Gospel Gold Now Saved: New Presenter in

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 04 Oct 2010
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TVSA bloggers have proved their mettle on what should happen on TV and the latest evidence can be found in SABC 1's Gospel Gold as the show just appointed former Generations actress and now a stay at home mom, Palesa Mocuminyane as the show's presenter.


TVSA bloggers have been posting memos petitioning for Zwai Bala's removal as the Gospel Gold presenter and I was one of the many bloggers who were unhappy about him presenting the show.

Zwai Bala

There was nothing personal about petitioning for Zwai's removal as he just didn't fit with the image of the show and what made TVSA bloggers and many other South Africans who don't have platforms to voice their concerns to stop watching, was that he would torture his guests by singing with them and him playing the piano was just simply not on. His pronounciation of Gospel as Gospile just unblessed one's preparation for a church service.

I watched the first three episodes after he took over from Lerato Moloi and that other guy (sjoe, is he that forgettable?) and that was enough for me as I couldn't afford to have someone unbless my Sunday.

The show's ARs dropped dramatically and the producers couldn't wait for the end of his contract so they may release him. Palesa, who is a saved mom of three will start filming for the show on Tuesday 5 October and will probably be seen on screen on Sunday 10 October.

Palesa managed to stay in the media during her non-screen show and appeared in Drum, Fit Pregnancy, Move Parent (now Best Parent),Bona and another parenting mag I forgot the name, proving that she is a bankable name (or brand as schelbs term themselves these days)

Palesa is excited about joining the show, reports the Sunday World. "[Presenting the show] is a challenge I’m looking forward to," she told the tabloid. "I hope I’ll add something to change people’s lives." Palesa also said she hopes "to bring people closer to God."

Sizwe Dlomo
In [for ladies to drool over]

This is not the first time bloggers influence decisions on what should happen on their fave TV shows. Very recently, T-Bo Touch was released from Live and after Phila chose to focus on Msanzi Insider, Muvhango and his debut album, My first love, they brought in the impeccably handsome YFM and MTVBase presenter, Sizwe Dlomo in a bid to have ladies tuning in and drool over him, thus, increasing the show's ailing ARs. This was after bloggers didn't stop petitioning for his removal from  what Bonang claims is "the biggest music show in the land".

T-BO Touch
out [for taking Andile Ncube's legacy down]

Back to Gospel Gold, I cannot say I am totally happy with Palesa's appointment as the show's presenter. One can only hope the producers didn't choose her over hundreds of other hopefuls who auditined to present the show because of her Generations fame. I would have preferred someone a bit younger to present the show. Akere the channel is aimed at the youth and now there is this whole reloaded thingie. I would have liked to see Sfiso Ncwane co-presenting with Fikile Mlomo. I'm no Palesa's biggest fan, let alone a follower maybe that's why I am not happy but ok with the producers' choice. One can only hope they will bring Sfiso to co-present with her. I'm also no Sfiso fan as I don't have any of his albums but I am of the view that he will do good to the show. As for Fikile, they can have her as a field presenter who attends gospel concerts and visit gospel singers at their homes and put that in as insert. Gape SABC1 claims that it offers young people a chance to make it in the industry and that will be a major boost for Fikile's career. I just gave them ideas on how they can make the show more interesting by having inserts.

Congratulations to Palesa and all the best to her with the show. For now, we need to give her a chance to prove herself and we will evaluate her presenting skills and the kind of aura she brings to the show later. If she doesn't cut it, you can count on TVSA bloggers to start posting memos.


04 Oct 2010 10:29

oh thank God our prayers have been answered yoh!!! The whole show was igospeli...and xhosanglish eish.I dont know the reason they released Lerato because she was doing a good job.As for Palesa we hope she will make the the show's ARs to sky rocket...but my instincts tell me that Palesa wont be good enough because of the way she speaks and her personality.Was it mentioned in those interviews with the mags that Palesa was saved or it's just said now because she is going to present the gospel show?But all in all I wish her all the best.....

