Big Brother Hotshots Live Blog


BB Hotshots: Day 50 - 24 November 2014

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Hotshots Live Blog on 24 Nov 2014
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Big Brother Hotshots updates - Day 50.

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For all of the housemates, please see: Big Brother Hotshots housemate snack pack

Shows in this post: Big Brother Africa

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24 Nov 2014 01:09

Hehehehehe........first. Yeeeeeeepppppppiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!

24 Nov 2014 01:12

All da hsmts up against Macky as they side wit Sipe over his Feza defection. Da only ones who missed out were Goitse doin da waterworks again en Idris actin da consolin master who stole a few kisses in da mix.

24 Nov 2014 02:39

After da nominations Idris, Macky en Lil uncle jay were in da kitchen discussin how they had been sucker punched by da ex hsmts. Macky admitted to being taken in by Feza. Idris voiced dat he cudn't believe he cud be easily taken in. Trez also joined da discussion. Wen Sipe joined da mix, da other guys melted away leavin Macky en Sipe alone. Sipe en her insecurities en not forgettin her ever present companion **jealousy**, immediateltly went into grillin da guy over Feza. It seemed as though she'd been recordin them on vid. Every little thing they did she brought out includin da popcorn eatin in bed. To which Macky responded dat she cud pop corn en take it to his bed like Feza did en he wud gladly oblige by eatin. Anyway da guy apologised profusely. At first village swag wudn't accept da apology but eventually she did. They talked about sleepin arrangements. Sipe said dat at one point Macky had chased her away fro his bed en she got pissed off. Macky tried to worm his way out of da snag by givin his reasons for wat he did en wen Sipe didn't budge (accept da apology) , he grovelled en apologised properly. Apology accepted da two left to go to bed. Sipe brought out da point dat she had wanted to move to da lower deck b/coz of his defection. Anyway since da guy was hers again, she agreed to move back to da upper deck rite into his bed. As they were preparin to retire da other hsmts led by Butterphly castigated Macky for his treatment of Sipe. Relishin da support Sipe saw it fit to diss Macky. Tayo told Sipe to leave Macky en go to her new bed. Sipe did as advised. There was an uproar as almost everyone joined in pointin out da evils of Macky's sneacky behaviour****kwaaaaaaaaaaa....cudn't resist fro usin da phrase****. He tried to apologise to da lot but they were havin non of it. It was battle of da loudest voice. Macky cudn't win against da noisy lot so he just wound up smilin. Upon realisin dat he was goin to miss a few cuddles if he didn't go en retrieve da source, he quickly followed Sipe en gushed wit effective apologies to da disgust of Tayo who wanted Sipe to resist en punish Macky da whole nite. But Butterphly who was impressed wit Macky's impressive behaviour, encouraged Sipe to follow her boo. She defended Sipe wen da others wanted her not fall in wit wat Macky wanted. Afterwards da two wen upstairs en talked again while cuddlin. Ellah called Sipe but Macky intervened en said dat Sipe was not leavin his side to Sipe's joy. Da two went to sleep in each others arms. Macky wasn't even fakin his usual indifference. Sipe told Tayo da Macky had strayed due to Feza's lite skin en now dat she knows he easily gets distracted, she knows wat to do to keep him glued to her side. Well dat's Sipelicious on da war path.

