Sophie Ndaba gets married...again

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 21 Dec 2011
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Superstar and socialite of note who is known to her legion of fans as the miserably single Queen Moroka of popular soapie Generations got married on Tuesday 20 December to her sweetheart, well, so far we only know she married a certain Harrington. We shall dig later on the man who is making our Queen so happy. 

lenyala las sophie wa ga ndaba
Second time lucky: Sophie Ndaba walks down the aisle

The wedding, which was a surprise wedding, saw the creme-de-la-creme of SA celebs witnessing Sophie's big day. Sophie only told her guests that she was having a Thanks Giving ceremony (possibly to deflate media attention) only for them to be surprised when they got to the venue. 

Sophie and Connie
BFFs: Designer Gert Johan Coetzee, Sophie Ndaba-Harrington and Connie Ferguson

We hope Sophie invited the Drum magazine to her big day so we can get to see what really went down. If not, as her fans, we humbly request her that she sell the wedding pictures to Drum. 

Sophie Ndaba
Symbolic: Gert helping Sophie descend down to true love 

Sophie's former Generations co-star, Connie Ferguson, was the bride’s maid of hunour. 

sophie ndaba weds
Together forever: Sophie and her man couldn’t hide their joy

This is Sophie Ndaba's second marriage. Her first marriage to fellow actor Themba Ndaba ended up in a divorce back in 2007. Rumours of Sophie cheating on her husband with actress Kamogelo Mampe's man, who (Kamogelo) played Palesa in Muvhango, were all over Mzansi from rural KZN to posh Sandton. Both Sophie and Themba squashed the rumours and insisted there was no third party involved. 

Sophie twitter wedding
Twitter buzz: Yesterday Twitter went gaga over Sophie’s surprise wedding

It is worth noting that in late 2010, Sophie was reported to be dating singer Lagosh Tshepo Mashile and they even appeared in the tabloids claiming to be in love. However, speaking to the Move! magazine in October 2010, Sophie said the papers lied all because they just want to see her happy. Indeed, it isn't only the tabloids that have been dying to see Sophie happily-in-love, let alone married to her Prince, such that in January 2011, Makisto even wrote Our celebs wishes for 2011. In the article, I wrote: "For 2011, we wish Sophie Ndaba all the best in the love department." And our wishes came true. We are so ecstatic that our Queen has finally found true happiness. 

Throughout her media interviews with newspapers, magazines and bloggers, Sophie maintained she still believed in true love, that her prince charming was out there who would come and whisk her away to love-heaven where she will live happily ever after. We guess dreams do come true and all you gotta do is believe.

Sophie twitter wedding  2
More Twitter buzz: Editor-cum actress Khosie and Cosmopolitan mag’s newly appointed editor Sbu Mpungose joined in the Twitter action

On Sophie's wedding day, her guests took to Twitter to express their excitement. Congratulations to Sophie Ndaba-Harrington and we wish her all the best! Talk about ending the year on a super high note.


21 Dec 2011 11:36

21 Dec 2011 11:46

Thanks Makisto. How come your wish for Sophie in 2011 came true? Prophet Makisto! lol

Sana Lwam
21 Dec 2011 11:47

was dying to see more pics not the one we have seen already :( and more info on Mr Harrington :( :(

21 Dec 2011 11:53

Thanks Makisto. How come your wish for Sophie in 2011 came true? Prophet Makisto! lol
lol you welcome. Kwaaaaaaaaaa @me being a prophet

@Sana Lwam So far I do not have any more info shem. One blogger asked to have an article on this wedding. If you feel this article aint for you, you are welcome to pass and let those who haven't seen or heard anything about it read. Just saying, nothing personal. Also, you can help me dig for more info

21 Dec 2011 11:57

Thanks Makisto I knew we could count on you I also need a wish from you

Sana Lwam
21 Dec 2011 11:58

hay' hay' hay' undincede mntakabawo ekuseni!!! Been looking for the "scoop" on this wedding the whole morning, I see this title I had to come check. Suf'ukwazi who is Mr is not helping me. Wena go dig some more.....u aint done nada yet

21 Dec 2011 11:59

Yeah neh if Sophie did it again why cant I do it le ha one nyana bathong

21 Dec 2011 12:00

#Deathby Sana Lwam, you are really want the scoop ne? I also do want it yazi.

