to put in there

carino  well i tried tox-tox but that also didnt sound right

28 Oct 2008 15:18

When the year started i was diagonised with a horrible disease, at that time i felt that i was closer to God because i prayed and prayed for him to get me out of that death bed and since God is good he made me better and i went back to work. As soon as my life was back on track i guess i started to forget about him, two months later kwangphinda lokho this time wathi i will add more. I will take one of the most important people in your life (which is my dad). He actually passed away while i was sleeping in my death bed i dont even know where his grave is till today because it hasnt really sunk in to me that he is really gone. The whole funeral thing went in a blurr to me so i still dont have that finality. But again God sayed i will give you another change. But guys i need help I seem to have lost touch with him because so many bad things have happened this year that i feel he is just not being fair to me. I know i have a lot of things to thank him for but it is damn too hard to do so when so many things have gone bad. Just now im still struggling to come to terms with breaking up with my boyfriend and life just seems so dull and i feel hopeless. I guess He is the better option to blame for all of the things that went wrong. I know its bad but i cant even pray about it.

28 Oct 2008 15:19

Carino wena hee!! LoL! regarding the Toxido statement. you remind me of this friend on mine that always says that one needs to stroke God's ego in order to be in his good books, we need to treat him the very same way we treat our boyfriends/husbands.

28 Oct 2008 15:24

James 2vs17, "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."  This means you do your best and God does the rest. I guess that is why Tox is even taking pictures of the apartment she wants to live in and I'm sure she will find out all the necessary info and apply for the apartment and God will make sure that she gets it even if initially it was gonna be difficult for her to get it but because she has prayed, believed and even visualised herself living in that apartment, it will surely come to pass.

28 Oct 2008 15:28

well i tried tox-tox but that also didnt sound right

just say, Toxic... or Tox.... or Tokosiki when you mad at her for something....
Just not Toxido

28 Oct 2008 15:32

Msoe bad things unfortunately do happen whether we have faith or not whats important is getting through your situation and the first step is to bring yourself closer to him, pray sisi and you will feel much better, even if you dont see results immidiately. You did it once and it worked so you can do it again.

28 Oct 2008 15:32

@Msoe- I would like to tell u a certain story, hope it makes sense and answers ur qxn

A certain Christian went to a barber-shop for a hair cut and shave, while the barber was busy with him, the barber kept on saying there is no Gawd, where is he when people are dying everyday. Where is he when people are suffering. The Christian was hurt by this but said nothing. On his way out he saw a street begger and and called him, he told him he will but him some food if he just stood outside the door at the barber’s. The Christian then went up to the barber and said
Christian: there are no barbers on earth
Barber: of course there are, ia m one of them
Christian: how come there are people with hair and beard down to their toes
Barber: how will I know if they need a hair cut if they don’t come to me.
Christian: same applies to Gawd, how will he know if people need help if they don’t communicate with him. If they call him when they need him.

To cut a long story short, Gawd is there and he will always be, we kill the relationship with him, by ignoring him and act as if he doesn’t exist. We don’t seek him as much as

28 Oct 2008 15:36

Wel put Lela...

one needs to stroke God's ego in order to be in his good books, we need to treat him the very same way we treat our boyfriends/husbands.

Now this one aint true... we dont need to do anything to be in God's good books... he aleady loves us... He showed us that by choosing our bodies to make them his temple... I mean, he made the whole universe, he could've chosen one of the planets to make it his home or chosen a certain mountain and call it His home...
But he chose our hearts... that is enough to tell us that WE ARE in his god books.

Now the Glory thinng works, like this... we need to humble ourselves by His side and He will lift us up... when you get a new job dont go around saying...."yare yare i know myself, i studied, i know what to say in an interview"... rather say... "Thank you God, by your Grace i got this job. I will continue to give you Glory and Honour

what aka mathata
28 Oct 2008 15:37

i dont know what to say,i used to pray like hell,i mean like hell,but guess what?the more i pray it was like i ask more problems from God.

One thing i learn,be cruel ,Biaaatche,n respect ppl,the more i became bitch things start to be soften for me.

for me ,i dont know what to believe in life,God sometimes he can be soooo selfish where you can spank him.

Iv been poor where i cant trust a prayer.i told myself d only thing that can protect me is working hard thats all.

iv been in many test,

28 Oct 2008 15:38

Just now im still struggling to come to terms with breaking up with my boyfriend and life just seems so dull and i feel hopeless. I guess He is the better option to blame for all of the things that went wrong. I know its bad but i cant even pray about it.

Msoe i soooo understand what you are going through, i sometimes felt like that, especially when i was in and out of hospital because of my baby, i just couldn't pray because everytime i believed i wud just go back to square one, but i came across this verse once read in Corinthians 12 (i think) that says, his power is made perfect in weakness, that made sense because he says when we are weak he says he is strong.

And the boyfriend thingie, just look for the positive in all of that, nothing ever happens without a good reason. I mean there is a good reason why you guys broke up. it hurts i know, but it will get better with time, dont tell yourself you are struggling because that is exactly what is going to happen, that is what Tox is talking about, think positive, and attract that feeling of independence you dont need him to make your life vibrant and fun. how on earth did you cope before you met him, just find your inner happiness, you dont need him trust me. Tell yourself you are over him, and you will be, that is if you want to be over him.

28 Oct 2008 15:40

meant corinthians 12:9

28 Oct 2008 15:45

Wow Pastor Andi, I knew you would come with some wise words and you didn't disappoint!

28 Oct 2008 15:48

Thanks Lela

what aka mathata
28 Oct 2008 15:49

@cody,im not saying this in negative way,only with love,do you still remember i told you.

BUt is not a problem anyway,aslong your dad is around,NO PROBLEM life goes on.

28 Oct 2008 15:50

Mathata, maybe the problem is that you prayed like hell, this time try praying like heaven, I can assure you it will help.

28 Oct 2008 15:56

My faith in the Lord has helped out a lot. I have always been a believer (more like a silent one). The almighty has been with me true sooooo, much since the days I was young and didn’t know much about him.

