Written by molibelis from the blog For The Fun Of It........ on 18 Sep 2008
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1. Abuse yr email and internet privileges.if nothing else,it shows yr'have got too much time on yr hands.(Looks like we want 2 lose our Jobs,cause we always blog)

2.Arrive late and leave early.What better way to show you are not committed?tl tl tl tl

3. Paste yr job discreption above yr desk and stick to it rigidly.A lack of initiative or willingness to go above and beyond will guarantee u wont be around for long.

4. Spend at least half a day handling personal things.Booking hair appointments or order beer and watch soccer via yr cellphone is always mor important than the REPORT yr BOSS wanted(Di tena hampe di boss)

5. Look 4 another JOB. leave the job finder open on yr desk and FAX yr CV off from the company fax machine(we all do this one,ha ke batle ho utlwa nix re e etsa ka ofela)

6. Smoke Dagga or Cigga while u are in the meeting with yr Boss or Clients, or mabye in the workshop,


18 Sep 2008 04:34

I know that we all want to lose our Jobs sometimes so here are some few tips......I also want to lose mine so soon i will be leaving.......

18 Sep 2008 05:15

Like Toxic would have said it..... "Congrats, Molibi on your first article"

18 Sep 2008 05:22


18 Sep 2008 05:24

LMAO. Ironically I see this article after a friend and colleague just emailed me telling me she is handing in her resignation letter as we speak.

- Registering on a Job search website using your work email address.

Nice article Moli

18 Sep 2008 05:31

Always be sick, especially on Mondays/Fridays.

18 Sep 2008 05:42

- Registering on a Job search website using your work email address. 
heheheh I do this all the time, coz that's the one email address I am constantly available on. And besides, th kind of eprson I work for would never fire me for that, he encourages growth!

18 Sep 2008 05:43

I meant - the kind of person

18 Sep 2008 05:46

Even though you know that your boss is a loyal (DA) supporter, proffess ur love and support for JZ, do this every chance you get and mobilize your colleagues to think the same. (OK he will make up an excuse to fire you, scred of CCMA)

18 Sep 2008 05:50

Ey Mobs! nice article, thanks for waking me up, coz it seem that I spend too much time on Internet ...You know what very smart ,   keep well choma!!!!!!!!!!!

18 Sep 2008 05:55

1,2 and 4 I can relate to 

18 Sep 2008 06:00

It doesn't matter how much u abuse ur internet access, as long as that doesn't affect ur performance at work.

18 Sep 2008 06:11

Tell your boss what you REALLY think of him/her(in an office party after having some few ...)

18 Sep 2008 06:23

Arrive late and leave early.What better way to show you are not committed

hehhehehe......I'm guilty of this one! But my job allows for that

Sana Lwam
18 Sep 2008 06:23

Eish the first one I will out of this comapny asap, and they have this new IT dude who is always snooping around people's screens

Sana Lwam
18 Sep 2008 06:28

...and he made a sarcastic joke that if he catches me on Facebook again I will have to give him R5...and guess what, before the ten o'clock tea break he passed by my desk and ja ja I was on the net and he just smiled and said: "You owe me R25"
Nxa uyadika yazi

18 Sep 2008 07:02

Tell your boss what you REALLY think of him/her(in an office party after having some few ...)     Bathong

"Congrats, Molibi on your first article"    " My fourth actually"

Brown Shuga
18 Sep 2008 15:23

<<<<"Congrats, Molibi on your first article" " My fourth actually">>> Heheheheh LOL tl tl tl tl tl tl kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa hahahahahah huwiiiiii!!!

This is a very nice article and true! Mmhh.....nna I know of a "company", 2 weeks ago, that pulled a report with a summary  (hits included) of the sites (media & TV, shopping, sports, news, sex & adult content, lingerie/swimsuits etc) each user visited that month and a Senior executive mailed it to the entire company's mailing list with a warning for everybody to stop using the company's internet for their own purposes. 
Now, imagine that embarassment of those people with sex & adult content next to their names.......

Nice article Molibelis, really true.

18 Sep 2008 15:59

Knock nock! Hi Molibelis:::Nice article

Lady D
18 Sep 2008 16:10

Nna i'm dont know whether i'm ytying to loose my job or i just know gore they can't afford to loose me,but i'm always late and most of the time i dont pitch up on mondays,but i love my job

18 Sep 2008 16:19

late comers are all over neh! From top management down to the guy e-gate[ini]

19 Sep 2008 02:25

@ Now, imagine that embarassment of those people with sex & adult content next to their names......There is nothing wrong there, u just prove that u are not New to those Stafffffff  so they will respect U.

19 Sep 2008 02:32


19 Sep 2008 02:40

late comers are all over neh! From top management down to the guy e-gate[ini]
hgahahaah LMAO @ the honesty in this, thina at work, even the cleaners arrive late, they start work at 7h00 but most come strolling in at 07h30 & the brave ones come in at 8h00 sebedle ithera yonyaka..........LOL.

