Only for the matured

Written by Sobza from the blog JUST SOBZA on 02 Sep 2010
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The events of the past two weeks have left me utterly astounded to say the least. It's like the devil is wreaking havoc and we bloggers are letting him to. Yes people have differing opinions and we can all agree to disagree but I never knew people can be so nasty and evil. 


Before we are bloggers, we are humans and are supposed to behave like humans. It's like we have no conscious at all....and have lost the spirit of humanity. There were times on TVSA when we used to disagree and make fun of a blogger and his/her article all in the name of fun. That has all changed, we have become bloggers from hell, we are nasty and we get very personal. Is this what blogging is about?

If you don’t share a blogger’s opinions, don’t make it your mission to spam his/her blog with your vile personal attacks. There are so many blogs to choose from in the blogsphere, find a new one to frequent. 

Rude and childish behaviour just because you’re an anonymous commenter or are behind a pseudonym is unacceptable. As much as good manners are required in the real world, it works the same in the blogsphere. If you’re emotionally riled by a blogger, pause before you hit submit. You might regret what you wrote.

There will always be differing opinions to yours. Remember to always respect other’s views and opinions. If you want to share your own, do so in a mature debate. But bear in mind that you don’t need to change that person’s viewpoint. Better still....start your own blog and write something or shut up

The green-eyed monster, jealousy, on the other hand is a burning, intense feeling that ravages and destroys fast. No wonder the bible in Prov 27:4 says “even though wrath is cruel and anger outrageous but who can stand jealousy”. 

In Song of Solomon 8 vs 6, jealousy is again said to be as cruel as the grave. Its main aim is to destroy the other person, speak ill of him/her or give that person a bad reputation even though the reason given for the destructive behaviour is often concealed. 

Thank you to all those who take their time and write....atleast you are doing something for this site. All the doomsayers know is: "TVSA is dying instead of coming up with their own articles"

Let us grow up and have healthy debates


02 Sep 2010 15:33

Yes I said it

02 Sep 2010 15:36

i coudnt have said it better myself, gone are the days when debate was healthy without insult and name calling, nice article and well written

02 Sep 2010 15:47

I fully agree with you!

Attacking people has become the norm hey, but what can we do to better the situation because complaining about it is not going to help Sobza??

02 Sep 2010 15:59

it's a sad moment indeed. There is nothing that can be done because even when the writers tried to humble themselves and open a dialogue on how things can be improved or be changed they were attacked. I do not blame anyone for saying f**k it. I would also reach a point where I loose it. What amases me about this whole drama is that vendettas by few people managed to turn something that was innocent into all this mess. It makes you understand why people in places like Zim would worship their leaders. It's all about manipulating the facts and distorting the truth to get people to see things and other people the way you want them to. I actually fell for it and for a moment thought if more than one person say this person is a bad person he must be until I saw the attacks get more and more vicious then it became clear that this whole thing had nothing to do with the writer's work but this individuals were trying to push an agenda. It looks like it works. Again, evil triumphs over good.

02 Sep 2010 16:02

Nice read Sobza. I'm touched bra.

Mash 2010
02 Sep 2010 16:02

Well written. Keep it up

02 Sep 2010 16:05

I think some ppl suffer from infriority complex and tend to take things personally. If u argue with their point of view they think u r fighting them and start name calling. We need to seperate the person from the opinions. We can all learn so much from each other...and grow together. So my solution is when some1 is being rude to u just ignore even reply to say they are being rude. Just reply saying @Hloni *ignored*. Cos most of these ppl are attention seekers...take the attention away and they are nothing.

02 Sep 2010 16:07

You know... I am not the bible reading kinda person and havent been to church in years. I read your articles over and over and I have to say, I have never seen so much hatred being masked as criticism in my entire life. It's truth that the most evil people in the world do not carry gun or knives, they do not roam the night stalking their victims. The most dangerous and evil people are the ones who will convince others that something is wrong and need to be destroyed and everybody believes them. That is more powerful than any act of evil in the world.

02 Sep 2010 16:08

Kanti what happened? What did bloggers do and who said f**k it? *confused*

02 Sep 2010 16:12


Beautiful article. Inspiring, eye opening and honest. Thank you for that.

Guys please if you have time watch the movie called "O" starring Josh Hartnet and Mekhi Pfifer. It's a modern day adaptation of Othello. It's a moving movie about jealousy and how it can drive people to do the most unforgiveable things to someone just because they are jealous. It's one of those moves that you can watch and your whole view of the world will change.

