Coming up on
Fearless Heart in December 2014:
Monday 1 December 2014
Miguel calls Juan Marcos and explains that Vicente tried to kill him and that they are at the police station. Willy arrives at the hospital.
Tuesday 2 December 2014
Samantha has endured a number of tests but she is not compatible to donate her kidney to Nicolas. Nora asks Gustavo for help with Angela’s image.
Wednesday 3 December 2014
Juan Marcos introduces himself to Gustavo and asks him about Milagros but Gustavo pleads ignorance. Willy and Nicolas go under the surgeon’s knife.
Thursday 4 December 2014
Willy is terribly worried when he learns that Nicolas is rejecting the kidney. Bernardo calls his friends in Colombia to ask for help for Fernanda.
Friday 5 December 2014
Vicente decides to reveal the truth to Miguel, handing him the evidence pointing to Fernanda. Gustavo tells Nora that a psychiatrist examined Angela.
Monday 8 December 2014
When Fernanda realises that she is Juan Cruz’s hostage, she gets desperate. Angela tells Gustavo she remembers having fights and knows about guns.
Tuesday 9 December 2014
Fernanda reveals to Juan Marcos that she killed all those who came between them. Nicolas visits Willy at the hospital and thanks him for his help.
Wednesday 10 December 2014
Gustavo and Miguel continue looking for Vicente and Angela. Inspector Duval tells Bernardo that Fernanda tried to hang herself.
Thursday 11 December 2014
Gustavo reveals his love to Angela and she shares his feelings. Miguel asks Willy for help in talking to Alejandra. Nora warns Gustavo about Angela.
Friday 12 December 2014
Vicente tries to kill Fernanda but the police manage to shoot first. Camila informs Willy and Samantha that Lorena has departed.
Monday 15 December 2014
Nora helps Fernanda and demands that she be taken to the infirmary. Alejandra reveals the truth to Dante about Miguel.
Tuesday 16 December 2014
Willy tells Juan Marcos that Nora is alive but that they are not certain about Angela. Bernardo arrives at the La Vega mansion.
Wednesday 17 December 2014
Willy begs Samantha not to get married. Juan Marcos has reservations about the lawyer in charge of Fernanda’s defence.
Thursday 18 December 2014
Nicolas finally tells Samantha the truth and he confronts Esteban and Bernardo. Nora calls Willy and confirms that they are not Samantha’s siblings.
Friday 19 December 2014
Miguel and Samantha tell Willy that Angela is alive. Gustavo threatens Inspector Duval with revealing all if he tries turning Angela into the police.
Monday 22 December 2014
Juan Marcos cannot believe he has Angela right in front of him, finally. Miguel takes Alejandro to the hospital after she takes an overdose.
Tuesday 23 December 2014
Bernardo abuses Samantha when she doesn’t give in to his blackmail. Angela appears terrified when Juan Marcos tries to talk to her.
Wednesday 24 December 2014
The police apprehend Angela and she is taken away. Willy tells Samantha that he wants them to become the family they always dreamed of.
Thursday 25 December 2014
Juan Marcos tells Angela not to pay any attention to anything Fernanda says. Inspector Duval detains Bernardo in connection with Willy’s accident.
Friday 26 December 2014
Fabiola sets a trap for Miguel. Gustavo arrives while Juan Marcos is visiting Angela. Angela confronts Fernanda and they begin to fight.
Monday 29 December 2014
Bernardo brings Willy the papers that prove Nora’s innocence. Miguel and Fabiola fall victim to an assassination attempt but manage to escape.
Tuesday 30 December 2014
When Bernardo arrives at the Arroyo house, he finds Fabiola there. The police go to the Del Castillo family house looking for Jessica.
Wednesday 31 December 2014
Fabiola tells Miguel that the drug dealers want a treasure map they believe her father left to her before he died. Emma is kidnapped.
New episodes of Fearless Heart are on Telemundo Mondays to Fridays at 16h20. The omnibus is on Saturdays at 14h00.