19 Sep 2008 03:21

BS, that happens on a daily basis where I work. Our company is very big, so the IT Dept. generates and posts on the intranet a top 20 list of sites visited per day and top 20 internet users per day. That list of sites visited has a list of people who visited it and the list of users has the list of sites you visited. I'm always on the top 20 users list, with TVSA right there on top (inqenqeza phambili iTVSA) LOL. 

Yesterday i was no. 9 and my boss was no. 14 (he's a GM), i saw his sites, i think he's looking for a new car, a merc. Ma'facka is getting paid!!!! No privacy here sana............Its for monitering purposes, they won't do much now but when they really really want you out of the company (which happens here) they can use it against you.....

19 Sep 2008 03:27

sh!t, le company yakho Felfel

19 Sep 2008 03:36

Oh yeah Cande i just don't care anymore, i made friends with the boys at IT so they can give me the heads up on anything funny, i call them before i download anything and i ask them to permanently delete my illegal downloads after.

19 Sep 2008 03:50

Its for monitering purposes, they won't do much now but when they really really want you out of the company (which happens here) they can use it against you.....

Yo Felfel, I'm suprised u even still go on the internet. Neway, thina luckily I seem to be the only one that uses TVSA frequently, so it's never listed on the top istes. We get a weekly memo, not a daily one and I am always crossing my fingers TVSA doesn't apear and it hasn't so far *thank u G-zas Amen!!!*
The top visited sites at my work are:
• MSN Messenger
• Skype
• Lime Wire
• Google Eath
And obviously I am guilty for facebook & youtube!!!!

19 Sep 2008 04:00

Like now we are abusing the Internet, Let us all Close the web-pages and do our Jobs Pls Guys kea le kopa, this is going too far....we are going to loose our Jobs,listens to me i dnt want us lose our Mosebetsi's  he he he he he Bathong close the websides

19 Sep 2008 04:08

Like now we are abusing the Internet, Let us all Close the web-pages and do our Jobs Pls 
heheheh Mols, u wish gal, we ain't going nowhere, umzabalazo uyasivumela ukuthi siblog-e & work at the same time......LOL

19 Sep 2008 04:14

Mols, u wish gal, we ain't going nowhere, umzabalazo uyasivumela ukuthi siblog-e & work at the same time......I support dat ...

Molibs, nyc article my skat...

19 Sep 2008 04:22

websides??? Mols

19 Sep 2008 05:02

@molibelis - If you multitask then nothing wrong, unless one is just blogging and doing zilch.

19 Sep 2008 05:07

i sometimes wonder how guy like Andi, Cnglema do it. they seem to block 24 7. if i want to loose my job i just dont do my timesheet for a month, then i know i am gone period.

19 Sep 2008 05:09

@molibelis - If you multitask then nothing wrong, unless one is just blogging and doing zilch.

Then there's some of us that only really work when we are blogging on the side...

19 Sep 2008 05:13

If you multitask then nothing wrong, unless one is just blogging and doing zilch.
It all boils down to multitasking. And besides, some of us would go crazy if they only loooked at their work, we need something light on the side to keep us going coz umsebenzi can be hectic.

19 Sep 2008 05:24

Nna i always come late, and today im going to knock off at 15:00 my boss is woring at the Head Office so he wont saw me i dnt have lunch 2day ke batla ha ke lapa haholo be kele hae,he he eh eh eh eh, what he dnt know wont hurt him

19 Sep 2008 05:28

I ment see me and Working b4 Carino comes in

19 Sep 2008 05:34

I make sure that I clear everything before I log off. 

On the Menu Bar I open Tools, the on the Internet Options menu, I Delete CookiesDelete Files and Clear History.  I also make sure that I go Settings then View Files, select all the files and delete them.

It wipes out everything I am telling you. 

19 Sep 2008 05:35

It all boils down to multitasking. And besides, some of us would go crazy if they only loooked at their work, we need something light on the side to keep us going coz umsebenzi can be hectic. 

True that Nonnzzz... 

Someone who *has the powers*, please highlight this in red and blinking text and put it right on the homepage... for Admin, so they can eliminate the element of surprise...  *website to go live soon(win15)*

19 Sep 2008 05:35

It all boils down to multitasking. And besides, some of us would go crazy if they only loooked at their work, we need something light on the side to keep us going coz umsebenzi can be hectic. 

True that Nonnzzz... 

Someone who *has the powers*, please highlight this in red and blinking text and put it right on the homepage... for Admin, so they can eliminate the element of surprise...  *website to go live soon(win15)*

19 Sep 2008 05:36

It all boils down to multitasking. And besides, some of us would go crazy if they only loooked at their work, we need something light on the side to keep us going coz umsebenzi can be hectic. 

True that Nonnzzz... 

