Khumbul'ekhaya: Such pain.....

Written by Toxic from the blog inTOXICated on 27 Nov 2008
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This isn't really a recap, more a space to talk about STORY TWO of KK. So glad KK is back to its 9pm slot.

Story 2: Anna and Elsie Mahlangu (sorry no pix)

Meet Anna, a very humble and hard working woman who gave birth to a baby boy years ago. Anna now works as a housekeeper for some woman in Mpumalanga and carries the burden of her heartache with her. At first i thought she was a bit cuckoo but then i realised that the pain she's gone through may have affected her mentally a bit. She speaks in a way i can't describe.

Enter Elsie, Anna's sister. Elsie was in a  relationship with a Joseph Chauke (who later said his surname was Mabaso) who lived in Giyane. For whatever reasons, Elsie wanted to prove to Joseph's family that she could bear children i suppose because she lied that she was pregnant. When she got back home in Mpumalanga, she asked Anna to 'borrow' her her son. Anna refused. 

Anna then tells of how she worked in the fields near her home and her baby would be brought to her for regular feedings (i guess she was breastfeeding). Three weeks later, Elsie abducted her son and took him to Giyani. Anna tells of how she waited for her son to be brought to her for the feeding session and when this didn't happen, she rushed home only to be told that Elsie had taken the baby. She told of how a search for Elsie proved futile as there was no mode of transport to assist in the search and all buses leaving town had left already.

Elsie then returns a week later without the baby and tells Anna that the baby had died and been buried in Giyani! WTF?!

So Anna goes to see Elsie before they depart for Giyani and asks her once more about the baby. I have never wished for my TV set to open up so i can strangle someone as much as i did last night. For Elsie, this matter has been discussed ad nauseum, she doesn't understand why they can't let by gones be bygones and frankly  Anna must stop letting other people get in between them with lies....if it wasn't so sad, i would have burst out in hysterics. In the end, Elsie shed crocodile tears, Anna comforted her and they left for Giyani.

They eventually got there and it was revealed that Joseph wasn't even around when Elsie brought the baby to his home. Joseph fired a string of questions to Elsie about what she had done and in the end Anna was shown the place where her son was 'laid to rest'.

Cause of death: FLU
Reason why Elsie didn't inform Anna about the death: Anna didn't have a phone.

I fail to see how anyone could do this and claim to be sane. i could not see why she even felt she had to do it as the people that buried the baby had also passed on so i was left with so many questions than answers! Elsie, i hope something terrible happens to you and SOON!



27 Nov 2008 11:16

I have never wished for my TV set to open up so i can strangle someone as much as i did last night.
Yho, mee too Toxic.
The nerve of that woman, I was soo angry when she said that her mother won't see heaven...damn, as if she will!

And what's with Anna taking a stone from the grave instead of digging her child?
If I were the child's father I would be on my way to Venda NOW dragging  that witch(Elsie) along. Damn, I'm still furious!

27 Nov 2008 11:19

I felt like punching Elsie thru my screen

27 Nov 2008 11:23

 this episode was just too traumatic -----how do you do such thing to your own blood?  since when do children die from flu? 

Anna will remain with a lot of unanswered questions forever, how do you ever make peace with this and move on? Haai no

27 Nov 2008 11:27

That skeberesh Elsie doesnt have show any remorse whatsoever! She carries on as if a dog died and a hole was dug for it - end of the story! Ah batho bang mara, how do you live with yourself .  i cant understand gore how is Anna still able to have a sort of normal relationship with her - i would be in prison pantiting for my dead baby!

27 Nov 2008 11:31

I was so disturbed for Anna and angry at this Elsie woman... The only explanation I could come up with was that the child was killed by her and Joseph's mother, perhaps to make some muti for Joseph.
There isnt any other explanation besides whichcraft.

27 Nov 2008 11:32

WTF?!? I can't believe I didn't watch.

Shuga babe
27 Nov 2008 11:35

Else stole the baby because she wanted to please her boyfriend, maybe she thought that if she get pregnant the man will come home. 

then she killed the baby. because her boyfriend told her the baby was not his. she didn't want him to come back home and see the baby. so she thought  its better when the baby is gone the man will have no proof that the baby wasn't theirs. the FLU never kills haybo that woman is a witch. 

