Derren Brown: The Events is a British variety series created by Derren Brown, Andy Nyman and Iain Sharkey and produced by Objective Productions featuring illusionist Derren Brown and made up of four one-hour specials, during which Brown attempts what he has described as "some of the most incredible feats to date".
The series aired in the UK on Channel 4 from 9-30 September, 2009. There are four hour-long episodes in the series.
Derren Brown: The Events premiered in South Africa on DStv's BBC Entertainment channel on Wednesday 24 November 2010, at 20h30. New episodes broadcast weekly.
In 2009, Derren produced four highly complex shows of 'misdirection'. Each event has its own theme, but Derren's aim is always the same: to confuse, to confound and, of course, to control.
In this series Derren puts his unique psychology skills to the test as he tries to predict the National Lottery results before they are announced, gets an unsuspecting viewer involved in helping him try and beat the roulette table at a casino, and conducts an experiment in remote viewing to find out whether psychic powers really exist.
He also attempts to control the nation in an event that promises to have you glued to your seats.
Derren Brown Shows
Mind Control
Russian Roulette
Trick of the Mind
The Heist
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Events
An Evening of Wonders
The Experiments