04 Oct 2010 10:42

Shoo- I still think Lerato should do the show but hopefully Palesa will do much better than Mr Bala because he was so boring I only watched the first episode and I was no longer interested in the show..............Thanks SABC And all the best to Palesa.

04 Oct 2010 10:45

@lejazz, I didn't buy those magazines, I just saw them at magazine stands ko Shoprite and CNA. I only buy a magazine that has something appealing about it and the ones mentined here didn't have that when I saw them. I think it is only mentioned now that she is saved as she is about to present this show. You know how it is. Gopesl singers when making it big they will tell they started singing at Sunday school.
oh thank God our prayers have been answered yoh!!! 
You can say that again.
my instincts tell me that Palesa wont be good enough because of the way she speaks and her personality
My sentiments exactly but we will wait and see. I think she will need someone to co-present wit her and I she must really try to be a flamboyant presenter with lots of energy otherwise the show will be boring.

04 Oct 2010 10:50

hopefully Palesa will do much better than Mr Bala because he was so boring I only watched the first episode and I was no longer interested in the show
Thousands of viewers stopped watching and SABC 1 only had to endure the ailing ARs because of the contract they signed with him. I only watched the first 3 episodes and I was gone. My Joyous, Keke, Benjamin Dube etc etc DVDs will do it for me thanks than watch Zwai boring me.

04 Oct 2010 11:00

hopefully Palesa will do much better than Mr Bala because he was so boring I only watched the first episode and I was no longer interested in the show
Zwai was not doing iy for me i'm so glad hes out,i've never thought palesa can present gospel... he e hai... this is not ayoba at all

04 Oct 2010 11:06

Zwai was not doing iy for me i'm so glad hes out,i've never thought palesa can present gospel... he e hai... this is not ayoba at all 
, I think we need to give her a chance to present and comment later on her presenting skills. Obviously she wont crack it overnight but with time she will improve. As for Zwai Bala, it was clear from his first show that there was no way he was gonna improve, that piano and singing with guests? hehehehehe

04 Oct 2010 11:08

kwaaaaaaaaa @ the in and out pics esp the first one. 

to Gospel Gold i sy it about time......

Modimo!!! re utlwile ke Ntate Zwai. Kweku!!!!

and I hope Palesa wont be singing

04 Oct 2010 11:08

Halleluya!! My Gaad!! *in Dr Rib's voice*..... Not that i actually care because i stopped watching the show since they introduced my Bala to the show. So frankly, i detoxed it from my system, so now it doesn't matter to me aymore....

On Live..... I love Sizwe. It was a great move removing "Yo Boy" from the show. He was killing it softly

04 Oct 2010 11:10

sorry I the only who dont see the "beauty" or "handsomeness" in Sizwe?

ka nnete beauty is in the eyes of the beer holder (fullstop)

04 Oct 2010 11:19

His pronounciation of Gospel as Gospile just unblessed one's preparation for a church service. i am rolling lol

let me continue

04 Oct 2010 11:26

hey batho ba Modimo zwai shem o ne a bora with a capital B, ya bona the singing yone haai qha

04 Oct 2010 11:27

kwaaaaaaaaa @ the in and out pics esp the first one.
lOL @Blueroze
and I hope Palesa wont be singing
Tltltltltltltltltltl wa mpolaya thwii, can you really imagine Palesa singing? It will be like hopeless popstars auditioneers.
sorry I the only who dont see the "beauty" or "handsomeness" in Sizwe?
Bbbhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, ya wena you are very funny yazi lol. I heard Bonang saying: "This handsome man next to me is my new co-host and I know the ladies will love me for it." True Love magazine features editor Melinda Furgeson even fanstasised about having sex with him in their mag's previous issue and also GQ named him in their best 10 dressed men on 2009 so I then thought oh, then he is good looking since I wouldn't know that. Because of all the noise about his looks, I thought lemme also add in something for the ladies so you can love me for it.
So frankly, i detoxed it from my system, so now it doesn't matter to me aymore.... @Zah00, the show is also out of my system but I will watch to see how Palesa fairs and if she will be singing or not.

