Slumdog Millionaire Premiere

Written by Segololo from the blog TeleSegolic View Vision on 17 Feb 2009
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The exclusive premiere for the movie that ensured Jerusalema did not get an Oscar nomination was held at Cedar Square, tonite (17/02/2009) at my favourite movie house – Cinema Nouveau. The sound comes out so clear and perfect at this movie theatre that I swear the seats vibrate. Anyway, this event was dubbed an Oscar night and had all the glitz, glam and celebs to ensure that it was just that; Oscar evening event! Even the former Deputy President of the country, Phumzile Mlambo-Nquka, was there! 

The entrance area as we arrived had stil-pics from the movie, a red carpet with 2 Oscar statues and celebs galore... 

Arriving at the theatre 

The movie is based on a book previously published as Q&A by Vikas Swarup, who came to the event with his beautiful and graceful wife, Alasma Swarup. A thrilling love story that transcends over years; through danger, starvation, poverty and betrayal. The story is about a young man in India who has entered the show “Who wants to be a millionaire?” and finds himself on the wrong side of the law when he is accused of cheating. He is imprisoned and now has to tell how he knew the answer to all the questions. Thrilling stuff! 


The movie sparked a lot of controversy as it is not your typical Indian Bollywood film where the families live in nice spacious homes and dance away all their problems after every second scene. It shows all the not-so-nice things to know about India; the poverty, the religious battles, the slumdogs lives, the tin houses... EVERYTHING!! 

I am cheering for the movie to take all those Oscars next week! 



Movie scenes...

Spotted a couple of celebs in their Oscar best...and no-one behaved badly... and everybody was eager to have their pics taken. 

Phumzile meeting the author, Vikas Swarup.

Author Vikas and his wife Alasma

newlyweds balas
The newlyweds, Zwai and Melanie Bala

The guys... it took a while for them to take a serious pic

Azania Ndoro in a stunning dress... she is ssssssooooooo beautiful. Total Bliss!!

sizwe... Are those crocs?

Hlubi and friend(I forgot her name)

Sammy and Rapulana

Another Newlywed couple, Gerry and Husband!! I love this woman!

Emmanuel.. who did not want to take pics with his date... 

Terry and friend (I forgot her name)

Ndalamo and partner (I really should have asked for nnames but there were too many celebs)

Funny man David Kau, who also refused to take pics with his beautiful wife... tjerrr! they look lovely together!

One thing I got from the movie (and also avoiding to give away too much) is "Sometimes you have to literally go through *bleep!* to achieve your dreams - SO DONT EVER LET *bleep!* STAND IN YOUR WAY TO GETTING TO  THAT DREAM..."


tha - bang
18 Feb 2009 08:17

Sego slumdog was not nominated as best foreign language picture,its in the mainstream category of best picture, best director and i think screenplay.since it was funded and produced by a hollywood studio and its predominetly shot in english.but im looking forward to seeing it nonetheless.

18 Feb 2009 08:39

uTerry ungathi uhlamba ngobisi....beautiful skin.

Will watch this one one day...

Ms. Jay
18 Feb 2009 08:39

I am dying to watch this movie - all this hype about it!

18 Feb 2009 08:41

Hehe Sego, you really rub shoulders with South Africa's cream of the crop ne? Nice one gal!

Anyway,after the Golden Globes, I really wanted to see this...I can't wait till I can...which will be when by the way?

18 Feb 2009 08:50

Its was a very good movie, but i kinda expected more. Personally i dont think it is best motion picture of the year material.

This movie has been slammed by most of Bollywood cause it was directed by Danny Boyle (he did Trainspotting) and they feel he made Mumbai look bad. They said the Westerners loved it cause, "The West loves to see us as a wasteland, filled with horror stories of exploitation and degradation"

Guess they wanted it done by one of their own Directors

If only all the SA movie premieres we went to were this jacked up. 