@Stro, you are welcome hey

21 Dec 2011 12:06

Lol @moporofeta makisto...*coughs*..can u throw in a lil prophesy for me too. ;)...tjanx for the article butiaka hle wena. Gape ke be ke shetse ke nyaka le golla, now ke tshofile nako, 4 etla fihla. CONGRADUALTIONs to Mrs Harrington. Modimo a godishe lenyalo la bona. Blessings blessings blessings! *goes back to work*

21 Dec 2011 12:19

Ke Keith Harrington thanks to Porsch for mgosi

Sana Lwam
21 Dec 2011 12:19

hahahahaha! Found him!!!! He is Pastor Keith Clint Harrington

Mrs Chix
21 Dec 2011 12:28

yoh hahahhahah thank let me read

21 Dec 2011 12:30

oh God!!
Not another pastor!!!

21 Dec 2011 12:34

Thanks Maki. well done to Sophie for keeping this away from the tabloids. I wish her well.

Mrs Chix
21 Dec 2011 12:35

and she looks slim and beautiful

21 Dec 2011 12:39

Wow! I'm sooooo happy for Sophie.....she knows how to hide her stuff.....I've never heard or seen any pictures of her with the Pastor...Im impressed.....she looks good:)

21 Dec 2011 12:51

comment loading until 9 Jan

21 Dec 2011 12:55

Maki thanks sana, yoo wht a beautiful dress 


21 Dec 2011 14:02

You are welcome guys. TazTaz, what are those things that you heard. Please share, lol

21 Dec 2011 14:02

You are welcome guys. TazTaz, what are those things that you heard. Please share, lol

21 Dec 2011 15:52

So happy for Sophie! She looks fabulous darling *in Queens voice*!!!

21 Dec 2011 15:53

nope, i am gonna keep my mouth shut! lets wait for XFACTOR to open the can of worms on this one! tltltltltltltltltl
Oho mxm, these has to do with the rumours that Themba is gay. Kodwa everybody knows that now. But the thing is no one is prepared to produce valid proof so the credibility of those rumours cannot be taken seriously. Kodwa I'm surprised, to ordinary people like us bloggers and the general public, why does every guy on TV rumoured to be gay?

21 Dec 2011 16:35

Is this the place where i can share my stories about this pastor?
Or should i reserve that for another blog in the new year?

21 Dec 2011 16:48

byee all  i love u all,

21 Dec 2011 16:59

Mbu...please share. Its the first I hear of him. PS: I need council, ga ke tshephe baruti ba di 'ministry' at all, don't trust them one bit.

21 Dec 2011 17:22

Realy realy, this phenomena of putting people's supposed sexuality on blast, is annoying and ridiculous. Coming from gay people, it smacks of hypocrisy, and its usualy them that do such. Makes me personally be less sympathetic to their cause. They know very well the stigma of coming out, let alone being dragged out,, they know how important it is a person come out when they are ready, plus the sexuality thing is a huuuge grey area, its silly to class people at all. Yet they do it. You sad sad individuals, I guess its true misery loves company. Get help, see shrinks to deal with your coming out trauma, leave others alone.

21 Dec 2011 17:27

@mbulela woza nazo silalele! Is he really a pastor coz I can picture queen as a mam fundisi!lol

21 Dec 2011 18:30

Kwaaaaaa @GA but I am with you on that sesi aka

21 Dec 2011 18:35

Mbulela please do share the pastoral news maan hau

21 Dec 2011 18:48

Well this suprisething is backfiring a bit cos the guests are looking so ordinary. Maybe thats what she wante. People are in jeans and stuff hhayi no!!!!!

21 Dec 2011 20:30

cleve how are the arabs treating u babe?thanx maki heard it first here

21 Dec 2011 20:36

@Mbu the minute i saw pastor i went oho!

21 Dec 2011 20:42

@Mbu the minute i saw pastor i went oho!

21 Dec 2011 20:57

Congra sophie...2nd time lucky

22 Dec 2011 08:17

Bishop Keith Harrington gave a sermon at my church last year and as far as I know, he is married . You can check out his facebook fan group....Bishop Dr. KC Harrington and you will see that he is married to Prophet Nthabiseng Harrington. The man in that picture really looks like him though, maybe it's his brother.

22 Dec 2011 08:49

ga ke tshephe baruti ba di 'ministry' at all, don't trust them one bit. 

