A drama series about three teenage boys who grapple with tough conflicts as they navigate their journey to manhood in a Limpopo township. A hit and run accident throws 16-year-old Tbose Maputla and his friend Kwaito Seakamela into incredibly challenging situations, testing their friendship to the limit.
The series stars Clement Maosa as Kwaito, Cornet Mamabolo as Tbose and Patrick Seleka as Katlego.
Soul City 11 Premiere date: Tuesday, 18 October 2011 at 20h30
Soul City returns for a new season, set in a community that has fallen on hard times and where service delivery is too slow.
The action centres round Sis Noni, a community stalwart and health campaigner. She is the thorn in the side of local councillor Philani, a man who looks after himself before others.
When Sis Noni’s rundown clinic burns down sparks fly. Both blame each other for the problem. The stakes are high - the health of the impoverished community is at risk.
The challenge is set. Will Sis Noni rally her community to make its voice heard and act together to make things work better?
For more about previous seasons, see:
TVSA's Soul City Mini-Site
Daddy's Girls Premiere date: Wednesday, 26 October 2011 at 19h00
A spin-off of the reality show
Run's House that follows Rev Run's eldest daughters Vanessa and Angela Simmons as they move to L.A. to launch their own fashion business.