Being the herd-girl: watching cattle in the field the whole day with boys and sometimes older man (strangers), but I never was raped.
Coming from school travelling by train at night and was never mugged or threatened
He rescued me from the hands of the woman who wanted to teach me witchcraft, for she had no kids to give it to. (if u think witchcraft doesn’t exist, think again).

I have been through a lot and he was the only one there for me, watching over me and keeping me safe, for that I will never serve another Gawd besides him. He was, he is and he will be. He gives us what we need if we ask in the sons name, John 14 verse 14.

His ear is never far to hear when you call upon him and his arm is always close by to save you.

Have faith in him, but faith shud be accompanied by love, faith without love is nothing. How can you hate ur brother (neighbour) that you know (have seen), and still love me (when u’ve never seen me).

28 Oct 2008 15:56

Pastor Carino, what i understood from that was that, she meant that we must do it in a GENUINE way, not because we want to be in his good books, we need to tell him that he is special, we love him, we thank him for what he has done, but above all it must be genuine.

Shuga babe
28 Oct 2008 15:58

when i was a stay @ home  mom. i use to volonteer in my church's soup kitches on saturday afternoons. 

I joined Bible study on Sundays afternoons. I did it because my daughter is on Sunday School so many parents do it and i said why not. But when the time went on I was like OMG where have i been!!!

Now you can't tell me about the bible. let alone prays and worship. I'm so enjoying being connected to God. 
i pray eveytime i feel like. but i pray b4 bed time, b4 eating , and everymorning. everytime i pray to God like I've met him before... its so good to be closer to God. everything I do and everything I have i thank God for it because I belive in to him and only him.

Big Up to Mom Pearl who taught me not look at her as a divorce woman but somebody who've sent by God to help me understand his word.

everytime i wish for something, I know i'll have it!!

28 Oct 2008 15:58

BUt is not a problem anyway,aslong your dad is around,NO PROBLEM life goes on. @ Mathata, mare wena hai! LOL

Ohh Andi, i love that e-mail.

28 Oct 2008 16:03

Nice article Toxic ikona-ke nje ukuthi I don't know the whole bible but wena Best Achieve you should have wriitten ur article about ur first reply it's too long anyway it's doesn't matter you can give a reply as long as you want... Cheers!

28 Oct 2008 16:04

Going to church doesnt nmake you a believer as much as standing in teh garage doesnt mean you are a car. We need to seek and find him before its too late. For there is no wisdom beyond teh grave, meaning when you die, you cant come back to correct ur mistakes, and then go back and await judgement.

28 Oct 2008 16:04

Codzzz.... i just wanted us to be clear that God has no ego, that we need to stroke... and we can NEVER treat him like we treat our boyfriends... Thanx for caling me *Pastor* I receive the prophesy! Ameni!

28 Oct 2008 16:08

@Cody, mazemnyama and andi01: Thank you guys for your response. It lifted me up a bit and I hope the words will stay in my heart to remember whenever i feel that im down in the gallows. I know that everything happens for a reason but sometimes it happens when you least expect it and it hits you and cripple you in a way that you never thought imaginable. Sometimes i feel like i dont have the strength to go on but find myself the next morning feeling as if there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This tells me that God hasnt really left my side but than again why cant i speak to him? At that low point in my life my friends are getting married, one of them is getting angaged and it just feels like my life is standing still and i cannot do anything about it. I will keep on having faith because i know that God gave me the strength that He gave every woman to survive. I will get past this just hope its soon.

28 Oct 2008 16:10

Going to church doesnt nmake you a believer as much as standing in teh garage doesnt mean you are a car. We need to seek and find him before its too late. For there is no wisdom beyond teh grave, meaning when you die, you cant come back to correct ur mistakes, and then go back and await judgement.

amen, Andzzz... and there isnt any other way of finding God except through His son, Jesus....

28 Oct 2008 16:12

Great great article and VERY relevant to me right now.


Has your faith worked for you? Note that i am not asking about religion ONLY but whatever you believe in.

Yesterday i took a step of faith and decided to tithe...God had been speaking to me about this for a long time now. I had decided that i'd make the month of October my tithe month. I got paid last week, but it was so hard for me to do it...i thought of all my bills and wondered where in God's earth will i get money if God does not come thru for me....anyhow, yesterday i decided to obey and i tithed...its the 1st thing i did when i got to work. Immediately after i did that i saw my PATHETIC bank account and i got nervous....i decided to ignore it. Last night i prayed and said Lord you don't have to give me money, please let me be able to make it through the month.

This morning i was driving to work, minding my own business and i get an sms, and i thought, "who is it, so early in the morning". The sms read "Rx, yyy,zz" has been deposited into your account. Your balance is Rxx,yyy,zz" OMG OMG!!!! that money was over 2x what i tithed yesterday. It was a deposit made by SARS for my tax returns. A lot of people would think its a coincidence (SARS was gonna pay anyway) but i know that was God proving His word to me as he says He will in Malachi 3:10. So now i have money to pay my bills and a little extra to save/spend.....

I've been telling every1 this story...thanks for giving me a platform to testify on TVSA.

Shuga babe
28 Oct 2008 16:12

 Everywhere we go and everything we do, God is there  watching over us, he'll never give us something we cannot handle. The marcy of God will never take us where the Grace of God will never protect us.God was with us, He still with us and will  always be with us for ever and ever AMEN.

28 Oct 2008 16:16

Thank you Dimagzzz.... for thta testimony.. I was working on my budget, and i was thinking maybe i should skip tithing, and use that money elsewhere.... now i'm even more convinced that i should just close my eyes and do it...

what aka mathata
28 Oct 2008 16:16

ppl must be honest,prayer is like motto for me,sometimes it doesnt work ,bare modimo o thusa ai thusang,

for me prayer is like n accessory.

