Celebwood and love-match-making!!

Written by Joe from the blog Oh shame on 18 Oct 2008
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Kelly and Zuluboy
Now that Kelly is single, she seems to be too attached to Zuluboy (atleast in this photo). This boy looks dirty, he needs to take a bath with BOILING water just like when scrubbing a pig after slaughtering it. I like your single though, "ugogo wam' ngu DJ", keep rocking but first take a bath or SHOWER if you can afford it. When I first saw you I thought you were from a desert, where there is no water at all. You remind me of when I was still a kid, always looking dirty and refusing to wash even when my mother says so, but unlike you, eventually I would wash and look CLEAN! I am saying this for the last time, wash and look clean! Kelly who are dating now? I am also single in case you were wondering, a woman like you does not deserve to be single, you seem talented in that department when I watch you perform!

She reminds me of Manxumalo on "Kwakhala nyonini?". She was preggers and she gave birth to a tortoise....LOL! ncncncncnc "African stories"!! (shaking my head).....When are you due? I should never see you partying again until u have given you know that alcohol is not good for the baby? I just assumed that you drink in these parties since I heard through the grapevine that alcohol is flowing like ..... in these parties! Is a noisy place like a party good for the little bun in the oven?? Women you should know, I want answers! 

Chommee and Athur
The two of you are dating no matter what you are saying! You make such a perfect couple. If you are not dating why is Chommee always seen with Owami? Answer: thats because she is playing good step-mommy! She's got a good step-child! Does this make Queen jealous? Yho...inoba uyazisola ngokukukrexezela! She would be the one you are standing with in the photo, and Chommee would be mine..LOL! What I like about Arthur is that he is forgiving!

Can you guys see the CHEMISTRY is this pic?? Someone please hook them up together, they love each other, I can see it in their eyes, they would make a perfect couple in Mzantsi! Are they both single?? "I guess some of my fans  my fellow bloggers will know if whether or not the one on the left is hooked up!" So please give me some answers! Ayisentle le picture shame!

Here is my favourite girl on the Mzantsi land, she is shamelessly unapologetic when it comes to satisfying her sexual needs. And I suppport her, I love amacherry alahlayo! LOL! Lets try to use some logic here, her fiance leaves her for months, he expects her not to get laid for months, Is that not a ludicrous expectation! Obviously her fiance has never heard Kelly Kumalo's song "Qinisela"...there's a line where she says..."nami nginazo izidingo pho!"...this is so true! Pam also has needs, who knows if whether or not he was also not shagging someone overseas. Sadly, I heard some rumours saying that the French pilot who bonked and impregnated Pam left the picture a long time ago! There is something called CONDOMS Pams, send me an email, I will tell you what they are used for, I will also show you!

Here is my favourite couple in SA, they would be my favourite couple in the UNIVERSE if they could tie the knot! Do it for your child's sake! Lets throw them a surprise wedding, I know it will work! Look at that cleavage, you go Unathi.....I like your new album...say my name on air...its Joe from tvsa!!!

Bonang I heard that you and Slikour are back together. If that was just a publicity stunt, I AM DISAPPOINTED in you, I never thought you would go that low! Let me bash you for many me a fool: that wig reminds me of the gogo's in the American movies! I loved you, it will take me some time to get over this. What the hell was that you were doing on live, not speaking to Slikour! Nxaaa I was so appalled!


18 Oct 2008 06:56

Please ignore the grammar, if I see any comment about grammar, I swear I will strangle your name literally with my strong sexy hands!

18 Oct 2008 07:07

Unathi and Thomas trully are a gorgeous couple, I wish people would just leave them alone about the marriage thingy--- they love each other and  are happy(I hope) so just let them be.

Beyonce Knowles Bee
18 Oct 2008 07:10

Qinisela"...there's a line where she says..."nami nginazo izidingo pho----- LOL Qinisela!

18 Oct 2008 07:10

he needs to take a bath with BOILING water just like when scrubbing a pig after slaughtering it - asebenzise nerhwatyityi (orange sack). Mdaka qha umntan'abantu, I can imagine how he looked when he was young. Evuza nemafinyela.

She reminds me of Manxumalo on "Kwakhala nyonini?". She was preggers and she gave birth to a tortoise....


Someone please hook them up together, they love each other, I can see it in their eyes - Who's eyez ngoba omunye ufake ama sunglasses.