@ GA

Re a tshwana nna ke na le experience e seng monate le bona.

these r the traits I've noticed:

- If they dont marry they use successful sisters to finance their ministries
- alwyas preach how gals r after 'em so when scandal breaks down the church is likely 2 b on their
- ba blind ka leleme (smooth talkers)
- they exaggerate (spicing things up in their sermons so ppl can be sold)
- they love money and will use the Word of God 2 extort as much money as they can
- treat ppl acccording 2 their social standing in society if they find out that u r a doctor, engineer, business person etc u'll be a deacon in no tym

Sana Lwam
22 Dec 2011 08:51

Sobza check this out from Sophie FB page: I am a member of the couple's family and would like to clear the record. Pastor Harrington and Nthabiseng divorced in 2006,way before he met Sophie. They share 2 beautiful children and have been seen occassionally at different events as Nthabiseng remains a part of the family as the mother of the 2 children. Pst Harrington is now married to an awesome woman and will gladly be seen in public with her from now on. They stood up publicly to inform the world of their love and commitment to each other as they have nothing to hide. We as members of the family and the Body of Christ are fully behind them with our support and prayers. We would appreciate it if you did the same as they start their journey together. God Bless you! Jesus is Lord. Have a merry Christmas.

22 Dec 2011 09:14

wow thats was wonderful finally her wish come true she must just enjoy every second she has haaaaaaaaaaaaapy for her

22 Dec 2011 09:26

Tjo at Sobza and Sana Lwam findings

22 Dec 2011 09:36

@ Sanalwam...I am Gobsmacked, so they are both divorcees

22 Dec 2011 09:37

wait until you find out more abaut this pastor...hahahaha,,cannot wait..Poor Queen..

22 Dec 2011 10:03

@Maddie...nkare u have met the exact same kind that I have met!!! Ditto to all point. They are Smooth talkers of note...if any gift they have the gift of the gab shem. And the part that pisses me off, ke ye ya gore they discriminate brethren according to their pockets. Pitiful. Sad for the poor people whose spirits are broken in this ministries and they end up going back to 'the world'...:(

22 Dec 2011 10:07

Sophie has always been walking arround like she had a huge secret up her sleeve and dang she did. The interview I've seen, she sounds like a God fearing person, I hope she will make be mmamoruti who brings Glory to God. I would hope she will stop wearing things that leave out too much flesh, boobs and flabbly arms. Only person that pulls out the arm look, is Michelle Obama coz she is toned.

22 Dec 2011 10:17

At da end of da day will hear  ....nothing but da ra ona makunutu.LOL.

22 Dec 2011 13:27

hehehe! aretse!

22 Dec 2011 13:50

i have known u Bishop Harrington for a very long time,im glad he is happy and married the woman of his dreams,he has never been more happier in his life,and may the good Lord keep them safe and together forever!! im happy for U MAN OF God!

22 Dec 2011 14:02

is he local?yaphela imali kasis'Sophie nkosi yam!

22 Dec 2011 14:13

True thazville, bloggers are giving Debora Patta a run for her money

22 Dec 2011 14:40

na re Sophie sa le a jola le Kenny Kunene, i rememba seeing 'em 2geda ko Macufe yrs back that was b4 Kenny a ba famous mara i think he was a millionaire, so ka gore Kenny is married to that woman who said she loves being mrs kunene and she's spoilt rotten that means sophie was wrecking sum1's marriage mos

22 Dec 2011 16:07

Makisto, was that you on a photo ya Akhona(Generations)? Smile sela ke sa gago struu

22 Dec 2011 16:11

Congrats to Sophie and Bishop....I wish them all the best on their marriage. 

The secrecy around their marriage gives me an uneasy feeling, I hope there are no suprises now that she has committed herself...

Like @GA said Sophie's dress sense, boobs hanging out just doesnt go together with pastor's wife image.

I hope she'll be able to adapt...phela being a pastor's wife is a full time job...on top of organising weddings,being Generations actress and socialite...She has her hands full...

22 Dec 2011 16:15

She looked amazing, gorgeous dress and Connie looked lovely... like Zanele Mbokazi who recently married a Bishop, Sophie is a hard working, sweet lady....I hope their husbands realise how special they are!

22 Dec 2011 16:50

@posh wasn't Zanele married already?

22 Dec 2011 17:00

I am itching to spill on this gist but my conscience won't let me. I will let Sunday World do that in the coming weeks, at least they have no conscience. Does it mean that no one here is familiar with the Limpopo pentecostal church circles? Bishop Harrington????????