Anna is so blessed to be who she is, there are few people in this world who just like her, she is way tooooooooooooo sweet and kind. i was gonna panel beat my sister *sterek* .

27 Nov 2008 11:35

Obviously, I did not see this cause I don't have access to SABC and E-TV,...  but damn this is sad.

<<For whatever reasons, Elsie wanted to prove to Joseph's family that she could bear children i suppose because she lied that she was pregnant. When she got back home in Mpumalanga, she asked Anna to 'borrow' her her son. Anna refused. >>

Borrow for how long?  Show them the son, and then what?  Bring the baby back to his mother and tell Joseph's family what?  

Elsie is crazy!  Makes me think of Observer's series,  things we do for love.

<<Elsie then returns a week later without the baby and tells Anna that the baby had died and been buried in Giyani! WTF?! >>

She obviously can't look after children, in less than a week she killed the baby.  God is wise, he knows why she is barren.

Anna should have insisted on an investigation surrounding the curcimstance of  death of her baby

<<In the end, Elsie shed crocodile tears, Anna comforted her and they left for Giyani.>>

Yoh, Anna is a good person.  I would have strangled Elsie.

27 Nov 2008 11:41

How can she bury her own sister's daughter without her being there??? I cant believe this woman, there is something they are hiding

27 Nov 2008 11:16

I have never wished for my TV set to open up so i can strangle someone as much as i did last night.
Yho, mee too Toxic.
The nerve of that woman, I was soo angry when she said that her mother won't see heaven...damn, as if she will!

And what's with Anna taking a stone from the grave instead of digging her child?
If I were the child's father I would be on my way to Venda NOW dragging  that witch(Elsie) along. Damn, I'm still furious!

27 Nov 2008 11:19

I felt like punching Elsie thru my screen

27 Nov 2008 11:44

sad indeed..............

27 Nov 2008 11:23

 this episode was just too traumatic -----how do you do such thing to your own blood?  since when do children die from flu? 

Anna will remain with a lot of unanswered questions forever, how do you ever make peace with this and move on? Haai no

27 Nov 2008 11:44

I also suspect it had something to do with Muti, why did they not let Anna see the baby before they bury the baby??

27 Nov 2008 11:27

That skeberesh Elsie doesnt have show any remorse whatsoever! She carries on as if a dog died and a hole was dug for it - end of the story! Ah batho bang mara, how do you live with yourself .  i cant understand gore how is Anna still able to have a sort of normal relationship with her - i would be in prison pantiting for my dead baby!

27 Nov 2008 11:47

i did not watch, 
did Anna ask for the baby's death certificate???

maybe that would give some sort of closure.
Eish mara some people are heartless yazi

27 Nov 2008 11:31

I was so disturbed for Anna and angry at this Elsie woman... The only explanation I could come up with was that the child was killed by her and Joseph's mother, perhaps to make some muti for Joseph.
There isnt any other explanation besides whichcraft.

27 Nov 2008 11:32

WTF?!? I can't believe I didn't watch.

27 Nov 2008 11:50

@WhiteSockGirl  -She obviously can't look after children, in less than a week she killed the baby. God is wise, he knows why she is barren. 

the girl who wrote to Khumbula khaya is  her daughter. she mentioned that when saying her aunt ( Elsie)always ask her to please ask her mom where is the baby.

Shuga babe
27 Nov 2008 11:35

Else stole the baby because she wanted to please her boyfriend, maybe she thought that if she get pregnant the man will come home. 

then she killed the baby. because her boyfriend told her the baby was not his. she didn't want him to come back home and see the baby. so she thought  its better when the baby is gone the man will have no proof that the baby wasn't theirs. the FLU never kills haybo that woman is a witch. 

Anna is so blessed to be who she is, there are few people in this world who just like her, she is way tooooooooooooo sweet and kind. i was gonna panel beat my sister *sterek* .

27 Nov 2008 11:50

I thought Anna was mentally disturbed or something she didnt look normal and her boss she is so sweet hope she was not pretending

27 Nov 2008 11:35

Obviously, I did not see this cause I don't have access to SABC and E-TV,...  but damn this is sad.