28 Oct 2008 16:17

@Carino-and there isnt any other way of finding God except through His son, Jesus....He is the way, life and the truth,

28 Oct 2008 16:18

LOL Carino, okay girl,but heee, i guess she & I didnt put it well either. the boyfriend thingie sweedie, just look beyond the word boyfriend and you will see what i mean, okay what she meant when she elaborated, she said, we always want to tell the whole world when we meet someone we wish we could stand on top of the building and shout how much we love them, we never cease to stop thanking our boyfriend and show them affection whenever they do something wonderful for us, but why cant we do it with God as well? why do we fail to thank him but can do it with people ba nama le madi, hence boyfriend lovies, i wasnt focusing on the negative side of the boyfriend issue only the positive side. the love we give them that we fail to give to God.

28 Oct 2008 16:20

Sometimes people don’t understand while they suffer while in faith. We have to understand that whatever God says, go. If he said in the beginning, this and this will happen, it does happen whether the timing is wrong or the place is wrong (according to us of course). Jesus was hurt when he was about to be hanged, he asked “Gawd mayidlule lendeba, if that’s possible, otherwise may your will be done. So the almighty’s will was done, jesus suffered but he came back. So whatever pain you are remember that, Gawd will help you deal with it and get over it.

28 Oct 2008 16:22

Msoe again "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 

28 Oct 2008 16:24

amen, Andzzz... and there isnt any other way of finding God except through His son, Jesus....@carino, funny how I was expecting you to say this esp after that statement by  Andi, and I thought you will even put that sinner's prayer.

28 Oct 2008 16:28

Msoe rather look at your own blessing rather than other peoples blessing. ha rea fuwa ka hotshwana, our blessing are different and happen at different times in our lives, so with patience your time will come. Sometimes he gives us failure so that we can be humble or so that he can bring us closer to him.

28 Oct 2008 16:29

Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Haleluya.............sisesontweni in this article, I think sengizelwe kabusha.Let's praise the Lord

28 Oct 2008 16:29

ppl must be honest,prayer is like motto for me,sometimes it doesnt work ,bare modimo o thusa ai thusang,

for me prayer is like n accessory.

Bathong Mathata!! LOL

28 Oct 2008 16:30

@ Msoe, the other day i asked Toxic "remember Msoe, i wonder what happened to her", i believe that maybe the Holy Spirit prompting me to pray for you. I'mma pray for you girl, be strong, God definately has NOT left your side, as long as you are alive He still had a plan and a purpose for you. I understand about not being able to pray, but keep trying sisi, don't give into the despair. God will come through.

28 Oct 2008 16:35

When you going through stuff.... Read the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead... I couldnt have been nice for Lazarus to be sick like that knowing that Jesus is there and he loves Him. It couldnt have been nice for Lazarus' sisters to send for Jesus and Jesus takes four days to show up...

When they told Jesus that Lazarus is dead... he said to his disciples .. "Lazarus is dead. and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him."(John 11:14)

When he got to the tomb he stood in front of them and prayed "Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I know that you always hear me, but I said this for the bnefit of the people standing here..that they may believe that you have sent me..." (John 11:41)

Also, when Jesus met a blind man some day.. (John 9) his disciples asked who ha sinned that this man suffered so much... this is what Jesus said...

"Neither this man nor his parents sinned.. this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life" 

So when you go through tough times... you too msoe... you should remember that it's not coz you did anything wrong.... Its just God showing you and everyone around you that He is Great and Mighty....

And even ♫when he's four days late, he's still on time!♫

28 Oct 2008 16:40

Sho Dimago,the tithe story is some testimony right there. I believe God did exactly what He says in that Malachi 3 where he asks us to try Him and He will prove Himself. Continue tithing ke cz the devil naye will try and disturb you. Tithing works, even if you don't get an extra amount on your salary but God makes sure that He sustains you with what you have. My Pastor once said the 10% protects the 90% from the devourer so when you don't tithe it's more like your 90% is not protected hence u will just not see what you did with all that money that you didn't even pay your tithe with.

28 Oct 2008 16:42

by Karen Peck

♫The news came to Jesus, Please come fast
Lazarus is sick and without your help he will not last
Mary and Martha watched their brother die
They waited for Jesus, He did not come
And they wondered why.

The death watch was over, Buried four days
Somebody said He'll soon be here, the Lord's on His way
Martha ran to Him and then she cried
Lord if you had been here You could have healed him
He'd still be alive

But You're four days late And all hope is gone
Lord we don't understand why you've waited so long
But His way is God's way Not yours or mine
When He's four days late
He's still on time

Jesus said Martha show me the grave, But she said Lord
You don't understand He's been there four days
The grave stone was rolled back, Then Jesus cried
Lazarus come forth then somebody said
He's alive, He's alive

But You're four days late And all hope is gone
Lord we don't understand why you've waited so long
But His way is God's way Not yours or mine
When He's four days late
He's still on time

You may be fighting a battle of fear
You've cried to the Lord I need You now
But he has not appeared.
Friend don't be discouraged
Cause He's still the same
He'll soon be here He'll roll back the stone
And He'll call out your name ♫

But You're four days late And all hope is gone
Lord we don't understand why you've waited so long
But His way is God's way Not yours or mine
When He's four days late He's still on time

28 Oct 2008 16:44

@Lela funny how I was expecting you to say this esp after that statement by Andi, and I thought you will even put that sinner's prayer.


28 Oct 2008 16:48

This verse that i quoted reminds me of a verse in Judges (something) when Gideon was suppose to go and fight the midianites, he was called "the great warrior" and he was suprised that he was called the great warrior when his family is the poorest and when he doesnt have the strength to fight all those men and he was told to "go with the strength that he has", so Msoe, it taught me that i dont have to have alot of strength to fight my battles but the little that i have is sufficient enough, so even if I dont know where to start when i pray, i just say the lord's prayer everyday until i can know what to say. Plus i feel that the Lord's prayer leyona has everything that a person could ask for. He knows what we need even before we come to him

28 Oct 2008 16:50

And even ♫when he's four days late, he's still on time!♫ Amen Pastor Carino!!

DJ Why why
28 Oct 2008 16:57

@ Tox, I believe you will get that place....i think da "secret" said we should have faith and open our eyes and start seeing & hearing opportunities that you would not have seen if you did nt concentrate.

