The Making of a Monster is a British factual documentary series produced by Scarlet Television in which forensic psychologist Kerry Daynes examines some of the most infamous cases and goes in search of in-depth, personal interviews with convicted criminals and killers.
The series premiered in South Africa on DStv's Crime & Investigation Network on Tuesday 3 June 2008, at 20h30. There are six hour-long episodes in the series.
Wednesdays: 02h30, 14h30
Saturdays: 23h10
Sundays: 05h10, 17h10
What creates a serial killer? Is it possible to predict that someone will become a rapist? Do spree killers share common character traits and childhood experiences? What turns a child into a murderer? And how do they explain their crimes?
To unravel the psychological profile of the world's most dangerous criminals, consultant forensic psychologist Kerry Daynes examines some of the most infamous cases and goes in search of in-depth, personal interviews with convicted criminals and killers.
Kerry is not your average forensic psychologist. She's female, she's glamorous and she talks in accessible sound bites. She's passionate about her subject and she's on a mission to investigate, understand and unravel a psychological blueprint of violent crime.
Each episode of The Making of a Monster takes Kerry on a journey into the minds of violent criminals; serial killers, rapists, fantasists, paedophiles, wife beaters, women who kill, arsonists.
It's a journey with many twists and turns as she builds up a clear psychological profile.