18 Feb 2009 09:11

I guess this is everyone who was not invited at the Gauteng Youth Commission function in Sandton?????

Didn't Azania with her boring personality wore the same dress at the Metros last year?

Let me read....

18 Feb 2009 09:19

your typical Indian Bollywood film where the families live in nice spacious homes and dance away all their problems after every second>>> LOL!!

Sizwe looks like a retard in tht pic, no offence to retards.

Sammy and Seputla>>>???????Seputla thats Rapulana Sego.LOL.

I have to see this!! Ciao Baby serves the best meals.

18 Feb 2009 09:28

I guess this is everyone who was not invited at the Gauteng Youth Commission function in Sandton?????

Didn't Azania with her boring personality wore the same dress at the Metros last year? 

tl tl tl tl tl tl

18 Feb 2009 09:37

<<Anyway,after the Golden Globes, I really wanted to see this...I can't wait till I can...which will be when by the way? >> Check the Ster-kinekor website, Rene...  

mjj<<I guess this is everyone who was not invited at the Gauteng Youth Commission function in Sandton?????>> I was invited to the DInner with the Primier but I snubbed Paul Mashatile for this. Let's just say those that pitched at this premier felt they needed some entertainment and not politics... and I knew you and Shugs were going there... any of you two blogging about the speech from the GP Primier... 

Thanks, Belzy! I was tired maan... uploaded this article at 12:30 am...

18 Feb 2009 09:39

Sego - the Oscars are this SUnday sisi.....i took leave today just to watch 4 of the Oscar Nominated Movies......i start at 3 and will finish at 12am 2moro morning.....Its going to be a long day....

offline - nam i was rubbing sholders with "fake" "Black Diamonds" and Politicians at the Gauteng Youth Commission dinner........i don't have pics so i'm not writing a blog...unless sweety my baby can send a few pics to me (she was also at the event looking so glamarous).....

18 Feb 2009 09:39

I guess this is everyone who was not invited at the Gauteng Youth Commission function in Sandton?????

he he he, actually i chose watching a movie over listening to Paul Mashatile speak.
Heard i missed out on lots of booze after.

18 Feb 2009 09:44

Thanks, ngwana!!! Clearly you were might have been looking at me buzz everywhere and did not want to introduce yourself... lol! 

Did you like the movie?

18 Feb 2009 09:45

Sego - good choice....the only good thing about the Premiere's event was Thandiswa, Theo from Mafikizolo and RJ Benjamin's performance......also the free booz, nice food, and great company(Networking).......the rest were just a bore........

After the event i'm convinced i need to move my "political party" memebership to a Jozi branch....

Belz - i was introduced to Ciao Baby last year in July by a good friend of mine....must say I love the place better than

18 Feb 2009 09:49

This weekend Renegade......

I encourage people to watch most of the Oscar Nominated movies b4 the actual awards so they can have something to say about the winners.....Its my tradition to watch at least 8 of the Oscar Nominated movies.......

This year my aim to to watch at least 10....but its costly because most of them are shown at Cinema Nouveau

18 Feb 2009 09:57

I am dying to watch this movie - all this hype about it! same as me Jael

18 Feb 2009 09:57

I've never been to Cinema Nouveau, so mjj, this movie will be at Ster Kinekor this weekend already???

18 Feb 2009 10:00

Segolo i'm a shy blogger.
It was a very sweet movie, i like Fairy Tales. Just need someone to explain the whole money in the bath scene to me, i didnt get that.

18 Feb 2009 10:02

@ Mjj, save you money and dont watch Burn After Reading - just a whole lot of rubbish.

18 Feb 2009 10:05

Belz - I'm not sure about Ster Kinekor but i do know that Cnema Nouveau will be showing it by this weekend......

Let me go to the GYM......i need to concentrate when i watch the 4 movies later this afternoon......

Belz we can watch the movie on saturday afternoon b4 our saturday evening "soccer date"......i'LL PAY FOR YOU.....

