Monday World: Power to the Women

Written by carino from the blog Carinos Box on 08 Aug 2011
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Happy Women’s month to all South African women. Tomorrow it will be exactly 55 years since that group of tenacious women marched to the union buildings to lodge their grievances. Yes, people! Its not another mothers’ day – it’s a political holiday.

We say ‘thank you’ to those African mamas who didn’t shy away from standing up for the respect that they believed they deserved.

On that note... Today we recognise such-minded women who made it into this weekend’s tabloids. Such are women who have raised their voices, demanded respect and stood up for what’s theirs.

First up its the sexy Pearl Nkuna, a Wits Law student who made a public announcement that she’s been dating two soccer players and is proud of it. Told you! Such kind of women are not apologetic about their actions. They get up, stand up, speak up, and should be respected for it. In Pearl’s words, “Soccer players can play with the girls. What I’m showing is that girls can play with them too” lol. See! Same attitude as the 09August women. After men had had protests after protests against the pass law, they decided, it was high time they showed white supremacy that women could do it too, and do it better.

two of them

So yha.... Bigups Sexy Pearl!

Number two is Lindiwe Gura, apparently girlfriend (now ex) to Segale Mogotsi... former MetroFM boss. SHE IS AN ATTORNEY. It appears that Segale is down and out, after having not had a job in a long while. Brotherman found abode in the arms of this attorney. She was the supportive girlfriend, giving him her car so he could have boot-sales..(according to SundaySun). This was until brotherman decided to show that he might be broke and jobless, but he’s still”the man!”. He went on and acted like a stupid dog – biting the hand that fed him. So, uSisi, being the ATTORNEY that she is, decided to take matters into her legal hands and lay assault charges. The story says she even had the police escorting a removal truck to remove her furniture from the house she shared with Segale. Eish, now the guy is gonna be broke, jobless, furnitureless, girlfriendless, and since the lady says she was covering groceries too, I guess the guy will be foodless too.

Yep! Just like the 09August women. They had had enough, they had their March so well organised you wont believe that they asked the police force to accompany them. Yes they did. They wanted to make their point and they left no stone unturned.

Bigups to Sis’Lindiwe.

The number three spot is taken by the sexy Rosette Mogomotsi, ex-girlfriend to Andile Ncube. The paper says this lass is preggas and she wasn’t tongue-tied when she let Mr Ncube know that, though the baby was made while they were still together, it well didn’t come from his loins. Shem poor Andile. The little detail that the story passes then overlooks though, is that “Ncube is worried about his health – as it might mean that Rosette was towning both of them at the same time. Quick question... does this mean that Andile and Rosette did not adhere to any of the ABC Rules of SEX. They ignored the A and the C without covering the bases for the B. Ohh no! Now I see why SABC NEEDS to play repeats of that INTERSEXIONS.

Bigups to Rosette in any case... so what if she is carrying the politician’s baby? She saw a future with him, maybe, just perhaps the political industry is much more secure than the entertainment thing that Andile is in. Yes.
Lastly, Monday World says BigUps to all the SunBabes that make Page12 of SundaySun. Flaunt it, ladies.

On another note... will Shwashwi get a new job already, please!!! Not that I deliberately end up on her column, but it is surely deteriorating week-by-week. Seriously... what journalist writes “Jen Su wants to be the only Asian at parties as she is always flaunting herself” and gets away with it? Really, now. And as if that wasn’t enough... shims best paragraph was about Tinasper Mkwaiwa being missed by the spotlight. The other paper reports that Tina will be starring on Rhythm City soon, so i guess there’s a bit of lack of research on Shwashwi’s side. ///side eyes///

Otherwise, once again, good women’s month to all South African ladies. People who make history are those that when they believe in something they get up, stand up, and speak it up.

Enjoy the holiday.


08 Aug 2011 11:37

08 Aug 2011 11:41

08 Aug 2011 11:45

dilo tse ba basadi ba diang matsati a o ka se di rate he (in my grandmother's pedi voice)

08 Aug 2011 11:55

08 Aug 2011 12:51

What a funny post! Thanks Carino....I enjoyed reading this

08 Aug 2011 13:04

Thanks babe :-) but i was surprised as for Andile Ncube and his fiance' ,what happened ??? details pls ?

08 Aug 2011 14:16

Hey Andile tough luck hey  

you forgot Robert Marawa's ex girlfriend who ended up being married to some rich old man. 

it gets more dirtier if its the women cheating. tl tl tl

08 Aug 2011 14:21


08 Aug 2011 14:40

... and people say women don't cheat ...
My opinion is that women cheat more, and better than men ...
Always take perform the DNA test ...
only Mommy really knows who daddy really is ...