Beyonce Knowles Bee
18 Oct 2008 07:12

he needs to take a bath with BOILING water just like when scrubbing a pig after slaughtering it. 
Amen to that one this boy needs to make an effort seriously now it's no longer an in thing to introduce yourself as one of the don't care scummy guys in this Industry that is so 1994!!!!

18 Oct 2008 07:14

Sobza...i can see beyond those sunglasses, my eyes can penetrate (literally)!!

Beyonce Knowles Bee
18 Oct 2008 07:16

i can see beyond those sunglasses, my eyes can penetrate (literally-----

Thathat Cupic wako Tvsa Literally see neh!!! Entlek wena Joe reg reg unamehlo ascanayo neh! lol tl tl tl nc nc nc amazing grace

Beyonce Knowles Bee
18 Oct 2008 07:27

he needs to take a bath --- Zulu boy as for the Tshirt " I will Whooooooosa, Whooooosa" for him!

18 Oct 2008 08:12

This boy looks dirty, he needs to take a bath with BOILING water just like when scrubbing a pig after slaughtering it...................Lmsao!!!!

18 Oct 2008 08:49

"Can you guys see the CHEMISTRY in this pic??"...Definately there is! Akasemhle uChomme. SOMETIMES i wish i was like uArthur yaz! Lol!

18 Oct 2008 09:03

@Firstdvd: I am glad I am not blogging with blind people only......but stop wishing u were Arthur, imagine how u would have felt when Queen (someone u picked up from the gutter and groomed to b a star) cheated on you. This must hav been tough for the guy...he's strong!

@Sobza: asebenzise nerhwatyityi....LOL! undigqibile ngale, sendalibala kudala ukuba kusetyenziswa irhwatyityi, u must have done it recently to remember so vividly...LOL! beniyixhele nini ihagu kowenu Sobza??

@Beyonce: Unathi and Thomas trully are a gorgeous couple, I wish people would just leave them alone about the marriage thingy...They need a lil' push in the right direction!!!!

18 Oct 2008 09:20

That's why i said 'SOMETIMES'...This is new to me, Queen cheated on Arthur? Don't laugh @ me. I knew they broke up but i didn't know why.

what aka mathata
18 Oct 2008 10:25

im big fan of penny lebyane,i love her ,shis real but sometimes shis sooooo annoying.

who is this lady with black dress?i saw shoes n red lip gloss who is she?

18 Oct 2008 11:56

I Gave up on the mdaka issue ka zuluboy the munite he said kwi live 'im nominated 4 the best male noma ngncolile' ,i was shockd and i thought mybe he looks-up to zola as his role model . guys whos that gal with da les on a pink dress?

18 Oct 2008 14:32

Joe - Lebyane does not drink my broer

18 Oct 2008 14:36

Thomas n Unathi dont wanna complicate things bathong, they look happy nje married or not...i like them. Zuluboy wa batho. lol. Penny looks too pregnant man, I also thougt the Bonang NOT speakin to Slikour stunt last night on LIVE was LAME

18 Oct 2008 14:56

@mathata: the lady is Pam Andrews, the girl from the Cape Flats, from Backstage, from Rythm City! Where do you stay?? Also give the planet!!!!

@mjj: I am glad that penny does not drink, in fact i am relieved, no woman that preg should b drinking, i raised that point out of care and welfare of the baby....a follow-up question: Are you a personal friend of Penny? if not how do u know that she does not drink?? (Tip of survival in life: don't take anyone's word for anything, unless u have been shown proof)

18 Oct 2008 15:01

Yep i am a personal friend.....

Tip of survival in life: don't take anyone's word for anything, unless u have been shown proof) - Don't stress tata i'm not the type who speaks out of reference...

Don't you have other copies of Unathi's album??? - Eish R100 is too much 

18 Oct 2008 15:17

I've got only one, and I am not giving it up...I am loving "nje nje nje" ft HHP, this song rocksssss. I think its worth the R100, and it depends on the type of music u like...if u love her style of music, u will love her album!!! (she had better pay me 5% of album sales for this + publicity, it never comes free ma-Uni)

18 Oct 2008 15:24

Can you make a copy and post it for me? I'll make sure you get your 5%

18 Oct 2008 15:29

@Joe:::She better be as i'll be looking for it next week, but pre-listen it first :-)

18 Oct 2008 15:30

Firstdvd - don't worry my sister, Joe will post our copies to us

18 Oct 2008 15:39

Nam undikapele Joe, I wanna listen 2 da copy first and maybe ndakuyithenga. Akaphiwanga kakuhle apha emculweni usisi.