24 Nov 2014 03:28

Next on da choppin block was Idris. On leavin Macky in da kitchen Idris went to Ellah. They talked en Ellah was still rantin about being made a fool of before da viewers. Her rantin didn't stop her fro cuddlin en kissin Idris who was enjoyin himself to boot. Then Ellah told Idris dat she was goin to take a shower, he asked if he cud follow her en she refused. Wen da sight of Ellah's lascious body was denied, Idris went to look for his consolation prize. Ehe! Da cold war of Berlin herself Goitse. She was behaving as though she was in moanin. Idris tried to get Uti's belt but she became emotional en started cryin. Not one to miss an opportunity, Idirs put out his arms for comfort en Goitse went into his arms. He told her not to distance herself fro pipo who care about her. He promised to be there for her. Off course wen she was calm en smilin he threw in a few kisses. Tayo who wasn't happy dat Sipe had not heeded his advice to punish Macky, he turned on Idris. As Idris was goin downstairs, Tayo realised dat da sly one had been wit Goitse, so at da top of his voice he told Idris to make his choice known. Both ladies heard dis en paid attention to wat Tayo had uttered. Being put on da spot angered Idris en he walked away from his conquests without makin a choice. Drunken master Ellah called to him but he jst stormed off. Trez tried to talk to him but he was too angry to listen. Butterphy implored him dat Ellah needed him, he didn't even stop to draw his breath en listen. Not wantin to be ignored, a staggerin Ellah followed him. Butty followed Ellah in an attempt to stop her fro talkin to Idris in his disturbed state. Nhla stopped Ellah en Butty caught up wit her en took her back to da bedroom. Butty continued her babysittin en keepin vigil until Ellah fell asleep. An unrepentant Tayo went to bed after havin a snack of chicken. Wen finally everyone retired, Nhla en Butterphly had a long talk wit Idris. They said dat he neede to make up his mind. Ellah wud rather he goes wit Ellah en so does Butty. Idris said he, but wat pissed off was da fact dat Tayo made his views in da hearin of da two gals. It was pointed out dat Goitse doens't want him but wants to keep him on a leash......dlama, dlama got to tired to follow.

24 Nov 2014 03:34

I think Tayo's tantrums were brought on by MamBea who had plasted herself on him in da absence of Uti. I think he,like Trez doesn't like to play second fiddle to another man.Anyway he quickly extricated him self fro MamBea's clutches en went to pour his frustrations on his scape goats..........gud gud mornin.

24 Nov 2014 06:10

Ha, I enjoyed reading that, thanks @Brennie. Yoh, Tayo made trouble for idris oh. As for Mambea and her naija boys, *chuckles* who could blame her though. Morning uhdikts

24 Nov 2014 09:11

Wohooo@Twinee, u deserve a techno phantom what what phone dat Goistse won as well as a box of Honeywell wheat meal n Trez's bandana lol 4 those wonderful updates ...... Glad Tayo put Idris on da spot. He shd stay away 4rm Goistse. She has such negative energy around her wit her moody attitude. He shd stick to insecure Ella to play her good making me cring to my terevision to da finare! Da next 2 weeks must be incledible ........ I can see my Top 3, Tayo, Trez n Idris may all be up dis week!!! Urrrrggghhhh help!!!

24 Nov 2014 09:19

Also@Twinee, u said ur bro-in-law Trez won a phone 4 best nomination? Kindry confirm 4 me eh!!! ......... Sipe's VERY insecure 4 some1 who calls herself glam queen n swagger mama! She's pathetic wit how she's possessive of a clearly uninterested, patronizing Macky2. Ella is anada VERY insecure ''queen''. I mean chasin after Idris like dat. Has she no pride or what? I may find stony Goistse boring to death but she handles Idris n even Otono like a pro....... I really want Idris to play Ella to win da 300k da Kealia way....yes ooo yes clear am quick quick n drink Tayo water to cool down after a good work done. ....... I also found Goistse's waterworks after da exhsmates left n da they got her to open up, she felt soo close to them, they meant a lot to her, what what comments to Idris as bull crap. She didn't even rush to meet Tayo, Ella n her own 'friend' Sipe when they came back in n dat was very rude in my books. She better be put up Biggie n dis time, she'll be toast!!!

24 Nov 2014 09:21

@Khadjos ***takes a bow*** thanx at least my nite vigil was not in vain. Mornin.

24 Nov 2014 10:12

morning Ya'll....thanks for the update Brennie,you should consider a career in writting you had me in stitches :).Can someone please tell me how many people are up for eviction?? I love Idris but i wish he'd wake up and realise the berlin wall isnt interested in him.Im trying so hard to like Tayo but his childish behaviour and his unwillingness to listen/take criticism makes it hard...

24 Nov 2014 10:18

Nhlanhla should leave ASAP what a bad rep for our country...I cant believe Uti is gone *weeps like Goitse* i had developed a massive crush on him,Mam'bea wasnt the only one lol.I love how much he has grown from being the worst bully and a**hole to the gentleman he is today :)))) im in love ooo

24 Nov 2014 10:31

@Silverplatter thnx. I am thinkin about writin.

