Walton Goggins: justifiably cool

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Interviews on 29 Apr 2011
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The first season of Justified is in full swing on M-Net Series and as I've mentioned previously, it's a must-see epitomy of cool'dom.

I'm so hooked on it that I found myself in a dream about it - that ended up coming to life in the real world in a most thrilling way:

the impact of season 1

In the dream I was in a hardcore gunfight trying to save Raylan Givens ...

Timothy Olyphant as US Marshal Raylan Givens, needing help in the latest episode.

I was on a hilltop, going mad with firepower: a gun in each hand. The problem was, no matter how much I fired I couldn't save him.

Despaired and panicked I searched for Boyd Crowder: not sure which side he was on. Was he the one trying to kill Raylan? Was he trying to save him too? I needed to find him to ask.

Walton Goggins as Boyd Crowler: genius nutjob and Raylan's frenemy.

#deathbydream The dream ended abruptly when I got shot before I could find him. Frustrated and desperate to be a hero I decided that the only way to work through the problem was to find Boyd in the real world. Which I did.

"Raylan is definitely worth saving!"

Much to my delight I chatted to Walton Goggins for us recently. I told him about the dream immediately and the first thing he said was: "Yes, Raylan is definitely worth saving!"

An opinion held by both Walton himself - and while he didn't say it overtly - by Boyd too.

If you've been watching the show you'll know that it's the last thing Boyd would admit to but from Walton's tone I got the distinct sense that Boyd feels the same way, deep down.

Boyd's badge of bad'ass


Playing Boyd on the show has come with a different badge for Walton, who played Detective Shane Vendrell on The Shield for seven seasons.

The crazy thing is that Boyd wasn't going to be a series regular on the show. In the original script, he was going to die when he got shot at the end of the pilot episode.


I asked Walton to dish more about it and he explained that the reason Boyd lived is because of a combo of things. He said that before the show, he was wary of committing to another full-time lead role so soon after coming out of The Shield. Having been Shane for so long he didn't want to tarnish Shane's image and memory for fans.

He discussed Boyd with the series creators and wanted him to be multi-dimensional, with honourable traits too. When Boyd turned out to be as complex and likeable as he is, he decided he was keen to sink himself into the role.

Another reason: the chemistry between himself and Timothy Olyphant. When everyone saw the chemistry between Raylan and Boyd they realised that the two of them together were too perfect to be apart.

"Boyd's read all the classics"


So how does Walton manage to portray Boyd without stereotype? He could so easily fall into playing him as a stereotype of trailer trash yet he's the furthest thing from it.

Walton's reply: "Boyd's read all the classics." He went on to say that he captures this portrayal by focusing on Boyd's intellect. He looks at him from the perspective that if Boyd had different opportunities he would have gone to one of the best universities in America.

Walton's Apostle

He also keeps Robert Duvall's advice top of mind. Walton starred opposite Robert Duvall in the 1997 film The Apostle - a breakthrough film role for him.

A scene between them from the site: The Distracted Globe.

While filming, Robert Duvall (who wrote and directed the film too) told him that a secret to his acting technqiue is that he sees himself as a storyteller first and foremost. A vessel for the story. Advice that Walton has taken to heart in every role.

Justifiable judgement


One of the things that's struck me more and more as the series has unfolded is how there's no judgement on any of the characters. Have you noticed it too? The show doesn't take a judgemental point towards anyone, even those who've done very dark things.

I asked Walton about this, whether he judges anyone, or even Boyd and his answer was a definitive: "No".

He said that the point of view of the show is to be an observer, without passing judgement. He used The Sopranos as an example of the same point of view and went off about how much he loved it - a big fan of it himself.

As for his own attitude on jugdement in the real world. He had this to say: "I don't judge anyone - unless they're hurting others."

"How do you sound so cool?"

A moment of silence for the masterpiece script, written by Elmore Leonard.

Another thing I've been wondering is how everyone on the show manages to speak the script so perfectly. I'm constantly delighted by how superbly each line is spoken: the phrasing, the timing, everything's so perfect.

Walton said that an important part of their process on the show is to work with and through the script beforehand. He and Timothy Olyphant read their scenes together and then tweak the langauge and phrases so that they feel that they're perfect as they're saying them.

"My wife was my one-person congregration."


On matters of favourite scenes, Walton has one all-time favourite.

Walton: "I think you can see it! ... "

It hasn't been on the show yet - it's coming up in the season finale in May.  The scene involves him doing a speech to a congregation in a church and he was so thrilled by it all he rehearsed it round his house for days.

Walton: "My wife became my one-person congregration."

"Who's side are you on?"


Then, we got to the reason I needed to speak to him - the answer I needed to my dream: What's the real deal with Boyd? Who's side is he on? Is he genuinely converted and religious? Has turned over a new leaf?

Walton: "He’s a manipulator - he knows that people can be easily influenced and he uses it to his advantage."

He went on to say that by the end of Season 1 we should have a much clearer idea of what side Boyd's on, what he really believes. He also said that he reckons we'll know how we really feel about him. We might even find ourselves on his side.

Walton: "He finds a higher purpose."

seasons, they change

The Season 1 finale's coming up on 24 May - the Season 2 premiere follows immediately after on 31 May, at the same time: 20h30.

As for what Boyd will get up to in it ... word from Walton is that a fundamental belief of his will be challenged. Something that he believed to be true will be shattered.

Also, he's going to have a lurve connection.


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