<<For whatever reasons, Elsie wanted to prove to Joseph's family that she could bear children i suppose because she lied that she was pregnant. When she got back home in Mpumalanga, she asked Anna to 'borrow' her her son. Anna refused. >>

Borrow for how long?  Show them the son, and then what?  Bring the baby back to his mother and tell Joseph's family what?  

Elsie is crazy!  Makes me think of Observer's series,  things we do for love.

<<Elsie then returns a week later without the baby and tells Anna that the baby had died and been buried in Giyani! WTF?! >>

She obviously can't look after children, in less than a week she killed the baby.  God is wise, he knows why she is barren.

Anna should have insisted on an investigation surrounding the curcimstance of  death of her baby

<<In the end, Elsie shed crocodile tears, Anna comforted her and they left for Giyani.>>

Yoh, Anna is a good person.  I would have strangled Elsie.

27 Nov 2008 11:50

blueroze i dont even think this child was declared dead by a medical expert, dont think they even took the baby to a mortuary

27 Nov 2008 11:41

How can she bury her own sister's daughter without her being there??? I cant believe this woman, there is something they are hiding

27 Nov 2008 11:44

sad indeed..............

27 Nov 2008 11:44

I also suspect it had something to do with Muti, why did they not let Anna see the baby before they bury the baby??

27 Nov 2008 11:57

I didn't watch I was too tired last night but this sounds painful. So Elsie lied about being pregnant. How did she pull it off did she put things in her stomach to make it look big?

Anna even if you can't read this, but God sees your pain... (eish I'm holding tears I would cried my eyes out if I was watching)

27 Nov 2008 12:00

@Maud:  I was referring to Elsie being barren,...  and unable to look after a baby.

Thanks for the clarification.  

Eish, I can't over the tragic that your sister can stole your baby, the baby died,.. and then just bury the baby without letting you know...

I won't stop obsessing about this now,...

27 Nov 2008 11:47

i did not watch, 
did Anna ask for the baby's death certificate???

maybe that would give some sort of closure.
Eish mara some people are heartless yazi

27 Nov 2008 12:00

Sumthin aint ryt!! 
Duz KK do sumthin bout it, or they just re unite people, en never investigate the tru facts behind the whole story?

27 Nov 2008 11:50

@WhiteSockGirl  -She obviously can't look after children, in less than a week she killed the baby. God is wise, he knows why she is barren. 

the girl who wrote to Khumbula khaya is  her daughter. she mentioned that when saying her aunt ( Elsie)always ask her to please ask her mom where is the baby.

27 Nov 2008 12:04

Elsie is a sweet woman. I will never ever forgive someone who killed my baby. Anna must have done something to that baby. It's shocking because she even made her suster feel guilty for asking where her baby was.

No wonder she is so ugly NX! Looks like she smeered her face with ash coal and didn't get the laying properly.

I was fuming and crying at the same time. Elsie must go and check if the baby is really buried there. I don't believe it@ People can be so cruel yazi.

27 Nov 2008 11:50

I thought Anna was mentally disturbed or something she didnt look normal and her boss she is so sweet hope she was not pretending

27 Nov 2008 11:50

blueroze i dont even think this child was declared dead by a medical expert, dont think they even took the baby to a mortuary

27 Nov 2008 12:09

Oops guys I mixed up the names up cause you know elsie and "sweet" are enemies.

The fury makes me not think straight!

27 Nov 2008 11:57

I didn't watch I was too tired last night but this sounds painful. So Elsie lied about being pregnant. How did she pull it off did she put things in her stomach to make it look big?

Anna even if you can't read this, but God sees your pain... (eish I'm holding tears I would cried my eyes out if I was watching)

27 Nov 2008 12:00

@Maud:  I was referring to Elsie being barren,...  and unable to look after a baby.

Thanks for the clarification.  

Eish, I can't over the tragic that your sister can stole your baby, the baby died,.. and then just bury the baby without letting you know...

I won't stop obsessing about this now,...

27 Nov 2008 12:00

Sumthin aint ryt!! 
Duz KK do sumthin bout it, or they just re unite people, en never investigate the tru facts behind the whole story?

