Hard Copy is a South African television drama series created by Anton Harber, Malcolm Purkey and Jann Turner which follows the fortunes of the staff of a fictional newspaper which - due to the economic pressures of the times - finds itself on the media cusp between delivering news and sensationalism, before changing identity completely in Season 3 and becoming a tabloid.
The tabloid storyline was dropped when the show was revived in 2016, a decade after it ended on SABC3.
When editors and their journalists find themselves publishing hard copy the dilemmas, intrigues and moments of hysteria they face are varied, vast and inevitable.
This is the life of the staff and owners of The Bulletin, a South African newspaper that finds itself on the media cusp between delivering news and sensationalism.
Every day at The Bulletin sees the papers editor and journalists facing new challenges as they find and write stories that impact on who they are, often forcing them to make ethical decisions that have more than one answer.
Through The Bulletin and the people featured in it, including politicians, showbiz and sports personalities, everyone's lives become one as the staff eat, sleep and breathe their passion of getting their paper to print each week.
Produced by Curious Pictures (which later became Quizzical Pictures), the head writer was Darrel Bristow-Bovey, with original music by The Junior Musicians' Yacht Club. The series producer was Tim Greene and the executive producers were Harriet Gavshon, David Jammy and Mpho Mosimane.