18 Feb 2009 10:09

LOL!!!mjj sure man, i didnt know u were my date for the soccer, but its all good! lol. you will pay for me,?? thank God there are still pple like you in this world!!! see on you saturday then.

18 Feb 2009 10:48

What a BRILLIANT movie....ok, let me go read

18 Feb 2009 11:00

This movie has been slammed by most of Bollywood cause it was directed by Danny Boyle (he did Trainspotting) and they feel he made Mumbai look bad.
Tjo it looked terrible...but maybe they must be happy for the publicity, maybe the world will stand up and take note. 

Hau ngwana you were there, i could have hung out with you while Sego was snapping away mos...

uTerry ungathi uhlamba ngobisi....beautiful skin.
She is gorgeous and a lovely personality too!!!!

Terry and friend (I forgot her name)
Thats Mampho Molete Brescia, she acts on Jacob's Coss....she had too much make up, yesas!!!

Hlubi and friend(I forgot her name)
Thats Diopelo Mapathe (i think)... I wonder why Hlubi did not bring her cat befriending

18 Feb 2009 11:08

Terry and friend (I forgot her name)
Thats Mampho Molete Brescia, she acts on Jacob's Coss....she had too much make up, yesas!!! LOL ngathi chocolate ice cream

Hlubi and friend(I forgot her name)
Thats Diopelo Mapathe (i think)... I wonder why Hlubi did not bring her cat befriending You r so BAD D!

18 Feb 2009 11:49

dont myname I love that woman

18 Feb 2009 11:59

What i've done now Molilo?

18 Feb 2009 12:01

the tin houses... LMAO

Another Newlywed couple, Gerry and Husband!! are these two still newly weds?

Ndalamo and partner> Partner must gym, she still has baby tummy, aai no, it is not attractive

Didn't Azania with her boring personality wore the same dress at the Metros last year? >>>wena mara mjj o rata go tshwenya, Aza is a lady, whether she repeats dresses or not.

18 Feb 2009 12:08

@myname this is what u wrote akere
"Terry and friend (I forgot her name)
Thats Mampho Molete Brescia, she acts on Jacob's Coss....she had too much make up, yesas!!! LOL ngathi chocolate ice cream" LOL

18 Feb 2009 12:20

Hawu bathong, i thought this was a recap of some dstv show. CONGRATS SEGO on getting celeb pix! Phela wena YR articles are famous for missing pictures. Now i'm looking forward to seeing this movie.

18 Feb 2009 12:26

@Molilo, Oh askis maar it was D who started this

18 Feb 2009 12:29

Apology accepted myname LOL

18 Feb 2009 12:51

@Molilo, Oh askis maar it was D who started this
hahahah Myname do not use my name  (excuse the pun) in vain...
i was telling what i saw...phela u sistas was red or is it pink on the cheeks

19 Feb 2009 16:53

thanks Sego
Emmanuel's smile...
eeww  maybe thats how he looks when he's doing a number 2... LOL

(and why are your pics a bit blurry?)

I cant believe someone thinks Azania has a boring personality...eish diffreent strokes for different folks..i guess...mina I like her laid back attitude  and i can relate to mmost of the things she says on her show-age wise

as for Ndalamo and partner...eish joe if decided to go vanilla, I'd look for a drewbarrymore type, or a cindy-nel type...but-ke...i gues the beauty-within thing works -not that she's ugly, but you know..

19 Feb 2009 18:18

Belz i watched 4 movies yesterday.....watching another 2 2moro

20 Feb 2009 08:07

as for Ndalamo and partner...eish joe if decided to go vanilla, I'd look for a drewbarrymore type, or a cindy-nel type...but-ke...i gues the beauty-within thing works -not that she's ugly, but you know>>> kwakwakwa!!!!
mjj: what did you watch?

20 Feb 2009 08:22

LMAO Sponono!

21 Feb 2009 22:21

spopo, o wrongo... mara wa mpolaya!

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