24 Nov 2014 10:53

Morning All, @Silverpatter, I think 8 peeps will be up.

The Berline Wall will give Idris a chance outside the house, that is if he win.

24 Nov 2014 11:14

@Twinee....u r most welcome........kwaaaaaaaaa Goitse deserves da bandana coz after she's evicted she'll think it'll get tainted en most definetly unleash da waterworks. In her twisted mind, i bet she believes pipo need to witness her sullen face en swollen eyes.....We really need Idris to stick to Ellah, since Mira left there has been a romantic draught (no bonking) en not da cold front (Goitse) who can turn a man into an icicle.......Of course Tayo, Trez (his own making) en Idris are up dis week.

24 Nov 2014 11:46

Whooo!! 8 people? Goodluck to those who vote,nizoba busy.

24 Nov 2014 12:03

@Twinee.......Trez didn't win anything. I am hopin biggie gives him a techno phantom for da wackiest reasons for nominatin pipo****jst imagine bandana en phone battles being good reasons**** Eish!!!! I truely believe he's clueless.......Sipe has finally joined da duracel bunnies as wel. Her hot pursuit of Macky is classic en so has Ellah. Ellah will do anything to keep Idris, I bet even givin up her cookie...Pride, pride, wat is pride? Da word has clearly escaped her intelligence. ......Goitse was playin a suck up game to pipo who are already established in their careers. She doesn't want to associate wit strugglers. She has even warmed up to Macky en gave him a signed photo of herself. Dat's why she's traumatised, hehehehehe. She feels she has remained wit losers.

24 Nov 2014 12:24

JJ, Tayo and Macky4 qualified for HOH was a quiz task about payporte

24 Nov 2014 12:26

This is the most crucial HOH title, you win you going straight to the finale

24 Nov 2014 12:44

Butti is routing for uncle Duracell bunny to win HOH coz she knows she will be safe...hmmmm and Botswana girls are routing for Macky to win Goitse nominated jj and Tayo so I understand her reason but Shey I thought she would route for Tayo anyway this is game...nobody routing for my boy Tayo it seems like they don't want him in the finale maybe MamB is routing for Tayo

24 Nov 2014 12:49

So the freeze task is a team task, Biggie says if any of the housemates moved during the freeze....they will lose $10 000 of the $300 000 prize money.

24 Nov 2014 12:50

If all the 12 move then the winner will lose $120 000, that sucks

24 Nov 2014 12:52

Knowing I would not win the money....I would move just to spite them

24 Nov 2014 12:57

Biggie has jokes too..just me thinking he's just joking..who does that??? What does the contract say about the amount to be won, it can only work if that nonsense biggie has just announced is in the contract...just watch as the winner sues biggie for breach of the other news MamB still asking Tayo about Uti, it seems the girl is sheriously..# inkeagansvoice inlove. She wants to know how often Uti visits SA, I see someone stalking tendencies in advance here..the first when she gets out of the house I bet she will be following Uti on twitter

24 Nov 2014 12:59

@Sobza Shey just said if they have nominated her she's going to move during the freeze task

24 Nov 2014 13:00

Biggie can the finals for HOH task start already???

24 Nov 2014 13:05

Biggie is not happy to give 300k to the frozenshots because they didn't bring in much in terms of revenue

24 Nov 2014 13:05

Biggie is not happy to give 300k to the frozenshots because they didn't bring in much in terms of revenue

24 Nov 2014 13:08

Shiella is really bitter about this HOH coz she didn't enjoy any advantage when she was HOH...Feel sorry for her..she just said good luck to the finalists coz at least unlike her their HOH title will mean real immunity for them, eish life is so unfair NEH...

24 Nov 2014 13:27

And Macky 2 wins HOH...the way Sipe is giggling you would think she's the one that won...Macky 2 is definitely adding Nhlanhla if he's not up, you what they say karma is a biatch right

24 Nov 2014 13:31

"Goitse was playin a suck up game to pipo who are already established in their careers. She doesn't want to associate wit strugglers" .... sad reality Brennie. I think The HMs including Idris noted that about her. Idris was telling Macky2 what she was saying to him when she was crying. He found it laughable that fees such a great loss that they left, that she fels they contributed more in her life in a week than everyone has since day 1. I still love her hair though.

and btw @ Brennie...thanx for that jucy update. You deserve all those staff Abby is organising for you and more. Do share the Honeywell wheat what what, from the advert, it sounds yummmyyy!!! That witty gingle lol...that man eating with his all just draws me inn, i want some.