22 Dec 2011 18:00

@Cnglm she was married, this is her second marriage with the Bishop..

22 Dec 2011 19:08

Mbulela people shall share.

22 Dec 2011 21:45

@ mbulela...inbox I have a conscience, I can certainly keep a secret

Mrs vdK
22 Dec 2011 22:34

Green. Arrow le Maddie... Tlohelang di kereker tsa manigerian. Makisto and Taz, I don't know if you heard what I heard, mina ngazi ukuthi Themba had a drinking problem and his abusiveness advanced from emotional to physical so Sophie sent him packing. He used to hang around the market theatre looking like a lost ghost. When asked why he looked so ghastly he said he was preparing for the role he was playing in the drama series Hopville. By the way Pastors are allowed ukushada isithembu angisho? Hlukanani no Harrington wabantu ke! *hides*

23 Dec 2011 07:16

23 Dec 2011 07:20

@mbulela u seem to knw more than i do;

23 Dec 2011 08:03

Mbu asseblief my dururu thetha, kaloku.

23 Dec 2011 08:37

Mohau said:

People may choose to over-react, truth be told, Sophie MADE A HUGE MISTAKE, period. Move in the Christian circles in Mpumalanga and Limpopo where this guy is well known. He is a gifted speaker with falsified ministerial credentials. There are worse things he does, I promise you, and the newspapers will soon tell his tale to vindicate me. Bishop Dr Keith Clint Harrington IS BAD NEWS!!!!!!

Read more:

23 Dec 2011 08:51

@Mbulela are you Mohau? the 'Limpopo circles' term and the mention of newspapers in the above response....mhhhh...

23 Dec 2011 08:52

thanks MaBeckham,eish she is such a hardworking sweetsoul,she dont deserve such if rumours are sick and tired of these fucked up relationships we keep getting into as good loving women.

23 Dec 2011 08:56

i asked bfo is he local?

23 Dec 2011 09:07

is the pastor coloured or a foreign national

23 Dec 2011 09:23

a secret wedding is a sign that something is really wrong...

Like that gospel artist - who married a con priest from Nigeria. it was really sad.... 

23 Dec 2011 09:49

Wena Mrs vdk , if you think its only nigerian pastors who scam bazalwane in SA, then I pity you. Nd fyi I've never been to a nigerian church, nor any foreign nationals church. Something is just not right about people who leave their ailing countries to bring 'the good news' to a country that already has disciplers in abundance.

23 Dec 2011 09:51

@mohau hmn mooi u say BAD NEWS HEEEEEE:*wish i cud kiss and tell*maybe he is a reformed man from the cathastrophicness

23 Dec 2011 09:54

can sisSophie really do this do herself?for what?she probably paid alles for this wedding.

23 Dec 2011 10:00

@ GA
my sentiments exactly

nna i was not even referring to Nigerians cos I havnt been to any of their churches except for pastor Clement Ibe in PTA,  ke bua ka south african ministers.

the audacity of some to even ask for certain things from u beats me o ka re wena u get manna from heaven u dnt work 4 these things all in the name of God will bless u.

these r some of the things I've been asked:
money for a conference
money to help with the lobola or wedding preparations
my house to live in and mind u this person does not even mention anythin about paying rent

I hav an unemployed aunty living in an rdp house with 5 kids who's not being taken care of by the husband but instead getting infidelity and beatings everyday and wena o batla ke go funda for a weddin i mean seriously

23 Dec 2011 10:02

so tru GA,i always wonder why abopastor chris and the likes dont go to famine and genocide stricken countries to offer their "miracles".

23 Dec 2011 10:14

@maddie and im planning to revive my faith in jan and atleast try to attend church for my little boy's sake and all these demands from these fraudsters?tjo!

23 Dec 2011 10:40

@mbulela and habour, why are you teasing us with the pastor's news ye? Please do tell?

23 Dec 2011 11:53

Eish maddie wena, its sad and infuriating. My mom once went to a 'revival' ya a certain pastor Nhlanhla who is popular ko Lebcow and maybe ga sekhukhune. Ma says that this man or the mc don't recall well, called people that have financial problems to the front, who want to start businesses the poor people went. Before he prayed for them, he called this visiting pastor and his wife, and said 'Ntate his car wheels are fading, mme doesn't have a phone'..the man blatantly told those people that, they must sow, by bying that pastor wheels, and that wife a phone....I was flabbergasted! And then mama a re, the man said if u don't have money, pledge u can even buy the phone with your jet accounts. Then I was pissed off shem. Am I missing something perhaps bout the principle of sowing and reaping!? ...I think not so.

