Monday World: A Year that Was!

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 13 Dec 2010
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JZ wedding
Applaud the President for having a proudly South African wedding

Yes, JZ pulled what is the biggest cabinet reshuffle since the advent of democracy in South Africa. Unruly Ministers got fired, blubber mouths such as Barbara Hogan also got fired (politically correct term is redeployed to...). Zuma reigned Juju in.

Proof, love does conquer it all

The biggest soapie story of the year is Connie Furgeson (Karabo) took a retirement package from Generations after playing same stories of love triangles and miscariages for over 16 years. Who can blame her? The character wasn't going anywhere in terms of development.

Still on Connie, she and hubby proved that love does conquer all. Petty plots by Carol Mdladla to bring Connie's marriage to Shona down was just an ordinary blowing wind for the couple. Therefore, Connie and Shona renewed our hope in true love and the saying that love conquers all.

Sophie Ndaba
Sophie finds love at long last!

Still on love and Generations actresses, yes, finally, Sophie Ndaba found love at last in the form of Tshepo Mashile who is in his mid-twenties lol. But Black people must stop talking about  toyboys when it comes to love. Mostaan Mariah Carey (40) is dating Nick Cannon who is also in his mid-20s.

Speaking of the epitome of diva, 2010 will go down as Maria and Nick's best year yet. The duo are pregnant and their child is due later on in the new year. We hope all goes well this time around and that Maria doesn't overwork herself.

Staying in babyland, Beyonce Knowles finally gave husband hip-hop mogul Jay-Z an heir. We wish them all the best for 2011 as the little one is on its way.

Yes, 2010 saw the launch of Mzansi Magic, a DSTV channel that's set to give SABC1 a run for its money come 2011. The channel is busy shortlisting proposals for shows in 2011 including a soapie lol. Makisto thinks SABC1 is going to bar its show hosts as well as actors from featuring in any Mzansi Magic shows as guests. Akere we all know the huge dollops of jealousy the SABC has against ETV.

Thandiwe Jumo of Tonight copied Makisto's article and presented the ideas of Makisto's story as her own in the Tonight, sending Makisto into a name and shame mode!

Spain won Fifa 2010 World Cup and South Africa got top marks for being great hosts

Yes, South Africa hosted what is deemed the best Fifa World Cup ever in terms of tickets sales and everything else in general. Even the likes of Debora Patta found the World Cup too hot to resist as she featured it in her 3rd Degree. The doubting Thomases who said SA will not host a succesful event were silenced!

Shrien Dewani
Stealing the media coverage spotlight is the honeymoon murder

The World Cup could have been the biggest story of 2010 to come out of South Africa that featured in World News daily for over 40 days but no, Shrien Dewani had to visit South Africa. Shrien Dewani stands accused of plotting and instituting the alleged murder of his wife Anni Dewani. Plus, Shrien paid R3 000.00 instead of R36 000 at the luxury safari lodge, Sabi Sand Game Reserve,  in Cape Town, after he disguised as a travel agent during booking, without mentioning he will be on honeymoon, according to the Sunday Times. So much of a con artist from a man who claims to be a stinking rich businessman.

Yes people, 2010 is also the year in which Mathata Tsedu found justice for the murder of his son Netshisaulu, who was killed by wifey. "We were captivated. Not only was this the son of a veteran journalist, Mathata Tsedu, but we had been moved by the cries of a wife who accused the police station nearby of not being swift in attending to her plea to have them save her husband from the burning car," writes Pinky Khoabane in her Sunday Times column.

Vulindlela Lesego for Mabrr

2010 will also be remembered as a year that saw South African theatre featuring Mabrr - The musical. We all enjoyed terrific actress Lesego Motsepe bringing Brenda Fassie back from the dead to stage.

Redi and hubby
Love is happiniess

Redi Tlhabi tied the knot with her sweetheart Brian and honeymooed in New York lol such that GA had to mention that Redi must not do her literature work at the New York Times lolest!

Back to politics, 2010 saw DA's Helen Zille and ID's Patricia de Lille getting politically married. It still remains to be seen whether the marriage will have any noticeable impact when we go to the polls next year for local government elections. We will also see if this marriage will be able to unseat the ANC in 2014 national elections.

