Torings (Towers) is a South African period drama television series created by Paul C. Venter as a sequel to his series Konings which continues to tell the story of the fierce and often bloody struggle between the Groenewald and Roodt families for control of the Superspaar company, placed in the context of the larger political post-Apartheid struggle in South Africa.
The Konings/Torings saga is the story of the fierce and often bloody struggle between Dolf Groenewald (Dawid Minnaar) and Herman Roodt (Albert Maritz) for control of the Superspaar company, placed in the context of the larger political post-Apartheid struggle in South Africa.
The eternal feud between the Groenewalds and Roodts becomes fiercer as Dolf recovers from his stroke and from the beginning is a threat for the Roodts.
Virtually all of the familiar faces from Konings are also seen in Torings: Dawid Minnaar, Albert Maritz, Anna-Mart van der Merwe, Wilson Dunster, Marcel Schoeman and Frik Bezuidenhout.
Among the changes are: Elzette Maarschalk takes over the role of Santie, previously played by Michelle Botes; Delia Kruger plays the role of Vlam instead of Suanne Braun; and Antoinette Kellerman replaces Sandra Prinsloo as Joey.
Other new faces in the series include Hannes van Wyk, Shirley Ellis, Annelisa Weiland, Nandi Nyembe, Charles Pillai and Lieb Bester.
One of the new characters is Ricky Vermelho (played by Marcel van Heerden) who is responsible for a lot of confrontation. He is a distant relative of the Roodts, who aims to utilise the Superspaar millions for his reign of terror, a development which the emotionally unstable Spykerman becomes involuntarily involved in.
And what will the new South Africa be without its black exiles? Harry Mopeli (Sandy Mokoena) is a black sculptor who, upon his return to South Africa, becomes friendly with the famous painter Rika Groenewald (Anna-Mart van der Merwe).
Torings consists of 10 episodes of 46 minutes each. Danie Joubert directed the series, which was filmed in Johannesburg and produced for TV1 Drama by Eklips and Leisureco. The executive producers were Mysi Louw and Frederik Botha and Johan Bernard was a producer.
Original music was by Nic Pickard and Ferdie Brendgen with additional music by Niell Solomon, Richard Bornman and Bella Gutnik.