27 Nov 2008 12:04

Elsie is a sweet woman. I will never ever forgive someone who killed my baby. Anna must have done something to that baby. It's shocking because she even made her suster feel guilty for asking where her baby was.

No wonder she is so ugly NX! Looks like she smeered her face with ash coal and didn't get the laying properly.

I was fuming and crying at the same time. Elsie must go and check if the baby is really buried there. I don't believe it@ People can be so cruel yazi.

27 Nov 2008 12:09

Oops guys I mixed up the names up cause you know elsie and "sweet" are enemies.

The fury makes me not think straight!

27 Nov 2008 12:24

Nna what puzzled me the most, was how can she bury anada woman's child without letting the mother know, or attend the funeral even ( sebete se sekalo o se nka kae), her story is just not making sense 4 me.  

Anna is a beatiful woman inside, and God will bless her 4 dat.  but i think she must hire a PI, and found out the real story.

As for Elsie, she is going 2 get HERS shem ... if she hasn't already, coz 2 me she looked beat.  What she did to her own sista was wrong & selfish
I went to bed with a heavy heart, feeling sorry for Anna.  
And as 4 Elsie's daughter for trying to make peace between her family God bless her

27 Nov 2008 12:32

did not watch.....eish mara its sounds like a sad one...
how long ago did the baby get stolen by elsie????
how old was the baby when it was stolen and how long did Anna take to go to khumbulekhaya??

when is the repeat?

27 Nov 2008 12:33

@Luksta: Is Elsie staying in Venda now? i did not watch the show but i saw that you are saying that if it was you you will be on your way to Venda to drag that witch.

27 Nov 2008 12:37

The death certificate, was it produced?

27 Nov 2008 12:42

Gosh that woman looks like a witch!!!

27 Nov 2008 12:44

Monchooza the baby was 3 months when he was stolen, it was in 1979...Elsie left with the baby and came back a week later without the baby

27 Nov 2008 12:45

OMG!!!! Im kicking myself coz i felt asleep with the 1st story mfimmmm maan

27 Nov 2008 12:45

i meant 3 weeks when Elsie took him

27 Nov 2008 12:48

there was no death certificate. All we were told came from Anna and Elsie's mouths.

Poor Anna. She couldn't believe that it really was her son that had been buried underneath that rondavel. She even asked if there wasn't another child of her son's age when Elsie brought him (suggesting a switch). I still can't get over how pained that woman is.

To think that Elsie has a daughter now and all Anna has are memories....S.A.D!

27 Nov 2008 12:49

I did not watch but reading this makes me sick in the stomach!!! 
I am in tears right now........... Elsie deverves to be locked and throw away the keys, how can she do that to her own sister? My God please help me and my son, and all the mothers out there Amen!!!

27 Nov 2008 12:50

elsie is a liar, when first the KK peolpe interviewed her she said Anna agreed to lend her the child(in there such a thing as lending someone yo kid). when talking to her sister she says their mom agreed that she sholud take the kid.  that women .

when she reach the Boyfriend place the child was already dead, so the child died on the way, only her knows what she did to the child. 

moa thinks maybe she covered the child in a way that the child couldnt breath. from wwhen she stole the kid in Mpumalanga to Giyane the child got Flue and died the same day . dont believe it, but i also dont knopw much about the children.

when she asked if there are any clothes(the chid clothes left) and they said no, the only thionk she has of her son is that stine she got from the grave eish.

how could elsie do that to her little sister , as she said Anna is the last born instead of protecting her, she hurt her the most. 

what i dont get is elsie has a child (daughter) why does she go around stealing her siistas only child, that women doesnt have a heart .

let me read other replies. i was touched by that story

27 Nov 2008 12:50

Huh? 3 weeks Cande? Or maybe guys sebemdlele umuti noAnna. Nithi guys she was soft & kind? I guess they r done ngoAnna. Ababaloyi!!!!