Staying with teh DA, this is the year that saw the political party show its toilet stink in Gugulethu. The ANC jumped at the opportunity to discredit the party and say the DA has no regard for Black people. Trust the ANC to always pull the now invalid race card. Each time the race card is being pulled by the ANC, take your whistle and blow it for foul play and give the DA a free kick to kick the ANC in the butt!

Actors unpaid
Show me the money!

2010 was again a time for Muvhango not to pay its actors for 3 months because the actors are freelancers on the show meanwhile Duma Ndlovu got millions from the SABC and he didn't pay his actors lol, just because he gave them 3 months break.

Cherel came back to Isidingo by popular demand and her return took the show's ailing ARs to another level of sky-rocketting. Welcome back madame de Villiers-Haines- Le Roux.

Cheesa declined to accept an award for female blogger of the year on TVSA making Blaqueboi and Carino unrivalled winners in the male and female blogger of the awards respectively.

This year also saw two shushi parties at Zar with people eating from model's bodies causing an outcry by culturalists and traditionalists. These conservative people forget that models also have bills to pay and they (conservatives) cannot give models jobs and pay them their worth.

Phila Mazibuko left Live for Mzansi Insider, a show I am yet to watch, got an acting gig on Muvhango and released his debut album titled My first love that resulted in him scooping best styled artist award at the Metros.

Phil Mphela
A Blaqueboi article caused some noise

A Blaqueboi article caused a major row between JC and TVSA bloggers while the owners of TVSA and JC sat at a corner and laughed at the little creche kids!

Geneations and Rythm City brought Tau and David back from the dead respectively! What a silly storyline, especially at Generations because we saw Tau die and getting burried, itjo, is Rythm City also just as bad? Phela we also saw David getting shot! Soapies, can we please have a deal for 2011, no bringing characters back from the dead please!

Mantuli got fined four goats for not respecting her husband. JZ, who fathered an illegimate child with his buddy's duaghter's Sonono Khoza.

Mara Louw
Race rant?

Mara Louw got labelled racist after she openly spoke about racism on the Idols. Makisto too agrees that there is some sort of racism from Idols voters. Gareth Cliff called Blade Nzimande an ugly face and scorned the ANC and spoke about same old issues. And he also got labelled racist.

Makisto, no running for nothing.

Some bloggers wanted Makisto and Blaqueboi to fight with some even going as far as saying Makisto is giving Blaqueboi a run for his money despite the two bloggers having made it clear that there is no beef between them. But Makisto is happy that his name is equated to that of Blaqueboi as Makisto believes he is nowhere near Blaqueboi.

Phat Joe made a TV comeback andlet's hope he will not get fired this time around but Makisto hears through rumours that Phat Joe got a friendly warning after he called Brenda Nqxoli a village girl during Saturday's show.

Pictures through the lens of Media24, MNet, South African State Theatre, Fifa, Generations and vaious other website. Love all the way from Makisto.


13 Dec 2010 12:53

Makisto this is to long and where are the pics?

13 Dec 2010 12:55

Kwaaaaa I love Phat Joe shem. And he didn't call Brenda  a village girl, he called her fake! LOL. And i was dead on the floor after the comment he made about Theo Kgosinkwe! 

Hhai ngeke, i've had enough of the Fergusons to last me a lifetime, so the less i read about or see them is enough - for me!

Congratz to B and Jay. I hope the baby will look like mommy. Daddy ain't that bad but imagine if they get a baby girl and she ends up looking like him *hides*

13 Dec 2010 12:56

Oh ja, on 2010: Progessor realesed his debut album and it's sitting on platinum. Cangratulations to him! I love this boy :-)

13 Dec 2010 13:01

But Makisto is happy that his name is equated to that of Blaqueboi as Makisto believes he is nowhere near Blaqueboi

Stop selling urself short u both r good in ur own unique way

Yes, JZ pulled what is the biggest cabinet reshuffle since the advent of democracy in South Africa. Unruly Ministers got fired, blubber mouths such as Barbara Hogan also got fired (politically correct term is redeployed to...). 

these ppl will be redeployed with almost the same perks some of them corrupt as they are, ppl don't get fired in the ruling party, that's y corruption will neva end

Yes, South Africa hosted what is deemed the best Fifa World Cup ever in terms of tickets sales and everything else in general

that was good but we're left with white elephants called stadiums, some municipalities r struggling to maintain these, watch this space.