18 Oct 2008 15:42

@GodsArt - bendisoyika ukutsho, ngoba uJoe une tendency zokuba yi HEADMASTER...... ndiyamoyika

18 Oct 2008 15:43

*correction MJJ-man*___the last reply on SYTYCD is from Axed MEGAN, can you believe it?

18 Oct 2008 15:49

GodsArt and mjj, its obvious u neva bought any cds, this is how u get music, through piracy, its wrong guys please stop it! for my sake, i am planning to join the industry, but b4 I do I wanna convert the likes of u into buying music not pirating it...LOL

I recommend pre-listening to a cd b4 u buy it, listen to it at least twice on different days and make ur well informed decision.....

GodsArts :Akaphiwanga kakuhle apha emculweni usisi : i don't get u, have u heard "Make me high, U R Divine, Ndifunugoduka, Bhuti (ndicel'ungandixhesi), U make me happy, etc).. Maybe you dont like her style of music and that is understandable! U r into "umbhaqanga nesicathamiya kunye nezitibili" LOL!!!

18 Oct 2008 15:49

What? let me go and check the blog

18 Oct 2008 15:51

me a HEADMASTER?? U r confusing me with someone else!!! I am very tolerant wena, andiyo control freak....

18 Oct 2008 15:53

Hayi ke bhu' Joe, i buy music, i spent more than R3000 last year on local music. I've been back in the country for 3 months and i've already spent more than R1000 on local CDs.......... For some reasons i don't know, i'm just not excited about Unathi's latest album.... i've decided to wait for reviews b4 i go and buy it....

18 Oct 2008 15:55

andiyo control freak.... - Yes POWER RANGER!!!!!! LOL.

Joe when you say you are planning to join the music industry, do you mean as a singer?

18 Oct 2008 15:55

Lol @ Joe...Uyaba-converter tl tl tl tl tl!

18 Oct 2008 16:06

Of course as a singer! why would i choose to get the backseat?? I love the spotlight...Which country do u stay in mjj?? Its understanble when u say u don feel her music, u know what they say "different strokes for different folks"....but dont eva pirate anyone's cd, rather dont listen to their music if its not worth buying...PIRACY is wrong!

Firstdvd...yebo, ndiyaba-convertor...i've got no choice, ma life depends on it. 

18 Oct 2008 16:10

hy wena i don't pirate music. I'm south african and live in PTA

18 Oct 2008 16:11

Yoh Joe! One day usuyi top dawg appearing komaTV/MAGAZINE pointing @ you joe, telling every1..."I KNOW THIS DAWG, USED TO BE TVSA BLOGGER!" lol! Gudluck Joe!

18 Oct 2008 16:14

Its clear ukuthi uyi fan yakhe hay leyomoya kodwa. Ucula kakubi kodwa maan. Ndincede, ndihoye, ndincede, ndihoye, ndimlooo*singing in Unathi's horrible voice*She needs help shem ucula ngomqala

18 Oct 2008 16:34

I agree with GodsArt, I don't feel uNathi at all. She's taking chances indeed.

18 Oct 2008 16:43

Molo Sobza, ndiyabona nawe ufuna ukubethwa ngu Principal Joe

18 Oct 2008 16:49

Hi Mjj, I am not going to pretend as if I like Unathi's singing. Nothing special about Unathi's bad voice. Will you remember her music when she has taken umhlala phantsi? Me don't think so.

18 Oct 2008 16:54

Guys there is already pirated version in the streets

Brown Shuga
18 Oct 2008 18:01

<<<Who's eyez ngoba omunye ufake ama sunglasses.>>> LOL 

18 Oct 2008 18:08

Version of Jerusalema in the streets.

19 Oct 2008 00:51

Can anyone tell me kanti WHAT IS PIRACY?

19 Oct 2008 03:01

Cande- which streets? can you buy one(Unati's cd) for me, will give you the money later he he he he.... Sorry PapaJoe

what aka mathata
19 Oct 2008 08:34

@JOE.before i was in CUBA for four years,but now im in CANADA,i dont know anything about TV.


19 Oct 2008 16:32

@JOE.before i was in CUBA for four years,but now im in CANADA,i dont know anything about TV. LOL

For all those who think Unathi's voice is terrible- you are 100% right. One day I was listening to her song WETHEMBISILE and couldn't stop wondering ukuthi ngubani lo wabhanxa u-Unathi ngokuthi she can sing. 

As for Zulu Boy -he looks boyish & childish

19 Oct 2008 16:57

ngubani lo wabhanxa u-Unathi ngokuthi she can sing. LOL @ Lushi!!!!!!