27 Nov 2008 12:59

Gosh that woman looks like a witch!!!
what does one look like...i have missed out yesterday....period

27 Nov 2008 13:03

i was so hurt yesterday(first it was that article by Madomado abot death, then KK) ... i dont think ukuthi the child is real dead, how i wished they'll dig that place to see id they find any form of a born, takes it for test and alles .... that Elsie woman is heartless and a liar.... No one can bury a child with the mother's presence.. why didnt she take child bach when he was sick? They must puther to that lies-detector machine.

off to look after y pot

27 Nov 2008 13:12

Huh? 3 weeks Cande? Or maybe guys sebemdlele umuti noAnna. Nithi guys she was soft & kind? I guess they r done ngoAnna. Ababaloyi

@ myname :
anna didnt really belive the child was dead, she tought her sista left the child in Giyane, cause she even asked if that home(joseph home) didnt have a child exactly  the same age as hers that was stolen by her sista. 

and she really luvs her sista, hence she didnt even report her to the police for stealing and i belive killing her child. 

i am glad Joseph mother kicked herout after the funeral.

27 Nov 2008 13:18

Hai maan, i have never cried so much in my life, i am still hurting.

From what i gather, the boyfriend did not leave there, so this F#acken woman went to the man's family and they himthat Elsie came with a baby, and he was asking himself hore who's baby was it. i mean why would he ask himself that. if he knew that she was pregnant. even the mamezala didnt they see that she was not pregnant? i mean she only went home for the day then come back so soon. where the hell did she give birth or raise that child?or did she stay home for a longer time?

Nna i think that bloody Elsie and her  mamezale where involved in some satanist thingie or withcraft  thingies because how can a baby die after a week from flu? and why didnt she take the baby home when it was sick or make up a story so sh e can live. how was she going to pretend to be feeding the baby because the breasts obviously didnt have milk?? they *bleep!* sacrifieced with that poor baby to get into that  church. or mamezala said that she had to do that so that  she can be accepted in the family. it is very hard to pull off having a baby if you didnt give birth to, because of the milk. 

Anna was wondering if there was no child at the same time in the house. maybe she thinks the sister ssold the baby. shame maan!!!

hai this is making me cry all over  again. i wish shey could just dig that place, make some tests on the remains. surely there should be something they can use for the evidence.

27 Nov 2008 13:20

why is TVSA so slender?

27 Nov 2008 13:23

Gosh that woman looks like a witch!!!
what does one look like...i have missed out yesterday....period

Like Elsie!! LOL

27 Nov 2008 13:25

Something is realy fishy in this case

27 Nov 2008 13:43

hey Tox. i know dude that Elsie should be shot. priod. feeling violent lately and cant stand people who abuse others. how can you do this to your own sister?

Sana Lwam
27 Nov 2008 13:44

I also suspect witchcraft, Elsie didnt for once give a straight forward answer. The Joseph Chauke/Mabasa guy is also shady. I dont think Anna is quite mentally stable and that is why Elsie took advantage of her. Again money or not she never made an effort to go and find the child/remains in all those years. Umzilele kanjani umtana wakhe?(How did she mourn for her child?)

27 Nov 2008 13:54

To the KK team. Please could you advice Anna to press charges of some sort against elsie and have this investigated further. If she requires any sort of financial help achieving this then I'm sure a lot of people will be more than willing to help. Help her to open a trust account where people can donate.  I don't think this elsie woman will be allowed even in hell  coz she's worse than the devil himself. It's clear that something is not being said here.

27 Nov 2008 14:20

The Bible says we mustn't judge but that Elsie woman is a WITCH!!

27 Nov 2008 14:28

KK was heart breaking period. Ngathi bangavele bamfunele iPyschologist uAnna because it is clear that she is not mentally stable an ordeal of losing a child in such a manner, really sad. 

27 Nov 2008 14:32

very sad episode indeed-i also think it was witchcraft related.  i also thought they should have exhumed the body for tests, that is possible after all this years right?

there was another story on Lerato who went missing and they said she has a baby?how did she fall preganant (ok i know how people fall pregnant) my thinking is that someone took advantage on her mental status and abused her.but then again the friend on the insert said they used to go to parties.

but how do you as a parent alow a mentally unstable child to have that kind of freedom.or she only become mentally unstable after the preggies.  sometimes KK stories leaves you with way too many questions.

big ups to SABC for returning KK to its well desrved timeslot.