04 Oct 2010 11:48


04 Oct 2010 12:00

Thank god Zwai and his back up singers are off our screens.  I dont know about Palesa i didnt like he acting ko Gen maybe her presenting will be much better.  Couldn't they find somebody else?

04 Oct 2010 12:14

His pronounciation of Gospel as Gospile, lol! and Makisto not forgetting the word -icwecwe!! 

I have my doubt with the new presenter though kodwa i will wait and see.

04 Oct 2010 12:16

I have to say that uZwai is very funny on Popstars, he makes the show watchable.

04 Oct 2010 12:23

I just think the show needs to be canned, I mean how many times can you try and revive sumthing that was certified dead long time ago, I think this show was as good as Tennyson *sp* and Zanele Mbokazi were the hosts, after that it just lost it's touch....

Cann it and work on a new concept and until they are sure what they want to show us then bring it back

04 Oct 2010 12:38

My sister was celebrating when we read the news maabane and she kept stroking my back coz she knows i love Zwai.
She didnt believe me when i said im also happy he is gone. And shame im so happy la tseba. He is perfect (imo) on pop stars but damnit he sucked out my love for gospel gold with his antics...I even started going to 8:15am church coz that homely gospel gold feeling that i have known to always usher me to church since i was littler was just killed,destroyed. TO THE EXTENT my sister even watches a bit of isidingo b4 church...VERY BAD!, coz more often than not it turned into the entire omnibus. 

just by the way, the Zwai Antics i could otherwise and ELSEWHERE [perhaps in a private show:-)]  be okay with coz i love him and his skillz three much...but he killed gospel gold for me. And i want that fellowship that i used to have, hopefully Palesa will help.

But ehm
my instincts tell me that Palesa wont be good enough because of the way she speaks and her personality
My sentiments exactly
......sentiments thirded...but indeed we'll see.

One and Only
04 Oct 2010 12:44

TVSA bloggers have proved their mettle on what should happen on TV and the latest evidence can be found in SABC 1's Gospel Gold

Wow! Really? If that was the case Generations would be history by now. This is pure gossip at its best. Any attempts made to get Zwai's side of the story?

Palesa, who is a saved mom

What is the significance of the above underlined word in relation with the show.

All I know is that people are never satisfied and will always complain. Uma unekhanda elincane they complain uma unekhanda elikhulu bakubiza ngoJomo. Ukhuluphele inkinga, wondile inkinga.

04 Oct 2010 12:45

think this show was as good as Tennyson *sp* and Zanele Mbokazi were the hosts, after that it just lost it's touch.... 
Sadly i agree...but just for the love of the fellowship i used to enjoy pre kerk while with GG,i hope they dont can it, but return it to what it used to be. The traditional angle...Thats what the majority of the target market, my mom, aunti...and i relate to. . 
And Makisto..i see Sifiso and Fikile  working, EXxcept maybe they are both tooo traditional,the second presenter should be "trendy" with CCM1 music influence as well just to keep it balaced.

04 Oct 2010 13:03

kwa kwa kwa kwa!!!

04 Oct 2010 13:09

All I know is that people are never satisfied and will always complain. Uma unekhanda elincane they complain uma unekhanda elikhulu bakubiza ngoJomo. Ukhuluphele inkinga, wondile inkinga.

kwaaaa kwaaaa but O&O they are saying Zwai is good on Popstars...

04 Oct 2010 13:14

I will give Palesa the benefit of the doubt, just hoping for the best. Thank God Zwai is gone...beselendichekriwe nguye stru.

04 Oct 2010 13:24

Palesa is saved, i also dont see its relevance?? hehhe so Phat Joe and Brenda Ngxoli are gossipers because they work n a gossip programme.

i loved Zwai on the show but hated his every ready to sing mood as if he was on his church. Well done to Pal ke kodwa!