Yes people, 2010 is also the year in which Mathata Tsedu found justice for the murder of his son Netshisaulu, who was killed by wifey

this woman is not even showing any remorse, she does not look like she's regretting any of this, I wonder what the husband did to her, can't wait for her book to be released soon

Staying in babyland, Beyonce Knowles finally gave husband hip-hop mogul Jay-Z an heir. We wish them all the best for 2011 as the little one is on its way. 

how true is this?

ownah m p
13 Dec 2010 13:03

speaking of joe the guy can talk.. but he should not  forget that he is a human being too. Brenda is good... she might be village gal but it doesnt show on her face..go gal

13 Dec 2010 13:06

what is wrong with being a village gal?

13 Dec 2010 13:32

Staying in babyland, Beyonce Knowles finally gave husband hip-hop mogul Jay-Z an heir. We wish them all the best for 2011 as the little one is on its way.  

U kidding rite? i thought she and her mother denied this on E! Entertainment channel? i could be wrong...

13 Dec 2010 14:18

mara guys have u seen Zuma lately, he looks frail or maybe he's aging

13 Dec 2010 15:02

eish 2010 was a year of a lot of nice thing ,even BULUMKO discoverd blogging ku tvsa . :-)

Lobby the girl
13 Dec 2010 15:09

Nice Read Maki babe, and thanks Cheesa to add up to some of the things that Maki forgot

13 Dec 2010 15:15

as for the Fergusons - there is no smoke without i fire 

13 Dec 2010 15:40

lol at all you guys having enough Furgesons read to last you for the coming 5 years. 

@Cheesa, I forgot the Jub Jub story, thanks for adding that my friend. Great minds think alike indeed. I also like the fact that you are saying the things I mentioned here yu were thinking of them. Great minds indeed do think alike. Cheesa, Blaqueboi is doing a good job and some fellows wanted to discourage him from writing. It was during you sabbatical shem. 

Siyakubongela indeed Bulumko, you must comment on articles more often. Thank you for adding that to the 2010 list lol. 

@Maddie, thank you, I will start looking at myself as a great person that I am. I don't think there is anything wrong with being a village girl but Phat Joe just wants to start another row.

@Stroh, it took me longer than usual to upload the pictures. It really proved to be amission.

@PruLuv, thanks hle bathong!

13 Dec 2010 15:40

Hayi shem I watched the Metro FM awards izolo and they were written low budget all over. Anyone who has seen previous Metro FM awards could see that they were fosting this year. But we thank them for making an effort. 
The editing was worse, angiyiphathi ke eye-choreography - pap! Those dancers looked like they didn't want to dance. 

Kahle bo Cheesa, Sbu's dating a cougar mos. ROTFLMAOTIP

Hayi yena uPhat he just opens his mouth and everything comes out. How can he say Theo has something inside that needs to come out. What is he suggesting and I don't like these rumours waisti, phela I love Theo. Just because he takes good care of himself and can dance does mean people must suggest some stuff about him.
Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mina i agree with Joe! I saw it coming a loooong time ago. Theo's just too queer

13 Dec 2010 15:45

Zah00, a friend of mine told me people are saying Theo is gay. But the guy is married. Until he says he is gay, I will take him as a hetero lol. I agree with Cheesa, we guys must ghroom ourselves and dance nicely.

13 Dec 2010 15:49

Just came by to read MondayWorld and have a good laugh:-D 

Feeling ubber sick(nausea)....nothing that lots of water, an apple and some sleep wont fix though....i think. *pulling blanket over the head*

13 Dec 2010 15:54

Fair enough @makisto but until such time, i'll continue suspecting him. Guys you MUST groom yourselves. Cut nails, cut hair, brush teeth. Be clean maan... but me, i don't care how clean a man is, the minute he smiles at me with the gold tooth he must just forget!!! My random thought......

13 Dec 2010 15:58

Im coming tomorrow Maki, I had a blue Monday and i deserve to go home early.

So ciao, have a great evening

13 Dec 2010 15:58

Kwaaa @ umnqwazi awuqini!! Him and Trevor phoned their cougars live on air during their saturday show. And Sbu kept saying "baby tell this man that i'm a size 13" smh. Sbu can be so............... *the word's left me*......sometimes

@GA get well nana, nothing worse than being sick on a monday.