02 Sep 2010 16:12


Beautiful article. Inspiring, eye opening and honest. Thank you for that.

Guys please if you have time watch the movie called "O" starring Josh Hartnet and Mekhi Pfifer. It's a modern day adaptation of Othello. It's a moving movie about jealousy and how it can drive people to do the most unforgiveable things to someone just because they are jealous. It's one of those moves that you can watch and your whole view of the world will change.

02 Sep 2010 16:25

@sobza...can i be the 'devil's advocate' for a minute(no pun intended)...if i dont believe in religion and i read ur blog which quotes the bible and advocates christianity which is your personal belief...should i ignore and go to another blog...or can i air my views of why i think u r wrong...or should i go write my own blog to air my views?
I'm interested in the option that would make all of us grow as a people using healthy debate as i have often found that  most religious ppl take opposing views personally...which maybe explains why vicious wars are fought in the name of religion.

02 Sep 2010 16:34

It's sad that we are the one's who build but are also quick to destroy. What we say has the ability to create situations, emotions, and thoughts in others. A kind word helps people, negative words hurt - sometimes for a very long time. 

I am not perfect, infact I am far from being perfect, but I don't ever want to look back and say if only I didn't say that.

02 Sep 2010 16:38

@ what you feel is write for you my brother.

Lobby the girl
02 Sep 2010 16:51

Hey Guys,

This foolish man who calls himself my boss blogged the site, but I am too clever hey, i was afraid i am going to be a silent blogger iyoo i was gonna die really and missed u so much will chat tomorrow..

02 Sep 2010 17:05

Sorry for this Sobza but I just wanna share this observation I have had in my mind the whole day. I couldn't share it because some bloggers would say I am fighting someone's battles.

Please read my comment and take a moment before you reply....

This whole drama started with one blogger writting a response blog about another blogger's article from another site. We all know what happened after that. Then the said blogger wrote another article that was addressing an issue that was raised on another blog's article. Instead of responding directly to the issue on that other tvsa blogger's article he broadened the topic by tackling blogging in general. Then the backlash continued getting even more personal.

what has been bothering me is this......

- Every blogger I know has at some point read a story on the newspaper or watched it on tv and then they wrote an article giving their take on the story or topic

- This very article is inspired by events of the past two weeks on tvsa which is no different from what that blogger and many other bloggers have been doing for years.

- Even Makisto's article was an article giving an opinion on information he got from other journalist. I am certain that he did not break the story himself and then wrote his opinion article on that story on tvsa. Somebody else broke this story .

Why is it okay that every other blogger can do this but that one blogger when he does it he's called names?

Taking from what Courtney wrote....

I noticed that with all this articles that with every article this blogger wrote and he was attacked the attacking comments always start with certain blogger names commenting and then the fire goes on from there.

Take the Blogging vs Opinion article for example. The first comments were a healthy debate about the topic raised in the article until Thato raised his point on why he support a particular blogger. This could have been debated on that tone as it was with FK responding to him. Unfortunately, Thato mentioned a name and the said person was not happy about. Rightly so in my opinion because Thato was wrong to pick out one person in all of this. Instead of the said person responding to Thato and leaving it there he/she then went on to another blogger's (Makisto) article and started bashing the blogger (blaq) and his article instead of attacking Thato who was the person who used his name in the blog.

We all know what happened after that too. Almost every comment that came after that on the Blogging vs Opinion article was an attack on the writer. It was never about the topic raised in the article. How then does the writer continue to smile and accept that everyone is entitled to their opinion when it is very clear that some people have no opinion but to trash him?

I am not raising another A vs B match but I was just sharing my observation. Are we all being used to further some people's personal agendas here?

Thank you.

02 Sep 2010 17:10

Eish look at that... I even cleaned up my comment for a change. It's a mission to put paragraphs and make sure the sentences are put in a way that they will put your point accross. This is why I take my hat off to this guys who write everyday to keep us entertained. They are not Gods or perfect but we should atleast give them credit for making the effort. I still can't spend my time trying to do what they do and upload pix and all that. Big up guys.

02 Sep 2010 17:12

BTW I think to avoid another cyber screaming match. Do not reply to my comment. Just think about the questions I raised and see if you come to the same observation. If you don't then atleast you will know that you are not being used.