04 Oct 2010 13:25

Wow! Really? If that was the case Generations would be history by now. This is pure gossip at its best. Any attempts made to get Zwai's side of the story?
@One and Only?
Yes, I can gurantee that this is the case. Remember some of us don't only complain here but we also post memos to SABC 1? Le teng, various production houses and SABC does read what we write on TVSA and take some of the thingz we say into consideration. It was mentioned in the article in the Sunday World that viewers complained about Zwai as the presenter. We TVSA bloggers are viewers of that show lol. If we complain, who else is complaining? Many people!
ARs dropped lol.
With Generations, you cannot say it would be history because we always complain about it losing its touch but we keep on going back for more whereas with Gospel Gold, we indeed do stop watching. Sometimes Gene does get it right. 
The difference is, people complain, still watch Gen and ad revenue keeps on flowing with advertisers fighting for the Gen slot. Gospel Gold, people complain, stop watching, ARs decline, advertisers pull back, SABC 1 offers cheaper advertising rates. The more a show has viewers tuning in, the more advertisers want to advertise during that show and the more expensive the ad slot becomes.
I didn't call Zwai to get his side of the story because I don't have airtime to call his agent, then call him as well.
Palesa, who is a saved mom 
What is the significance of the above underlined word in relation with the show.
Hai, gape  le wena One and Only? ke a go lebala. The reason is that the show is about gospel music, Palesa intends to bring people closer to God. She is also a mom. Mothers want the best for almost everyone and them being saved plays a significant role on  their character as well as bringing people closer to God.
I hope I answered your questions lolest.

04 Oct 2010 13:32

Palesa is saved, i also dont see its relevance?? hehhe so Phat Joe and Brenda Ngxoli are gossipers because they work n a gossip programme.
Lol Pele, I wouldn't say Phat Joe and Brenda are gossipers. An example that will tie in neatly with this is i.e Kuli Roberts, who is a gossip columnist and assistant editor of a Sunday tabloid, the Sunday World, gets her own show on Mzansi Magic where she will be attending high profile parties and gossiping about public figures. You see where the mention of her gossip column and being tabloid editor tweaks the story.

04 Oct 2010 13:36

so Palesa has a profession like Kuli , only hers is  being saved?

How is she going to bring us closer, by preaching, Lord form singing to preaching hayi Gospel Gold i miss the days zo Zanele Mbokazi myself. I pray she will present and dont give us Hot Gospel tunes before Church and save the preachings for my Pastor.

04 Oct 2010 13:38

i really dont understand why he had to sing along, im sure some of the artists were annoyed by this aswell. I hope Palesa does the show justice...goodluck sisi wami.

04 Oct 2010 13:41

sorry i meant ''she must give us Hot tunes before going to Church'

04 Oct 2010 13:49

i think you did answer him very well Makisto lol-lly

04 Oct 2010 13:52

so Palesa has a profession like Kuli , only hers is being saved?
Hawu, wena Pele maan, you know being saved is a lifestyle and not a profession. Akere o tsena kereke le wena and are a writer. You should know the distinction between a profession and a lifestyle.
How is she going to bring us closer
We need to watch to find out lol.
i miss the days zo Zanele Mbokazi myself
So does everyone else. Zanele Mbokazi and Tenneson Lekgethe were very good to the show. I remember finishing my bath just before 9:00, watching the show with my Bible ready and as soon as an artist plays us out, I ran to church. They wanted to give a younger generations a chance and it was only ok when Lerato and that other guy presented, these two duos, they had understated elegance they brought to the show and their presenting was serene. It must also be pointed out that Zanele and Tenneson were the best presenters for that show. Then came Zwai and everything just went down spiral.

04 Oct 2010 13:54

ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrr sorry maki im just clearing my throat.

I dont really like him but damn Sizwe is looking so FINE in that egg suit. He looks eatable for a hungry cat like me.