27 Nov 2008 15:18

I was shocked at Elsie woman, she didn't show any remorse towards what she had done, even if its like 29 yrs ago but her sister is still hurting. How can she steal her sister's baby and who knows maybe mamezala knew nothing, how do we know she is not there to defend herself. Elsie is not ashamed to say to her sister their mother wil not go to heaven on national TV, she deserves to be moered on the streets. I cant even comment on this i'm lost for words your own sister stealing and killing your child and not bother to notify you.

27 Nov 2008 15:44

Hayi bathong I didn't watch the episode!!! Someone please tell me when is the repeat!!!

This sounds really sad...I would have killed her in front of the cameras so that the police wouldn't have to go far to find me!!!

Brown Shuga
27 Nov 2008 18:47

I don't usually get gripped by the KK stories but this one caught my attention and I was as upset as you were Tox. That woman did something to that doubt!

27 Nov 2008 19:47

lemme tell you about the ancestors...they get really angry if they are when Elsie lied and said she's preggers..the Venda ancestors expected her to bring the child..but she brought back somebody elses child..and the ancestors  where so angry.."bayicindezela  yashona" I've seen it happen in rural areas with a lot of ancestorial (sp) fact Josephs' parents might have tried "introducing" the child to the ancestors using some incense or muthi and he died becoz ancesotrs saw a stranger....

sounds farfetched..but hey....these things are complex...  as for the sistaz both of them are a bit...unstable...

28 Nov 2008 05:48

All I can say is, ELSIE and the mother in law know what they did with the child. I was so pissed off when Elsie told her sister (ANNA) that "angeke alingene izulu" what does she know with heaven that witch, mnxim.............

All Anna needed to do was to sent that witch to prison.

28 Nov 2008 09:05

WTF? Where has anyone heard of borrowign a child. What upsets me the most was that Elsie said to Joseph "uzovele uyiyeke lendaba, angisakhulumi"
Where in any black culture have you heard of kids leaving the house and traveling  so far from home. I would be in prison now for MURDERING Elsie.

28 Nov 2008 09:09

figuring out the time difference on tvsa is like a complicated mathematical problem......

28 Nov 2008 09:17

@ Libra....apparently Lerato was okay until the birth of her baby. i suspect she must have fallen into a depression mode and was unable to recover, otherwise before that she was just a normal teenager.

Brown Shuga
27 Nov 2008 18:47

I don't usually get gripped by the KK stories but this one caught my attention and I was as upset as you were Tox. That woman did something to that doubt!

27 Nov 2008 19:47

lemme tell you about the ancestors...they get really angry if they are when Elsie lied and said she's preggers..the Venda ancestors expected her to bring the child..but she brought back somebody elses child..and the ancestors  where so angry.."bayicindezela  yashona" I've seen it happen in rural areas with a lot of ancestorial (sp) fact Josephs' parents might have tried "introducing" the child to the ancestors using some incense or muthi and he died becoz ancesotrs saw a stranger....

sounds farfetched..but hey....these things are complex...  as for the sistaz both of them are a bit...unstable...

28 Nov 2008 05:48

All I can say is, ELSIE and the mother in law know what they did with the child. I was so pissed off when Elsie told her sister (ANNA) that "angeke alingene izulu" what does she know with heaven that witch, mnxim.............

All Anna needed to do was to sent that witch to prison.

28 Nov 2008 10:47

This shows how our world can be cruel out there

We must all be thankful of what we have than grief when it' s gone
Always thank god for the daily giving that he gives you and remember that he is the light, the way, the teacher, the lord and the truth

We must always serve him through good and worse times as he is the creator and Jehovah the provider

My god bless you all who were touched by the story in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit

28 Nov 2008 09:05

WTF? Where has anyone heard of borrowign a child. What upsets me the most was that Elsie said to Joseph "uzovele uyiyeke lendaba, angisakhulumi"
Where in any black culture have you heard of kids leaving the house and traveling  so far from home. I would be in prison now for MURDERING Elsie.

28 Nov 2008 09:09

figuring out the time difference on tvsa is like a complicated mathematical problem......

28 Nov 2008 09:17

@ Libra....apparently Lerato was okay until the birth of her baby. i suspect she must have fallen into a depression mode and was unable to recover, otherwise before that she was just a normal teenager.