28 Oct 2008 17:01

Yho!!!!! Where do i start????? 

1. Best:

From reading your post, i have just been given the oomph to BELIEVE in the goodness of God and now i know that NOTHING ever happens for a reason. Eish maybe i must start praying to find work at your company...all those perks ntombi?! I can only imagine what i'd be doing with just my salary!

2. Beyonce:

Its good to have faith, but its even better to exercise your faith in all your life spheres.... 

True. The last time i was in church this was emphasised and the priest made reference to how people go to gym to maintain their physical well being. In reading the word and excercising what the word tells us, we're maintaing our spriritual well being. I now carry a Bible in my handbag that i read when i feel my faith dwindling.

3. WSG:

My ex (yeah I know people are fed up hearing from the men in our lives, but chow a chappie if you have a problem, see if I care) kept on saying that if you can see it, you can't make it happen. So, I am trying very hard to visualize my life the movie,...

LOL!!!! Abt the if you can see it, you can make it happen. I so believe that! I've seen it happen for someone who is now so effing rich he probably didn't think it would happen for him. And all through the power of visualising and meditating. I swear!


So glad things are looking up for you!!!

28 Oct 2008 17:13

Actually, i don't think i'll get to respond to every post so THANKS to EVERYONE for your contributions!!!!! 

TDC, FDVD: Thanks


U're on the right track. Now you must see the beach house and KNOW that it's going to be yours. Then STOP worrying about how or why it's going to happen. Stuff will happen nje that will make your dream come true. Practice getting the feeling of knowing the beach house is yours.


Read literature on whatever your faith is. Find a verse or two that makes you BELIEVE and go back to those verses when you feel your faith/belief waning. Make the Bible your best read. There's so much in that book that i find useful. And yeah, don't set time-frames. Believe that God is looking out for you and that when He answers you, you'll understand why He seemed to be taking His time. 


WOW!! U'll get those other things you're already on the right wavelength.


I hear what u're saying about your concerns. The Secret has just expanded on the two verses found in the Bible and although the author mentions the Universe, i replace that with God. I have a suspicion Rhonda didn't want to keep mentioning God's name because of all other religions and non-believers out there. So if everyone believes in a Universal force and practices God's teachings in a way yields the same results. in the end this woman wanted to make money from the book so the more people that buy the more business sense it makes i guess.

Another thing comes with having a grateful heart..... The bible says we should continue to thank God even when there's not much to thank him for....Just thsnk him for everything that he's doing in your life, even in the midst of all troubles... and he will bless you even more..... See the blessing even when it is not there yet.. become the blessing... STOP COMPLAINING... coz moaning just attracts negative energy... and the more you say you are poor, the poorer you will become.... 

So true!

28 Oct 2008 17:32


Has your faith worked for you? Note that i am not asking about religion ONLY but whatever you believe in - For me it was not just about my devotion to GOD, it was the combination of living the gospel and having faith  hence the statement you made (See the things that you want as already yours) is so relevant for me. Hence my life took a diff route the day i came across the book of Psalm chp 51......not sure about the verse:

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love.... Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me...

ok, let me read the rest of the article and the replies

28 Oct 2008 17:52

DJ ww: 

LMAO at your first post!!!!

....i think da "secret" said we should have faith and open our eyes and start seeing & hearing opportunities that you would not have seen if you did nt concentrate. 

It says the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people, and events, for you to receive. There's a lot more in the book that expands on this but basically u're right. Once the Universe responds to your frequency opportunities come knocking on your door. If money is on its way to you a simple thing like playing the lotto could yield the desired results.


So what I've learnt in my walk with Him and from my testimonies is that Delay is not Denial. So whatever you are trusting God for just keep on believing He knows the right time.


Mathata, maybe the problem is that you prayed like hell, this time try praying like heaven, I can assure you it will help.


I guess that is why Tox is even taking pictures of the apartment she wants to live in and I'm sure she will find out all the necessary info and apply for the apartment and God will make sure that she gets it even if initially it was gonna be difficult for her to get it but because she has prayed, believed and even visualised herself living in that apartment, it will surely come to pass.

Just found out that the place will be ready Mid-December. 
Bachelor (R3500- R4000)
1 bed (R4000 - R4500)
2 beds (R5000- R5500)

This is gonna be a loooooooong climb up that Faith Mountain.

LOL @ the Toxido name...thanks Carino!!!

i also need to acknowledge that i must not just sit and wait there is also some input required on my part.

Lela responded to this i see.

Msoe: "this too shall pass"

Just out of the blue the other day Dimago asked me about you. Please  don't desert Him or blame him for what happened to you or your father. Find Him, speak to Him, tell Him how mad you are at Him and eventually you will see the answer. It will come to you. I don't know how but it will happen. 

I am so sorry you're going through this and i wish we didn't have to go through pain in order to see the good in the world. If you have to speak to a counsellor about your loss, do so. Don't bottle all those emotions inside. Take your own time to get over your break up. Cry as much as you want but don't lose sight of your life purpose. I want to believe that there are other reasons why we are on earth other than our partners or exes. Pull yourself together the best way you know how and start taking care of yourself. Don't allow yourself to fall apart over a mortal being. Connect with your Father. Thank him for the many blessings he's given you and concentrate on those blessings.

Don't look at what other people have or the blessings they've received. If your eyes are cast elsewhere you may just miss the blessings coming your way cause you're busy comparing your situation with others'. Be happy for them and let that be.

Shuga Babe:

I'm so enjoying being connected to God.
i pray eveytime i feel like. but i pray b4 bed time, b4 eating , and everymorning. everytime i pray to God like I've met him before... its so good to be closer to God. everything I do and everything I have i thank God for it because I belive in to him and only him. 

So good to hear that. I know i'll eventually get there cause i used to have a problem with praying. I was too conscious of myself praying that i could only whisper or say my pr

28 Oct 2008 17:58

 so that we can be humble or so that he can bring us closer to him.

You do not know how true this is. I have truly been humbled and now know that i am not bigger than God. Story for another day.