08 Aug 2011 14:45

@ Vusik

true hey, they do it so well cos they know if caught they'll neva b 4given

eva wondered y we 4give 'em bastards after they'v cheated on us, well it's bcos we'v bn having it too ha ha ha

08 Aug 2011 14:51

ya mo setswaneng rare - rrangwana o itsiwe ke mmagwe. 

09 Aug 2011 00:14

Lovely article, cariri... Really funny... Sadly it is real people's sad lives...

10 Aug 2011 08:33

@ segololo

welcome back sisi we missed u so much, how r u?

10 Aug 2011 10:27

@e col ... my opinion of this Pearl child is of a naive college student come to the city lately and screaming for her twelve seconds of fame... All children think they are smart and dont realise fire burns until it is too late.

She's just screaming for attention...

Maybe she's got designs on being the next Khanyi Mbau.

The streets have ways of dealing with children like her.

10 Aug 2011 10:31

#maki .... Our society condones and creates too many excuses for people cheating. It is far too common and too many people find it acceptable.
It is so common that most people consider it normal.
In fact, people find a faithful person to be an oddity.
That's the truth... Try convice your buddies that you don't cheat and observe their reactions.

10 Aug 2011 10:58

hahahaha @ Vusi, its only a fraction of women who cheat compared to men, and they do it so well.

My husband's distant cousin sister told me and other makoti's at the funeral that whenever we decide to cheat, we shouldnt look far for we will be caught quickly, but rather consider doing so with someone in our partners cycle of friends. hihihihi, talk about getting tips from my squiza!!!!

10 Aug 2011 11:01

@ mafresh

fraction, i dnt think so

like i said women take men back after cheating cos they know they've been cheating as well, they do it so well & that's y they don't get caught easily

10 Aug 2011 11:20

@ Mafresh - classic dont look far just do it in the circle

my cousin's wifee is a serial cheater - she is always caught not with an sms or letter or call but RED HAND doing the ACT. Besides her cheating she is a phenomenal woman and we have accepted that and we already know her type

10 Aug 2011 11:48

OMW babye......uthini u cousin yena, has he accepted her??? tjo, some women are lucky mos

10 Aug 2011 11:55

Hahaha @ mafresh declaring the woman 'lucky' to have been accepted by her husband. Lol. True though, some men will go beserk even over an 'I miss you' sms. Never mind who its coming from.

10 Aug 2011 12:00

LOL @ Maki. I'm glad you like. This is mos your territory... one mistake and you might just pull a Sowetan vs Eric Miyeni on me. Lol

10 Aug 2011 12:06

@Vusik...the way its going, oneday cringing at cheating will be considered taboo and discriminatory. It started just like this with homosexuality. Oneday you could pull a face when you heard someone is, now you have to swallow the "eeeuw"...and shape it into an "oh, fabulous". ((((("LuckilyicanDeleteThisPostandClaimiNeverSaidThis))))

10 Aug 2011 12:22

i guess, he gets angry over it obvisouly but at the end of the day i guess he weighs other things over the cheating. some of this things i ibelieve they discuss them my cousin is diabetic and from what i gathered is that their erections dont last... 

10 Aug 2011 14:07

@ babye

diabetes e kotsi yhoo

guys stop drinking & smoking like there's no 2moro, it makes you limp down there

10 Aug 2011 14:08

Tjo, and you guys plus your cousin forgive her? Not only is your cousin on korobela but the family is....LOL to the highest @ Makisto

my cousin is diabetic and from what i gathered is that their erections dont last...
No, no, no @ babye, erection of nie, no man has to accept a cheating wife or vice versa. Ho ka nkga ho sa bola. This lady is chemically working on him and the entire family

10 Aug 2011 14:38

what we have concluded is its his decision to make at the end of the day. whether we complain, nug and what what about it his decision as we cannot just judge based on her cheating.... i am not supporting what she is doing but its family knowledge, we cannot tell him to divorce her - thats his decision to make.  

its more like staying in a straining relationship where a woman beats the man or vice versa .....

10 Aug 2011 14:44

@  Mafresh - i am not close with her and my cousin is not rich and we are not a rich family so what will be her motive. 

what i know is that there are women who cannot stay faithful to one person and some of you reading this know yourselves. 

i work with married women who cheat, i have sat in salons with married women who will tell you how his young boy appreciates how she looks and holds him better and this is the reality of the world we need to accept that women cheat flat and clar. 
its not about korobela Makisto. i will cheat for fulfillment that i am not provided by my husband, 

10 Aug 2011 19:19

nice article!

11 Aug 2011 02:12

Would it not be a wonderful world if those cheats could just stick wit those other cheats and the less cheating kings with their kind ...

I'd be sitting in the middle with my video camera always pointed on the cheating side of the road ... The drama'd be worth my time ...

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