24 Nov 2014 13:40

Oh i hope that freeze penalty thing is just a joke. I cant even entertain it in my head. Otherwise, it will need the ANCY, SWAPO youth etc's involvement;p. We will make multichoice ungovernable!. Such antirevolutionary antimajoritarian unAfrican un/antiXYZ bullcrap!!;d;p...but seriously no...

24 Nov 2014 14:19

What biggie is doing is really cruel..during the first freeze task he brought in Nhlanhla's brother, then brought in MamB's dad..mind they are not supposed to touch them..they should only give them word of encouragement...this is mean MamB was crying...saying daddy while crying I even cried..this is on another level of want 300k you work for it

24 Nov 2014 14:46

Maybe Biggie's docking off the money from $300K is a way of punshing the idiots for not being entertaing as per the contract they signed.

24 Nov 2014 20:18

Macky2 to da finals.......urrrrgh!!! Thanks 4 da updates Pookies!!! Tayo Tayo Tayo.....lets save him Africa. I hope Macky2 adds Nhla or JJ to da list. Hehehehehe

24 Nov 2014 20:19

Macky2 to da finals.......urrrrgh!!! Thanks 4 da updates Pookies!!! Tayo Tayo Tayo.....lets save him Africa. I hope Macky2 adds Nhla or JJ to da list. Hehehehehe

24 Nov 2014 20:25

What an interesting sextalk by was so funny

24 Nov 2014 20:39

Bad weather and have lost signal...who did macky2 place up?

24 Nov 2014 20:51

macky2 added ellah

24 Nov 2014 21:05

Thanx @Magmatic

24 Nov 2014 21:12

Sheila is irritating:(.....sigh!

24 Nov 2014 21:13

So M'amBea, JJ n Macky2 r going to da finals? What a lousy season....... If i loose Tayo, Trez or Idris dis week, i'll be sad. I want one of dem to win da moola! Hopefully da 'beauty queens' Ella n Sheila leave dis week!!!

24 Nov 2014 21:38

Watching highlights. So Trez and Sulu realy fought about that hairstyle of theirs? Lol poor Trez, took bait for the silliest one :D

24 Nov 2014 21:43

Blood is gonna spill this weekend....big players

24 Nov 2014 21:45

Confirmed hotshots finalist are: Macky2 Nhlanhla Butterphly Ma'mbea

24 Nov 2014 21:52

From highlights: friday night MissP forced herself into Macky2's bed. He refused but she asked Denzel to go to her bed coz she was sleeping with Macky2, willy nilly. She told Macky2 she is sleeping with coz he doesnt know what he wants loool. Poor Macky2, as always he just smiled and slept with his back against her. Hillarious. Oh ok now i miss the ex HMs

24 Nov 2014 22:00

Macky2, M'amBea, Butti n Nhla to da finals? What a boring season finale dis will be...... Tayo/Idris da most entertainin hsmates among dis bunch might go home. Bots will def loose one or both reps n its abt time. Jux hope Tayo/Idris/Trez stay cuz i'll hate 4 Macky2 or Nhla to win dis.....urrrrghhh! This is da 1st time in BBA dat no winner stands out to me! Like see da confirmed finalists? Uninspiring, uncharismatic, borite notshots. guess i'll be stickin to my no voting policy. Yuck!!!

24 Nov 2014 22:34

Dlama dlama. Hope you are watching Brennie. Apparently Ella put her foot on Nhlanhlas dck. In their words. Blabla

24 Nov 2014 22:48

Sheilla is basically creating drama, game playing strategy, ad the ex housemates adviced. Dunno if its working so fat, votes-wise, im just finding het annoying, trying too hard.

24 Nov 2014 22:48

Sheilla is basically creating drama, game playing strategy, ad the ex housemates adviced. Dunno if its working so fat, votes-wise, im just finding het annoying, trying too hard.

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