And those shoes..........I can eat him anytime. 

Now let me read ........HELLO GUYS

04 Oct 2010 13:58

lol @Myname and the whole comment

04 Oct 2010 14:02

so why compare a lifestyle with profession ke? you just did with Kuli's job and Palesa's lifestyle.

LOL,,, running to Church , your Church start early ne, mine starts at 11:00 until 12:00

04 Oct 2010 14:09

so why compare a lifestyle with profession ke? you just did with Kuli's job and Palesa's lifestyle.
, you can compare them only in exceptional circumstances lol. The way in which I compare them here, they fit in well. i.e I am a gym fanatic and I am obsessed with it such that if I only go there once and not twice in a day, I feel guilty. Going to gym is a lifestyle. Therefore, consider this: Makisto, who trains for over fours hours at Virgin Active twice a day, got a weekend job as a fitness instructor at Body Lab. He says he hopes to help people reach their target Body Mass Index (MBI). Do you get what I'm saying Pele? I know you do because any intern journo would know this and I get a feeling you are only saying this to get lotsa attention.

04 Oct 2010 14:10

LOL,,, running to Church , your Church start early ne, mine starts at 11:00 until 12:00
Back then my church was starting at 11:00 and I have to take a taxi.

04 Oct 2010 14:14

Eish Maki akere u put that pic for people like mwhhaaaaa abo queen of perverts.

Ok back to uasi Pale. Well let me congratulate her firstly.

Nna i just wanna say i dont wanna see her walking if she's walking like the way she was walking on Gen. 

By the way i cant remember the last time i watched this show. I'm always sleeping or listening to Metro.

04 Oct 2010 14:16

lol myname, you're such a classic... #cute

04 Oct 2010 14:19

Eish Maki akere u put that pic for people like mwhhaaaaa abo queen of perverts.
Yes Myname, and also that it should compliment the "impeccably handsome Sizwe Dlomo" phrase.
Nna i just wanna say i dont wanna see her walking if she's walking like the way she was walking on Gen.
Tltltltltltltltltltl, KSKD, I don't think she would be walking here hle batho, she wil be standing not walking and when camera angle/autocue changes, you don't walk, you only look on the other direction

04 Oct 2010 14:20

@makisto the name of that guy is Stieve. @pele kereke yagago etsaya only 1 hour?     

04 Oct 2010 14:25

@makisto the name of that guy is Stieve
Aaahhhhh, thank you Blackie. You are so so write.

04 Oct 2010 14:28

attention or debating like the rest? now you have just kicked me out of the topic with that'' attention statement'' , i hate it when i ask  questions and you flip like that, jst answer  and no  need for analysis and stop bringing my profession in the topic man. as a journo yourself you must be able to answer questions without feeling edgy , you know!!!

One and Only
04 Oct 2010 14:30

Explanation accepted Makisto.

I second Tizoz that the show should be canned once and for all as it doesn't add value.

Makisto can you please complain about the following shows as well, as they are nothing but an irritation:

Higher Life by Chris
Life By Design 
Grace Bible Church Show etc

SABC viewers are not all saved and/or born again and we need to be accommodated as well.

04 Oct 2010 14:34

@One and Only: hayi not Life by design that's my Pastor man, listen to him..Rivers Church for life

04 Oct 2010 14:42

@Pele, I have never thought for a moment that you are watching these so called Christian shows.

04 Oct 2010 14:43

I think Soweto TV needs to do something about their religious programming.

Especially that one of that Pastor performing miracles every Sunday.

I heard last when I was flipping through channels he said this lady had a lot of wind in her tummy and that the wind would move up to just under her rib. The wind was the evil spirit and he ordered it out.

I was expecting that lady to fart... Haai no. Some things.....

04 Oct 2010 14:47

lol GML hahahahaha

eish you could say that gain.....SOME THINGS! 

Those pastors freaks me out.