23 Dec 2011 11:57

@Cnglema, make the Word your best friend. Read the bible, make time for worship. pray for understanding, go to fellowship it is vital to connect with the body (waves ap Phikza) , but wherever you go, don't throw your self into the church's vision and mision unless it resonates with yours...

23 Dec 2011 14:06

@cnglemother I luv question ya hore why not to genocide and famine stricken countries... Obvious no incentives there. Ths pple r clever wen u ask such their followers r quik to say kana ke Calling" but tjo pple are bein ripped. Evn on t.v u c them givin accnts numbas where u can sow yo seed. Pity hei! I fil sorry for Sophie. Already. Rememba Pastor Ngidi and Racheal Phakathi in Rythm city?

24 Dec 2011 11:13

hey Cnglema....... The Arabs r treatuing me not so well cos my exams are on the 26th and 27th so no christmas for  me.. :-(

24 Dec 2011 14:38

according to the Timeslive even her daughters and BFF Penny Lebyane didn't know abt the wedding. Daughters were told mommy needed extra ushers for the event. Kanti its the wedding *why so much secrecy*.

25 Dec 2011 21:21


O sa bua ka di jet account some blivers r payin credit cards used by baruti.

i thought u giv from ur enough so when u giv ka dikoloto when God says owe no one but love beats me

27 Dec 2011 08:04


27 Dec 2011 08:04

Im so

27 Dec 2011 08:04

Im so happy

27 Dec 2011 08:04

Im so happy for

27 Dec 2011 08:06

damn!! my keyboard is so happy for Sophie

short hand
28 Dec 2011 19:12

short hand
28 Dec 2011 19:16

Sophie do not know what she has got herself into. Harrington is known all over Limpopo. Thius is Harrington 's third marriage if not mistaken. By the time he married the phrophet Nthabiseng he had a wife before. I dont think this will last. Ask Limpopians and Mpuylanganiands they will tell you more.

28 Dec 2011 21:39

Sunday World, where art thou???

28 Dec 2011 22:41

the pastor was kinda cute on top billing i must say.he's doable fosho hence the commotion on blogs regarding his somewhat shady past with women.

29 Dec 2011 06:57

shady past huh! is it really a past,saw sunday paper he says theystrted dating ely dis year if so string of woman stil exist: 5thwedding wil mosdef follow: hope 4his kids sake he changes al this mistress cumn an going its plain trauma: he nids deliverance !

29 Dec 2011 07:03

from royal wife to loaded wedding planner celebrity ...........

29 Dec 2011 09:21

People stop spreding lies! I know Bishop Harrington personally & he has been in my house to provide prayers! He is a respectable gentleman! Be careful of what u wish for others for it might become a reality in yo lyf, u misserable loosers! Congratulations to Sophie & Bishop Harrington. May they have a happy life & shame all these prophecies of doom who looks for fault in everything pple does as if they themselves are perfect!

29 Dec 2011 09:40

@Audi8 dis is a blog not a stage for a so called insultive commet everybody can voice out so since wena "goddes"pass judgement dat other ppl r misserable losers maybe u wud luv to tel us why he ended in 3dirvoces:dont hate: he is well kniwn preacher who nids to understand the crown that he must respect wat GOD has given him!

short hand
29 Dec 2011 11:22

Audi8 what makes the bishop to marry a lot, may he has a problem. He needs prayers. U also know him closely. His previous wife if from my local church.He needs to repent.

29 Dec 2011 13:04

@Audi8, you sound like a tool. you silly curses are way too old fashioned for me. They don't scare me one bit. try next door.

29 Dec 2011 15:25

All u pple who are finding it hard to accept the fact that Sophie has found a gud man do me a favor- Go & hug a transformer! The guy may hav his flaws but so do y`all.

29 Dec 2011 16:15

29 Dec 2011 17:26

iyo! 4th marriage?

29 Dec 2011 21:09

@Audi8, go and play in the rain. you silly soul.

29 Dec 2011 22:32

@mbulela, it takes a silly soul to award a silly soul! Who gav a zygote lyk u address me lyk that?U perennial loser!