Thank you for ministering to me. I can't find another word for this but in your posts to others, you were speaking to me.

I am so touched by all the testimonies about God's grace and love. When God wants you to hear something it will happen. To think that this article was about THE SECRET to start with and has ended up being about a subject i usually stay very far away from is proof for me that i needed to hear His word. 

thank you, thank everyone.

29 Oct 2008 07:06

Lela, Dimago, Carino... Thank you so much guys for everything that you shared here.... this article has opened my eyes on something else, Thank you so much guys.

Just found out that the place will be ready Mid-December.
Bachelor (R3500- R4000)
1 bed (R4000 - R4500)
2 beds (R5000- R5500)

This is gonna be a loooooooong climb up that Faith Mountain
. ..... 

@Toxic .... When you climb that mountain my sister, climb it with a prayer of OWNING the place NOT renting it. Thanks once more for your article dear

29 Oct 2008 07:45

This blog has got me in shivers!

29 Oct 2008 07:59

LOL @ Mathata

29 Oct 2008 08:01

Thanks Best, i've already started praying.

Dimago.. :)

29 Oct 2008 09:20

Ok, I bought the secret, and only read a few pages, and go bored, but ofcourse, that's my own fault. 

Anyway, great article TOX.

Mina I don't think I think about things seriously enought to actually know if my "faith" has worked for me. I find that my life is currently happening to me, I'm going with the flow .
For example, I went to school because that's what children do. After school, I went to varsity as that was the only option available to me. I was fortunate to study through a bursary, which then guaranteed me a job. Naturally, after varsity, I worked for the company,a nd now, as progression will have it, I will climb my way up. 
My point is that, I've never thought about these things, they've sort of just happened. Even now, I'm not really thinking about where I'll be in 5 years, but I know that it will happen. 

I realise ofcourse that this is probably not the best approach to life, and I still have the secret on my bedside table, so perhaps I should pick it up...hehe. Seriously though, i know personally that perhaps I need to start defining my faith, if such a thing is possible.

29 Oct 2008 09:20

Ok, I bought the secret, and only read a few pages, and go bored, but ofcourse, that's my own fault. 

Anyway, great article TOX.

Mina I don't think I think about things seriously enought to actually know if my "faith" has worked for me. I find that my life is currently happening to me, I'm going with the flow .
For example, I went to school because that's what children do. After school, I went to varsity as that was the only option available to me. I was fortunate to study through a bursary, which then guaranteed me a job. Naturally, after varsity, I worked for the company,a nd now, as progression will have it, I will climb my way up. 
My point is that, I've never thought about these things, they've sort of just happened. Even now, I'm not really thinking about where I'll be in 5 years, but I know that it will happen. 

I realise ofcourse that this is probably not the best approach to life, and I still have the secret on my bedside table, so perhaps I should pick it up...hehe. Seriously though, i know personally that perhaps I need to start defining my faith, if such a thing is possible.

29 Oct 2008 09:50

WOW. Great Article Tox and BA you have just inspired me.

WOW, I have been meaning to start saving and really believing but I have postponed it everytime. Thanks guys. I will start saving for my wedding and not let my fiance do all the worrying. I will start believing that we will get to where we want to be and our house will be just as we want it.

I will look at my financial status and really consider what kind of a wedding i can afford to have instead of my dream wedding. I believe that I can have my dream wedding but I will have to work hard at it.

Truly inspired. WOW

29 Oct 2008 09:56

Morning bloggarzzz....

I just had to come share this:

Last month my boss gave me a bonus nhe... coz i'd shown dedication and commitment and i took responsibility (thats what the certificate said)

Two weeks into this month.. he found a note i'd scribbled to my colleague calling him "arrogant". We had a huge fight and i faced the possibility of losing my job... yes, it was that close... you know some of us are working in these small companies..there's only one boss and he's the owner of the business and he signs your cheque... so you mess up with him, you can kiss your job goodbye.... Yes, so i called him "Arrogant". Honestly the word arrogant only came to my mind bcoz that morning TVSA was talking so much about Kgotso's arrogance...

Anyway, my disciplinary hearing was last week Tuesday.... it was hott! it was my second warning after the one i got for always being the deal was, one more mistake and i'm out....They spoke to me like they'd forgotten the bonus and the certificate...

So, i was supposed to be really down and worried about my job...but NO! i held my head high and I carried on like it's business as usual.... i decided to stop complaining and just be thankful to God amidst all this.... Truth is, that would've been the third time i got a dismissal at work....I've been fired twice already in my life...

Last week i sat by myself and i told myself that the stupid cycle has to end...this Friday i'll be doing a year at his company... a lifetime record!....So, i refused to lose my job.... I refused to be scared.... 

Worse, when i worked on my budget, i worked on the amount including the amount I received as bonus last month... It was crazy, but i did it anyway... coz, the possibilities of EVER getting a bonus again were very bleak..... 

I walked into the office this morning... my payslip on my desk... I calmed down and carried on lke it was business as usual....

When i opened it, guess what? I got a raise... A super fat raise.....Double what was my bonus last month. And you know what, I thank God! Its only by His Grace that i got that.... 
I suppose I kept saying it and it happened... I attracted it! I thank God and called the things that were not as if they were... Faith was my substance of things I hoped for and the evidence of thisngs i could not see... 
I kept saying I was happy when my world was almst falling apart!

And God made me happy indeed!

29 Oct 2008 10:04

iyhoo Carino

29 Oct 2008 10:05

Rene: i think a lot of people can relate to what you wrote. i certainly could. Life just happened.

GML: Thanks

Carino: WOW!

29 Oct 2008 10:07

Rich Dad,Poor Dad....Robert Kiyosaki!!! thats a great book...very inspirering,funny hey coz i was watching the DvD last night.

29 Oct 2008 10:09

Okay here's what happened to me this mornign:

I drive past the toll-gate each trip @ R1 per pass. So this morning i give this lady a R2 coin and guess what my change was? R4!!! 2 R2 coins.