02 Sep 2010 17:32

@Makisto, hahaha ........ I tried. You guys make it look so easy.

02 Sep 2010 19:12

Nice one Sobza

Eish, where do I begin.  
There will always be differing opinions to yours. Remember to always respect other’s views and opinions. If you want to share your own, do so in a mature debate. But bear in mind that you don’t need to change that person’s viewpoint. Better still....start your own blog and write something or shut up 

I like this.  However, it seems as if there are those who do not understand what a mature debate is?  I believe that when you debate, (whether with the writer or someone who commented), you need to support your points with facts.  People must not just use wrong information and call it a mature debate.  This is one of the things that causes the fights.

@deco - remember this article is titled Only for the matured  You have raised vaild points / questions and I would like to give an answer (my opinion).  You cant say something and expect us, well ME to just take it in without commenting. Please allow me to.  Waiting for your approval

03 Sep 2010 07:58

Attacking people has become the norm hey, but what can we do to better the situation because complaining about it is not going to help Sobza?? 

I wish I had an answer to that but only TVSA Admin can control what goes on here.

03 Sep 2010 08:19

Lol FK... Eish buddy. I'm trying 2 avoid giving certain names more attention than they deserve. Neway go ahead

03 Sep 2010 08:36

It's really sad Sobza! 

Nowadays some people are always in an attacking mode and the tone of their comments sounds like they are always screaming!!! 

It has pushed some of us to silent blogging....since we can't risk being cyber-mauled. What happened to debating things and having fun in the process? It's not about being right all the time or having the last word.

03 Sep 2010 08:38

@deco - I slept over it and decided to just reserve my comments about your comments and questions. lol

Anywhoooo - I see we are busy pointing fingers at who did what when to whom.  It is about time that we all take responsibility for this.  Remember this is Only for the matured.  

How did I contribute in this whole thing?

That is what bloggers must ask themselves and be HONEST.

03 Sep 2010 08:40

Off topics: can someone direct me to proper site or artice where i can learn more abt the MTN Zakhele share .. better yet can someone write an article about it

forgive me bloggers i am interested but dont have information and not in SA so i cant go to post office to get the prospects...sorry

03 Sep 2010 08:44

@decoup........I have never seen so much hatred being masked as criticism in my entire life. It's truth that the most evil people in the world do not carry gun or knives, they do not roam the night stalking their victims. The most dangerous and evil people are the ones who will convince others that something is wrong and need to be destroyed and everybody believes them. That is more powerful than any act of evil in the world.........I couldn't have said it better.

I'm always not quick to say people are haters, when it's being done repeatedly and it's in your face like we see here really can't ignore but realise that some people have vendettas indeed

03 Sep 2010 08:44


03 Sep 2010 08:51

Nice one….and about time. Bloggers should remember “manners make a man”. We come to TVSA each day to be enlightened and I must admit that the comments are what make blogging even more thought-provoking. Lately this thought provocation seems to have been reduced to deciding whose comment is more shocking than the other. People seem to get a kick out of insulting each other. If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face then don’t write it. Yes we are people with different personalities hence people are free to express their own individuality but above all let us exercise a bit of restraint and respect.

03 Sep 2010 08:56

Eish now I am angry because the guy is gone and they still taking digs at him. He is now being called a cry baby who is pretending to be hated. Guys for us who enjoy being on this site we should expose ths haters and nt entertaining their silly comments. Dnt just ignore him or her. We should all stick together and tell tht person to stop. Trust me once they realise we are on to their game nd won't take it they will stop. Enough now we can't hv 1 or 2 individuals ruin an entire site.

One and Only
03 Sep 2010 08:57

There will always be differing opinions to yours. Remember to always respect other’s views and opinions. If you want to share your own, do so in a mature debate. But bear in mind that you don’t need to change that person’s viewpoint. Better still....start your own blog and write something or shut up 

This is 100% true we all have different opinions & viewpoints but some's are just plain *bleep!* which is something I have no respect for.

Some bloggers would write nonsense and then hide behind "This is my blog and my opinion if you don't like it, don't read it" forgetting that this is a public domain. If it was an A4 excercise middle sheets you gonna use to wipe your ass I wouldn't worry.

The green-eyed monster, jealousy, on the other hand is a burning, intense feeling that ravages and destroys fast. No wonder the bible in Prov 27:4 says “even though wrath is cruel and anger outrageous but who can stand jealousy”. 