04 Oct 2010 14:49

freak not freaks

04 Oct 2010 14:51

i hate it when i ask questions and you flip like that, jst answer and no need for analysis and stop bringing my profession in the topic man
I'm sorry Pele. I didn't mean to offend you man. Then lets keep the debate going then.
as a journo yourself you must be able to answer questions without feeling edgy , you know!!!
Pointers taken.
Makisto can you please complain about the following shows as well, as they are nothing but an irritation:
Higher Life by Chris
Life By Design
Grace Bible Church Show etc
Unfortunately I don't watch any of these shows. I was gonna complain but I don't know what the shows are about or on which channel they air. I only know that Higher Life with Pastor Chris is on etv and he preaches and preaches and preaches again and to be honest, my pastor fairs better than him. The first and last time I watched the Higher Life show was in 2008 because I got up early and I had nothing to do. The last time I read about it was in the Sunday World people from some human rights organisation complaining about people who died after they stopped using their medication for, I think Asthma (I don remember correctly) on the direction of the pastor that they should stop taking medication and put their hope in God. ETV argued that the show is not theirs and it's paid programming.

04 Oct 2010 14:52

I think Soweto TV needs to do something about their religious programming.
I so hate that freaking channel. Do they ever have anything worth watching on that channel?

04 Oct 2010 14:52

guys i dont think we should blame Zwai alone the producers tried something different and it didnt work bathong.

04 Oct 2010 14:53

@Pele I have never thought for a moment that you are watching these so called Christian shows.
Me too Realist but surprise surprise...

04 Oct 2010 14:55

guys i dont think we should blame Zwai alone the producers tried something different and it didnt work bathong.
If they put Benjamin Dube on the piano, singing and presenting, it was going to work mara mos Buligirl

04 Oct 2010 14:55

Did he really have to sing along??//? and then yoiu will hear him making fun of the poor future popstars that they are vie viying......Lol! I for one is glad he is going.....didn't like his show....he just loves to be centre of attraction

04 Oct 2010 14:59

Eish ya neeeeee lets give her a benefit of a doubted. But presenting im not so sure. will see. All the best ausi and please don’t start with ur moves and posture tsa ko Generation!!! U will spoil our spiritual believes. I was not convinced with her acting ko Generation but after seeing her ko Kasi TV I was so impress with how her acting skills improved.

04 Oct 2010 15:00

Did he really have to sing along??//? and then yoiu will hear him making fun of the poor future popstars that they are vie viying......
Ke sule ka disego ka wa fase po = I'm on the floor laughing.

04 Oct 2010 15:03

and please don’t start with ur moves and posture tsa ko Generation!!! 
Ya ne, it's lotsa fun on TVSA and you can count on the bloggers to give you advice. At least she is warned well in advance because we know she will read this. All schelbs do.

04 Oct 2010 15:05

If they put Benjamin Dube on the piano, singing and presenting, it was going to work mara mos Buligirl  


04 Oct 2010 15:15

if they remove the Gospeli shows it means shows like LIve, jam alley etc must also be removed i think!!!

04 Oct 2010 15:30

Makisto...o mpolaelang so...hahahahahahaaaaaaaa But ka nnete! re lapile ke ene man!

04 Oct 2010 15:33

Hayi Hayi Hayi, they must not put Benjamin Dube as a presenter! singalala ekuseni! I love his music to bits but that's where it

Maybe they should try usis Debora Fraser since she is always competing no sis or that Kholeka chick since she is a duplicate ka Sis Ribz

04 Oct 2010 15:42

Maybe they should try usis Debora Fraser since she is always competing no sis Ribs
, you have also noticed. When journos interview her for their magazines, she is always saying something that will make her look good than Sis Ribs and this other time she finished me when she said Hlengiwe Mhlaba can sing but not perform on stage. She didn't say it like as in Hlengiwe Mhlaba but the desciption was all about Hlengiwe Mhlaba lol.

04 Oct 2010 15:52

hayi not Life by design that's my Pastor man, listen to him..Rivers Church for life

who is your pastor? Zondo?

