bring back peace day

Written by libra from the blog BECAUSE I CAN ... on 10 Oct 2008
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South Africa,
we love you, our beautiful land.
let's show the whole world we can bring peace in our land.

father, we pray day and night for unity
show us the way father to bridge the gab of hate

we know we hate each other,
never show any love at all.
our lives will never be the same again.
we should have God in our lives all the time.

South Africa,
we love you, our beautiful land.
let's show the whole world we can bring peace in our land

all the nations,stop fighting.
come join hands and be as one ...

the reason i wrote this is that i am pissed at how immoral the world has become,i do not have to mention how bad things are in this world.

religious classes are no longer offered at schools,days such as PEace Day are no longer observed and we wonder why children go around killing thier peers.

i am pissed,may be i should start a campaing to have government reinstate PEace DAy. the day was not even a public holiday - all we had to do was to observe a moment of silent at 12Hoo and encourage peace across the nation.

may be it was Peace DAy that had encourages former President FW De Klerk to release Tata Madiba
from prison and call for a democrary.


10 Oct 2008 01:48

i know this might a bit heavy for a friday but i had to write it.  i couldeven find that peace symbol with two doves that was used for peace day on the intranet.

10 Oct 2008 01:54

Hi Libra -:)
They need to change the constitution qha, we are all victims of crime except most high profiled politicians  hence they dont see the need to consider changing it..

10 Oct 2008 02:35

Peace....Peace...our leaders died in search of this thing called have to begin with Peace @ first it did when President FW De Klerk to released Tata Madiba from prison but now....things are changing....wonder what went it greedyness, jeaolousy, meanness.....???...this is no longer a new South Africa or a Free country....

10 Oct 2008 04:49

10 Oct 2008 04:56

YOU wrote the poem...I thought its that old song written by Chicco long ago in the early post struggel 90's   

oh well its aaight   child evrithing will be OK...its not all gloom and doom you know look on the bright side...I'm sure there is a bright side...I think we need more optimists in the world dontyou think

10 Oct 2008 05:12

yes u are so rite people are losing thier morality and giong around mutilating each other all in the name of 'its a free counrty and i can so do wateva the heci like'. the thing with people lately is that although south african people in the dilemmas that we r facing lately have not resorted to civil wars to show thier frustrations show how grown and at peace we are with how things are panning out. so the peace you are refering to is it on of that there shouldnt be any moral dilemmas or that this inner fighting should stop? 

because obviously its not a good thing when teenagers are killing and raping each other, its just that the moral bone in our body's have stopped growing and tolerance for one has deteriorated but SA is at peace considering wat other countries are facing today. seriously we should be grateful that our stock market isnt plunging that there are no genocides taking place no civil wars and presidents who think they shouldbe dictators so peace in our land is there the standard of tolerance love and morality isnt there

10 Oct 2008 05:27

oh well its aaight child evrithing will be OK...its not all gloom and doom you know look on the bright side...I'm sure there is a bright side...I think we need more optimists in the world dontyou think
I agree Sponza, and guys it's not just abt the "Peace Day", it's about the individual, coz we can have peace day every month, but as long people don't change, that day is irrelevant!!!

10 Oct 2008 07:16

i forgot to acknowlegde, this is chicco's song.

09 Apr 2009 23:51

Sorry but I have to make a reply at this forum off topic, as I think you can help me. I'm from Denmark and back in 1994 I visited your beautiful country for 4 weeks meeting the people. Back then I got to know the song Libra started out with in this topic. My class bought the cassette but it's lost. Can some one help me with some more details about the writer, the record company - maybe a webshop, where I can buy the song as MP3? Thank you so much Else Marie Denmark

14 Apr 2009 09:25

Else-it's sung by Chicco Twala-look for it on the net

17 Nov 2013 23:51

Where can I get this song guys pls email me on

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