Am I missing something here? Who is jealousy of who here and what for? This is one of the words being raped and abused by tvsa bloggers. To mention but a few, haters and attention-seekers!

We got aboSdumo (izimbungulu) here, people who hold no thoughts of their own and are lazy to think, they wait for their masters to say One&Only is an attention seeker and the next thing they will be on to you like ticks on the cow's ass saying so&so o batla attention feela, haters are always there to keep people down, u should continue writing Master.

In Song of Solomon 8 vs 6, jealousy is again said to be as cruel as the grave. Its main aim is to destroy the other person, speak ill of him/her or give that person a bad reputation even though the reason given for the destructive behaviour is often concealed.

This is also true Sobza of late all bloggers do is to take stories the trashy Sundayworld paper bring them here to continue demeaning and destroy other people's reputation. Who the hell gave them the right to discuss other people's lives, divorces etc These gossipmongers would then hide behind "If you are a celebrity the we as a public own you and have a right to discuss you" Does the same apply for Petrol Attendants, Macdonalds staff? I dont think so.

Ms. Jay
03 Sep 2010 08:58

nice read Sobza, though I am a litle lost....deco gives an account of where this all started and I still dont follow *confused look*

I just have one question: where did all this animosity begin in the first place? Did it begin when some bloggers were "banned" from airing their opinions which didnt agree with one writters point of view???? Is this where the name calling and cyber mauling began or am I lost?

03 Sep 2010 09:00

Read this yesterday. Dont have anything better to contribute. The article is spot on Sobza. Just wanted to higghlight these two lines that stroke me and going thru comments here and evrywhere they keep jumping back at me....

Before we are bloggers, we are humans and are supposed to behave like humans
.........As much as good manners are required in the real world, it works the same in the blogsphere.

My fascination and maybe love for blogging has been sucked out shame. Nou ke a foster fela coz it can be fun and very informative, ive seen it, but this isnt a healthy environment for one' spirit.

Ms. Jay
03 Sep 2010 09:07

they wait for their masters to say One&Only is an attention seeker and the next thing they will be on to you like ticks on the cow's ass saying so&so o batla attention feela

Hello OnO.......

03 Sep 2010 09:24

Lol I think I nid sum medication coz I find myself agreeing with O&O on few points. My issue with u bra is the language. You do raise valid points but this thing of calling people idiots or any of the demeaning names you use is not on. That was my issue with you O&O and still is.

03 Sep 2010 09:29

Thank you FK, Really appreciate it ...

03 Sep 2010 09:37

Spot on your post of Thursday, September 02, 2010 17:05 PM 

Fully concur.

03 Sep 2010 09:40

Fair and straight to the point article, maybe finally we can be able to understand each other that we are not the same, and can never see eye to eye in evrything.

The attitude i have hear is solely fuelled by being misjudged and called names i dont deserve, which has made me to retalaite(spelling gone for now) all the time. But i am willing to move on and be sensitive to others but can't never compromise the truth.

they wait for their masters to say One&Only is an attention seeker and the next thing they will be on to you like ticks on the cow's ass saying so&so o batla attention feela 

i couldnt agree with you more.

i have a problem of saying things as honestly as i feel about something, and if that is deeemed being jealousy, attention seeking, immature or hatred then that is too bad.

Sometimes just like now i say things just to provoke pople like Deco unfortunately they always fall for this trap, they come hulling insults and dont even see what they are condemning  me not to do, is actuallyy what they  are doing themselves.

I have debated with Blaq in other articles we will not talk to each other direct, we will disagree or agree  trouble starts when one of his followers will not like the word you using to explain something. If i were to debate things or talk like the way you see fit then i wouldnt be true to myself.

I apologised to Blaq, i even said in  JC  about  i have respect for him as a writer and pointed my disagrements with him, but the are people who are always reading your reply with that 'ready to attack' which leads to read anything youi write out of context.

Best Achiever is no Blaq hater nor am I, she pointed out something i saw lately about him, if we are wrong then we are but we need to corected in a right manner not with people who think violence or swearing does'nt come as second nature to us too.

So in trtuh i also dont like to be rude all the time as  i am human, but i hate people who always give me attention i dont deserve.

I thank you.

03 Sep 2010 09:42

@One and Only jo.

03 Sep 2010 09:49

Hau poor Phil aka Blaq. You write people bash you then you quit tvsa they say you are cry baby whose creativity has run out and you are pretending to be hated. I just wanna give you a hug. Noone deserves this.

