The Real Housewives of Orange County is an American docu-reality television series created by Orange County producer and Coto de Caza resident Scott Dunlop, which is set in the gated community of Coto - one of the wealthiest planned communities in America - and follows the lavish livestyles of several "housewives" and their families who live there.
The series follows a number of different housewives who lead glamorous lives in a picturesque Southern California gated community where the average home has a $1.6 million price tag and residents include CEOs and retired professional athletes.
The original Orange County housewives - Kimberly, Jeana, Vicki, Lauri and Jo - were used to the good life and would do everything they could to hang on to it. The women each have their own personal story to share and they've granted an all-access pass into their lives, families, friendships, careers and homes.
From diamond parties to Botox sessions to the stress of having a high-powered career, the women take viewers along for the ride and into their real-life dramas that show how life isn't always perfect behind the gates.
Just what lies beneath the surface of this seemingly perfect community?
The women mostly live the good life, but also represent the modern-day version of the happy housewife, which today includes juggling the challenges of a stressful career with a busy family life.
The Real Housewives of Orange County is produced by Evolution Media for Bravo, with Douglas Ross, Gregory Stewart and Alex Baskin, along with Scott Dunlop and Christopher Cullen serving as executive producers.