eNews Channel changes name to eNCA

Written by TVSA Team from the blog eNews Channel Africa on 17 Aug 2012
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[Submitted via press release]

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eNews Channel reveals name change ahead of its launch in the United Kingdom

South Africa’s first independent 24-hour television news service has unveiled its new name and logo.

From 7pm on Sunday August 19th the eNews Channel will become known as eNews Channel Africa or eNCA (pronounced E.N.C.A). The new look service will also feature a redesign of its logo to incorporate the African continent into its brand identity.

The brand change coincides with the channel’s launch into the United Kingdom. The news provider confirmed earlier this month that it will be launching on the SKY digital satellite platform in the UK.

Group Head of News, Patrick Conroy, says “This will give us access to over 10 million subscribers in that market. What is really significant though is that we will have access to the South Africa expat community. If they want news from home it’s just a click away.”

Says Conroy, “We are a well-established brand in Southern Africa, but we are still relatively unknown globally. We want viewers to instantly recognise where we are from when they encounter our service or brand. The two red triangles symbolise our South African roots.”

eNews Channel Africa (eNCA) says the nature of its news casts will not change. “This is the same service DStv viewers have become accustomed to. Apart from a few cosmetic changes the content will be exactly the same. The only difference now is that your friends and relatives in the UK can get television news direct from home” adds Conroy.

Within hours of the rebranded service being unveiled in South Africa the service will be switched on the in UK at approximately 8am on Monday August 20th.

CEO Marcel Golding says the launch of eNCA in the UK is a historic achievement. “This marks a real break-through for news broadcasters in Africa. It is the first time a home-grown service has been able to provide news and current affairs to audiences beyond the Continent”.

Golding would not be drawn on any other international deals but predicts that eNews Channel Africa (eNCA) will be available in many more territories in the future. “This is just the beginning of our efforts to expand beyond and across Africa. We are an authentic and genuine voice for the people who live here.” he says.

Also to be launched within coming months will be eNCA’s online offering. The development of this site is currently underway.

Line-Up Change:

eNCA will also unveil its new line-up from Monday August 20th. It will be as follows:

06h00-09h00: Gareth Edwards and Ayanda Allie Paine (Morning News Today)
09h00-13h00: Macfarlane Moleli and Eleni Giokos
13h00-16h00: Andrew Barnes and Bhavna Singh (News Day)
16h00-18h00: Joanne Joseph
18h00-21h00: Jeremy Maggs and Iman Rappetti (News Night)

No change to eNews Prime Time on or eNuus on kykNET:
eNews will not be rebranding its Prime Time bulletin on or its Afrikaans language service on kykNET. “Those brands will remain as is” says Conroy “we are only rebranding the eNews Channel”.

Historical Facts:

In 2007 formed a sister company, e.Sat TV. The following year e.Sat TV launched the eNews Channel on 1st June 2008. It is the most watched news service on the DStv bouquet.

In October 2009 eNews Africa was launched by e.Sat TV, it supplies news content to several Africa clients across the Continent as well as The Africa Channel which is also on the Sky digital satellite platform in the UK.

eNews has established bureaus in Lagos, Nairobi and Beijing.

In 2010 eNuus was launched providing an Afrikaans language news service to kykNET viewers on DStv channel 111. This service is not to be rebranded and remains unchanged.

eNews Prime Time at 7pm on continues to grow its audience since it launched in 1999. It is the most watched English language news broadcast in South Africa with an average of 3 million viewers each night. This service is not be rebranded and remains unchanged.

For more information about eNCA, please visit

Channels in this post: eNCA,


17 Aug 2012 15:30

My 1st reaction was WTF! bt its not bad after reading

17 Aug 2012 19:04

Must say the thing that makes me proudest is the fact that most of that line up started as junior reporters doing odd hours and week ends on the channel and we literally saw them hone their craft before our eyese and now they the main attraction:Iman, Ayanda, Bhavna and Gareth

17 Aug 2012 21:32

This is something the nation should be proud of..hats i can't wait to see how sabc will respond

20 Aug 2012 08:30

Haaaaaaaaaiii Makisto!!! 

Where are you hiding??? Missing your writing!!!

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