One and Only
04 Oct 2010 15:58

No zozoe they can't remove shows like Jam Alley, Live etc because there's creativity there.

Gospel shows and musicians are nothing but fong kongs and always lack creativity. For example gospel artists would just compile songs that we used to sing in Grade 0 and expect us to buy that album!

Benjamin Dube, Mthunzi Namba, Joyous Celebration is the replica of some US gospel group and Kirk Franklin.

Lastly it's ok to present a gospel show while you are not a born again. Its just work.

04 Oct 2010 16:11

Was it mentioned in those interviews with the mags that Palesa was saved or it's just said now because she is going to present the gospel show?But all in all I wish her all the best.....

Lol! She is saved, goes to my church and I attend a homecell with her. But that doesn't mean anything really! If you are going to present a show, I think you need presenting skills at least?

Anyway, I last watched that show during Zanele and Tennyson's time!

04 Oct 2010 16:14

Like the rest of the bloggers, I'm thrilled to hear Zwai's leaving GG. And like some peeps have stated I'm also skeptical about Palesa as the new presenter but I'm giving her a chance and the benefit of the doubt.

04 Oct 2010 16:19

Trust the bloggers to bring up the torturous posture and walking ya Palesa on Gen... LOL. I also wish she doesn't twist her mouth when speaking like she did on Gen.

Re Zwai and "Gospile" LOL, that's how some of us (Xhosas) say it makisto but ke yena uZwai spoke isiXhosa like usifunda encwadini nje.

04 Oct 2010 16:26

She didn't say it like as in Hlengiwe Mhlaba but the desciption was all about Hlengiwe Mhlaba lol.

ha ha ha ha! what was the description Makisto?

04 Oct 2010 18:49

...that he would torture his guests by singing with them ....... His pronounciation of Gospel as Gospile just unblessed one's preparation for a church service.....
>>>>>> kwakwakwakwaaaaaa! *dies & lands on the gospile gold studio*

04 Oct 2010 19:07

personally im sick of seeing the same faces on tv everyday on different programmes!! When are we going to see new talent? for example ;Kwena Moabelo is on 'Leihlo la setjaba' & next he is on sport,.Kabelo was on TV, Zwai followed...should expect to see 'T' anytime soon?....whats his name again? (T.K.Zee) . We (i) saw Palesa on Generation & ke mo kgotshe  haai! ke lapile ke ene!!

04 Oct 2010 19:19


05 Oct 2010 07:32

Makisto- no props man.

@Realist and Makisto-- I love watching all the show mentioned by One and Only, i wake up on Sundays at 6;00 just to start from Pastor Chris to Andre . and tehn go to watch teh gospel mucsic show on E-TV, followed by Gospekl Gold.

@Pele I have never thought for a moment that you are watching these so called Christian shows. \
i was raised in a strict Ethopian Catholic family, my  late grandapa was a Bishop, but when i grew up i choose my own path, a Chuch with no tradtions just goinmg there to be motivated andparising the Lord.

AND Guys why not, i am very spiritual person personally but i make sure i put that aside when debating with all of you, as i feel it is my choice that i dont have to enforce other people with. and i dont listen to them becuase they Christain, i listen to the message of the day, it just keeps me going i dont know how and why!!

GML--NO, Sisi my pastor is Andre Olivier from Rivers church.

i choose not to judge other churches but i must say i laugh at all the miracles that are always shown from tht  church yase Soweto, and i really feel the Pastor thinks he is God himself tltlltltltl

the only thing boring me on TV is Universal Church evry mrng of the week, they dont preach without showing someone with a testimony of some sort wich i feel it is unnecessary, what for i dont know , maybe somone from there can explain.

One and Only
05 Oct 2010 08:31

Hahaha Pele Have you notice how Bp Marcelo of UCKG suck up to Jacob Zuma, he mentions daily in all his prayers that God may bless our beloved president Mr Jacob Zuma.