Brown Shuga
19 Oct 2008 17:29

<<<ngubani lo wabhanxa u-Unathi ngokuthi she can sing>>> LMAO

19 Oct 2008 17:44

cha nami i dont understand how unathi was nominated 4 times 4 da metros,like really...dont we have better female singers in mzansi

20 Oct 2008 01:31

LOL @ all the Unathi comments barring Joe's!

20 Oct 2008 01:57

What the hell was that you were doing on live, not speaking to Slikour! Nxaaa I was so appalled!  

I thought i was the only one who saw that , that was so HIGH School!!! Nxxxxx bangi borile shame!!

20 Oct 2008 06:15

I'm also not a fan kaUnathi. I think she really takes chances. She has access to people in the industry hence she takes chances. Her freind Cuma is nice and she got Unathi into the industry. So you tell me JOE is it talent or is it having connections??? She's also dating a well known DJ, that must earn you brownie points with amaproducers....
By the way did you guys hear how BAD BOY was so defensive when a caller asked about the awards being fair because UNATHI and other DJ's who work for the station were nominated? He was so defensive asking the caller what his point was and then cutting him off? Sis, how rude. And I also heard (a long time ago) that UNathi is jealous that's why she switched stations so that she can be closer to her man.... How ridiculous. Did I say I'm not a fan? I dont like her

20 Oct 2008 06:48

Celebs in South Africa? Where exactly?

20 Oct 2008 10:26

Guys its obvious that u do not like Unathi's music, I love it finish and her genre of music, u dont need a woow voice to impress people! 

I feel like we have all said enough to lay the Unathi issue to rest. And yes mjj, I am not a headmaster!

Firstdvd:<<telling every1..."I KNOW THIS DAWG, USED TO BE TVSA BLOGGER!" lol! Gudluck Joe!>> thanks for wishing me well! You forgot to mention that u will also come and bash me on tvsa! LOL!! <<WHAT IS PIRACY?>>google it!

Xolani is back on Asikhulume, so guys u can commence watching the show! He is better than before...thanks God the tv station he was working for crashed! 

GML:<<And I also heard (a long time ago) that UNathi is jealous that's why she switched stations so that she can be closer to her man.... How ridiculous.>> How ridiculous of u to believe this, don't u know that u cannot chop and change radio stations as you wish! Use it maan!

20 Oct 2008 10:37

he needs to take a bath with BOILING water just like when scrubbing a pig after slaughtering it - asebenzise nerhwatyityi (orange sack). Mdaka qha umntan'abantu, I can imagine how he looked when he was young. Evuza nemafinyela. 

She reminds me of Manxumalo on "Kwakhala nyonini?". She was preggers and she gave birth to a tortoise....


me too Sobza im ROTFLMAO at this....especially @ irhwatyityi

21 Oct 2008 07:13

<<<ngubani lo wabhanxa u-Unathi ngokuthi she can sing>>> LMAO

Hayi yitsho uphinda Shuga sana ngubani ke nyani kuba wayenza into now she thinks she's one of the Divas in Mzansi. yhu hayi maan I don't know why she is niminated in the Metros futhi or just bcoz she works there.

And you look dazzling Shuga sana you never dissappoint show those celebs how to dress. And people please promote  Da Les's album coz I like it especially the song Tippy Tones.

21 Oct 2008 07:16

molo Bonny, uvelaphi?

Da Rebel
21 Oct 2008 07:50

And people please promote Da Les's album coz I like it especially the song Tippy Tones

tl tl tl tl tl tl tl ya neh

witty lady
21 Oct 2008 08:00

Zuluboy is not the only Mdaka one... what about Ishmael (JOZI) le ena a tlhape maan. He's always so scruffy

21 Oct 2008 08:48

I've been busy Mjj but am back now .

21 Oct 2008 14:56

I did that(googled) Joe...Just need your understanding...Is it about making money through cd/dvd copies or what?

21 Nov 2008 11:04

21 Nov 2008 11:04

21 Nov 2008 11:08

id realy love to see more of dj EUPHONIC on the block coz i reallllllly adore him,i like his show as well ko 5fm and i make it a point not to miss it every sunday nite.lots of love PHAFS

21 Nov 2008 11:14

There's a song they like to play @ metro fm: U'ng thembisile , something of that kind( Quite an african song) Iz it unathi's song? ANyway i luv the song......

23 Aug 2011 00:00

no guys umculo ka Unathi umnandi plus her voice

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