Someone who *has the powers*, please highlight this in red and blinking text and put it right on the homepage... for Admin, so they can eliminate the element of surprise...  *website to go live soon(win15)*

19 Sep 2008 05:36

It all boils down to multitasking. And besides, some of us would go crazy if they only loooked at their work, we need something light on the side to keep us going coz umsebenzi can be hectic. 

True that Nonnzzz... 

Someone who *has the powers*, please highlight this in red and blinking text and put it right on the homepage... for Admin, so they can eliminate the element of surprise...  *website to go live soon(win15)*

19 Sep 2008 05:41

@Sobza, that takes care of your pc but what about the company’s main server or the internet connection service provider’s pc. The stuff you delete from your pc is actually recoverable.

19 Sep 2008 05:49

That's really bad then, I hope they don't check, I will be in a lot of isht

19 Sep 2008 06:46

*website to go live soon(win15)* FUKC DAT SH!T,
nice article Molib.>>>>hopefull dis tym im back for good.

19 Sep 2008 07:10

Bathooooooooooong Srooooo Where have u been gilfriend......i hope u are back 4 Good cause i dnt want 2 lose u from the blog site and to emailsssss, about the Macufe thing,eish i dnt have a palace to sleep i guess i have to book a hotel but i will tell u via the email girl......

@ carino....  *website to go live soon(win15)* this thing happened to me also and i email my friend mstick and she told me to go to goggle and select from there so next time just follow  my footsteps.........print

19 Sep 2008 09:48

*website to go live soon(win15)*

It did the same thing to me from Tuesday to Thursday and now it has stopped and da site opens faster than before

19 Sep 2008 12:27

How to lose your job........ sleep with your boss' wife/daugher......

26 Sep 2008 04:12

Another cut and paste from chain e-mail, Women 24website,, sunday world career section(taken from careerbuilder)...yerrrrrr!

26 Sep 2008 04:22

U are so stupid wake up and smell the Rubber, i hope it kills U..........

@.....How to lose your job........ sleep with your boss' wife/daugher...... U are so cruel my love but hey u wont only lose yr job but yr Teeth also.

26 Sep 2008 04:34

U are the one taking other people's work and passing it as your own...u wake up, IDIOTZ!

26 Sep 2008 05:02

Whats up ka wena sister? are u having Babalazy or mmmmmmm they didnt fuck u well izolo so pls i dont have it im just a LadyP like u and 4 the record im not just the one who do Cut and Paste here sisi most of us do it just to have fun u can ask them even the TVSA team do that they go all the ways to Cut the info 4 us and Paste it 4 us again so i hope wena u wont go around to search an info 4 us and Cut and Paste it like a fool like me......People enjoyed it and they replyed to it so ke sisi take a hike or drink lots of water mabye u feel good.......IDIOTZ ho ho ho...hoh

26 Sep 2008 05:26

Oh my gosh,I thinkI'm gonna lose my job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come late and leave early------Check
Look for another job,using the company's resources-----check
Spend half the day handling personal stuff------check($hiaattt,I just bought me the cutest clutch)

Hand in my reports late-----hold on!!!!!!!!!that hardly happens so maybe I'm safe,for now!!!!

26 Sep 2008 06:24

Take that carrot out of your bum tuuuu..........seee...u r the one who insulted me first and called me names...and what for if I may ask? hmm???for pointing out that this is a chain mail...nigger phuleeeeseeee....u certainly need that glass of water and a good *bleep!* so that you can learn to relax and ease up with the name calling...

by the way great article and writing Mollibelis..I like the way you hv expressed your observations in the work place....happy now?

and who said I'm a woman.....

26 Sep 2008 07:08

Oooooo My Earth looks like u are going to be fired but hey dont stop coming late this is Generation to Generation  We all come late so who are we 2 change it? not on Earth we can change that.......walaaaaaaa ho ho ho

26 Sep 2008 07:12

and then?

26 Sep 2008 07:21

26 Sep 2008 07:27

LOL @ Carino! silent Blogger!

26 Sep 2008 07:28

LOL @ Carino! silent Blogger!

26 Sep 2008 07:53

kunzima, bofsssss

26 Sep 2008 08:00

Eish........... u hit me where it hurt most, Molibi

26 Sep 2008 08:09

@ Tshepiso, im so so sorry my love

26 Sep 2008 08:19

correctionS  - HURTS

26 Sep 2008 08:32


26 Sep 2008 08:39

Thixo, Somandla Nkosi yamazulu...

26 Sep 2008 08:43

Nkos'onofefe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iyhooooooooo  .....
Thixo, Somandla Nkosi yamazulu...

ha ha ha huwiiiiiiiiii dilo ke dilo feeeeeela

what aka mathata
26 Sep 2008 09:17

tell your boss when he\she around there is a always a smell of rotten fish n onion,he will get  what you are talking about,hm.

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