uSkroef noSexy is a South African comedy-drama television series based on the 2013 film of the same name by uZanenkosi Mahlangu of Ants Multimedia which is the story of two best friends who have dreams to move up in life only to find out that to be tender-preneurs is no easy way to chase the South African Dream.
Challenged by the human condition that commands men to be men, they build a garage like Noah built an ark, hoping to make something as big of themselves as Steve Jobs.
uSkroef (Khaya Mthembu) and noSexy (Given Khumalo) soon realise that building a garage as a means to be tender-preneurs is no easy way to join the South African Dream.
Skroef Manyoba (Realist)
played by Khaya Mthembu
Skroef is a 20-something who elicits a tight purse grip and car door lock from white women. Most black parents don't want him to befriend their children, fearing he might corrupt them.
Sexy, his one and only friend, blames his fashion sense, which evolved from clothes he 'inherited' from his uncles growing up. If anything, Skroef is a maverick who is never short of solutions. This guy buys a newspaper, reads it and sells it immediately after. The next day, he uses the same money to afford another newspaper.
Skroef on meeting his friend Sexy: "Whatever he tells you, the girl was mine."
Sexy Mashishi (Dreamer)
played by Given Khumalo
Sexy is another 20-something 'kasi' boy who gets denied entry at a cafe because he looks like a 'tsotsi.' Neighbours swear he was born in his "spoty" and All Stars. Except for the girls in the picture, no one knows the shape of his head or can boast of having seen his hairstyle since the 'spoty' took over.
Truth be told, Sexy was bumped by a car and as a result his head took a shape he is only coming to terms with. Now he lives like every day is his last. On the other hand, his All Stars started as a love affair but now they hide all his corns.
Sexy on meeting his friend Skroef: "I found him sleeping with my girlfriend and we have been best friends ever since."
Mjerere (Mechanic)
played by Denzel Edgar
Mjerere is the current caretaker of Soweto with secret dreams to be its landlord. He sits at the intersection of the criminal world, coordinating most of the jobs approved by its invisible management team. Dreading being its face, a risk unmatched by the spoils management helps itself.
Nomalizo Motha
played by Lulu Nxozi
Nomalizo is the girl behind the counter. The cheapest way for uSkroef noSexy to see this girl next door, is to buy gum at the family tuck-shop she manages. If Nomalizo had the choice to live anywhere in the world, she would move to the house down the street.
The house without a fence to defend itself, boasting a sense of security that is all but lost. Yet, all her suitors, Skroef and Sexy included, want to take her away from all the memories she has of her mother and twin sister. God, both rest their soul.
uSkroef noSexy was created and written by uZanenkosi and directed by PJ Makosholo.
Broadcast Notes
Season 2 premiered on on 10 November, 2014. After Episode 16 (which aired on Monday 23 February, 2015) it went on hiatus to accommodate a new drama series (Umlilo). The season will resume later in 2015.