Survivor: Sugar survives sex, drugs and suicide

Written by Tashi from the blog Tashi's TV on 15 May 2012
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Sugar HvsV Large

Drug binges, pre-season sex with JT and a stint on Celebrity Rehab. The aftermath of Sugar's elimination from Heroes vs. Villains.

Yip! This according to Sugar who was the first to get eliminated from Heroes vs. Villains last night when everyone turned against her for being the "weakest link".

Was this the real reason they got rid of her so quickly or were there those who were extra keen because of JT?

After Sugar left the show she came out with scandalous claims about what happened before the season started - and afterwards. According to, this is what she tweeted immediately after the show:
  • "So,I was never attracted to Colby,and J.T.slept with me pregame and told me we'd stick together.That edit really confused my friends & fam."

  • "Not that anyone really CARES, I just wanted to get that out before this Thursday's episode.If the audience doesn't see it,it didn't happen."

  • "No,seriously,I wasn't attracted to the tall cowboy,I really DID want the one with the underbite,beer belly, and marbles in his mouth..."
She later elaborated on, saying that her and JT had hooked up two months before the season started and that he had a girlfriend at the time.

She told Reality Blurred's Andy Denhart:

'I had slept with J.T. and been talking to him for TWO Months prior to the show - I told the whole story, but got edited. J.T. Had a REAL girlfriend in AL. He planned on killing me first ( I guess to show her ‘nothing happened’? I guess? he said ‘trust me’ before the game started - and SORRY - but that can really F*CK with a girl.

These sordid details came out after she appeared on the reality show Celebrity Rehab. She was cast on Celebrity Rehab after her stint on Heroes Vs. Villains and spoke about her time on Survivor during a group rehab session.

This from Reality Blurred about it:

'On last night’s Celebrity Rehab, Sugar told the group that she’d used drugs since she was a teenager, and said, “the only time I ever took a break was during Survivor.” After being voted out, so while she was at Ponderosa, Sugar said, “I was really wasted because they just ply you with alcohol. … Everybody went to sleep and then I went and got aspirin out of the medical thing and like, you know, figured out how many I needed and piled them up and was about to start taking them - I wanted to hurt myself.”'

She went on to say that the Survivor producers evacuated her from Samoa and sent her to Australia to make sure she hadn't overdosed.

So what did JT have to say?


He was asked about Sugar's tweets in an interview with the LA Times and all he had to say was: 'I don’t know anything about that. I just want to talk about the game.'

Very suspicious if you ask me. If it wasn't true surely he would have exploded with an outcry?

Almost as suspicious as the look he gave as Sugar grabbed her torch to exit:

JT Sugar HvsV

What's he feeling in the moment?

You be the judge.


15 May 2012 11:49

Ew, this is super tacky of both of them. My opinion of JT's just plummeted.

15 May 2012 12:17

Yho yho yho Tash! Thanks for dishing the dirt. Not really a JT fan to begin with but this story doesn't help.

15 May 2012 12:35

Shem Sugar is a troubled person. I love her and I hope she gets help.

16 May 2012 11:19

didn't watch monday nite, but am so sorry that she was voted out so early in the game.  I wish she has stayed longer...  as for the the saga with Jt (mute)

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