29 Dec 2011 23:19

may audi8 shuld'v given chance 2 explain wat exactly pply r lying about. Are they lyin about him marryin more than once or about his wayward habits with women.

30 Dec 2011 12:46

wena AUDI8 u find defense wen adas attack u ; ustarted wit da insults is that why harrington came to pray for u,OR MAYBE U FORGOT TO ASK FOR DELIVERANCE(insultive) prayer: dont be a hypocrite; practiz wat u preach unless of coz dis is how u show ur christianity!! A child of GOD WOULD HAVE ENCOURAGED PRAYER FOR UNTY! but noWAT D U DO PUSH US T DRAG DIRTY LAUNDRY IN PUBLIC SUMTYMS WE MUSTACCEPT FACTS its noSOPHY NO1 mentiond her we were talkin abt HARRIS!! if it maks u feel holly posting plaques carry on!!!! HARRINGTON NEEDS TO CHANGES AND FIND HIMSLF IN MARRIEGE FACT FACT DEAL WIT IT!!! he is a carryn da image after all!!

30 Dec 2011 16:41

I guess i am a perennial loser because i questioned the character of a man who has known history? I rest my case. My apologies if i spoke wrongly to you. Do have a Happy new year celebration.

30 Dec 2011 16:55

@mbulela, apology accepted. Maybe yo history to this man is diferent from the one I know. Have yoselves a Happy New Year.

short hand
30 Dec 2011 23:13

Lets hope the man of God will change cos he must preach what he should be practising.Ee . oh !!! by the way the wife must be prayerful too  to support the husband by praying for him.

Not forgetting that the congregation need prayer too.  Aretse re tla bona, go tseba mang?

30 Dec 2011 23:54

Hi guys bendisemgidini. UAudi sounds like one-and-only. I remember u-aunty Deborah once sang 'Asibafuni abafundisi abawrongo'. All the best 2 the newlweds!

02 Jan 2012 14:23

lol@being emgidini!uzakwelusa pretty soon nawe myname so get used to attending these typa ceremonies

03 Jan 2012 09:46

Happy new year guys

03 Jan 2012 12:46

Happeeeee new year maki' - hope the year's been groovy so far.

03 Jan 2012 14:16

myname mna ndiyalima sana lol!im wearing gumboots and all.

06 Jan 2012 22:15

Bishop Harrington and Sophie are blessed by millions of real Christians. I posted the news about their wonderful wedding to 99 countries around the world. But I am surprised about the unfair rumours being spread on the Internet by South African, so called brothers? Seems it is only a few people or even one jealous person who knew Bishop & Professor K. C. Harrington. Yes, he is not only a pastor but appointed Professor with his valid PhD Degree I am his witness and dont appreciate negative stories about him as he is also Vice President of our International University (NWMDIU). Please dont touch high profile people like Sophie and Prof. Harrington as they influence and bless millions of people and millions of people love them and stand behind them. Remember one day you will stand before God. The times I ministered AND had graduation ceremonies together with him he convinced me 100% that God was leading him by His Holy Spirit. I have done business with him for years and he is absolutely trustworthy. I met his x wife and understand that she remain part of the family as she is also a child of God and both need contact with their children. I have seen several faceless posts on the Internet and would advise everyone to ignore those and mind their own business. Marriage is private between man and wife and they both deserve to be happy. I think their marriage is from God and they will proof all those who are sceptic or negative, wrong. Professor Louis M. De Bruin PhD President of NWMDIU

07 Jan 2012 16:48

No smoke without fire. men of God ths days.. Itjo

07 Jan 2012 18:41


09 Jan 2012 16:29

Abo Queen should pass on the le-geisha maspana ngayo coz my dettol & protects aint working for me. Hawu For the second time.....what a blessed chikitha!

Bye guys, eish ndilambe!!!!!!

12 Jan 2012 10:19

Congradulations Sophla!.......Only God is between this marraige and they will stay together as long as God is there between them(joining them)...........

I know men(over 50)
 who abused/used women and left them with children to be faithfully and responsible in their current marraiges

12 Jan 2012 11:29

yho hay sana i wish i had all time but i dont. hay bethuna ndiyamvuyela u Queen. endingamaziyo ngu pastor the man of God, let God be with his thinking every time becoz these guys claim to be honest and loving even though they not.preaching while they wishing. let God be with them all the way

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