03 Sep 2010 09:53

Best Achiever is no Blaq hater nor am I, she pointed out something i saw lately about him,
Even decoupage did raise that point with him and he gave the reasons why he sometimes he is afraid to respond to articles that he did not write. The problem I had with best achiever’s response is that it was attacking and not raising the concerns she might have with Blaq.

03 Sep 2010 09:53

@Deco, one and only has always been like that since his first day on tvsa. l don't think he will change now.

03 Sep 2010 10:01

Sorry I only just saw your comment now. But Pele the things you guys wrote on JC about Phil were horrible and hurtful, saying he thinks he is the *bleep!* and all that... I'm sorry since they say you are a journalist all I saw in those comments sounded like jealousy to more given that you and him are kinda in the same field. Provoking Deco or not, this morning's cry baby comment was unnecessary. I respect you for apologising to Phil if you really did.

One and Only
03 Sep 2010 10:03

You do raise valid points but this thing of calling people idiots or any of the demeaning names you use is not on. That was my issue with you O&O and still is.
decoupage: Thank you for your honesty, for the 1st time here someone is addressing the issue. I don't call people names especially stupid but will refer to their thinking and opinion as such.

Take Makisto for instance, who would write something like "Racist Bully nywe nyew buys Freedom" Now what the hell are you expecting us to say when you feed us nonsense like that? To be diplomatic? 

Once you have made up your mind that One&Only is the problem child here that's what you gonna see even if I'm saying something right.

I now like the direction the blogging is taking, give us names and let us sort it out once and for all.

One and Only
03 Sep 2010 10:03

You do raise valid points but this thing of calling people idiots or any of the demeaning names you use is not on. That was my issue with you O&O and still is.
decoupage: Thank you for your honesty, for the 1st time here someone is addressing the issue. I don't call people names especially stupid but will refer to their thinking and opinion as such.

Take Makisto for instance, who would write something like "Racist Bully nywe nyew buys Freedom" Now what the hell are you expecting us to say when you feed us nonsense like that? To be diplomatic? 

Once you have made up your mind that One&Only is the problem child here that's what you gonna see even if I'm saying something right.

I now like the direction the blogging is taking, give us names and let us sort it out once and for all.

03 Sep 2010 10:04

Phil has quit TVSA?????????????

03 Sep 2010 10:05

But we are not here to analyse my reply, we are here to go forward and make TVSA   a better place, i think that is what this article is about correct me if i am wrong. 

How did I contribute in this whole thing?

it's true we should all ask ourselves that from this moment, trying to change people 's way of thinking to accomodate your way of thinking is un-acheaivable.

Ms. Jay
03 Sep 2010 10:09

Deco - One and only will always be one and only?  I remember times when we would fight and go at each other but hey I came to realise thats how he is, its his own intellectual opinion whether tainted with name calling and insults or not its just how he CHOOSES to express HIMSELF..... he raises very valid points and if you dont like the spice he adds to it just *ignore* the spice....

He adds aura to TVSA in his own unique way and shouldn have to change that to suit some writters "standard". In fact We all do!

and no I am not a groupie or defending him...just highlighting a difference we need to appreciate about each other.

Its the same with everyone else who doesnt agree with "ones" point of view - we are all different and have different ways of expressing ourselves and should not be judged based on ones own standard.....this were tolerance comes into force.....

Once we try to prescribe how a blogger should or shouldnt express themselves we rid them of their freedom of expression and thats where name calling and berating come in.....

Why is it that in 2008 we could fight amongst ourselves and yet still respect each other? and find ourselves back to lolling or teasing the next day without taking things personally? why is that anyone would be at liberty to write an article and not give a hoot about their english or writting skills? when did it be come a MUST that your writting must ALIGN to the QUEENS standards?what changed????????

I will tell you - it started with someone/pple handing out prescriptions of what should/shouldnt be said, how it should be said and when it doesnt align with "our" standard or prescription - banning and name calling started......then we started ganging up and taking sides - I am saying WE coz we always scream we are family here and whether you did or didnt do it - family sticks together...

We are not hiding behind pysedos either - when you join TVSA you have the option to use your real identity or not....its the same with most blogging sites (I stand to be corrected) - its your RIGHT, how you conduct yourself is based on your level of maturity and tolerance....