13 Dec 2010 15:59

@GA, get well soon my dear. Huggs and kisses from Makisto

but Zah00, he is family man and he love his wife very much. People must just stop suspecting thingz that aren't there, bethuna lol. I like how you just said yu will continue suspecting until such time.

Thank you Cheesa, I am one of those people who tries by all means to groom myself.

13 Dec 2010 16:00

Hai i hadn't seen the dancing part!! LMAO

13 Dec 2010 16:19

Just had to come and get the Monday Madness fix. Hilarious as usual.

13 Dec 2010 23:20

Ndiyabulela bethuna, dunno whether its owl/bat tendencies or whar,but im feeling much better now:) tl tl, .... It felt so wrong to post a one liner wethu...once im fully recovered u will be the first to know by the "normal responses";)...lolest,im in tears with laughter.

Mantuli got fined four goats for not respecting her,isnt she the one who was ordered by the courts to pay the maid after some unfair dismisal..,...haai,ditaba tsa ka ga zuma tsona ena!

Phat Joe got a friendly warning after he called Brenda Nqxoli a village girl during Saturday's show. ....gape Phat Joe just doesnt learn. But somehow i love him for that, our entertainment industry still isnt ready for his humour many years after Felicia Mabuza Suttle?? No wonder im not a fan of mzanzitainment. I'm fond of him as i am of Gareth Cliff, Simon Cowell...and Chuck Bass!!. He is made for late night TV that one. Pity those in power arent taking to him as i am.

13 Dec 2010 23:29

Lastly, ka gore re busy re a phuthaphutha , re ema di line tse telele down town jozi le marabastaat re reka di kheresemose, ditsela di lebile gae,its getting increasingly difficult to log in, one might as well fare thee well now.
Have an awesum festive season hle bana ba thari entsho. Love you guys to pieces. Y'alls have contributed to the lessons ive learned this year and so to the growth that has happened in me life. God bless you all.

Makisto, Carino, Cheesa, Blaqueboi, Segololo, Thabang, Tshd21, the new kid on the "block" Pruluv, Sobza, TDC, Sipho Xolisa TshapuTVSA team,all the guys that shared their thoughts on all things ........thank you guys for the posts that have kept us entertained and informed. Your efforts are much much much appreciated,im certain many agree.


Merry Christmass everybody! le kgaoleng ngwala le Morena.

14 Dec 2010 07:58

@ Green Arrow ngwanaga etsho kere o nne le malatsi a monate a botsalo jwa morena le ngwaga o mosha.

modimo o le segofatse tle lelapa la tvsa ole sereletse o le babalele mo ditseleng. 

hey i missed tvsa. 

14 Dec 2010 08:24

Hellow everyone,

What happened to the case of a Blue Bulls rugby player that beat a policeman to death in PTA? And the guy who stole his credit card?

Who can forget when one of the Swazi wives was caught cheating. They say she used to wear solders' uniform and pretend to be one.

Who can forget Nonny oka Anonymous (U are solemnly missed niggress).

Who can forget the Durban massacre where families were killed by some bloody niggers who were high on drugs.

Makhaya Ntini retires from cricket.

When one of the cricket players wrote a book, exposing some scandals.

When Chiefs beat Pirates 3-0. Askis mathambo amhlophe qhwa.

Lastly I almost lost my job but thanks to isikhokho (Our loving God). And i would like to send my love to BA for the support including u guys.

Myname running 21km for the first and finishes at 2:20 after training for one week. 

When i finally meet my husband Makisto for the first time.

When i finally meet Cinglemum for some shopping lol. Love you know i dig u niggress.

Yeah maybe i will come back for more.....

14 Dec 2010 08:51

hey who will forget the young swazi lady married to Mangosuthu Bhuthelizi 

Juju boy and his shouting to the white journalist 
get out tl tlt 

Class Act - the best television programme ever

14 Dec 2010 09:59

Yho Phat Joe, i LoLed at the comment he made about Theo Kgosinkwe on saturday

14 Dec 2010 12:24

.. only reading Monday World now.....

Lemme get to it..

14 Dec 2010 12:56

lol, beef? Family doesn't beef over trivial stuff. Thanks for the sweet words Makisto.

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