It's a start :)

29 Oct 2008 10:10

the book talks about how poor people think,and also talks about how rich people think,Taxes,not keeping hard cash in your bank account,as you may lose a % of it to taxes,investing.......Great Stuff!

29 Oct 2008 10:13

Toxic  you kept the change?????
Surely thats poor peoples thinking!(Robert Kiyosaki wud say)LOL

29 Oct 2008 10:16

That is great Carino! I would kill for one of those, i guess i should also pray that my November bonus comes with atleast 3 zero's in the end at least

29 Oct 2008 10:17

WOW Toxic

29 Oct 2008 10:18

Ha ha ha Tox!! it is a start, i am sure you didnt notice that the lady gave you more money neh? or did you?

29 Oct 2008 10:23

WOW Carino.... 
GML... Thank you

29 Oct 2008 10:29

LMAO Farai!!!!! PPT.......I kept the change cause i believe i was meant to have it. That's 4 more trips for me.

LOL Cande. A wow is better than a sigh i suppose.

Cody, i noticed and sped off before she could see my expression.

29 Oct 2008 10:29

“Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know Him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring” (Hosea 6:3).

Oh how i Love the Goodness of the Lord.... Indeed His mercies endures forever.
Even if you are a mess, He turns you to a message and takes you from Zero to Hero .......... i love this article, Toxic thank you once more

and im having such ooomph for the prayer i have in my heart and the sitation im going through ...

29 Oct 2008 11:49

wow Carino,  thats awesome girl...

Cody, i noticed and sped off before she could see my expression.
LMAO Tox...That teller lady/guy will have to pay the R3 from her pocket....

“Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know Him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring” (Hosea 6:3).
@ BA do you subscribe to Joel and Victoria's daily word? I loved this scripture

29 Oct 2008 12:13

WOW guys this is such an inspiring article, i need to start believing that i will get that license that i spent close to 10000.00 towards and i still dont have it..
I need to start believing that by the end of next year i will be living on my own and driving my own car.
I just need to start believing.

Going to church doesnt nmake you a believer as much as standing in teh garage doesnt mean you are a car.

So true and so amazing how many people are church-goers out there. I'm one myself but working on changing this. 

I wish someone could tell my mother this, because she seem to believe that for me tobe a believer  i have to be going to church..

Great article as always Toxiki..LOL

29 Oct 2008 12:49

@ BA do you subscribe to Joel and Victoria's daily word? I loved this scripture

Yes Dimago  .... and i love Joel so much, i do register to everything for daily devotion, it real comes in handy when starting my day.

Going to church doesnt nmake you a believer as much as standing in teh garage doesnt mean you are a car.
So true and so amazing how many people are church-goers out there. I'm one myself but working on changing this.

I wish someone could tell my mother this, because she seem to believe that for me tobe a believer i have to be going to church.. 

@Cande  ... My dear, your mother is very right, you need to go to church if you are a believer  for these reasons

The Bible tells us to meet together as believers and to encourage one another

Hebrews 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV)

God wants us to fellowship with other believers. Pray for one another and study His word. That is best done at church for most of us, to be refreshed and be taught things we may have not understood before. If we are part of Christ's body, we will recognize our need to fit into the body of believers. The church is the place where we come together to encourage one another as members of Christ's body.

As members of the body of Christ, we belong to each other.
Romans 12:5
... so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. (NIV) 

It is actually for our own good that God want us in fellowship with other believers. We need each other to grow up in the faith, to learn to serve, to love one another, and to practice forgiveness. Though we are individuals, we still belong to one another. As different parts in the body, we need each other and that's why it is encouraged to go to church since it is where believers meet. 

29 Oct 2008 12:53

The church is the place where we come together to encourage one another as members of Christ's body

ja But BA some churches are not entirely about that.
Sometimes its about who wears the most expensive hairstyle, a bigger car e.t.c hence i dont like going.

29 Oct 2008 13:02

ja But BA some churches are not entirely about that.
Sometimes its about who wears the most expensive hairstyle, a bigger car e.t.c hence i dont like going.

Well Cande dear... it will be difficult to find your perfect church, because what might seem perfect to you might not be perfect to me. You must remeber that the church is made of imperfect people looking for perfection in Christ, so there will always be different interest on different things, the only thing you must look for is what made them to come together; that is the thirst in their spiritual life, sharing the word og God, serving and worshipping God.... all other things are so not important to your spirit

what aka mathata
29 Oct 2008 14:05

how can you go to church n pray,later you start your car n go home,walllla money on a table,believe or not God or not.

ke metlholo eo,the main ingredients is work hard like a slave,later you will see what you been working for.

You are sick laying on the bed(you drink fanta,eat fried chips,grilled red meat)later you pray,what do you expert?

God will say what?

29 Oct 2008 14:07

mathata, uthini??

29 Oct 2008 14:08

how can you go to church n pray,later you start your car n go home,walllla money on a table,believe or not God or not. 

ke metlholo eo,the main ingredients is work hard like a slave,later you will see what you been working for. 

LOL! Hayi man Mathata ha o thole tjelete e ho emetse ko tafoleng. Etla ka di tsela tsengwe.

29 Oct 2008 14:13

Triple LOL & Double kwaazzz Mathata!!!!

what aka mathata
29 Oct 2008 14:36

@toxi,if ppl were saying i work hard n God motivate me to be strong with my prayers,phela when you pray for me is like you telling someone what you want in life.

BUT the main thing is YOU a driver how you drive your life.

have been in ZCC,those ppl  always they go to church BUT nothing works for them.they pray kort kort,

how can you go to church monday to sunday?when are you working(No answer)but they want food on the table.

is like a boyfie ,he cheat on you,n you pray,the time you pray is not time you suppose to sex each other?

i think we ppl we are just problems,YES money come s in many ways,but 68% of ppl they are not aware that they must work hard to softten the pro.

The boyfie did dumps me,i did pray,what did i got?notting

even God his aware that ppl are can you pray n expert something from him ?is selfish.

YEs it comes in many ways,But we must  work for it,klaar

29 Oct 2008 14:46

Tox, mathatha is klaar! LOL hai mathata you are one of a kind! it's amazing how i can understand things you write lately.