There is no god amongst us = celeb or not, you are not a mini god who dictates how things MUST be done....and NO this is not directed at any one person.....if you are hurt by what I said maybe its time you reflected on why? perhaps you are intolerant and dont respect anothers point of view or opinion tainted with bad english or name calling.....

03 Sep 2010 10:14

 Sarocks- my work has got nothing to do with blogging here, i have a stable job, and  have  all i wanted to achieve in my life except  my soulmate. Hence i keep repeating that i hate no one, i just raise issues the way i see them.

03 Sep 2010 10:16

all i will say mina is that what I want to say i will say i dont care if it hits a nerve or brakes a marriage or whether its even in broken english.

03 Sep 2010 10:17

Good points Mis Jay...

03 Sep 2010 10:22

Couldn't have said it better Ms. Jay

03 Sep 2010 10:26

DE..JA...VU..    all over again!

Ms. Jay
03 Sep 2010 10:28

LOL Mawiniza....

03 Sep 2010 10:31

all i will say mina is that what I want to say i will say i dont care if it hits a nerve or brakes a marriage or whether its even in broken english.


03 Sep 2010 10:32

Lord People ... Your responses are tedious Tomes. How do you expect us to concentrate on anything in the chain of responses. Try to keep the response as short as possible and return foor another short response when you get a response on the one. Also, if possible, I suggest respondents keep their religious opinions out of the blogging space because in most spaces in life, religion is an opinion, not an axiom. It is not only irritating, but also boring to those of us who are not part of secular faith. As much as we should all tolerate the beliefs and opinions of everyone in our blog space, it is improper to impose religion on everyone because a writer is inspired by their belief..

03 Sep 2010 10:37

@ body is imposing anything on anyone. It is what I believe in and nothing is gonna change that, if you are not happy with it then tough.

03 Sep 2010 10:42


Ms. Jay
03 Sep 2010 10:47

VusiK - I know that was directed at me LOL - but I am not apologetic about its length - I had a lot to say and if I broke them up to several responses the reader may have missed the context of my reply......then we would have began a bundu bashing

03 Sep 2010 10:49

and VusiK here at TVSA we are allowed to write essays,  jump them if you can.

03 Sep 2010 11:07

Hey Ms J. How have you been ... You know I Love you,

03 Sep 2010 11:13

Pele and Sobza .... You are actually validating my opinion ... it has nothing to do with the place of TVSA, it does have to do with the opinions fora impose on people, and the effect thereof. It matters not what a person believes, it is essentially opinion and cannot be axiomized, I suggested something, and you attacked my opinon with an instruction. Are you saying your opinion is more important than mine? Something to think about. The article tarts with the phrase "I think before I blog". I like that.

03 Sep 2010 11:17

@Sobza ... is there a difference between what you believe and an opinion?

Ms. Jay
03 Sep 2010 11:24

hey VusiK - love you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sobza - hun I am out - you know what I am going to do LOL...enjoy the weekend my fellow blog mates.....

03 Sep 2010 11:27

i am suggesting you jump a reply that you feel is too long for you to read, whatever you feel is imposed on you  is you feeling it,  not me doing it right?
so i really cant get your explanation and i dont need you to explain it to me any further.

03 Sep 2010 11:35

do you mean axiomotized? why would we do that? nio froms or structures here so nawe dont put us through that.

03 Sep 2010 13:27


i have fallen in love with my family wow you guys can have a conversation healthly wow 

All i wanna say is what you expect is what you will get


Lobby the girl
03 Sep 2010 13:48

03 Sep 2010 13:54

heeeey ! VusiK.. ms.jay yho! family reunion ka nnete....

03 Sep 2010 14:13

Wow! I can't believe I read all the comments here......and didn't feel like people are screaming or attacking one another! 
Big ups people......we can do this!

14 Sep 2010 15:16

WOW Sobza, enjoyed reading this........ tjo so Phil has left?

14 Sep 2010 15:22

Thanks Tox,i didn't abou this i'll make time & read it

14 Sep 2010 15:54

hey fellow bloggers, 

I agree with you sobza on a couple of points on yourarticle. people come onto people's blogs and spew their vile comments and attack the blogger. I have not written much in the past couple of months because of this irritating fact. I miss the days of AMABLOCKERS - as much as they moaned, nagged, attacked, commented and complained... it was never about the blogger! those attacks were never personal jibes and comparisons with other bloggers. It was about the article and topic at hand... 

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