Gangaa Teasers
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Gangaa Teasers - June 2020

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Gangaa Teasers on 26 May 2020
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Coming up on Gangaa this June 2020:

Monday 1 June 2020
Episode 62

Gangaa decides to only go back to Niranjan's house if Amma asks her to. Madhvi's cousin, Barkha makes her appearance. Sudha tries to make Gangaa's life so difficult, that she would apologize to Amma and live at their house again.

Tuesday 2 June 2020
Episode 63

Sagar manages to save Gangaa just in time from the thugs running after her.

Wednesday 3 June 2020
Episode 64

Gangaa gives the "holy man" a piece of her mind and still refuses to acknowledge him. It seems that Madhvi is becoming rather jealous of how close Barkha and Niranjan are.

Thursday 4 June 2020
Episode 65

Amma tells Gangaa that she will take her back home only if she brings the young holy man to perform her husbands ceremony. Gangaa challenges the holy man to a knowledge competition. Has Gangaa bitten off more than she can chew?

Friday 5 June 2020
Episode 66

The odds are stacked against Gangaa, as Sudha locks her inside the room to prevent her from participating. Madhvi plans to send Barkha to the college hostel. The young holy man's mother asks Amma to help her ensure her son wins.

Saturday 6 June 2020
Episode 67

Sagar phones Niranjan and informs him about everything that's happening.

Sunday 7 June 2020
Episode 68

Sagar creates a distraction and as a result Gangaa escapes and exposes the head priest. Amma comes to take Gangaa home. Madhvi overhears Mairi and Amma talking about Barkha being outside Niranjan's office.

Monday 8 June 2020
Episode 69

Niranjan buys Gangaa a bicycle. Sagar asks his father for advice about girls. A misunderstand between Niranjan and Madhvi creats a small rift in their marriage. 

Tuesday 9 June 2020
Episode 70

Niranjan buys Madhvi a gift for her long hair, not knowing that Madhvi plans to cut her hair shorter. Madhvi begins to grow suspicious of the bond between Niranjan and Barkha. Does Madhvi have the wrong idea?

Wednesday 10 June 2020
Episode 71

Barkha makes a very drastic and life changing decision. Sagar promises to always be there for Gangaa. Madhvi begins to believe that Niranjan is having an affair with Barkha and the way things are looking, she might be right.

Thursday 11 June 2020
Episode 72

Gangaa takes it upon herself to try and sort out the misunderstanding between Madhvi and Niranjan. Gangaa spots Pulkit rushing out the hotel and soon after she sees Barkha unconcious. Could Pulkit be the cause for Barkha's condition?

Friday 12 June 2020
Episode 73

Gangaa gets taken in for questioning and has to spend the night in the remand home. Niranjan suspects that Raj could be behind Barkha's murder. The next day Gangaa meets the investigating officer named, Shreya Mathur.

Saturday 13 June 2020
Episode 74

Niranjan tells Shreya all about Barkha and Raj's secret marriage and just then Raj walks in to add more fuel to the fire. All evidence points to Niranjan and just when he thought no one trusts him, Gangaa and Sagar show they support him.

Sunday 14 June 2020
Episode 75

Madhvi saves Niranjan from being found guilty but now, another family member gets implicated. Niranjan decides to take the blame upon himself just to save his son and Gangaa overhears.

Monday 15 June 2020
Episode 76

Just when Niranjan was preparing to take the blame for the murder, Gangaa twists the story. It becomes clear that Raj is infact hiding something. Could he be the real murderer?

Tuesday 16 June 2020
Episode 77

Gangaa prepares to leave and now Sagar finds it hard to let go of her. Shreya tells Gangaa that she knows who really killed Barkha, but for that person to be exposed she needs her help.

Wednesday 17 June 2020
Episode 78

Niranjan asks Amma to start making a space for Gangaa in her heart. Sagar and gangaa find a abandoned puppy and at the same time the priest gives instruction for the house to be cleansed and no animals are aloud inside. 

Thursday 18 June 2020
Episode 79

Mairi sees Gangaa and Sagar's puppy and tries create a big scene, just to alert Amma. Amma gets a letter from a person named Shanta and it makes her very restless. Who could this Shanta person be?

Friday 19 June 2020
Episode 80

Gangaa decides to wear the anklets Sagar bought for her, fully knowing Amma would get angry. Amma's elder sister, Shanta makes her appearance and it leaves Amma very unneasy. 

Saturday 20 June 2020
Episode 81

Sagar and Gangaa manage to get enough money to take the puppy to the vet. It becomes clear that Shanta  came with her own hidden agenda. Sagar figures that Shanta is the cause for the sudden unpleasant atmosphere in the house.

Sunday 21 June 2020
Episode 82

Shanta creates even more trouble as she continues to instigate Madhvi and Amma against each other. Gangaa also notices that Shanta is behind all the misunderstandings. Niranjan tries his best to patch things up between Madhvi and Amma

Monday 22 June 2020
Episode 83

Shanta finds out about the puppy and decides to use the information to her advantage. Gangaa and Sagar are completely helpless, on one hand they want to expose Shanta and on the other they risk loosing the puppy.

Tuesday 23 June 2020
Episode 84

Amma figures out that Shanta is behind all the sudden fights. Shanta diverts Amma's attention by telling her about Jalebi Prasad. Amma puts the puppy out the house and now, Gangaa and Sagar go looking for him.

Wednesday 24 June 2020
Episode 85

Sagar, in his sick state forces Amma to say yes to keeping the puppy. Madhvi and Niranjan find out thet they are expecting another baby. Sagar and Pulkit get upset upon hearing this news.

Thursday 25 June 2020
Episode 86

Gangaa makes Sagar realise that he was wrong and he goes to apologise. Amma is busy making special milk for Madhvi, little did she know that Shanta had plans to sabotage her.

Friday 26 June 2020
Episode 87

Gangaa decides to go with Amma to her next destination, not knowing Niranjan was on his way home. Shanta gets exposed for who she really is. Sagar gets a heart attack trying to save Gangaa and Jalebiprasad from thugs.

Saturday 27 June 2020
Episode 88
Final episode!

The priest tell Amma that if a girl applies vermilion on her forehead in Sagar's name, then Sagar's life will be spared. Sagar has to undergo a very dangerous operation.

Please note: Jodha & Akbar is still nowhere to be seen. Gangaa Season 1 will be replaced by a new series Zarah’s Nikah

The reload of Gangaa airs on Zee World from Mondays to Sundays at 20h00.


Channels in this post: Zee World


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