Then the members testimonies always start with "Before I came to the church my life was distroyed"

And then "I got helped by participating in the chain of prayers"

Concluding by "Now all my troubles have gone away, I am married to a man of God, we have a big house and own a business"

Seconded ms tebby we need new talent in our screens, I won't be suprised if Trevor Noah co-host with Palesa.

Cutie Pie
05 Oct 2010 10:20

Hi Makisto

Seeing that you are connected in the complaints department, will you kindly put up a complaint for the following ads

SANEX AD - Those many people that sort of look like worms are really scary and creepy (Bahambiselana ngomzimba). Simila to Vaseline AD.

MILO AD - Those people getting off that spoon are the same as the above ad....

05 Oct 2010 11:23

@Cutie Pie
But ads are paid for and they are not programmes. Channels are not responsible for how advertisers should structures their ads. Also, complaints on adverts are neither directed to the SABC or ETV or any other DSTV channel, they are directed to the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa unless if it is advertised in a programme i.e Soft 'n Free during the days when it was in Generations and later Muvhango.

05 Oct 2010 11:57


05 Oct 2010 12:05

i have noticed One and Only, LOL,  to '' now all my troubles are gone, i am...'' hahahahah

Cutie Pie
05 Oct 2010 12:20

thanks Makisto

05 Oct 2010 12:23

Then the members testimonies always start with "Before I came to the church my life was distroyed" 

And then "I got helped by participating in the chain of prayers"
Concluding by "Now all my troubles have gone away, I am married to a man of God, we have a big house and own a business"
@One and Only?
You sure do pay attention to detail. You are so spot on, LOL

ownah m p
10 Nov 2010 10:41

yaaa!!! hey i hope they rsrct it hey i think when LERATO and her partnr left,the show lost its meaning...and its blessing.

10 Nov 2010 10:53

Zwai is still aprt of the programme as he is in the production team as a theme whatever, got that Makisto? tltltltltltl

10 Nov 2010 10:57

At least he isn't presenting the show Pele. Phela that guy tortured hsi guests and us by singing with them. Let him go behind the scenes because that is where he belong man.

10 Nov 2010 11:07

man just give the guy credit, he was too big for presenting anyway hhahah..

One and Only
10 Nov 2010 11:26

Makisto, my father's son

Do you write for one of the newspapers? I saw this article in the newspaper. Some people are good at chopping other's work.

10 Nov 2010 11:42

Ah, you kidding me One and Only? I don't write for newspapers, I write for magazines and what I write here don't go to magazines. Which paper did you see this? Yah ne, that's plagiarism at its best. Why can't some journos be creative mara? 
@Pele, I wouldn't give him credit for killing the show, he was wrongly placed. He belongs to behind-the-scenes. He is made for Popstars and TKZee.

10 Nov 2010 11:48

LOL..uZwai usakesetha maan..

10 Nov 2010 11:48

I just googled the article One and Only? and I was able to establish that it is the Indepedent Newspapers that copied my article. Independent Newspaper are the publishers of the Pretoria News, The Star, Cape Argus, The Mercury etc etc.

One and Only
10 Nov 2010 11:52

And the writer's 1 of the bloggers

10 Nov 2010 11:58

And she goes by the name of Thandiwe Jumo. I just want to see the full article but I can't access the full article. You can expect me to name and shame the paper, editor and Thandiwe as soon as I see the full article.

10 Nov 2010 12:06

hayi makisto.. Thandi di not copy your article

10 Nov 2010 12:24

hayi makisto.. Thandi di not copy your article
Yes she did Carino.

15 Nov 2010 20:07

hi all, just joined and this is fun.

i watched Gospel Gold and i must say, i nevar did like her much on Generations, but i must say, the lady oozes class, style and elegance.  She was dressed in some long purple dress and she did a great job.  Well done to her stylist and especially the hairstylist.  I hope she keeps it up!  She must stick to presenting...

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