29 Oct 2008 14:48

@Mathata double LOL. how can u say dat !!!!!!!!!!!

29 Oct 2008 14:51

68% nogal.

what aka mathata
29 Oct 2008 14:51

@cody ,what do you mean?

what aka mathata
29 Oct 2008 14:59

im still saying what do you mean?cody.

29 Oct 2008 15:00

Lol @68%

29 Oct 2008 15:11

<<is like a boyfie ,he cheat on you,n you pray,the time you pray is not time you suppose to sex each other? >> triple LOL mathata

29 Oct 2008 15:11


hai mathata you are one of a kind
meaning there is only one mathata with a mind of her own

it's amazing how i can understand things you write lately. meaning i didn't understand your style of writing or what you were saying at times, but now i can.

what aka mathata
29 Oct 2008 15:19

do you know MAKOFANi or DORIS.thats me.

29 Oct 2008 15:20

ROFLMAO. Mathata, why did you pray when your boyfriend dumped you?

29 Oct 2008 15:27

And you know what, I thank God! Its only by His Grace that i got that....
I suppose I kept saying it and it happened... I attracted it! I thank God and called the things that were not as if they were... Faith was my substance of things I hoped for and the evidence of thisngs i could not see...
I kept saying I was happy when my world was almst falling apart!
And God made me happy indeed!

WOW Cariri, I needed to hear such motication, coz at the moment things are looking great for me, then the next they are dull again. Ngathi uThixo uyangisakaza ngobumnandi.

what aka mathata
29 Oct 2008 15:36

@Simmone ,i thought he will come back(maybe God will answer my prayers(foolish girl  ,i fucktap)kae my saliva was almost finished.kwa kwa kwa kwa .

29 Oct 2008 15:52

@Mathata, *speechless*

29 Oct 2008 15:54

So mathata wena o rapela ha ho etsa hetse eng? Ha ngwana a kula?

29 Oct 2008 15:55

@Simmone ,i thought he will come back(maybe God will answer my prayers(foolish girl ,i fucktap)kae my saliva was almost finished.kwa kwa kwa kwa .

29 Oct 2008 16:08

Guys,i will always have faith in God.u see,the secrete is to still have faith in him even when nothing good is happening in your life which is where most of us fail to keep the faith,we just give up on him.i know it's not easy to keep the faith and stretght when things ain't going your way............

I'm a South African that has recently moved back home from the let me tell u something,wen i got to England i found that most young and old peeps from here at home worked in factories,were cleaners or or even maids.when i told every1about what i wanted to do and wat my plans were while i was there they just laughed and didn't take me seriousely.not that there was anything wrong wit the sort of jobs they were doing,i told them that i was there to make money like every1 else but i wasn't prepared to to do ANYTHING for it coz i had already told the Lord my wishes,and i didn't travel all the way to America then later on to England to work in a factory.

I started small in a big fashion company which the name i will not mention but it didn't take long for things to start looking up.before i knew it i was the visual merchandiser for the branch and buying fashion trends off the runway for one of the biggest fashion companies in the world and other high street street stores, that axactly wat i wanted to do,YES ME,the 1 who got told by my fellow South Africans that i was just dreaming,i'll never get the job without having this and that.but you see,i never listened to them and i kept my faith in God.

Let me not bore you wit my life stories but wat i'm tryna say is that God is faith and if you believe that he will see you through he will,u just need to believe it and allow his bleesings to rain upon u.

what aka mathata
29 Oct 2008 16:14

i do pray But i dont depend on a prayer,for my child when shis not ok ,i give her natural food,= home made.

n i make sure to do blood test,to know what the f is going on on the blood. the rest is yoga=mmm,exercise,hands up down,n i give her honey in every formula.

when i pray,i say God this *bleep!* is not for me,n it will go back where it belong,this is not for me.n i make sure i work hard to make things better.

FOR EXAMPLE:let me say me MATHATA i dont have a job,i have a child,every sunday i go to church,what more do  i expert from this world, a JOB

so bcs i have a Pride,do you know i will never say TOX can i clean your house n you will help me with ask for a job from you is a prayer.

but ppl they dont do that,they waste their saliva for miracle,if you want miracle ,work for it n forget about pride.

when you are sick ,eat good food,n do blood test,n exercise the rest is history,

29 Oct 2008 16:19

when i pray,i say God this *bleep!* is not for me,n it will go back where it belong,this is not for me.n i make sure i work hard to make things better.
and u say sh!t in ur prayer?

29 Oct 2008 16:21

Went for an interview some time last year....Didn't know the place very I decided to go there a day before so I don't get lost in the morning. As I was walking back home after seeing the company that day, I got lost. 

I saw this other man walking in the opposite direction and I asked him where I can find a taxi to town. The guy opened his mouth to help me with directions and his voice sounded exactly like my Pastor's.

 I got the job and that was no coincidence like my friends said after they laughed at me.... Just that Sunday, my Pastor was saying in church:  Be conscious of the Holy Spirit at all times, open your eyes and see, open your ears and listen...

That day, I opened my ears and listened to my miracle...

what aka mathata
29 Oct 2008 16:28

@nonny,kere mtlakala a,gantekana morena.

29 Oct 2008 16:34

but i wasn't prepared to to do ANYTHING for it coz i had already told the Lord my wishes

superwoman, that's an important lesson to learn right there. Once you've said what your wish it, then trust that it shall happen.

The guy opened his mouth to help me with directions and his voice sounded exactly like my Pastor's.

Be conscious of the Holy Spirit at all times, open your eyes and see, open your ears and listen...

That day, I opened my ears and listened to my miracle...

Tshd21, THAT is so amazing!! We're all too busy brooding over our problems that we close our eyes to blessings that are waiting to happen.

29 Oct 2008 16:38

@nonny,kere mtlakala a,gantekana morena.
Care to say that in either isiXhosa, Zulu, English, Swati, Afrikaans or Hindi?