DJ Why why
28 Nov 2008 13:17

@ Carino: The only explanation I could come up with was that the child was killed by her and Joseph's mother, perhaps to make some muti for Joseph. 

At first I also thought it must have been a baby she stole for muti, but realised how cockoo cockoo she is , I actually thought she would tell the truth when she saw Joe. I can imagine her  crying and becoming comforted. I just pray that she did strangle the child so that Jowie cud grieve wif her and pay attention to her. Damn that woman.

28 Nov 2008 10:47

This shows how our world can be cruel out there

We must all be thankful of what we have than grief when it' s gone
Always thank god for the daily giving that he gives you and remember that he is the light, the way, the teacher, the lord and the truth

We must always serve him through good and worse times as he is the creator and Jehovah the provider

My god bless you all who were touched by the story in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit

DJ Why why
28 Nov 2008 13:17

@ Carino: The only explanation I could come up with was that the child was killed by her and Joseph's mother, perhaps to make some muti for Joseph. 

At first I also thought it must have been a baby she stole for muti, but realised how cockoo cockoo she is , I actually thought she would tell the truth when she saw Joe. I can imagine her  crying and becoming comforted. I just pray that she did strangle the child so that Jowie cud grieve wif her and pay attention to her. Damn that woman.

28 Nov 2008 17:06

I still think she sold the baby 4whatever reason, I know this happened a long time ago(1979 if i'm not mistaken) but isn't there something, anything that can be done to find out if the baby really died n buried there?
iknow this is crazy but nna I'd kill someone 4 my child.

Brown Shuga
28 Nov 2008 17:41

Maybe that "baby" is one of the bloggers....who knows.....

28 Nov 2008 18:10

he hehehhehhehhee tl tl tl..LOL

28 Nov 2008 17:06

I still think she sold the baby 4whatever reason, I know this happened a long time ago(1979 if i'm not mistaken) but isn't there something, anything that can be done to find out if the baby really died n buried there?
iknow this is crazy but nna I'd kill someone 4 my child.

Brown Shuga
28 Nov 2008 17:41

Maybe that "baby" is one of the bloggers....who knows.....

28 Nov 2008 18:10

he hehehhehhehhee tl tl tl..LOL

28 Nov 2008 19:08

Yhe maan uElsie khange ayithethe yonke inyani, uyoyikeka nalapha ebusweni that animal look yakhe indenze ndabanda and she did not show any remorse 4 what she did. NO NO NO  there has got be a way for ukuba akhe ayophendula kuDeborah Patta ku3rd Degree.

28 Nov 2008 19:08

Yhe maan uElsie khange ayithethe yonke inyani, uyoyikeka nalapha ebusweni that animal look yakhe indenze ndabanda and she did not show any remorse 4 what she did. NO NO NO  there has got be a way for ukuba akhe ayophendula kuDeborah Patta ku3rd Degree.

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Soapie Digest - June 2024

Cast your vote for your fave shows by tap-tapping through this wrap of all the teasers on TVSA.

New on TV today: Saturday 1 June 2024

Season 20 of The Bachelorette begins on M-Net, but Don't Forget the Lyrics on eReality.

Queendom Teasers - June 2024

As dark secrets are revealed, Mkhuseli begins to see his father in a new light.

Titli Teasers - June 2024

Titli's makeup gets washed away and the Mehtas see the bruises on her face.

New on TV today: Friday 31 May 2024

How to Ruin Love: The Proposal drops on Netflix and Survivor returns to M-Net.

Isitha: The Enemy 2 Teasers - June 2024

Jailbird alert! Rebs finds herself pleading with a warden to put her in a single cell.

Sibongile & The Dlaminis Teasers - June 2024

Sibongile's business receives a huge boost, but her joy soon turns to tears.

Bitter Sweet Love Teasers - June 2024

Kunal and Vandana rush to rescue Tara from kidnappers.

New on TV today: Thursday 30 May 2024

A drama and a comedy drop on Netflix and S3 investigates Young Sex for Sale in Japan.

My Brother's Keeper 2 Teasers - June 2024

Baby daddy drama engulfs Fakazile in a storm of hospital chaos and reveals.


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