29 Oct 2008 16:40

Nonny, ngithi lamasimba lawa awangilingani  (another name for God in Zulu is?)

29 Oct 2008 16:42

Nonny, ngithi lamasimba lawa awangilingani (another name for God in Zulu is?)
hahhahah perfect Tox, u are really good kwi siZulu sakho.

29 Oct 2008 18:02

Off-topic: Guys, what does this mean??

Ave ndikukhumbula njengoba ndike ndakubona, ngekubhetele ukuthi bendivane ndakakuboni.....

And what language is it?? I thought it was Xhosa??


29 Oct 2008 18:20

Tshd21 ~ TRANSLATION::: "I'm missing you badly. I wish i've never met you" in a romantic way though and i think thats

29 Oct 2008 18:28

Thank you so much Firstdvd....:)

Askies once again Tox:)

30 Oct 2008 07:32

Mathatha darling :

the Bible in Romans 11:36 says "From Him and through Him and to Him are all things"

Acknowledging God's control over all things doesnt free us from responsibility. what we are saying is, as much as we do work hard, we also pray that He sees our hard work and grant us with what we are praying for, we are not shifting the responsibillity to Him, what we know is that He is a controller and the rewarder. If He doesnt want us to get something, that can never happen because he controls all things.

30 Oct 2008 07:45

Tshd21 ~ TRANSLATION::: "I'm missing you badly. I wish i've never met you" in a romantic way though and i think thats
Yes it's Xhosa indeed. 

Acknowledging God's control over all things doesnt free us from responsibility. what we are saying is, as much as we do work hard, we also pray that He sees our hard work and grant us with what we are praying for, we are not shifting the responsibillity to Him, what we know is that He is a controller and the rewarder. If He doesnt want us to get something, that can never happen because he controls all things.
Amen BA, u have said it well.

30 Oct 2008 08:30

No worries, Tshd21......

30 Oct 2008 17:00

WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Tox!!!!!!! Mina the way enginefaith ngakhona, it amazes me sometimes, i thank God for things that havent happened yet, i thank him and i claim things that i want before i have them, have been doing this for a long time, i think i was about 16 when the pastor preached about this in church, it stuck to me and i beleive it. even though things dont happen that i have already thanked and claimed, i just say, Oh, thank you God, for you know what is right for me, clearly this wasn't right for me.

Mathatha: ungiqede finish!!!!I drive past the toll-gate each trip @ R1 per pass. So this morning i give this lady a R2 coin and guess what my change was? R4!!! 2 R2 coins.

It's a start :)
LMAO!!! no its not, ubusela lobo, LOL!!!!

what aka mathata
30 Oct 2008 17:14

who wrote the bible?white guy,where he is now=dead,i am a believer but some of the things i dont get it all.

my point is ppl abuse prayer,no food=prayer,devorce=prayer,mogabe abuse ppl=prayer, you get a puntcher=prayer. helang basadi

30 Oct 2008 17:00

WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Tox!!!!!!! Mina the way enginefaith ngakhona, it amazes me sometimes, i thank God for things that havent happened yet, i thank him and i claim things that i want before i have them, have been doing this for a long time, i think i was about 16 when the pastor preached about this in church, it stuck to me and i beleive it. even though things dont happen that i have already thanked and claimed, i just say, Oh, thank you God, for you know what is right for me, clearly this wasn't right for me.

Mathatha: ungiqede finish!!!!I drive past the toll-gate each trip @ R1 per pass. So this morning i give this lady a R2 coin and guess what my change was? R4!!! 2 R2 coins.

It's a start :)
LMAO!!! no its not, ubusela lobo, LOL!!!!

what aka mathata
30 Oct 2008 17:14

who wrote the bible?white guy,where he is now=dead,i am a believer but some of the things i dont get it all.

my point is ppl abuse prayer,no food=prayer,devorce=prayer,mogabe abuse ppl=prayer, you get a puntcher=prayer. helang basadi

31 Oct 2008 12:53

puntcher? LMAO!!

31 Oct 2008 13:10

I would say my faith that I have in God is working for me. If it was not believing I wouldn't be where I am today. I am living testimony. The bible says it is impossible to please God without faith. Heb 11. I really thank God for what I am, what I am going to be wow for He knows the plans He has for me. 

I have been through hardships if I didn't have put my trust to God iyoooooo I don't know ukuthi ngabe ngikuphi maybe Sterkfontein but He gave soundmind.

03 Nov 2008 09:40

my point is ppl abuse prayer,no food=prayer,devorce=prayer,mogabe abuse ppl=prayer, you get a puntcher=prayer. helang basadi


03 Nov 2008 09:40

my point is ppl abuse prayer,no food=prayer,devorce=prayer,mogabe abuse ppl=prayer, you get a puntcher=prayer. helang basadi


13 Nov 2008 12:52


13 Nov 2008 12:57

WOW Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so close to giving up and was unconciously looking at other places cause i thought that place was just too expensive for me. Gosh, maybe i've turned my 'blessings' away.

i am motivated anew!!!! Congratulations on the new job! This thing really works!!!

14 Nov 2008 15:31

WOW, Earth...

14 Nov 2008 15:31

WOW, Earth...

20 Jul 2009 17:00

....Beautifull....I am very encouraged...

16 Mar 2011 13:46

This was really on of the best articles! Praise be to God

16 Mar 2011 14:18

I miss dis article........ where is BA , Cody with their motivational article. 

16 Mar 2011 14:39

This was amazing. 

I remember when i wanted to move into my now apartment block i remembered this article and I did this. I took a picture of the block and put iton my desktop, so everytime i would look at it and know that it is going to be my home soon. It worked. So yha, shem... Im now using the principle on bigger things and i believe it will work nomakanjani. 

heheh.. abanyeke, they will use it on future husbands and wives... lol. I hope it works there too.

16 Mar 2011 16:13

heheh.. abanyeke, they will use it on future husbands and wives... lol. I hope it works there too.

It works Carino, before my fiancee and I strarted dating I knew that he would be mine, I just believed that we would make a good match and now he is sending his family to ask for my hand in marriage in works

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